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Everything posted by Cheezwiz

  1. That would be a good twist - I'm hoping it's something like that, because I actually like the Father Paul character, but I suspect there's some sort of demonic pact thing happening. I'm thinking back to the trunk in the first episode - is that what Father Paul transported himself in? Reminds me of 'Salem's Lot. There are some jarring things in the show so far - to me, the fishing village screams "Hollywood set designer's idea of a fishing village". I also had a problem with the sets in The Haunting (they didn't look sufficiently aged for an old haunted house) and they're bugging me in this show as well -everything looks simultaneously Disneyfied and overly neglected. While some houses would be weathered by the elements, surely some would have a lick of paint. The population (even for a supposedly tiny island) seems much too sparse, and the aging makeup is obvious and poorly done. I thought the giant mastiff was going to play into the story a bit further along and was sad to see him come to such an awful end. The actor playing his town-drunk human is really selling it, and I felt genuinely sad for him when he was weeping over his lost pet. However, I do like the actors and am intrigued enough with the storyline to keep watching (I'm a sucker for anything Stephen King-ish, and this seems to be the most Stephen King miniseries not by Stephen King ever). Looks like the drug-dealer dude is the winged thing's first human victim. Trying to decide if I want to binge more episodes or if I want to dole them out more slowly.
  2. I can kind of see why Suzanne Somers Palm Springs estate has been sitting on the market for decades, despite the stunning views and man-made waterfall. It's rambling, disjointed, confusing as hell, and as much as I adore old houses with their quirks, nothing appealed to me. It just looked dated and frankly, kinda crusty. After watching a few eps, I now secretly want to be Josh Flagg's bestie, have him personally tour me around L.A. and sneak me into vacant historic houses that up for sale, so that we can talk about coved ceilings, bespoke wallpaper, and batchelder fireplace tiles. Years ago, I used to watch Million Dollar Listing New York, and I really enjoyed Frederik on that series - he may not have been everyone's cup of tea, but he seemed to have a work ethic, and took what he did seriously. He just bugs the hell out of me on this series - non-stop mugging and awkwardness. His brother sounded nice on the phone. I like Tracy, but her sister, not so much. Really, these rich folk are ridiculous.
  3. This episode was a snoozer. James is a dry drunk. I hope Raquel dumps his ass. Lala is detestable. The colossal colour posters Scheana had of herself in her home were hilarious. What's the backstory on her new Aussie himbo? That's all I got.
  4. Ditto for me. She seemed like a terrible person right out of the gate, and did not improve as the years went by. It makes me sad that she actually has fans and followers.
  5. I really like Heather, but her continued devotion to Jen Shah is absolutely bizarre to me. Jen is clearly a narcissist - she was pulling every move from the narc playbook out in that meeting: But what about meeeeeee!!!! I'M THE VICTIM HERE! Endless deflection, and I'm not some one who likes to use this phrase ever - but she pulled the race card. No Jen, people don't dislike you because you're brown, they dislike you because you're a spoiled tantruming hellbeast who makes an embarrassing scene a the drop of hat. And now you're also apparently a scammer who has been ripping off vulnerable people. Heather outlined this perfectly in her TH, and yet she still wants to be friends? I don't get it. There's gotta be something weird going on psychologically with her. On an unrelated note, those ice castle caves looked super-cool. I think Lisa is on team Jen because there's some sort of hidden business entanglement or something. I think Coach didn't file for divorce because Jen has dirt of some kind on him and probably threatened him. Mary continues to creep me out. The decor in her home makes my skin crawl.
  6. Everyone's new rental house looks exactly like their old rental house this season. I do think the snowy winter scenery is beautiful. As others have commented upthread, I was completely puzzled by Meredith's low-v neckline. In some scenes she appeared to have a normal bustline, and then in her TH's, she appeared to have...none? It was confusing. I didn't notice anything different with her face. Lisa is her usual obnoxious "love it!" self. Also agree that both Heather & Jen Shah have enormous faces. To me, it looks like they've been filled with concrete. I really like Heather, but I think she's gone way overboard with fillers or something. She actually reminds me one one of those Easter Island Heads whenever I see her. I think Brooks is an annoying entitled twerp, but Jen needs to just STFU about him on social media already. Sounds like Coach Shah was trying to make a clean getaway. Run, Coach RUN!!! Run like the wind! New kid Jennie seems okay so far - her backstory is interesting. Like everyone else, I'm just here for the delicious takedown of Jen Shah. I think she has to be one of the worst people ever featured on a reality show, and that's saying something.
  7. I was pleasantly surprised and read up on him a little bit. He started in real estate at 18 (no doubt via family connections, but still). He could have just coasted on his family's money, but started hustling at a young age. Through the close relationship he had with his grandma - who herself had a fascinating life story - it also sounds like he has an innate respect and affection for older people. It's a delight to see someone that young, have such a strong interest in old buildings and heritage architecture. Not your garden variety trust fund kid - he'd be an amazing tour guide to LA, and should consider a show or book or something. Colour me impressed.
  8. Super late to the party, as I've only watched Million Dollar Listing NY in the distant past, but I'm surprised at how much I've enjoyed the couple of episodes I've watched of this series. Visually it's much more interesting than Selling Sunset - the only other LA based realty show I've seen. The properties featured are much more varied, and not limited to the usual concrete and glass boxes that are so ubiquitous in LA. I was expecting Josh Flagg to be a twerp, but I now have mad respect for his interest and knowledge of heritage architecture. That home that once belonged to Diane Keaton was stunning. Echoing posters previously upthread - if I had a boatload of cash to spend on a Southern California abode, I'd definitely pick him as a realtor. And yeah, if he did a show on historic properties, featuring drop-in appearances with some of his daffy Hollywood doyenne pals, I'd watch the hell out that thing! I like what I've seen of Tracy so far. I'm an Xer who uses Zoom all the time for work, yet still can't get the hang of hosting, so I bought that she couldn't work it - she probably has minions do that for her most of the time. I actually used to enjoy Frederik on the NY series, so I'm surprised he seems so awkward and out of his depth in LA.
  9. What in the frickin' frick was that ratty Eddie Munster rug Rinna was wearing on her head? It was 10 times worse than her usual, and her usual is pretty terrible. And as someone mentioned before her suit was so gargantuan it looked like David Byrne's get-up from Stop Making Sense. I would have shoved that dinner bell up her nose. Dorit's wedding gowns: So disappointing for something that could potentially be glamorous and fun. They looked like knock off versions of Pnina Tornai stripper fairy confections that you might find at one of those seasonal Halloween stores. I haven't been minding Crystal lately, but the snooty stealth elitist I suspected was in there sure turned up big-time this episode. I loved that Garcelle called her out in her TH. Because, yeah uh Crystal, no one has heard of you either - your sole accomplishment has been marrying well. Really ladies, at this point, just speak up. So what if Erika bares her teeth and snarls? What else is she going to do to you? I really wish they had all laughed at her when she dramatically looked around the table with her tear streaked face and said she would remember who was for or against her. Oh, please. Kathy's dining table scape was amazeballs, and the dinner looked succulent. She definitely lives in pretty pretty surroundings. I felt so sorry for Patrick trying to politely serve rack of lamb to these hyenas. Team Garcelle & Sutton all the way!
  10. Erika at the party: "I don't know if the rats are leaving the ship, or if I'm leaving the rats". No Erika, YOU'RE the rat that's leaving the party! Was impressed with Sutton's research & comprehension skills (I know it's a low bar with these women), and sticking to her guns without getting rattled or emotional. I was kind of rooting for Dorit at the pre-party confab they had, but it seems she misplaced her spine. Garcelle's holiday meal looked delicious - I'm normally not a ham fan, but hers looked really appetizing, and I was very intrigued by the Haitian specialities she made - I would love to try the plantains & pork dish she made. Kyle's meal (whether she cooked it or not) had me salivating as well - especially that shot of her dipping a slice of turkey into hot gravy. It's blazing hot August, but suddenly I'm daydreaming about holiday meals! Go Garcelle & Sutton!
  11. Hey, if you're like me, and a fan of the wallpaper design in the opening credits, here's a fun article: https://www.salon.com/2021/08/15/the-white-lotus-wallpaper-meanings-hbo/ I especially love the white lotuses that close out the sequence. Will look to see if I can follow the illustrator on Instagram.
  12. That was the worst part of the whole scene for me, because as someone who is (only tangentally) connected to the Film Industry, all I kept thinking was "okay, so how did they rig that up?" while simultaneously thinking "MY EYES! MY EYES! I DO NOT WANT TO THINK ABOUT THIS AT ALL!!!" Even being aware it was fake, It was just so gross. I 100% felt her panic attack in my chest watching that scene, and she was also outstanding in the scene where she finally worked up the nerve to confront Shane and admit that she had made a mistake marrying him. She's a very good actress - hope she gets better roles in the future, as in the past she's usually been relegated to eye-candy parts (so, some perceptive casting on Mike White's part).
  13. I suspected Armond was going to be the one going home in the casket, but I was honestly expecting him to OD or drop dead of a cocaine induced heart-attack. Yeah, I really didn't need to see it depicted that graphically. The initial shot would have given the audience the picture. Bummed that Rachel went back to her douchebag hubby - I was really rooting for her to flee. Was happy when Belinda decided she wasn't going to take on wealthy clientele problems anymore. I hope the tip Tanya gave her was a whopping amount.Maybe not enough to start a business, but hopefully enough for her to go on a well-earned luxury vacation of her own. I guess Kai is facing consequences on his own - both Paula and Olivia suck. No, it was not realistic in any way, but I was still cheering for Quinn. Interesting that a sea-turtle wound up being an important creature this episode - if anyone has watched "Enlightened", Mike White's series from a decade ago, it popped up as a symbol there as well. Maybe it's Mike White's spirit animal.
  14. Her extremely odd cleavage in the talking heads reminded me of something I couldn't quite recall and it was bugging me. It finally came to me - look up the album cover for Marilyn Manson's "Mechanical Animals", and there you have it: proto-Leah boobs. Not posting the image as I don't want to subject others to it, but I think the similarity is uncanny. Yeah, I didn't even recognize Rob at first - he did seem much older than when we first glimpsed him last season. That made me laugh out loud too. Even a broken clock is right twice a day!
  15. Wow. Ramona has been a rude clod before, but this episode really took the cake (or challah perhaps?). I don't think I've ever felt so much second-hand mortification watching her antics - she simply cannot be quiet and listen and learn. And her stomping around demanding food was appalling (thank you funny funny editors for that footage of her munching away on the limo bus there). Why is it she is unable to hear about the struggles of marginalized groups of people without popping a gasket? She always behaves like it's a direct commentary about HER. She immediately goes into ears plugged "la la la la can't hear you!!!" mode. As someone who has never attended a Shabbat dinner, I was disappointed we didn't get to hear about the traditions and rituals involved - (I was curious about the adorable drawing that was covering the bread). I should have known better with this crew. Yes, Leah was being her annoying narcissistic self even while on a tiny cell phone screen, but for me Ramona's disgusting spoiled toddler behaviour far eclipsed her this go round. Even as a TV viewer watching it second hand, I felt myself sliding down into my chair and hoping the earth would swallow me up. That poor hostess and those poor other guests. I was totally with the gentleman who needed a second margarita.
  16. That is exactly the quote that has been rattling around in my brain since I started watching this. It's basically a modern tropical luxury resort version of "the rich are different".
  17. Yeah that cough of doom seemed very randomly and ostentatiously inserted - I thought he might croak right in front of her. I admittedly did have a bit of a laugh at tanya's original "alcoholic crazy core of the onion" speech. Poor Belinda. I got nervous seeing the oxygen tanks all lined up as well. Fortunately as diving accidents go, "Not this episode, Satan!" All kidding aside, I'm really rooting for Quinn and don't want anything bad to happen to him. Also thought someone was going to bite it in the bungled robbery scene. I'm trying to recall if the older couple in the pilot episode mentioned that someone had "died/been killed" at the resort or if someone had been "murdered" when they were questioning Shane. I'm too lazy to go re-watch right now. I wonder if Shane is quietly biding his time and plotting something bigger for Armond, or if he's just content to have the upper hand now. The pineapple suite definitely isn't as nice as their other one. I really want to know what Rachel is planning - is she just thinking she'll bolt, or does she have something else in mind? I'm actually really enjoying Alexandra Daddario in this, she's been convincingly sympathetic, and hope she continues to get better roles. The Hawaiian choral music that they've been using in throughout the show is incredibly beautiful.
  18. Yeah, it's a novelty act at best. It would be fine if Lu approached it as a fun lark, but it's clear she views it in deadly serious manner, and thinks she's a legit chanteuse. Which is both funny and sad.
  19. All I can say about this episode is: The ladies all looked gorgeous in their holiday gowns. I wish I had a bunch of un-cashed cheques for $10,000 lying around. I'm sorely tempted to go get a drum, a bunch of crystals, cymbals, and find me some rich ladies to bilk.
  20. Oooh, I love that movie! Such fun! Peter Ustinov was my favourite Hercule Poirot. Yes, this series is a big suspense set-up. Not a "who-done-it", but a "who's gonna bite it". I'm leaning toward Molly Shannon as the MIL from Hell!
  21. That little reversal was a bit of a surprise for me as well - didn't see that coming, and it makes her that much more awful. Armond has also turned out to be much more awful than expected - he really enjoys fucking with the guests and getting himself fucked up not to mention messing with junior employees. Ugh. While I don't feel bad for him getting caught, I hate that Shane was a witness, because I still hate Shane way more than Armond for reasons I can't quite articulate. Run Belinda! Take that business plan and RUN!!!, Ditto for Rachel - run awaaaay! I sort of like where they're going with Quinn at the moment - it looked like he was intrigued by something non-electronic, and was trying engage the outrigger canoe guys in conversation.
  22. They did look out of place, but at the same time I got the distinct impression that they're used to hanging around older women with money. They were all giving off major gigolo vibes. Even when fully clothed, nude model guy is super cute. Leah was being a ridiculous attention hog as usual. That's all I got for this ep!
  23. This episode definitely felt like filler to me - it just confirmed things the viewing audience was suspecting: Armond is deliberately messing with Shane, Shane is still an asshat, and feels perpetually aggrieved because people enjoy messing with him because he's an asshat. Olivia is harbouring a gay crush on her friend, the Mossbachers are in an unhappy marriage. I guess the point of the episode was to set up teases for who might die. There were a couple of false scares this episode: Armond asleep in his car, and I also thought something was seriously wrong with Paula when they were folding up the sofa bed - isn't she missing some legit prescription meds along with the party drugs?. I feel like something bad will happen with Mark (perhaps via scuba or some other drunken misadventure), but that could be a fake-out. Not sure what is happening with Quinn or why they focused the episode conclusion on him again. I guess watching porn on the beach on a smart phone wasn't quite as magical as seeing a leaping whale.
  24. As someone who is interested in pattern design, I have to agree, that the wallpaper featured in the opening credits is FANTASTIC! Looks like something designed for Farrow & Ball or Liberty of London or something. I guess I'm more intrigued by the show than a lot of other people seem to be - I'm also carrying lots of goodwill from having watched "Enlightened" which was a fantastic series.
  25. Also I noted in this episode, how much he seemed to enjoy declaring that he had a "hot" wife. As if in his eyes, that was pretty much the only thing of value about her as a person. Mike White is an amazing writer - he really slips in a lot of nuances and ambiguities even with characters who are clearly meant to be jerks or stock villains.
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