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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. Like what GoldenGirl said, this is not 2016. So many people know what's on the line this time around. And besides, ranting about how the Democrats are doomed, like what Bill keeps whining about, and what Michael Moore likewise did four yeas ago, will cause people to stay home and not vote a lot more than overconfidence. Bill just has to have his studio and audience back, in the middle of a severe pandemic, because he's such a narcissistic personality disorder.
  2. I quickly grabbed the remote and pressed mute just before Kimberly Guilfoyle started speaking. I had no intent on permanently damaging my eardrums.
  3. If that's the case, then he has nothing to worry about, if he did. Looks as if Stephen has a green screen in his office.
  4. I doubt someone like Bill cares about it, seeing as he acts like quite the sexist misogynist.
  5. Firecrackers aren't exactly known to start fires. Correct! Bill will gladly have on a medical quack who's views on the coronavirus matches his, but God forbid he brings on someone like Dr. Anthony Fauci who would easily smack down his ignorant opinions about the virus. I've said this many times before about Bill. Instead of him trying to impose his will on others, perhaps he should get off his lazy ass and do it himself, like run for office. It's really annoying for him to give "marching orders" to others when he can't be bothered to do it himself.
  6. How would anyone know he's truly complaining about it? He could be just acting it out. His own overall positive outlook on life would suggest the latter.
  7. Stephen's just fine doing the show from home. No one should be inclined to believe he's "suffering" from it. And I don't mind if he does it at home without an audience. I've grown in believing that they can be insufferable from time to time.
  8. Bill's not drawing this attention because he's concerned. He just doesn't like looking at fat people because he's that shallow. He thinks that ridiculing them to their faces will motivate them to lose weight, when in reality it's counter productive. I know if an asshole like Bill tried to do that to me, they'd be swallowing their own teeth!
  9. Bill's type of narcissistic personality would be patting himself on the back and saying "you're welcome" for agreeing with him on that. People like him don't help and would actually make people do the opposite just to spite him.
  10. That's what James Corden said in his rebuttal to Bill when he last tried to fat shame as a technique for weight loss. One hopes Corden will deliver another smackdown to Bill.
  11. So after being off for a month - in which the shit hit the fan in so many ways, from bounties on U.S. soldiers heads by Russia, jackbooted thugs harassing protesters in Portland, the coronavirus needlessly spiraling out of control, and the GDP cratering - what is it that Bill talks about upon returning? Cancel culture and fat shaming! HBO, if you’re reading this, please buy out the remaining years of this weasel’s contract, ASAP!
  12. You guys in America have FFwSB followed after The Big Bang Theory? SO DO WE!!! :D Please tell me those overgrown babies got arrested and charged for their bratty behaviors? That kind of self privileged attitude deserves swift and immediate justice during this pandemic!
  13. It doesn't matter if they listened to him or not. Bill's suggestion is extremely reckless and irresponsible. HBO seriously needs to deal with him over that.
  14. I FFed the And Now segment because I had no intent to watch overgrown diaper babies whine and complain about having to wear a mask in public. Otherwise, I would have thrown my remote at my TV screen. Surely it wasn't a coincidence Ollie showed a clip of the inside of John Schnatter's obscene overblown mansion right after he talked about people facing eviction due to the coronavirus. If it was designed to get people angry at him - moreso than normal - then mission accomplished!
  15. So the faux liberal, who casually blurts out the N-word three years ago, and who feels he's entitled to throw around stereotype labels at every group because he believes he's earned it, is going to blacksplain to white liberals about protesting for BLM? Can Bill just fucking stop with his unwoked lecturing to liberals practically every week? At least they're out having African Americans backs during the protests. What has Bill done to help, besides opening his self privileged ignorant mouth and making people hate him? I'd be satisfied if Bill's four week break is extended indefinitely.
  16. Makes sense, given all that's been going on right now.
  17. Gotta tip my hat to K-Pop. I always thought of them as a useless pop music genre who's fan base is over the top. But after the way they've trolled right wing white supremacist sites, and their success in Tulsa over the weekend, they're a lot deeper than I give them credit for. Won't mean I'll listen to their music though. Am I a bad person if I wish Martin Sckreli gets hit with the coronavirus?
  18. I'm sure the same demographic Bill has been dumping on for years is going to do exactly what he says. Look up the word "tone deaf" and you'll find Bill's smug face right next to it. The good news is that he's getting clobbered on Twitter for saying that stupid shit. Hear hear!
  19. As a proud Canadian, I would like to give my response to TDS's suggestion that our country invade the United States. Be careful what you wish for! If we take over your country, we will send all of you into re education camps where we'll force you to watch hockey and make it your national pastime over baseball. Plus, we will remake football into our version with three downs, 110 yard fields, and twelve men on the field per side. And, we'll replace all of your Dunkin' Donuts and Krispy Kremes with Tim Hortons, who BTW is who we worship, thanks for asking Roy. And that's just the beginning!!! >:D
  20. Considering he's spent a lifetime overcoming a stuttering problem, I'd say he speaks compellingly. Besides, I could care less how a person speaks, I care if they can do the job. And Biden seems ready for that.
  21. No one is denying Bill his right to go outside and do whatever he wants. Hell, I'd recommend he do that. And once he gets hit with the coronavirus, he can experience first hand how dangerous it really is, and that it's not like getting chicken pox, and that there are extremely serious side effects that come with the virus, like clotting of the blood which would lead to heart attacks and strokes. And if he should die from it, FUCKIN' YEAH! No one will ever have to put up with his clinically diagnosed narcissistic personality anymore. Bill is acting just like those right wing crybabies who storm state capitals, like Lansing Michigan, demanding he go to a restaurant, or get his haircut, or see a movie. Self entitled, self privileged, and a no nothing know it all. I was with Bill on the dangerous behavior and attitudes the entire police community carries around with them, until he declared the root problem to be being bullied in their youths and taking out their revenge behind a badge. These bad cops are more likely to have been the bullies tormenting others, like wee Bill, and feel they can continue acting that way with authority behind them. Most victims of bullying don't feel the need to act out their revenge fantasies on others the way Bill uses his platform of a TV show to sadistically attack those that are trying to make things better for others (see Jon Stewart). And Killer Mike is a Grade A fuck stick! The kind of asshole who's when they go low, we go lower turdpile does more harm than good for those around him.
  22. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Joe Biden watched Kim Jones' video and took everything she said to heart. Same with that guy ripping on the LA police commission.
  23. Real powerful stuff from Trevor last night. Being off for the entire time this happened, He was ready to let off a huge amount of steam. I can understand where Trevor is coming from in talking about how the police have become a gang only looking out for themselves, what with him being a POC. If the good cops wont stand up and hold the bad ones accountable, then there really no better than the bad ones.
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