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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. I'm in agreement with all that. That being said, though, I think we will see him back in the studio in the not too distant future, like all those who are used to performing in front of an audience. Perhaps there's a way to take some of what he's doing inside his apartment and incorporate it into a studio audience. At least keep the hairstyle the way it now is, because it looks so much better on him!
  2. That was a bummer of an episode, with the subjects Ollie was talking about. I'm in agreement with @swanpride over the questionable motives surrounding the attacks in Gaza. I just wish Ollie and others, like Trevor Noah, had found a way to point that little detail out! Call the "Stand Your Ground" laws for what they truly are. A get out of prison card for shooting and killing African Americans, just like that new and insane and constitutionally illegal law where you can run over a crowd of (mostly black BLM) protesters with your vehicle. It's infuriating to see a white man hailed as a hero for doing what he was told NOT to do, while a black woman who was well within her rights to defend herself with an UNLOADED gun went to prison for it and gave birth there while in chains. I don't know how the United States can continue to exist with its racism eating away at everything they claim to hold dear. The only thing that was considered amusing was the mid break segment of Ari Melber continually reciting rap lyrics like the clueless white dork he is, and that was considered cringe worthy at best.
  3. I would agree with that as a child. But, as an adult, I found myself drawn more towards vanilla ice cream (no disrespect to the former First Lady!)
  4. That's what makes this so hilarious. Bill lecturing overweight people to lose weight so that they don't get hit with Covid, moreso than people who aren't, and he gets hit with the virus, DESPITE GETTING THE VACCINE! It's like, after spending enough time with Bill, the vaccine sees the virus entering his system, and it tells the virus "Go right in, knock yourself out. Anything to knock this insufferable asshole down several pegs!"
  5. But, but...I was told only fat lazy slobs would get hit with Covid, while healthy people with great immune systems, like Bill's, would survive. That's what Bill kept saying, and Bill is never wrong. Just ask him, he'll tell you! Oh well, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Maybe this little exercise in arrogant stupidity will humble Bill greatly!
  6. I did not expect Trevor to take a serious tone when talking about the ongoing Israel/Palestine conflict. Perhaps he had a personal experience with this.
  7. Berkeley pushed Bill to the edges where the notion that someone spewing out right wing nonsense getting them fired is consider "cancel culture gone too far". I get that things go overboard when someone on the left starts protesting a bit too hard over something inconsequential. Bill's problem is that he uses a very wide brush to paint EVERYONE on the left as being guilty, even among the more conservative thinking. When, in reality, it's those on the far left that make everyone in the group look bad. Bill doesn't do nuance and he thinks that the entire left is one big monolith. He's too lazy to do the work that shows otherwise.
  8. I like her. She was great in that clip. Growing up in Canada, I never had any interaction with black people. When I was nine (I believe) I was at this weekend cub scout jamboree, where different troops from the area got together. I saw this one kid who was black and he had a good crop of hair on his head. Being highly naive and not knowing any better, I went over to him and touched his hair. Needless to say, he was quite pissed off at me for doing that, and rightly so! So that was my only experience involving black hair, something I would never ever do again. Personally, I find a black woman's natural hair to be quite attractive and sexy.
  9. Well, it IS Texas, you understand. Perhaps they got an exemption or something else. I'm just saying what my brother had told me.
  10. As a lifelong Pittsburgh Penguins fan, I wholeheartedly agree! >:D Here in Canada, our rollout has been less than stellar. Our federal government handed the vaccine distribution over to the provinces, and it's been a mess for a lot of them. Weeks ago, a local report gave a list of places in the region where one can get the vaccine, and our local pharmacy in a town of over 2,000 was on it. So, the first thing I did, when I woke up the next day, was to call the pharmacy about setting up an appointment. But they immediately told me that they weren't doing any of that and that they had no idea how they even got on that list to begin with. I can only imagine how they were bombarded with questions about it, and how many people were left disappointed by it. Fortunately for me, after I signed up to get my vaccine, I got an email notice telling me to go ahead and book an appointment. And I was able to get one for the very next day, which has now been eleven days ago. A dose of AstraZeneca, which I didn't even feel and was wondering if I even received the needle. The downside now is that I have to wait at least FOUR MONTHS until I get my second dose! <:( Meanwhile, I found out today from my brother that all of our relatives down in Houston, including the ten and twelve year olds, have received their full two doses of their vaccines. So you can see how frustrating it is for a lot of us up north of the border. Yeah, I just watched the show last night and it was most certainly awkward. To be fair to Ollie, the show is taped on a Saturday before it's released, which was before Bill and Melinda announced they were splitting up. Scrunch-face fear baboon. Love those names Ollie gives to Tucker Carlson!
  11. To be fair to Bill here, he's been anti ageism for a while. He even made one of his New Rules sermons about that topic years ago. Having said that, for Bill to be cheering on Joe Biden after mocking him since entering the presidential race, and after winning the Democratic nomination, is disingenuous on his part, if not, gaslighting. Would he dare say all that about Bernie Sanders, who's a year older than Biden and coming off of serious heart surgery?
  12. Well, I'll give Bill credit for having an all female guest list for his show, no matter what one may think of them!
  13. Considering all the shit he's said in the past concerning race, his casual use of stereotypes and tropes for his humor, his "house n!&&er" comments, not to mention his over the top Islamophobia, Bill's closing that gap, AFAIC!
  14. A writer from Forbes takes Bill to task for his Covid ignorance this past Friday. Bill Maher Rants About Covid-19 Coronavirus, Here Is What He Got Wrong https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2021/04/17/bill-maher-rants-about-covid-19-coronavirus-here-are-the-issues-with-what-he-said/?sh=3e5df88738ab
  15. That would have been the case ten years ago. But now, Bill has become a shade away from turning into one of those talking heads on Fox News. Inviting people on with a differing opinion than yours isn't the problem, Jon Stewart did that a lot when he hosted the Daily Show. But allowing them, for the most part, to spew their well rehearsed talking points without much push back IS a problem. One that Bill doesn't seem to care about. Jon would never have allowed the likes of Ann Coulter, Ben Shapiro, Mio Yiannopoulos, Steve Bannon, and their ilk to get away with their bullshit. Jon was lionized when he left his show. I doubt Bill will even come close to such acclaim when he finally leaves. Something changed in Bill, whether it was Berkeley cancelling his act, or Ben Affleck calling him out over his Islamophobia, or just that there are more and more comedians with their own shows discussing current events who do a far better job and are far more popular. Bill has allowed his nasty side to take over his entire thought process, and his intellectual curiosity has been replaced with his unbelievable bullshit. When he said he doesn't need re-education, he wasn't wrong as he's becoming more and more blatantly ignorant as time goes by. Bill is entitled to his own opinion, but he's not entitled to his own facts. Something he has more and more in common with the right wing media.
  16. He's a closed minded ignorant fuck who believes anyone who doesn't agree with his dumbass opinions is too fucking stupid to live. He admitted last night that. as a 65-year old fossil, he doesn't need to learn anything. So I will say EAT SHIT AND FUCK OFF, BILL YOU BUTTER FACED BUMHOLE!!!
  17. And now Bill's trying to give Tucker a run for his money in the category "Privileged White Male Saying Ignorant Racist Shit!"
  18. I have no words to describe last night's "show." Instead, I'll leave this here as it conveys what it actually was...
  19. Just posting this here because it's still timely and continues what Trevor has been talking about in regards to the epidemic of the police shooting at African Americans.
  20. Heads up! Tonight's LSwSC is a rerun of last week's show with Rowan Farrow, while tomorrow's show is brand new. WTF???
  21. That sure was a depressing show. I hope I never reach the point where I need help!
  22. As soon as I found out PepsiCo was introducing a Peeps flavoured Pepsi, I was hoping for the segment And Now to bring it up using the monster truck voice to react. They did not disappoint!
  23. Stephen's opening bit about Matt Gaetz had me fuckin' laughing my ass off! Especially the part where Stephen's reading Gaetz's statement! I hope he keeps using that voice from here on out!
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