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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. Since Stephen is fully vaccinated - and I'm assuming KMK is as well - and that they all washed their hands in a bucket of Purell, I have no problem with Stephen and his guests doing the mutual hand clamps. Doesn't surprise me. EHN has always been a feisty individual, as shown in her appearances on TCR, being engaging with "Stephen" and having fun doing so. I really don't share in Stephen's joy about billionaire assholes using their obscene amounts of wealth to fly off into space.
  2. All that! And also, let's not forget that Bill himself was a victim of cancel culture from the right, when his old ABC show got cancelled because Bill said the pilots that flew the planes into the Twin Towers were brave. So you'd think he'd have far more contempt with them for what they actually did to him two decades ago, instead of trying to tear apart Every. Single. Little. Thing the left brings up and then blaming ALL of them equally. All of which shows Bill slowly embracing the right's POV. To be fair here, no one, not even Kaepernick himself, thought he'd be pulling in seven figures from Nike just for taking a stand.
  3. The world is a tough place. And things happen for a reason, whether you like it or not. Sometimes it's justified, and sometimes it's not. For Bill to be reacting to EVERY. SINGLE. STUPID. THING. UTTERED, shows that he's, in his own words, a Whinny Little Bitch™ with extremely thin skin who needs to grow the fuck up, now!
  4. If it happens to people who we agree with, then it more than likely means the people perpetrating it are from the right and far right, for which someone like Bill should know better. Him standing up for Alex Jones, after his social media platforms were yanked, is an example of such a problem because Jones' insane, over the top, carnival barker style of spreading bullshit have had far dangerous repercussions for the country and society as a whole! IKR? Before the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings started, Bill was complaining that Democrats weren't doing anything, down and dirty, to stop Kavanaugh from being sworn in. Then when stories of Kavanaugh's past started to surface - ie, Christine Blasey Ford - Bill went ape shit over the idea of Democrats bringing her in as a character witness and slammed them for bringing sexual assault and rape into the proceedings. Bill has no foundation for which to to spout off his opinions. That's one of the reasons he's losing more and more fans.
  5. But now, Bill is about as liberal as Rand Paul. And just as insufferable and obnoxious as the junior senator from Kentucky.
  6. Speaking one's mind does not mean that one is correct. And Bill's been wrong far more than he's been right these past few years. When you parrot right wingers' talking points about calling the coronavirus the China virus and whine about cancel culture running out of control, EVERY! SINGLE! TIME! then don't be surprised when people turn away from you because they find you eyerollingly tiring and obnoxious. There's nothing to admire about a borderline racist, sexist humorless troglodyte like Bill!
  7. I was disappointed when Stephen dropped that ridiculous voice after the election, although I can understand why. So it was satisfying to see him bring that voice back last night. Even if it was for a one night only affair. And whoever did that work is a wizard with a scalpel. Christine Baranski looks gorgeous!
  8. Stephen makes chicken thighs sound like a bad thing. I wouldn't mind sinking my teeth into one of those Wingstop thighs as they tend to be the juiciest, tastiest part of the chicken. I always use cut up chicken thighs when making a dish of chicken and rice casserole as the juices from the thighs soak into the rice for a delicious meal!😋
  9. If I were a car dealer, I'd take up last week's offer, where Ollie was giving away his idea for a TV commercial, on the condition he bring in the ear plugging guy who jumps sideways into the water from last night to be the spokesperson!
  10. Watched the latest over the weekend. Interesting now that Samantha highlighted the Biden's dog Major given that he passed away a few days later.
  11. Oh there was an episode. I had it recorded while watching something else. But it got cut in the end as Trevor was on a long speech about taking time off to think about how to incorporate what he gained from doing his show from his apartment. I rewatched the ending online and saw his MoZ being him getting up out of his chair and the lights slowly dimming as the credits were rolling until it got dark with nothing but the TV screen on and then it went black.
  12. Seth might actually benefit from a studio audience as it would make him slow down his pace of talking in his scripted bits. I actually think these late night shows benefited from having no studio audience. Trevor Noah is taking a three month break over the summer to see how he can incorporate what he gained from doing TDS from his apartment. But I can see how someone like Stephen wants so badly to have an audience to feed off of as it gives him the strength and confidence to perform. It's like they're recharging his battery for him. And I would know. I personally experienced that! Exactly ten years ago next month, I was in New York to attend live tapings of both TCR and TDS. As we were waiting in line to get into TCR's studio, the staff that was going to herd us in told us more than once to make lots and lots of noise, as Stephen loves it when the crowd is wildly cheering him. So, once we got in to sit and wait, and after the comedian they brought out did his warm up act, they introduced Stephen, who ran right out, circled the audience with his hand out for everyone in the front to high five him. (I was near the front, so I got my hand out and he grazed my fingertips😍😁) Stephen then stood in the middle of the stage to take in the audience cheering and chanting his name. Sitting on the far right of the audience two seats up and on an aisle seat, I had one foot in the middle of my seat and the other on the aisleway, knees bent, and pumping my fists out scream chanting Stephen's name very loudly as if I were in the supporters section of a soccer match cheering the home team on. After we were done cheering and applauding him, Stephen walked right up to me with his hand out to shake my hand and to thank me for cheering for him the way I did!😍😍😍😁😁😁😁😁. Then, after fielding questions from the audience, he got to his seat to begin the show. He immediately took off the Wriststrong bracelet he was wearing and fired it off right to me, which I received and immediately put on my wrist. I consider it my prized possession.😁👍 The show might have benefited from the past fifteen months, but it certainly didn't help Stephen's psyche. He's in a much better place of mind now that things seem to be getting back to normal.
  13. I'm not sure Jon has gone down the same rabbit hole Dennis Miller went down or that Bill Maher is going into. He's always had some conflicting viewpoints during his time on TDS. While he's had plenty of liberal views that would make him seem more on the Bernie Sanders side, he's also supported institutions that are more authoritarian and conservative, like the military. And we all know of his tireless work in getting lifetime benefits for the 9/11 first responders - although it would be interesting to ask him how he views the police now, since the murder of George Floyd has managed to unveil the dark side of cops. So I'd like to think Monday's strange spiel about the origins of Covid-19 was just one of those one offs he does. It would certainly be a major disappointment if he did end up on the dark side! And now for something completely enjoyable. Jon B's musical number on Monday's show:
  14. Stephen was such a happy little boy last night with the return of a full audience. A little too happy, as it seemed, with him parading around showing off his junk. Even though it was blurred, I still covered my eyes from it. I can't imagine he blurred them for his studio audience. Congratulations, you lucky people?😩 I was quite disappointed with Jon talking about the origins of the Covid virus. He came off as one of those nuts on Fox News. Is he trying to do the right's work for them? Even Stephen was wondering "WTF Jon?"
  15. Sadly, that's not going to change anything. The attitude among people is that if you go to prison, you truly deserve to be there, and deserve to get what's coming to you. And a little thing like overheated prisons in the summertime is something people will give zero fucks about. WTF Stuart Varney? What actually goes on inside that warped head of yours? There seems to be a lot of interesting stories Ollie completely overlooked this week. I was expecting him to say something in regards to Jeffrey Toobin's awkward return to CNN this past week. The whole New York mayoral race is not something I find interesting at this point in time!
  16. After Friday's giant, hot, steaming turdpile of a show, I can see Bill's point from last week about college education being a giant con. More and more, that Cornell graduate keeps showing himself to be a ignorant asswipe that doesn't deserve to be on a network like HBO!
  17. BWAH-HA-HAAAA!!! It's hilarious because it's oh so true!
  18. Gina Lashere was a great guest last night. I really missed her as TDS's British correspondent. I finally realized beforehand that she provided the main voice, named Keisha, for this British/Canadian animated series, Bromwell High, back in the middle of last decade. It was a crude but hilarious series. But I had no idea she was a co creator for the sitcom Bob Hearts Abishoba.
  19. “Skool iz fuh loozuhz!” says Bill, the right wing asswipe who graduated from Cornel. He seems to be deliberately driving away intelligent people. If he thinks that’s a winning strategy, well bless his precious, little ignorant heart! John Kasich is a knob. And Chris Matthews isn’t much better, IMHO. But Bill the sexist misogynist loves him his sexual harassing assholes, so you knew Matthews would find a way to crawl onto his show. And the crawl towards laughing stock irrelevance continues for Bill!
  20. I'm surprised Ollie didn't bring up the infamous Quake v Quisp battles of the 60s and early 70s that resulted in a contest to see who liked what better, with the loser being discontinued - and the loser was Quake. That caused some serious riffs amongst siblings for a long while! Is Reece's Puffs still available in the United States? I know they're are here in Canada. Personally, I wish Kellogg's would continue selling Apple Jacks here on a regular basis, instead of seasonal! I think if Ollie were serious about Cheerios tweeting out "Fuck You", he'd need to bump up HBO's his price considerably, like say (Dr. Evil pose)...ONE...MILLION...DOLLARS!!!
  21. Not many people can make looking like a zombie seem cool. But John B pulls that off with style! Nice seeing that side of him.
  22. I've been to tapings of both the Colbert Report and the Daily Show. Both stated you needed to be at least 18 to attend. One assumes it's the same with the Late Show.
  23. Stephen was such a happy, happy boy last night when announcing the show's return to a live audience. Jon B was happy too, knowing that the band will be back together again. And I had a laugh when Jon B played the show's theme song to take them out. Seems perfect for the show's return to normal!
  24. I'm sure they'll give the fully vaccinated audience the option of wearing a mask or not while they're seated. It's not as if the type of people Stephen attracts are the militant anti-vax type. I'm sure they're all like other late night talk shows in that nobody under the age of 18 is allowed in, which would mean they should be vaccinated.
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