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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. I really have no problem with Stephen chatting it up with family members just before the show starts. It lets him know who supports him in lieu of an audience.
  2. Sean Penn lost me when he brought up mega asshole Dane Cook. I so wanna give that guy Jimmy showcased on his show a fuckin' huge hug for what he's going through right now.
  3. I believe they're off this week, as are most of the late night shows because of Memorial Day Monday. Only Kimmel is on this week, and he's only doing half hour shows.
  4. In keeping with the theme Sports in the Pandemic, the National Hockey League has announced today it will go ahead with a 24 team Stanley Cup playoff, hosted by two hub NHL cities. Sounds good, until the first player in these playoffs tests positive for the coronavirus. SMGDH.
  5. I was hoping John Lithgow would do his Rudy impersonation. I guess we've been spoiled by it.
  6. Except that he framed it as if liberals were falling for it, instead of what is truthful in that they're looking at her story with Spockian raised eyebrows. Bill never tires in turning a story into something to blame and shame liberals in, the fucking asswipe. Anyone who has or had a weight issue needs to spit and slap Maher's smug sanctimonious face.
  7. Since when has Bill ever been successful in controlling his panel? He seems to get off on the chaos they create. What a fucking shitty and dangerous show that was. Between Bill's Biden bashing and his goddamn ignorant view on quarantining, and that we should all just allow the virus to infect us because our immune system is so awesome, I swear he's getting his info from the likes of Fox News. How much longer is HBO going to keep putting up with this asshole's destructive POV?
  8. I'd agree with Bill's New Rules sermon, if it wasn't for his pot shot at "woke liberals" he claims love Tiger King. He just can't help taking pot shots at them, like they were the worst form of evil in the world. Bill can fuck right off to Hell for giving a platform to that disgraced doctor David Katz and his bullshit opinions about easing up on self isolation and having everyone be exposed to the virus in order to build up immunity. He might as well say we should all visit Chernobyl so that we can build up an immunity to nuclear radiation. And Bill, being the anti medicine asshole that he is, agreed with him. How much do you think the execs at HBO can stand putting up with Bill's dangerous bullshit? Going after Nancy Pelosi, after giving Dan Crenshaw the kid glove treatment a week ago, is your standard "BOTH SIDES!!!" bullshit that hurts the country. You'd think Bill would know better until you realize he never knows any better. And Jay Leno is...Jay Leno. A humorless comedian and sniveling excuse of a man. No wonder Bill loves him so much. They're both sympatico with each other.
  9. An awesome season finale episode. The birth of Amy's child belongs with the all time best baby deliveries in sitcom history, alongside Lucy Ricardo giving birth to little Rickey, and Murphy Brown giving birth to Avery. The characters were all on fire. Holt, continuing from the previous episode of losing his shit, while trapped in an elevator, Terry trying his best to calm Holt down with eighties hip hop dancing, Rosa freaking out over the possibility she'll have to help with the delivery, Charles being extra creepy than normal for him, Hitchcock and Scully being their doofus selves until they rise to the occasion, Amy handling her labor pains in such an Amy matter, and Jake trying to stay above it all with not a lot of success until he makes it in time. I'm glad there was no cliff hanger as this was the perfect way to end the season (and who the hell knows when they'll be back, given how things are in the world right now). I did not like Dottie at all. She's an awful person with some deep seated issues. I'm thinking the baby's full name would be John McClane Peralta, and that they just call him by his middle name shortened, "Mac". I know my late stepfather and my two nephews are referred by their middle names.
  10. Bill had no answer because he doesn't do his homework. He thinks he can count on his own intuition and cleverness to win an argument. So when he comes across as duuuh over what should be an easy dunking on someone like Dan Crenshaw, he comes out a loser. That's why you can't count on him taking on right wingers.
  11. When all this is over, I hope to hell that these right wing news outlets, like Fox News, that have been pushing this fatal propaganda bullshit, get sued into bankruptcy. I wasn't aware of Wendy Williams to begin with. And after watching her doing her show at home, I'd like to be even less aware of her.
  12. When Bill is wrong, like he was last week about renaming the coronavirus, he's waaay off base. But when he's right, he hits the bullseye. His New Rules sermon about the Liberally Biased Mainstream Media™ projecting their freakout to their audience over the virus hits the target. Dan Crenshaw can go eat shit and fuck off. Asshole!
  13. I really quite like the editing and graphics of Trevor's opening segments on The Daily Social Distancing Show. Without a reaction from an audience, it helps to make the show more interesting than just someone talking straight into a camera.
  14. Holt and Kevin, two men who are the epitome of calm stoic boring, losing their shit over losing Cheddar was just loads of delightful fun. Both Braugher and Jackson are both talented actors, and it shows in the way they reacted poorly over the situation. Holt giving the dognapper the beatdown from Hell was pure awesome.
  15. THIS!!! "But if we help people today, the Democrats will just want to help MORE people tomorrow. WAAAH!!!" Eat shit and fuck off with that goddamn nonsense, dollar store Bill Nye and Rick "Voldermort" Scott! That attitude and behavior during this pandemic is how revolutions in other countries get started. The right's attitude towards COVID-19 should never be forgotten. That peeps segment was non stop laughing that I needed. The Queen actually looks pretty good as a Starfleet Commander.
  16. We all know what Bill's attempt is, which has been his insufferable schtick for years. And there's never been any sort of positive value in how he does it. By all means, turn up the pressure on China and hold them accountable to this crisis, and the times they've handled other viruses before. But not this douchy act. A sign that Bill has gone too far is how many right wing news sites and columnists are applauding him. Exactly!
  17. Because not only that, not all viruses are named after the place they came from - and sometimes incorrect, see the Spanish flu - but that this virus has already been named for quite some time now. Trying to rename it now, by some groups of people in a dickish attempt to stick it China and its people only exposes how low the character they truly are. Just like Bill. But, if Bill's that adamant and pissy about it, then by all means, let's all call COVID-19 the Chinese virus. But only on the condition we rename hemorrhoids after Bill.
  18. I thought Bill was being his usual dickish ignorant self. We all know where the virus came from and why. Trying to re label it the Chinese virus is petty, vindictive, and racist. Asian Americans are already getting harassed over this. It's a bad joke. Biden's so called dementia is like Hillary Clinton's email server. Nothing. Bill is of no help to Democrats. Never has, never will.
  19. That would be Julian Assange. I had an interesting vibe watching Bill's New Rules sermon, as a Canadian. In his backyard outside, he started wandering around a bit as he was talking. Kind of like the way our own Rick Mercer used to do when he was doing his weekly rants, first on This Hour Has 22 Minutes and then on his own show, both for CBC. And his sermon was a good one as well.
  20. I loves me some Rosa. She's my favourite B99 character. She deserved the win for mostly putting up with Scully's business in the washroom stall. And that rare smile of hers we see at the end? Priceless! I laughed at the flashback scenes where Jake about to say "boner" gets cut half way. I have no idea what Bill's hand gesturing was, as it was blurred for all of us not to see. Perhaps they intend it to be a mystery. I'll handle anything that comes out of Cheddar's butt. But Scully's?!! Nooooo thank you!!!
  21. I'm still trying to wrap my head around Martin Mull playing Jake's grandfather, or even as a retired Navy admiral. But this show, if nothing, is full of surprises. Got a big laugh over the Peralta men thinking they cleaned up the mess in the kitchen, only to discover everything smeared in blue cake - thus, revealing the gender of Jake and Amy's baby. Just when you think Hitchcock and Scully are nothing but useless dead weights, they surprise you with their decency and nobility by doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. First it was protecting a witness who testified against a drug lord when their old captain refused to do so, from last season, and now risking their own careers to keep a witness who's an undocumented immigrant from being turned over to ICE. And, in the end, their "punishments" turned out to be rewards for them. Poor Terry. All that time taking shit from Holt over his flute sessions, and he ended up getting the position because no one else auditioned for it (didn't get the Whiplash reference here - or for that matter the Birdbox one).
  22. Okay, OT, But wouldn't this be a good idea to bring Zaltzman on and do a revival, of sorts, of The Bugle on LWT while this is going on?
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