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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. I'm hoping Psycho Scottie gets arrested and thrown into a prison farm doing hard labor under the South Carolina heat. THAT would be a happy ending.
  2. I thought it was the usual bullshit from Bill about his whining of liberals. Isn't there a cloud he needs to yell at? But the problem here is that you DO need to confront these climate change deniers - the ones who have the power to affect change - and confront them hard about the harm they're doing to the planet. All the scowling and shaming from Greta Thunberg isn't going to do a damn if the James Inhofes of government and big business don't give a fuck. A mostly crappy show, which has become the norm by now. And it will get crappier with fellow asshole Howard Stern on next show. Thank God for the week off.
  3. Yet this embarrassing scandal may be the cherry on top of a shit sundae that costs Trudeau and the Liberal party the next federal election in a month's time to Andrew Scheer's anti immigration Tories, while the current U.S. president may still yet prevail next year. Stupidity doesn't stop at the border.
  4. The tension between William and Miss Hart was so thick, you could cut it with a chainsaw. It's going to be a long season between those two. Can't believe George is seeing Effie. There were better women he went out with than her. Julia has every right to be POed at Dr Talbot for her fatal stunt. I don't blame Brackenreid for being scared because his daughter wants to see him and his family. But I'm guessing it will happen, and the results won't be pretty.
  5. I too was surprised to find out immigrants looking to get a green card had to go back to their country of origin and have their passports stamped. Ollie is very lucky he can afford the hassle, and it still made him on edge. Imagine being not well off and having to go through that shit. I will not believe Funko didn't customise that Ollie bear doll just to display it on LWT. That's just too surreal.
  6. An interesting episode, to be sure. But it helps us to see where the characters all came from. And I liked that we got to see Aimee-Leigh's character. ITA with those that said the kids nailed their parts down. The boy who played Jesse must have been the spitting image of Danny McBride when he was a kid. And I can't help think that adult Judy would be wondering if her spoiled brat behavior as Eli's little girl may have had some part in keeping her away from being part of the decision making process in the Gemstone empire. Or it wouldn't all matter to begin with.
  7. Ugh! Bill and Michael Moore arguing with each other, sounding like obnoxious brats in need of being broken up and given a time out. Neither one an asset for the left. I'm quite fine with the New Rules sermon.
  8. I wait until my coffee cools down enough for me to drink it. Coffee isn't supposed to taste good. Coffee is supposed to work.
  9. No, but calling them "Fatty Fatty Fuckface" in their grill, like Bill would seem to try, is only going to do the opposite. Then maybe he should lead a vigorous campaign to encourage more people to exercise and eat healthy and get them to eat more organically grown products that don't contain any unhealthy chemicals designed to make the food last longer. Oh wait, that takes a lot of hard word, which will cut into Bill's stand up performances and pot smoking time. Something he's loathe to give up. You know what else increases medical costs? Treating people for severe crippiling injuries for calling someone "Fatty Fatty Fuckface".
  10. Shaming is NOT healthy. Shaming = Bullying. That doesn't force improvement That just coming off as a jerk, which is Bill's whole fucking way of dealing with things.
  11. Big Canadian love to Bianca Andreescu for beating Serena Williams in capturing the Women's singles title at the U.S. Open. The first tennis Grand Slam singles title for any Canadian ever. Us Canucks are proud of her. And love Chrissy Teigen's calling the president PussyAssedBitch. Way better than Bill Maher's WhinnyLittleBitch.
  12. At least we all know how the blackmail video got recorded and why. Maybe Amber does know about Jesse's less that faithful ways to her and doesn't want to rock the boat and give up on her lifestyle. But I'd have to think that she's waiting on the right moment to catch Jesse in the act and/or find evidence that has him lying to her, then divorce him and be rewarded a big fat alimony settlement that bleeds the Gemstone family. Maybe Gideon will help his mother out. And I liked Kelvin in this episode. He may look like a clueless, immature douche, but he seems to take his role as youth outreach minister seriously, especially towards that young daughter of the family's big donor. And I don't know that Kelvin has a thing going on with Keefe. If anything, Keefe may be tempted to go back to the dark side, looking at him in this episode. Hell, if I was at a rave party like that, I'd be all HAIL SATAN and stuff.
  13. Stu Varney is so desperate to be that president's biggest brown noser slash ass kisser inside the Fox News empire. But he's no match fro the likes of Sean Hannity and Jeanine Pirro. John Bercow is going to be missed as British Speaker of the House. Perhaps he could come on this side of the pond and deal with the naughty children on Capitol Hill. At the very least, the late night circuit could have him on as a guest.
  14. What Alexis said about Joe Walsh. I don't give a fuck about his criticisms towards the current president., Walsh continues to support many of the same proposals the president's agenda puts out. And if gaping asshole Bill wishes to engage in his fat shaming overdrive agenda, then the first person he needs to target is his all around BFF, walking smelly toxic turd of an asshole, and his guest next week, Michael Moore. If not, then Bill should SHUT HIS FUCKING GODDAMN IGNORANT MOUTH UP!
  15. The dick pics made me cringe for sure, but I get why they put them out there. But what I don't like is graphic urinating. That's just gross and disgusting and unnecessary. Walton Goggins is his usual awesome self. He paired quite nicely with John Goodman. And I'm with those who believe Jesse will soon get his for pushing his crew around too harshly. We saw some justified displeasure from Levi.
  16. Anthony Cavalero's character looks as if he's on the brink of a nervous breakdown. Which seems to be in line with what this show is offering. Playing it back, I was listening to Eli, talking in his sermon, about how to deal with snakes from a biblical POV. Then, near the end, handling a rattler that got into his home. Seems to me a metaphor as to how he's going to deal with what he's got going in his own empire.
  17. It is a comedic version of Succession. Whether Danny McBride created it as such is debatable (and I don't think he did). And one would assume John Goodman's character is shot at a low angle because he is the patriarch that created the Gemstone empire, along with his dearly departed wife.
  18. When Judy told Kelvin to eat her ass, and Kelvin responded by telling her "That's incest, and it's dirty!", I can't help but think about Edi Patterson's role in Vice Principals, where she tries to woo and seduce Danny McBride's character, who now plays opposite her brother in TRG. Ewwww!! That said, this series has potential. McBride wouldn't be mistaken for an award winning actor, for sure. But he does write some pretty good episodes. And he knows how to create characters for his series, and fill them out with the absolute best people possible. Adam DeVine is perfect as the baby douchebro Kelvin who gets on people's nerves. Patterson is great as middle daughter Judy, who yearns to contribute more to the family empire than just a specific female role (and would probably outshine her two idiot brothers in the process). And John Goodman is... John Goodman. Solid and dependable as always, playing the patriarch Eli. Walking the line between ruthless businessman preacher and being a sympathetic figure trying to keep his kids in check while yearning for his late wife, who had to have been the true spirit of the Gemstone clan, holding them together like glue. The end of the first episode left my lower jaw dangling near the ground and left me looking forward to the next.
  19. Fuck to Hell whomever decided to push pumpkin spice products right now. We're still in the middle of summer, FFS. Don't start hawking me that stuff until there's a chill in the air. And a special place in Hell should be reserved to whoever created pumpkin spice Spam. BLLUCH!!! >:P
  20. I knew a guy a long, long time ago who referred to blacks as "Leroys" I'd imagine that wouldn't have been too far off for that idiot calling Chris Cuomo a "Fredo". Loved Roy's reaction to the related race based stories Trevor covered. It would have been far more interesting to get his response of the same racist cop that shot to death an unarmed African American that ran away from him due to a parking violation.
  21. Ollie has revisited subjects for his main story on more than one occasion. Covering guns in America wouldn't have been different from that, especially how people are still talking about it after El Paso and Dayton..
  22. They should have made that weirdo strongman of Turkmenistan as part of the quick recap of the week and had the issue of guns as the main story. Really, I didn't give a fuck about this guy when Trevor was profiling him on TDS last week, and I thought Ollie giving him the lion's share of last night's show was a waste of time that could have been used on more interesting stories. I'm surprised Ollie made the Jeffrey Epstein suicide story just a passing statement.
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