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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. Yeah, but everything that happens your way tends to affect everything happening our way. Besides, I get my info from the Fake News. The REAL Fake News Jon always refers to, and not the one Drumpf likes to dismiss like he just did his thing on the toilet after eating a six pack of Big Macs. Ah, Mitt. You never fail to prove to us just how big a weirdo you really are. Never change for our amusement.
  2. Less than TWENTY MONTHS to go until the presidential election, and I'm already sick and tired of hearing about it! Make it stop, MAKE IT STOOOOOP!!!
  3. I bought ten stamps yesterday for ten dollars. Simple ain't what it used to be.
  4. I have an answering machine at home. Whenever there's a call, I let the machine do the work. If it's someone I know or is of importance to me, I pick it up. That way, I don't get bothered with these annoying robocalls. My sister says the worst time they call is late afternoon, early evening when people are having their dinner. She doesn't usually pick up the phone at that time. All that said, I'm for anything that makes that little dickwipe Ajit Pai's life a living hell, as Ollie seems want to do. And if Drumpf is funny, it's in the "OMG, WTF is wrong with you?!!" mode. Drumpf can't be truly funny if his life were in Putin's hands.
  5. I love Stephen's bad Drumpf. That voice makes him out to be an even bigger idiot than he seems. Trevor and Seth's I also love.
  6. Miss Hart should be VERY, VERY NERVOUS next season. William knows what she did, even though he has no evidence. I'd imagine the visits to the coroner's office will be most awkward. And speaking of awkward, that Dr. Dixon seems to have the hots for Julia. It could turn obsessive next year. Julia and William need to watch their backs.
  7. I was wondering if Miss Hart was going to make her move to become the permanent coroner. But to frame Young Brackenreid for murder? O.o I don't see how this will end well for her. They will find the truth in this. I'm sure Effie Newsome is better than Louise the Louse Cherry. But she isn't what George deserves all the same.
  8. And an updated version of Ollie, standing there, arms crossed, and turning. Although this time, he looked awkward when his back was to the camera. I knew that seventysomething toddler flew out to Florida after declaring his temper tantrum national emergency over border funding. But him standing at that omelet bar? Christ on a cracker! I wonder if Ollie's missing the potential bigger picture in that Drumpf's national emergency could be a way to consolidate more power to himself in a slow moving coup. Not to mention their men's rugby team, the All Blacks. The pride and joy of that country. I'd hate to be a citizen of Great Britain right now. I'd probably be on a suicide watch. I'd be willing to suggest it's better in the U.S. right now if only there's an opportunity to fix things ASAP with a presidential election, or even an impeachment. What's going to happen in the U.K. will linger like a rotting stench for at least a generation. Welcome back Ollie.
  9. Bill could have made his point about perfect being the enemy of good, when it comes to the growing Democratic field, without having to insert his usual whining about political correctness, this time over the Oscars. Sometimes I think Bill will bring up any subject and blame political correctness over it, if he could get away with it. And Bernie Sanders' problems with male members of his staff sexually harassing their female co-workers is NOT a case of nit picking a candidate. But I guess it does to a sexist, misogynistic tool like Bill who'll go to lengths to prop up his preferred choice for president.
  10. I understand Stephen's frustration over government negotiations to prevent another shutdown. But I wish he wouldn't bring up the Both Sides™ meme when assessing blame. One party wants to run the country like adults, and the other, by way of their babyboy in chief, really couldn't give a fuck if they wanted.
  11. Never apologize. The more swear words applied to the likes of Jack Kingston, the better. >:D
  12. AAAND here comes Chris Cillizza and Chuck Todd running like idiots towards Bill and ready to nerd slap him for destroying the Both Sides™ narrative they've built their lucrative careers on! Jack Kingston showed again why Bill should never have him (and others) on the show because of the unmitigated bullshit he spouts (but eventually will be back).
  13. Big, big kudos to Stephen and the writers for coming up with some hilarious material mined from the SOTU, then putting it all together and Stephen performing it in the opening live on tight notice. That's why he's easily the best late night host on television (with all due respect to Ollie with his Emmys).
  14. Real funny stuff in Roy's rebuttal to the SOTU. Especially with Dulce and Jaboukie giving him support.
  15. I thought William was out of line attacking Brackenreid the way he did, when all Brackenreid did was to try and offer solace to William. You'd think he'd understand seeing as how the Inspector's son Bobby was once a target for kidnapping. Could be a rift between the two.
  16. Good New Rules sermon. It's good when Bill talks about things that are important, like climate change, instead of things that are not, like political correctness and adult comic book fans.
  17. I'm sad he's stealing oxygen from everyone else. How anybody can call themselves a comic book fan of any degree and think Bill's New Rules diarrhea from last Friday was spot on is mystifying. Bill's still going to smugly turn his nose up on anyone into comic books because nuance has always been a foreign word he has trouble grasping.
  18. Ditto! I too liked seeing Tesla again. It's been a long while. What would be awesome is to see a team of William, Tesla, Alexander Graham Bell, and James Pendrick come together to create a super invention for something worthwhile, like foiling a major crime or something.
  19. Yes indeed it was funny. And unnerving at the same time. Bite your tongue!!! I can't even fathom the idea of those two having sex on their own, much less together.
  20. The perils of taping Friday's show Thursday. Although they recognized the end of the government shutdown in the cold open, it really felt empty that Stephen was still talking about it like it was ongoing. That, and not talking about Roger Stone's arrest the very same day.
  21. And if comic books are meant to be just for children, then what about cartoons? I, like Bill, grew up in a time when Saturday mornings and weekdays after school meant watching cartoons on the TV for us kids. Apart from the old Golden Age cartoons of the 30s to the 50s like Bugs Bunny, which were theatrical shorts made for adults at the time (and which the "violent and mature" content was edited out in order to protect our delicate little minds >:P) they were created and shown for children. Made to their level of understanding. That's the way it had always been, until The Simpsons burst onto the scene and paved the way for cartoons to evolve and become more targeted towards adults. Would an insufferable scold like Bill have a problem with that as well like he does with comic books? Or by doing so, he'd be viciously attacking his good pal Seth MacFarlane for putting out shows like Family Guy and American Dad?
  22. That's what I've always believed about them, Sean Hannity as well. That they're willing to lie incessantly if it means advancing the cause of their side (and make some extra coin to boot). Even many reasonable conservatives find them to be appalling and disgusting. What amazes me the most however is how they can manage to look at themselves in the mirror every day knowing they lie on a regular basis and knowing their lies deliberately hurt millions of people. I know I couldn't, no matter how much fame and fortune I've accumulated as a result. I disagree. He brings depth and nuance to a billionaire industrialist with obvious flaws in Tony Stark/Iron Man. He's the franchise player in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. First sentence: the latter. And yes, people infatuated with sports is no different than people interested in comic books. To each their own. The irony is that the ultimate act of fandemonium in sports (otherwise known as jock sniffing) is to buy into ownership of a team you grew up worshiping since you were a child. Like what Bill did in buying a small percentage of his beloved New York Mets years ago. I am no fan of Kevin Smith by any means. But I am damn impressed that he took the high road after Bill's nasty cheap shot at him last night.
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