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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. Full props to Team Samantha for expertly trolling Sean Spicer during his book tour. And for wearing that mutant unicorn outfit. The only thing missing that would have made it an outright classic was if someone came up wearing a shrub costume to represent Spicer hiding from the press and the world.
  2. As a proud Canadian, I must say that I'm SHOCKED and OUTRAGED about Mexicans flying into Canada, then sneaking across our border into the United States. What, our country's not good enough for you? Are we like Zombieland with real zombies roaming the nation searching for brains to eat that you'd consider a country that has an Annoying Orange as its leader? Hell, ours would probably welcome you all with open arms. Even playing mariachi music with a guitar while dressed up as Speedy Gonzales! (On second thought, never mind. After his recent trip to India, I can see your point!)
  3. I think Ollie made mention that they can only handle so much news surrounding Drumpf and his band of deplorable fuckfaces before they start getting depressed. I think their main story is welcomed from all the madness as well as important info.
  4. Ollie mocked Chipotle a couple of years ago for the bacteria laced food it was serving up.
  5. I was wondering - hoping - if Bill was going to bring up the story of the pride of lions eating up those rhino poachers and somehow tie it in to the Drumpf spawn of cruel hunters. Glad he did not disappoint.
  6. I know Bill was trying to make a pun in calling Fox News "the enema of the people". Except that it came off as being counterproductive. Enemas tend to be helpful, cleansing, and sometimes necessary. Wouldn't surprise me if some talking head at Fox News pointed that out. Liked the New Rules sermon. But I'm not sure Drumpf's zombie supporters see the connection between Russia's lily white populace and the browning of other European nations as the reason for supporting their Dear Leader's sucking up to Putin. I think race and their overall bigotry is the main reason for their support and that Putin is part and parcel of that support.
  7. Apples and oranges. Like I said, being a stand up comedian is different from hosting a television show where you may influence peoples thought process. There's a different code involved in the former, where one is just personally blowing off steam.
  8. I'm not saying you (and many others) are wrong, purist. Or that the women angrily speaking out publicly about Trevor don't have a beef about his "jokes" being offensive. What I am implying is that to get anything more out of Trevor, besides what he already said, would be the equivalent of trying to squeezing blood out of a stone. A whole slew of stand up comedians would be far less courteous than Trevor was if they were in his position. Hell, some of them would react just as offensively. If they want to protest Trevor's appearances in Australia this coming month, they can go for it. But I'm not sure, at this point, what they hope to accomplish in the end.
  9. My sentiment exactly when Ollie shouted "FUCK YOU!" at Facebook's so called apology ad. To expect them to change is laughable, especially given last week when Facebook refused to pull the videos of Alex Jones scream accusing Robert Mueller of being a pedophile and threatening to kill him in a gunfight. It's nothing but business for these turd miners of information. I have to admire Anita Hill maintaining a positive outlook in last night's interview, especially when compared to Ollie's pessimistic outlook about sexual harassment. She certainly has ever right to be bitter and cynical about what was done to her in those Senate hearings from three decades ago.
  10. Trevor is first and foremost a stand up comedian. And as such, lives by a code that states you never say your sorry for a joke some find offensive when you're on stage and performing on the mike. Even if it was years ago and he was a different person then as he was now. The fact he acknowledged that the joke was horrible was more than one could have expected. I saw Brad Garrett perform at his own stand up club at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas five years ago. And I was quite surprised to find out his act included insulting certain people. Was it shocking? To a point. But I just kind of went along with it. Because that's just the nature of stand up. Sometimes you do get people who perform on the edge, I'll accept that from all stand ups. Even someone like Bill Maher when he's performing with the mike in his hand. It's when he uses that attitude as a talk show host determined to go on a one man mission that I find his humor incompatible.
  11. He's already explained himself at length. I don't see how the extreme would want anything more out of him.
  12. At least Trevor is owning up to his bad jokes about Aboriginal women, no apology notwithstanding. Can you imagine if it was Bill Maher making those bad jokes and was being forced to answer for them? His response would be like "OH FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU!!! I WAS MAKING A JOKE!!! DO YOU TRIGGERED SNOWFLAKES NOT KNOW WHAT A FUCKING JOKE IS?!!"
  13. Well, now that you mention it...XD Samantha always brings up interesting points and juxtapositions on her show, like Nixon's Watergate scandal and Drumpf's current scandals. Wish she had brought up how Watergate really wasn't necessary because the Democrats were in complete disarray at the time and that they ended up nominating George McGovern for president, which resulted in Nixon's massive landslide win in November. Yet Watergate, through the help of Fox News two decades later, put us on the path where we now have a seventysomething toddler in the White House, who makes Nixon look like George Washington by comparison.
  14. Agreed. Maybe having Desi carrying around a pair of hedge clippers to deal with these Staten Island meatheads was funny, but it didn't help recover the end of what was an interesting segment they had just ruined. Clever joke by Trevor about how farmers now feel like porn stars after they've been promised billions by Drumpf because of an unnecessary trade war he created. Yet I feel the majority of those farmers will still support his sorry ass after all this.
  15. I quite enjoy seeing Ronnie team up with Roy in the sports talk segment. Ronnie provides an unexpected but nicely, cynical counterbalance to Roy's enthusiasm over sports. Wish I could see him replace Michael Kostas in that one (actually, I wouldn't mind seeing Kostas replaced in a lot of TDS things).
  16. Amazing show last night. And not just because we were stunned to discover Trevor was once a contestant on South Africa's DWTS. Trevor did a great job in presenting the story of Nelson Mandela's life, from his childhood, his membership in the ANC, his imprisonment and release, and his becoming president of South Africa and a symbol of peace. I'd imagine Trevor was so looking forward to tell Mandela's story, especially after all the non stop bullshit coming from Drumpf. What I'd hope Trevor would have brought up was a microcosm of what Mandela was all about in the form of South Africa's national rugby team. Throughout most of the 20th century, the Springboks as they were nicknamed were the pride of South Africa's ruling white minority, and the bane of the black populace. Mandela used to actively root against them while in prison. But in the 80's, the Springboks were being boycotted from participating in international matches due to their country's apartheid rule, which was one of the driving forces behind South Africa's decision to end it. After Mandela was released and became president, an opportunity arose to end the Springbok's brand and create a new identity for post apartheid South Africa. Mandela refused to do this, saying that the Springbok's should be allowed to carry on as they are, not as a symbol of its past, but as a unifying one for all its citizens. And to make that point so clear, before the 1995 World Cup Final between the host nation South Africa and their opponents the All Blacks from New Zealand, Mandela came out to the field in Johannesburg wearing the Springbok's green jersey that he once rooted against. It was an emotional moment for the home crowd and was seen by many as the glue that helped bind the country as a whole for good.
  17. Loved seeing the show back. And I loved how Samantha ripped into both Republicans and the Liberally Biased Mainstream Media™ for doing their best Claude Rains from Casablanca impressions about Drumpf's appeasement to Putin and Russia. No one on late night, it seems, does a better job at verbally eviscerating better than Samantha.
  18. That was well beyond reason Pretty close to being treason Blatant Russia appeasement Bob Mueller make it go away! XD That had to have been one of LSSC's best cold openings ever!
  19. Agree! Except for one little bit. Meyers DEFINITELY should have replaced Corden. But the obnoxious Jefferies? No fucking way! Oh I'm sure we'll find out soon enough. I imagine him going full out diva over his snub and blame it all on the PC culture for denying him an Emmy he thinks he's fully entitled to have.
  20. Good for TDS and Trevor to receive a nomination. The fact that he bumped someone like Bill Maher makes it all the more sweeter.
  21. The show's off for the next two weeks. This week will be pretty quiet, late night wise. But given the continuous awful news we keep getting, that's not such a bad thing.
  22. It was HOW he said it that should piss a lot of people off. He told everyone on Bill's show, in that whinny voice of his, "I'm sorry, but Drumpf is going to win the election because he's going to take all the states Romney won in 2012 plus Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. (So stay at home on election night, don't go out to vote because all is lost thanks to the Democrats choosing Hillary as their candidate instead of Bernie. BLAAAH!!!!)" [parenthesis, mine] Michael Moore is a lot like Bill in that he's of no fucking help to the left.
  23. They should have just handed out suicide pills after last night's show. And give a full bottle of them to Michael Moore as he looks like he needs and deserves them the most for many a reason. The best part of last night's show was that it ended and won't be back for a month.
  24. Jon would tell you that he's a comedian, first. That all he's trying to do is get things off his chest that bother him in a way that makes it humorous for us to laugh at so that it will make it easier for us to cope. Apart from a few rare instances, Jon's never used his platform to crusade his issues for people to get behind. If he did, he'd end up being like Bill Maher.
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