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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. I thought I saw some cringeworthy shows in my life. But The Inspectors seems to take the cake. I can't imagine the actors who work on that show feel pride in what they do.
  2. There was a ton of shit Drumph said or was exposed upon during the campaign trail that was as bad as the Russian pee tapes. And the orange asswipe still became president. Never underestimate the stupidity of the average American voter.
  3. I could upvote that post of yours forever, @GHScorpiosRules. What an amazing interview Hillary Clinton gave last night. Poise, intellect, strength. All of which just depresses/angers me that certain groups and individuals went out of their way to slime and destroy her and hand the presidency to Drumph I also noticed how Trevor gave her respect. For all his years hosting TDS, Jon almost never hid his contempt for Clinton for whatever reason. Even when he had her on as a guest. I still can't imagine what goes through his mind when he sees Drumph occupy the White House after he sneered at Hillary.
  4. Interesting piece from Samantha about John Kelly. How in the world did we not all notice some of the bullshit spouting out of his mouth before he became Drumph's chief of staff? He's just as big a crackpot as his inner circle and not the honest straight shooter meant to control Drumph that we all thought him to be.
  5. Hey Tucker "Dick" Carlson. We Canadians DO have something against you. Given your past intellectual sparring matches, as Foghorn Leghorn would say, you're about as sharp as a bowling ball. Good God, Meat Loaf. You think maybe his appearance on Celebrity Apprentice fucked him up in ways unimaginable? Loved Ollie fighting with the seagull. Anybody who's ever dealt with these winged rats knows they're noisy scavangers.
  6. Khzir Khan still has hope and faith for America, even after the country let him down last year. Fox News can report on Harvey Weinstein's sexual misdeeds, but no Trevor, they have no business putting their two cents about it. Not only with the way they "brought back" Bill O'Reilly, but also with the likes of Roger Ailes, Eric Bolling, and who knows whoever's been making miserable the women who work there. And I loved Dulce's appearance as God laying the smackdown on crybaby O'Reilly. I would have liked it even better if, after she said "God Himself cannot wreck the Titianic", she said "So I turned to St. Peter and said Hold my beer, P-Dawg." No Sens Corker and Flake. You both don't get to claim to have a moral and a spine when you insist on riding out your terms in office while voting yes to everything Drumph puts out. The two of you are a part of why Drumph became president in the first place.
  7. I think I ate at those exact locations Ronnie was standing outside of. But he forgot to mention Maxwell Street polish sausage, the asshole! Ronnie's a brave (foolish) person for physically destroying those deep dishes on Chicago soil. But, as someone who considers pizza their kryptonite, I don't get the hate. Chicago deep dish and New York thin crust are like apples and oranges - unhealthy apples and oranges to be sure. They should both be appreciated and enjoyed just as is. There are many different types of pizza across America. New Haven style, Detroit style, St. Louis style. I'd imagine the birthplace of pizza, Naples, would be looking at all this and going YEEAUCK, THEY'RE ALL GARBAGE!!! If Jon were watching that, he'd give Ronnie a slow clap. OK Chicago, I'm coming to rob your banks, alert the police!!!
  8. Was anyone aware TDS took the show on the road to Chicago? First I heard of it. I was just in Chicago two months ago to attend a soccer match, my second trip to the Windy City. Love the town. Great vibe, great food (Giordano's deep dish pizza, Maxwell Street polish sausage, Garrett's cheesy popcorn, etc.). I never once felt I was in a war zone similar to the Middle East. Never once felt scared for my safety. The people there were very nice and friendly and weren't afraid to offer help if you asked them. And that was especially true with the African American populace. So it's good Trevor pointed out that the likes of Drumph and the right wing noise machine were twisting and distorting the truth about Chicago and why. To make White Americans scared about black people with guns shooting everywhere and to tie all this up as being Obama's fault, as if his presidency was an abject failure. Will we see a weekend late night visit to the Weiner Circle? It was different, but unique. Trevor approached it like a stand up comedian and not a news anchor delivering satire (I want to say "fake news" but that title has become so bastardized).
  9. Please tell me that physical version of a troll Bo Dietl hasn't gained a sizeable amount of support in the New York mayoral race and may actually have an outside chance of success. PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE!!! YOU CAN MAKE IT YOURSELF ANYTIME OF THE YEAR AND NOT WAIT FOR FALL TO ARRIVE! PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE!!! AND TUCKER CARLSON'S A FUCKING DICK FOR SAYING THAT STUPID SHIT! PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE!!! lol.
  10. Fucking loved Bill Murray coming out into the crowd with a t-shirt gun firing off t-shirts to the audience and screaming "WHO WANT'S A T-SHIRT?!!" Makes me feel happy during these depressing times of Drumph.
  11. I loved the first two segments that showed Samantha's righteous indignation. But the third segment about how Finland deals with fake news was rather jagged and disconnected. What exactly were they trying to get here? Two of the people that were interviewed didn't make sense. I felt more disappointedly underwhelmed by it.
  12. When Ollie managed to combine Tom Hanks with Adolph Hitler, he came up with "Adolph Hankler". Which was the name of an episode on the last season of The Larry Sanders Show, where Ollie's old TDS boss Jon was playing himself filling in for Larry (Garry Shandling) and he made Hank Kingsley (Jeffrey Tambor) dress up like Hitler and be called Adolf Hankler and say all kinds of horrible, anti Semitic shit from a podium. Was that something that crossed the writers minds when they were putting together the show? Oh, and Larry David, curb YOUR enthusiasm please.
  13. Perfect appearance from Jon, the other night. Although I must say there'd have to be plenty of cannibals out there who are of better character than Drumph.
  14. Here in Canada, we were able to watch the full Full Frontal at its normal time thanks to it being on the Comedy network. So nyeh-nyeh! >:D Not one, but two very good informative and highly entertaining history lessons on one show, first about how Puerto Rico gets screwed over by the United States, and then how the U.S. keeps deliberately screwing itself over public health coverage. Samantha would make an awesome high school history teacher. And that elderly Drumph supporter can go choke on a bag of dicks.
  15. The patheticness of Fox News in whining about how difficult it is to spin the Las Vegas shooting into something of their advantage is something to behold. And Sean Hannity's opinion of this would be jaw dropping in its unmitigated gall, except that it just comes off as another day ending in a "y" for him. Kudos to Trevor for making a Jon out of Fox News.
  16. That Gabe kid sure has a lot of wide eyed optimism and idealism about journalism in America, which will probably be snuffed out in about 15-20 years from now once he realizes how morally and ethically bankrupt it really is.
  17. Someone at Fox News must hate Sean Hannity with the white hot force of a billion exploding suns gong off at once. Floved Trevor's righteous screed regarding Drumph's hypocritical stance against the NFL and its players and owners taking a knee in solidarity against his bullshit comments in Alabama. Of course it must burn him white hot from the inside out to know the league thinks of him way lower than pond scum. Drumph bought the USFL's New Jersey Generals in the mid 1980's and sweet talked their owners into going to war with the NFL (with the intent of convincing them to merge his team, among others, into the NFL). The USFL's anti trust suit against the NFL got them...ONE...DOLLAR in damages, and the league folded as a result of Drumph's attempts, which saw him slither out of the court room like a beaten coward (which wouldn't be the last time). The NFL never forgot him for that when they told him to fuck off in his attempts to buy the Buffalo Bills years ago.
  18. I though the non stop stream of Megyn Kelly's divisive "reporting" was perfectly bang on when put up against her suggesting her NBC show was an attempt to bring people together. Hypocrite, thy name is Megyn Kelly. That montage of politicians saying "small business is the backbone of our economy" reminded me of that shampoo commercial from the 70s where the women say "you'll tell two friends, they'll tell two friends, and so on, and so on, and so on..." Little more interesting than the politicos for sure.
  19. I'm familiar with Skip Bayless. Trust me, Samantha is spot on the money with that creep.
  20. So what exactly was the purpose of Allana Harkin and Mike Rubin's visit to Net Roots? Was it to offer hope, or to depress those on the left their chances for the future? And those people singing in that segment can all go eat a large bag of dicks. Either Omarosa is fucked in the head, or she is pure evil. The fact that she considers the phrase "the pot calling the kettle black" a racist derogatory is proof nobody should be near her.
  21. Those Aussie "nerds" who made those pills probably don't realize it, but they'll have no problems getting laid if they ever visit the United States. One for making those pills exact for an insanely cheap price, and two for causing that slimy child Martin Shkreli to going into full poo flinging diaper baby mode. But why are we finding out about this now? Where the fuck was America's Liberally Biased Mainstream Media™ when these kids exposed Shkreli's scumbag game? That cop who pulled over that white woman. And that guy who said "Martin Luther Coon" the other night. Do these assholes not realize just how horribly racist they present themselves to the rest of normal, decent society?
  22. Michael Kosta made some good points about the reasons Drumph pardoned Arpaio. Problem was, his delivery sucked donkey balls. He doesn't come across as genuinely funny to me.
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