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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. Was at the White Palace Grill in Chicago last weekend for breakfast. Had Chicken Fried Steak, three eggs over easy and hash browns. Food was great, especially the coffee. Soooo...thank you Guy Fieri?
  2. I was in Chicago last weekend and went to the White Palace Grill because it was mentioned on Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives. Does that make me a bad person?
  3. I liked Trevor cutting down Drumph's rally and exposing the bubble mentality that he and his followers live in. But there's one thing that needs to be pointed out. Drumph's rally really wasn't that well attended, as this story seems to indicate.
  4. Maybe. But it's possible that he was genuinely interested in the eclipse. As in "Yay, I don't have to cover that embarrassing lunatic for awhile the way others in the building are slobberly doing - Sean Hannity, you pathetic tool, I"M LOOKING RIGHT AT YOU!!!!!" I like Shep, but Walter Cronkite '69 he wasn't.
  5. THIS TO THE FUCKING MAX!!!!! I love Samantha's show, but her not letting us know when she'll be off for any length drives me up the fucking wall! After the events in Charlottesville this weekend, we could use her style of voice to perform verbal lingchi on bastard Drumph.
  6. With nuclear weapons on the table, we should all feel so lucky, events in Charlotteville notwithstanding.
  7. Funny how Ollie brought up the term "Reverse Godwin's Law" last night, in regards to Drumph talking about everything but Nazis. Because Mike Godwin, the creator of Godwin's Law, tweeted this out last night:
  8. Too tart for my tastes. I'll stick with my sweet, sweet Delicious Reds, thank you very much! ;)
  9. Hey Ollie. Red Delicious apples ARE delicious, motherfucker! Aside from that, great show. I howled with laughter over the part about fingering armadillos. And you'd have to think the guy who smokes over five joints every day would be the type of person the Border Patrol would want in order for someone to combat the tedium and boredom. Did Stephen Miller get beat up in school every day? Cuz this douche needs to see those bullies from high school again so they could finish the job on him. Ciscoe Morris likes a lot of things. A LOT! Too much to be considered healthy. Still, I'll take him over that New York weatherman who goes off on non sequiters A LOT!
  10. See Megyn Kelly and Piers Morgan. This is how you successfully go after a fraudster lunatic like Alex Jones. Now just wait for Jones to explode and spew all kinds of batshit threats towards Ollie for revealing him to be a con man peddling garbage to gullible true believers. And watch as Ollie plays them back on next week's show for shits and (mostly) giggles.
  11. Anthony Scaramucci (will you do the fandango?) was REALLY against Drumph before he was REALLY for him. Which is no surprise given how some in his staff were REALLY like that as well (Kellyanne Conway, come on down!) Looking at all the past "highlights" of Sean Spicer's six month tenure as WHPS, I can honestly say I'm going to miss Melissa McCarthy's SNL impersonation of this small, small man.
  12. Anybody who shares the same hatred of Drumph, his minions, and the people who voted him, can fully appreciate how Stephen views him and the humor he delivers every night that is Drumphtopia.
  13. But, as Republicans like McConnell and Ryan have proven, its party over politics. And as long as their base is happy in their party's efforts to "stick it to liberals" and "tear down everything the 'black guy' did", that's not going to happen for quite a while. All the more reason why it's so important to get out the vote, which is what Samantha was alluding to her audience about.
  14. There's nothing wrong with marching in the streets protesting impeachment. But that crowd would be better off using that energy to educate their districts about the importance of voting - and smartly, so as not use it to protest your preferred candidate not getting the nomination. And to keep the likes of Drumph and other destructive Republicans out of office. Or, better yet, how about protesting Republicans efforts to roll back voting rights and prevent certain groups of people from voting with laser like efficiency, like what Kobach is trying to do. As I said, that ties up those two segments with the same bow.
  15. It seems Samantha's message about the pro impeachment crowd was that those people would be better off, and having a greater impact, going to the ballot boxes and voting for Democrats - especially during the midterms - rather than marching in the streets demanding a long drawn out action that would probably never happen, at least as long as Republicans control all levels of government. That has been Samantha's bee in a bonnet (no pun intended) right now. People who don't exercise their right to vote or spoil their votes for people who have no chance of winning for one reason or another - like believing Hillary Clinton has the presidency in the bag. She's been showing and warning us this with the 2010 and 2014 midterms as well as the 2016 presidential election. So I don't consider that third segment infuriating. Of course if, from the first segment, Kris Kobach is successful in his attempts to roll back voter lists and suppress the vote, there won't be anymore elections in the U.S. and Drumph will demand to be called Dear Leader. The same way mouth breathing idjuts like Gohmert and Steve King get elected. because a district that has people with very right wing views think they're the best persons to represent them in Washington. I'd imagine if ALL of SoCal had their choice, Dana Rohrabacher wouldn't be elected dog catcher, much less congressman.
  16. It's always about buzz and attention (and arm twisting) when it comes to these nominations. Perhaps that's why Corden and Bill Maher seem to get Emmy votes while Trevor and Seth Meyers do not, despite the latter two having the better shows than the former two. Was that picture of Winnie the Poo and Tigger drawn before that photo of Xi and Obama was taken? Because if it was, pretty epic coincidence! Also lol'ed hard at Trevor saying "Tigger please!" There was comedy gold to be mined from Ann Coulter's whinny snowflake crybaby behavior on her Delta flight. But Roy hit well below his average with his self entitled flight passenger performance. It took away from the glorious hypocrisy Coulter displayed with her twitter rant of white First World problems. BTW, can we stop with the idea that Coulter's right wing attitude is all an act?
  17. I don't think I'm going to like the new correspondent, Michael Kosta. He looks too smarmy and annoying and full of himself. Well I guess they have to fill their white male quota of correspondents once Jordan leaves for his own show. "Two legged brain foreclosure". BWAH! Perfectly illustrates Drumph Jr. Hell, it perfectly illustrates the entire Drumph administration. Especially within the inner circle.
  18. Bill's at it again, making a complete ass of himself. Bill Maher Jokes About North Korea And Asian Nail Salon Workers, Twitter Cringes. This guy learns nothing from his ignorance.
  19. I loved watching Elizabeth Warren's optimism and enthusiasm for America's future. I wish I could feel the same way.
  20. Trevor's talk about Philando Castile's death is right up there with Jon's speech after 9/11. Moving and powerful. The only thing missing was the hope for the future Jon talked about, because how the fuck can anyone find anything hopeful after watching that dashboard video last night? Especially if your black or half black like Trevor, which was probably the main reason he spoke about it the way he did. Of course one can honestly think that the jurors who decided the murdering cop wasn't guilty of his crime - evidence notwithstanding - are the same type of people found in Trevor's previous piece who kept whining "Why do you keep hating our President? Give Donald Trump a chance!" The same type of people who, eight years earlier at this very time, were already organizing Tea Party rallies against the "Nazi Marxist Islamic Atheist from Kenya" occupying the White House and claimed was making America awful. You know...racists.
  21. The next time piece of shit Bill Donohoe shoots his pie hole off insulting people and who they are, someone needs to ask this holier than thou colposcopy bag why he's defending pedophile priests. Is it because he's a pedophile himself? Is it because he fanaticizes having sex with little boys, the fucking scum? Why the fuck would anyone have a problem with this bill? Interesting B&W portion last night. Reminds me of the kind of stuff Samantha did on TDS. It was also angering/depressing to watch because we're at a point where lying on camera has no consequence.
  22. I'll take Ollie's word that that was indeed Lord Buckethead in the middle of his stage. But it would have been even better if he gave him the opportunity to speak. I knew that they would give Adam West an opening credit tribute. KAPOWUS!
  23. I wish TDS wasn't trying to pimp Jordan's upcoming special given Thursday's events. It looked so tacky. It would have been interesting if Trevor and crew had mentioned something about McCain's rambling questioning at the Comey hearing. If he wasn't classified as a rambling old man with no coherent though before, he definitely should be now. As for the past week, Michelle was spot on about Megyn Kelly, but Trevor was not. Kelly has a history of asking "tough initial questions" to her guests, but then fails to follow up on her interrogations when her guests hit back. It was the same SOP when she was interviewing Dick Cheney a couple of years ago. Megyn Kelly is a highly overrated interviewer.
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