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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. Ronnie's been hitting it out of the park lately. Natural selection should have done its thing on that Aussie dumbass.
  2. Isn't Neil Gorsuch a great guy with his down home mannerisms, his gosh aww shucks demeanor, and his open love for his wife of so many years. Why its more than enough to make the public forget that he's a WASPish version of Antonin Scalia who wants to roll back all the advancements made in society over the past 50 years and who's about to become a Supreme Court justice because treacherous Republicans, led by the vile evil scum drippings known as Mitch McConnell, severely cock blocked Obama's pick for the bench Merrick Garland in manners unheard of and never before seen. AMERICA FUCK...
  3. Isn't it great that Roger Ailes isn't running Fox News anymore? GAAAA, no one should be surprised that they still have such enormous clout with Republicans and the country. Interesting that the FBI is investigating Drumph's Russian ties. But given the way James Comey made that entire Hillary email nothingburger from last year, I have no reason to believe they'll have any success. Loved the interview with Bassem (and no Omarosa, so even better). TDS needs to make him their Middle East contributor the way Jon did.
  4. They say, in the entertainment industry, never work with children (or animals) as they will steal the act from you. This week, we saw two hilarious examples of that with the child and infant breaking in and interrupting their father in the middle of his BBC interview, and the child asking its electronic device for a kids game, only to respond to the child with a menu of porn sites to choose from. The parents response was equally hilarious. Both gave me the biggest laughs of the week. Ronnie is great at passive aggressive snark.
  5. Oh fuck, just kick Omarosa off and give both segments to Bassem, whydoncha?!!
  6. What's interesting, in watching last night's episode, is that there are many conservatives out there that think Paul Ryan's version of Ayn Randian health care in America is a bad idea. Sen. Tom Cotton (who I'm surprised Ollie didn't use last night) said it could very well destroy the GOP's chances for the 2018 midterms as well as the presidency in 2020. If some of those GOP senators don't grow a spine and decide to vote party first as usual, then it's all up to Drumph to decide whether he signs off on the destruction of Obamacare or vetoes it. And who knows what kind of a mood that tangerine nightmare will be in at that time. Of course if they do destroy Obamacare, then Republicans will quickly find a way to distract the public's attention by dangling something shiny in front of them - like a ground war in the Middle East, which they can also use to bash Muslims around some more. And the media will eagerly oblige them as it gives them something else to cover instead of something icky like Obamacare's repeal and how it will affect millions. All the while making it more difficult for more Americans to vote, because ELECTION FRAUD! And they will remain in power, forever and ever, Amen. (yes, I am that cynical) I rolled my eyes when I heard it was WikiLeaks that was behind the document dump of the CIA. Julian Assange stopped being a credible source of information a long time ago - if he ever had any credibility to begin with.
  7. That might have been Michelle's best TDS segment. She really captured the true essence of Ivanka Trump and why nobody should believe her to be the conscience of the Drumph clan.
  8. I honestly thought Trevor was having difficulty opening that Russian nesting doll. I had a big laugh of the spring coiled snake popping out of that thing as well as Trevor's reaction to it. I also had a big laugh over how Trevor used those gavels.
  9. Never got that impression either. But what I did hear was Trevor telling Ollie that he had the only late night show that gets away with big time swearing, completely forgetting or ignoring Bill Maher from Ollie's own network. lol! I did wish they brought up Steve Harvey from all that Oscar cockuping.
  10. I'm surprised that that Bill Akins douche didn't get severely gang beaten for being a lying ass condescending disdainful bag of shit to that audience. He was certainly deserving of one. Think that weatherman noticed Ollie was mocking him for his off script comments that mean jack shit? This is the second time he's appeared on the show. I was actually thinking of a different crustacean when Ollie brought up something to represent the incoming judge that that turd-el Mitch McConnell cock blocked into the Supreme Court for his doggie court. A crab. They can be ornery, have a stronger claw pinch per square pound than a lobster, and there are many different species to choose from, whereas there's less variety to choose a lobster. Although I suppose it would be difficult - and dangerous - to try and dress a crab up in a Supreme Court justice robe without losing any fingers.
  11. Anybody think Trevor will lead off tonight's show with last night's Best Picture Oscar fiasco and then somehow end the segment by telling Steve Harvey he's off the hook?
  12. What a surprise. NOT! As I've said before: Hypocrite, thy name is Bill Fucking Maher!
  13. The better focus should be on why voters keep electing fucking imbeciles, like Sam Brownback, into office. These scumbags clearly want to continue hurting them and they seem fine by it.
  14. The hypocrisy Bill has displayed in the past seven days has been astonishing. Moreso than the Harris/Affleck dustup from a couple of years ago. Now whether HBO takes notice and does something about it is an entirely different manner.
  15. Oh I so fuckin' wanna put on a pair of brass knuckles and repeatedly smash Bill in the mouth for trying to take credit in assholeMilo's downfall. He never knew about Milo's disgusting comments that brought his attention whoring act to a screeching halt. He brought him on to defend his right to say horrible and offensive shit without retribution, verbally stroke his ego and penis, and chastise his audience for "taking the bait", even though he deliberately set the bait himself. And now he has the gall to say "you're welcome" about "playing a role" in his demise? Hypocrite: Thy name is Bill Fucking Maher! Between his Islamophobia, his diaper baby act over political correctness, and now this, Bill has lost all right to lecture liberals about anything coming out of his own attention whoring mind and mouth. He deserves his own downfall.
  16. Anyone know if there's a new show tomorrow? I can never trust them delivering something new or just a rerun.
  17. Nothing that Ollie said about Putin came as a surprise to me - except for the part about his agents taking a shit on someone's car hood (yuck!). Perhaps Ollie should have been more harsh on most of those on the right who, in the past, have been praising Putin as a strong leader while blasting Obama as being weak by comparison. A lot more noise needs to be made about Drumph's bromance with Putin. When Drumph singles out Fox and Friends as being a great news show, you just know how lousy and laughable it really is. Bravo Ollie! Actually, Natasha Romanoff - aka, the Black Widow - debuted in the 1960s as a villainous femme fatale Soviet spy, with brunette hair and sexy dresses of that time, to go up against capitalist Iron Man. Her only abilities were to charm and seduce men to do her bidding, such as a very green and naïve Hawkeye. It wasn't until years later when she defected to the West and got a complete and total makeover, including becoming a redhead, that she became the kickass boss superhero we know today.
  18. Paul Ryan has all the courage of a puppy cowering under a thunderstorm. The fact that some people think they see strength in him is as laughable as Drumph as president.
  19. Brian Doyle (Bro of Bill) Murray was perfect playing President Grandpa in that comedy promo. He was on Sullivan and Son playing a racist troll of a barfly named Hank. Another patron of that bar was Roy. After that joint press conference with Drumph, I bet Benjamin Netanyahu wishes Obama was still president. Brilliant of TDS to turn Drumph's tweets into an eight year old's writing. It makes perfect sense that way.
  20. Or maybe the bookers feel they need to stroke Bill's over inflated ego.
  21. So how soon before one of these reporters drags Giant-toe-for-a-head Stephen Miller down to the boiler room for a thorough beating? I have even money on Jake Tapper throwing the fists and connecting at this douche. HOLY SHIT!!! Drumph conducts a classified meeting out in the open for the general public to view?!! If Obama or Hillary had did that...oh who's kidding whom, neither one of them would have done that because they're not fucking insane morons like Drumph! Can someone also please drag Zuckerburg down to the boiler room for Tapper to beat him as well?
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