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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. Love that the show is back. Ollie is right in saying that those high schoolers are mature and brave for taking a stand against gun violence by organizing a nationwide march next month. But he was very, very underwhelming when he said they were up against it. Because if they have any hope for a glimmer of success, they'd better be ready to engage in the fight of their young lives. Because their opposition is unbendable and cruel. And will do anything and everything to make their lives miserable. Gabby Giffords and her astronaut husband can't do it. The parents of the victims of the Sandy Hook massacre can't do it. And they're already licking their lips at a group of teenagers whom they already have plenty of disdain over for other reasons. The idea of China filling in the world leadership vacuum is quite uneasy, as Ollie pointed out. But I don't know if I feel the same way about Germany. Yes, they did a lot of bad shit in the early part of the last century, but they were forced in a big way to look at and own up to their sins. Plus, they were still paying the price with the country split up into east and west nations with their largest city Berlin walled up around them. Even after the country was reunified, they've become a more open minded and tolerant nation. At least far more so than in the distant past.
  2. Sigh. Why the fuck does Bill continue to make an ass of himself over women's issues? He has no ground for which to stand on and he comes off as a whinny little suck every time he brings it up. He sure sounds like he has something in his past to hide.
  3. I could never get past seeing Roy with that polymer mustache glued to his upper lip on his CP Time segments. It looks moreso unnatural, and throws off everything he's saying.
  4. Adam Schiff came out looking pretty good. I hope he has bigger ambitions for the country besides being a congressman. All the more reason why I wouldn't be surprised if Bill WAS caught up in a sexual harassment allegation, given his 1960s Mad Men attitude towards women, past and present, if someone like Jenna Jameson is to be believed. In fact, Bill needs to just STFU altogether about women's issues, like the MeToo movement, because his sexist, misogynistic attitude, past and present, makes him look disingenuous and dishonest altogether - and kind of like Drumph. Which makes him look really bad on behalf of liberals. And I don't believe Bill doesn't hire women so that he wouldn't be tempted to go after them sexually. I think Bill doesn't think they can do the job of comedy properly.
  5. Bill is such a delicate snowflake when the audience oooz just a tiny bit over one of his jokes not going over well 100% with them. When will HE ever learn to get the fuck over himself? ( trick question, seeing as he never will because he's so full of himself)
  6. Jon spent years exposing the hypocrisy and bullshit Lumpy Hannity spewed out of his shithole. None more memorable perhaps than his guest appearance on LSSC a couple of years ago. But Lumpy gets away with it because the Murdochs and Fox News give him the greenlight to do so in order to successfully push the right's agenda to an ill informed audience. And, as @lookeyloo pointed out, his fanbase won't bother or care to know Lumpy is disingenuous and lying to them. But it is comforting to know Trevor is stepping up his attacks on Lumpy, and on Fox News as they have proven to be very influential on Drumph's stupid agenda to wreck havoc on America.
  7. Thanks @Lantern7, And yes indeed, the folks were well behaved. I should know this because I WAS THERE! Inside BMO Field, watching and cheering the Reds, in the supporters section, on to their first MLS Cup to cap off the greatest season in Major League Soccer history! :D The entire partying area in the city took place in the confines of Liberty Village, where there are plenty of bars/restaurants in the area that are also the HQ of the various supporters groups, as well as a sectioned off fan zone where fans could watch the match on a giant wide screen. After the match, the area was in a fun celebratory mood with lots of whooping and hollering, huggings and high fives - none of the hooliganism that took place in Philadelphia this past Sunday. The only damage we supporters instigated were to our own livers from all the celebratory drinking we did post match at our respective watering holes (I was introduced to the deliciousness of Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey by the former mayor of Toronto, David Miller). When I got back to my hotel, the downtown area was just another Saturday night. Everyone was going off on their own business, as if they didn't know one of their teams just won a huge championship. Interestingly, I was living in Toronto in the early 90s when the Blue Jays won back to back World Series. After the Jays won both series, all the streets of downtown - north and south, east and west - were clogged with revellers running down the streets yelling and screaming in joy and giving high fives everywhere. No reports of damage occurred, no arrests were made. The millions that were celebrating were also well behaved, unlike Philadelphia and elsewhere. Of course one only wonders what would happen if the Maple Leafs were to end their 50 years plus Stanley Cup drought. Especially if it happened on a warm June weekend.
  8. Yuck! I didn't need to keep seeing the idiot Eagles fan with horseshit in his mouth. A Tide pod would have done wonders at that point. And I just assume that really wasn't a tray of shit Trevor was serving. Perhaps Trevor wasn't fully aware of North America's long standing traditions of some cities' people tearing up their streets after a team of theirs wins a championship - or in Vancouver's case, when they lose. Of course we don't get Drumph and the right claiming victory over the release of the Nunes memo. It wasn't meant for rational thinking people. It was meant to comfort and stir up support of the 35% of people who think Drumph's doing a bang up job as president, and who will most definitely get out and vote in November's midterms because those treasonous America hatin' liberals want to take away what they think is theirs. That's why you have Lumpy Hannity spewing out his daily horseshit on behalf of Drumph. I miss J. Willy. She's lookin' real good.
  9. It would have been even more perfect if TDS had inserted, between the Hannity shit bits, one of those SpongeBob SquarePants style show placards with the words "40 SECONDS LATER" with someone saying it in that mock Jacques Cousteau accent that show uses.
  10. Not by much. Drumph attacked Rosie O'Donnell because she's a woman. Not because she's Irish, like him (or half of him, because he's half Jewish, which he seems never to bring up). But then, Bill sees the need to make it about himself. And he still can't get over some people oohing his jokes because he's such a snowflake.
  11. Funny thing. In his less than 2½ years hosting TDS, Trevor managed to get as many hockey personalities onto the show as Jon did in his more than 16½ years during his time. And Jon waited till he was one foot out the door before inviting someone like Slava Fetisov as a guest. Loved the P.K. Subban interview. I always knew he was a superior class act as well as a great player. Too bad some thought his personality was too much for a "Good Canadian Hockey Boy", which is why I thought that was a big reason Montreal traded him to Nashville a couple of years ago - and why it looked so good that the Predators made it all the way to the Stanley Cup Final last year, while the Habs got skunked early in the playoffs. I wanted to violently throw up watching all those Fox News hacks give Drumph a verbal tongue bath last night. Disgusting and disgraceful. But that seems to be the standard the Lardass in Chief expects all media personalities to perform for him.
  12. Regarding Monday's show. If Michael Wolff is writing down what he is observing, ie the Drumph presidency, then publishing it for all to see, then that DOES make him a reporter. Thus he needs to be forthcoming with what he saw and not try to play coy with the people he hopes to sell his book too. What he did with Trevor at the end left a bad taste in my mouth. Wolff just comes off as another Kitty Kelley, IMO. WTF were they trying to do with Desi and Dolce in that lame piece about the women's marches. They looked like half ass attempts of Kathie Lee and Hoda on the Today show. Next time, just just turn the camera on Michelle Wolf and let her speak her mind. I do like that Trevor's OOH jar is becoming a running gag every time the audience ooohs and groans over a bad joke. A very clever and fun way of dealing with audience disapproval. Some talk show hosts should take note of that and learn, Bill Maher!
  13. But far too often, we hear Bill whining about how Islam is horrible and so are the people who practice it and how political correctness is ruining society and causing liberals to lose elections. Not to mention other stuff like telling people how to dress in public. He can be every bit the insufferable stick in the mud asshole as the right wingers he attacks. Bill is no help to liberals.
  14. First show of the year/season, and Bill is in dire need of having his ugly butter face savagely slapped into concussion and his mouth fist blasted of all his teeth. Bill, your "joke" of so-called you groping Bob Saget was lame and not funny, and deserved to be called out on, the way Samantha Bee did on her show. And your whining about so-called political correctness ruining progressives hopes of overcoming Drumph is continuously lame and pathetic. You don't help, you've never helped. You only aid those on the right who continue their support of Drumph wreaking havoc on the nation. If you so hope to see liberals reclaim the mantle of government in November, then YOU GODDAMN SMARTEN THE FUCK UP AND CONCENTRATE ON BEING CONSTRUCTIVELY FUNNY, YOU WHINNY LITTLE BITCH!!! YOU GODDAMN FUCKING UNDERSTAND?!!!!
  15. Apologize to Drumph's personal doctor? Fuck that, Trevor! I don't buy what that doctor, who just did his physical, has to say about Drumph being healthy. If he's 239 pounds, then I'm the father of Margo Robbie's love child!
  16. Personally, I think they should let those idiots just eat those Tide pods. It would help to thin out the herd from stupid people, thus decrease the surplus population. I liked that they put a speech from Martin Luther King on his birthday as the MoZ. Nice touch of class after all the Drumph shit we've had to endure.
  17. God, I hate that fucking Fight song. It's just an overhyped pop song IMO. Plus, it doesn't stack up well to the show's theme song by Peaches, which kicks ass. An interesting POV from Samantha about the Fire and Fury book. Very skeptical and eye candy dangly, but it wouldn't be out of step with anything Drumph does. I did however liked that Samantha applied a burn to Bill Maher. Can we get Stacey Abrams elected to something big? I'll take her any day over Oprah.
  18. I get a big laugh when Trevor does that. Can we PLEASE not have anymore celebrities running for president? No Oprah, No Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, no Mark Cuban. Not until you've actually DONE time in office and understand how it works. The idiots in the audience cheering for a Oprah 2020 candidacy are why America has such huge problems. And, with so much other stuff going on, can we save all the football stuff until around the Super Bowl please?
  19. I lolled over Trevor describing the lame bomb attempt at the Port Authority bus terminal because you'd have to think it was all true. Especially the masturbator part. Pete Souza was a great guest. I hope the trolling pictures he posts makes Drumph's blood pressure rise to dangerous levels.
  20. I quite liked Gina last night. Her entire take on Prince Harry marrying an African American actress was rather amusing IMO. Particularily her reaction to the audience groaning over her Kennedy joke. Matt Lauer loses his job because of years of harassing women. Of course IMO, he should have been fired for his most monstrous example of harassing a woman. His hit job on Hillary Clinton in last years one on one presidential interviews for NBC, the fucking asshole!
  21. Only if you missed last night's show. :) It was like someone had set up that entire "Bernie Bernstein" thing just so Jon could make his surprise visit. Trevor, for all of his brilliant accents, could never get that kind of voice.
  22. So when was Mel Gibson a part of Hollywood's liberal illuminati? Samantha's suggestion to Alabama that they be better than Hollywood in keeping Roy Moore out of the U.S. Senate sounds like a good idea. In theory. I have a feeling many Alabamans would take that advise and vote in Moore so they can turn around and go "Haw-haw, look at all the butthurt libtard snowflakes! Haw-haw, their tears are delish!" The idea of Mike Pence as the next president is frightening, as Samantha described. But if it's true that Pence was deeply involved with Russia's meddling in last year's presidential election, then he might not have that opportunity to be the 46th President.
  23. That fucking idiot on the MoZ. Holy fuck! I mean...wow! Would someone smack that douchebag upside the head and everyone like him in Alabama! I felt the same way Trevor did about Mitch McConnell's opinion about Roy Moore.
  24. They cut out the Tom Hanks bit here on HBO Canada, fucking bastards! It looked like Tom Hanks from behind to me. A lot of what Ollie said about Drumph's modus operandi was frustrating and depressing. Especially when others on the right adopt those same methods.. But he did bring up some hope at the end, especially with last Tuesday's election results (and Ollie never even brought up the ongoing Mueller investigation, which will grow bigger as 2018 marches on). But they have to keep going on it, because the right will never, ever give up and will do whatever it takes to pull off victory. I'm surprised Ollie never brought up the gift he gave Scranton. That may have been one of the biggest things he pulled off this past year.
  25. Great, just what the world needs. Double the characters on Twitter. As if Drumph's tweets weren't bad enough. Now they'll be twice as bad with twice the space. Someone needs to laughingly tell shitty pizza baron robber John Schnatter that aligning himself so tightly with Drumph and Republicans gets himself unwanted fans from Nazis and other racist groups. When you lie with dogs, you get fleas. Nasty ones. I was laughing at Rand Paul's fight with his neighbor that left him with broken ribs. The right was trying to spin this as the neighbor being a liberal Democrat who attacked Paul because he hated his politics and what he stood for, when all it was was continuous petty squabbling by two men over leaving grass clippings and twigs on the others property. Of course, looking at the aerial view of the area, both properties are enormous which makes the squabbles even more petty. Such childish men these two.
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