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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. I know HBO has money coming out of their sphincters, but it still amazes me the kind of shit Ollie can get away with in using their money. It's like he's embezzling it for his own purposes - or not exactly his own, as in the case last night. It was painful watching all those clips of that fucking idiot Ari Melber quoting rappers and their lyrics. One of his guests should just grab him by the scruff of the collar and yell into his face, on live TV, "Knock it the fuck off, white boy!"
  2. The New Rules sermon would have been better said from someone who was more willing to accept change from society instead of one who has made a history of whining about the way people's attitudes evolved, like Bill has done on more than one occasion.
  3. Too much Michael Kostas for my liking last night. :P Going back to Monday's show, Trevor perfectly grasped the reality of Scott Pruitt. Doesn't matter how slimy and corrupt Pruitt's behavior is over his fleecing of the public and his extravagant, nauseating lifestyle as head of the EPA, as long as he guts everything there - especially the stuff Obama put in place - Drumpf will be very pleased with what that prickhole is doing. Hell, he'd probably ask him for some grafter tips.
  4. Bill went on record to tell her to shut up and go away, which is exactly the opposite of what he claims to stand for in freedom of speech. And she's only a so-called boogeyman because of all the decades of lies and misogynistic hatred emanating from both the right and the far left that eventually led to her "defeat" to serial liar/sociopath Drumpf by a suspected razor thin margin in the EC. AFAIC, she should be allowed to speak out if she so pleases, if for no other reason than her ability to craw under Drumpf's very thin skin.
  5. So, according to Mr. Free Speech himself, Laura Ingraham shouldn't be subjected to an advertiser boycott because of her gutter attack on David Hogg, yet Hillary Clinton needs to go away and never be heard from again for "losing" to Drumpf in the election. That's a mighty strange definition of freedom of speech you got going there, Bill. :-\ Bill would make a God awful parent who's kids would pen a Daddy Dearest like book.
  6. I enjoyed seeing the Anthony Atamanuik version of Drumpf last night. Of all the Drumpf impersonators out there, Atamanuik's is the best because he perfectly captures both Drumpf's buffoonery, and, more importantly, his childish dark side in a way others can't. I hope there's new episodes of The President Show soon. I find them much more preferable than that obnoxious loudmouth, Jim Jefferies. That Heineken ad was just...wow! WTF, a-holes? Loved how Roy and Dulce helped sooth that sting with that fake ad of theirs. Sean Penn. Great actor, ginormous douchebag.
  7. Good show, good New Rules. Ironic how the late Andrew Breitbart wanted to break into Hollywood as a comedy writer, considering all the crap he published on his own website and in his books are laughable.
  8. As someone who proudly does not have a Facebook account, it warms me to see that punchable face Mark Zuckerberg squirm and sweat over the way his company handled giving Cambridge Analytical all that data while profiting off of it. I hope (but I doubt) that this is the beginning of the end of that gray t-shirted douchebag.
  9. There have been FAR TOO MANY TIMES when Bill went mega diva over the audience not finding his so called "jokes" funny. Asshole had better fucking understand that he doesn't deserve applause every time he attempts a "joke".
  10. A couple of problems I have with Bill's New Rules sermon. 1) Democratic candidates need to appeal to these red districts if they're to have any chance of winning them. The district Conor Lamb won Tuesday has been so GOP dominated that Democrats never even bothered fielding candidates on a couple of occasions. It not what you want, but rather what you have to deal with. Then get them to come around later on. As was sung by the Rolling Stones; You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, you get what you need. And 2), Bill is giving those on the far left, that he has chastised on more than one occasion, ammunition to make their case that "both sides" are dirty and corrupt and that only third party choices, like Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein, are what's needed to save America. Thus splitting the left further and allowing the likes of Drumpf and other Republicans to win elections. You'd think Bill would think this through first, but then thinking has never been his strong suit. Anyone ever seen Last Week Tonight with John Oliver's And Now... fillers about Billy Bush, which shows him to be a sexist douche around attractive women, and him playing Chester to Drumpf's Spike? Well, fuck that guy! I don't feel the least bit sorry for his downfall. I'd imagine the only reason Bill was trying to "rehabilitate" him was he thought him to be every bit the pig he is.
  11. Trevor righteously smacking Tucker "Dick" Carlson down was a thing of beauty. When Trevor tells you "GTFO!", you know you've done some stupid shit.
  12. The BIL must have seen Tucker Carlson's special about men and their accomplishments throughout history on the same day as International Women's Day. Something I would have thought Ollie would have shown, because Tucker Carlson doesn't get enough ridicule in his pathetic life. After watching the main story about Bitcoins and cryptocurrencies, I know as much about them as when I started watching it. Which is Jack! Squat! Which is why I have no interest in them whatsoever. Keegan Michael Key at the end for the win!
  13. Bill chastising liberals about Drumpf's upcoming meeting with NK's Kim, and also blaming them for putting Drumph in the White House because of their so-called "identity politics", among other examples, is why Bill doesn't deserve to be a voice that liberals need to hear anymore. He thinks he's being edgy and forward thinking with his contrarian outlooks when in reality he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. And I'm going to come out and say that the reason we saw that whiner Bari Weiss again in three weeks is because Bill's bookers are having a difficult time getting guests to come on his show. That people are getting fed up with his horrible attitude and his growing obnoxious ways that they don't want anything to do with him. That's probably why we're only seeing a two person panel every so often.
  14. Charlie Daniels can go straight to Hell, where he can get into a fiddling contest with the Devil. And lose, so that Satan can do his worst on Daniels, that shit on a stick.
  15. Samantha's back, all guns a blazin' - metaphorically speaking. Tying the NRA in to Scientology was brilliant. And tying the mass murderers of America to the right wing agenda, like the Parkland shooter, is something that needs to be drummed in mercilessly. And if the snowflakes of the right get all pissy about Samantha's methods, then TOUGH!
  16. Reese Witherspoon has an arrest wrap to her name. She's not worthy enough to carry Oprah's bra strap, be that as it may.
  17. I was thinking about InfoWars and the piece Ollie did last year about them and how Alex Jones was nothing but a snake oil salesman trying to peddle his shitty products. And how NRA TV works the same way. NRA TV might be stupid, but in its quest to peddle firearms to a fearful and suspicious audience, they are a dangerous tool for the NRA.
  18. BTW, in case you were wondering, this is the video in question. Warning: It is very, very dated. Enjoy.
  19. It just makes you burn the way Drumpf treated Jorge Ramos at that press conference with nothing but hatred and contempt. But to his idiots supporters, they were loving it. That kind of attitude makes you wonder if America can truly get over itself. Good thing I muted the sound just before Ben Carson spoke. I've never been a fan of fart memes, or fart anything. I made one back in 2009 after Toronto FC came back to defeat Montreal 6-1 in the Canadian Champions League tournament, after needing a win by at least a four goal difference in the game in order to win it all. It became know to us TFC supporters as The Miracle In Montreal. I made Hitler and his Nazi stooges out to be the brain trust of the Columbus Crew - our major MLS rivals at the time - who were going over their opponents in their group stage for the upcoming CONCACAF Champions League tournament. The guy talking to Hitler mentioned that one of their possible opponents were "the champions of Canada". Hitler chuckles saying Toronto FC won't be one of their opponents as they don't stand a chance against Montreal. That's when they told him the bad news about TFC winning and advancing and... well, you can only imagine what happens next. You have to be a fan of Toronto FC to love it and appreciate it. Something my fellow supporters did as they watched it and thoroughly enjoyed it. Those memes work very well in a sporting theme. Less so with politics, depending on which side of the spectrum you fall under.
  20. Hasan was the last remaining person left over from when Jon was the host. Unless you count Lewis, who's been with the show since year one when Craig Kilborn was hosting. Wonder who between Desi, Ronny and Roy is now the top correspondent by seniority?
  21. Perhaps because they live their lives in sadness and misery and have forgotten how to laugh. That was reported in The Daily Beast a year ago. But I came across that story yesterday before TDS came on from this site.
  22. I think part of the deal here is that they go through an enormous amount of research and investigation into the main stories they cover. I think they would want to do a thorough job of presenting a story that was recent like the Florida high school shootings, and that would take time. And there is something to the Italian elections that are important, like the fact the country has the third largest economy in the EU, and that turning it over to someone like that assface Berlusconi and/or that spooky fascist, with both Drumpf and Putin in the background, is something we need to be concerned with.
  23. Oh dear fuck Italy. Please tell us you're seriously not going to return that assclown Silvio Berlusconi to power. And with a worse supporting cast. That guy is the living embodiment of herpes. Still, I was kind of half expecting Ollie to bring out Andy Zaltzman to talk about this further, seeing as the two of them enjoyed mocking his sorry ass when they were doing the Bugle podcast.
  24. I'm not gonna hold my breath waiting for that to happen. Trevor seemed extremely impressed with the high schoolers demanding there be change to the way America sees guns. Which is why I was rather disappointed he brought up the whole Tide pod dare craze at the end. Because it's people, like that fucking idiot we saw on LWTwJO, who will use that as an example of what is wrong with the nation's youth and will try to tie that, among others, as a means to discredit them and their movement. I haven't seen Black Panther, but I plan to this weekend. Will I be alright? I noticed watching the show, Marco Rubio looks like a Ferengi with his ears out like that.
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