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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. Actually Bill, nobody asked you to comment about comic books on your show. We get it, you still think they're for children, despite the fact that they're absolutely nothing like they once were when you were a child. That there's more intelligence and creativity in them than it used to be. Which is the fucking point you keep missing about why Stan Lee was so honored after his death. And by attacking those who enjoy comic books today, you did take a swipe at Stan Lee whether you realize it or not (or care). But I'm sure everyone will heed the advice of a chronic pot smoking sexist misogynistic bachelor in his sixties, who thinks using stereotypes as comic material is funny, about how to be a grown up. Especially those who do have families of their own and still enjoy comic books, like Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart, Jimmy Kimmel, and other peers of yours who are more revered than you ever hope to be. PS, if you feel that adamant about comic books and the industry around it, then give back the money you made from appearing in a cameo in Iron Man 3, you fucking hypocrite. As I've stated before, when you give Ann Coulter a platform to spew her shit, she wins! Doesn't matter if Bill thinks shining a light on her acts like a disinfectant, Coulter looks at it like a spotlight to use for speaking her mind. And it wouldn't surprise me the least if her and her pal Bill went to a bar afterwards to have a good laugh from all that.
  2. I, like Trevor, also never heard Robert Mueller speak. But it was funny of Trevor to try and attempt what he sounds like with different voices and accents. But I beg him PLEASE don't bring in Gilbert Gottfried to do a voice over for Mueller. That should be reserved for those deserving of mocking, like Jared Kushner.
  3. When one party represents the rights of women and the issues closest to them, like abortion and workplace harassment, and the other party has a terrible time concealing their dislike of women and their issues, it's a little bit difficult for that one party to champion their concerns if they try and brush off serious allegations of one of their own like it was nothing, lest they receive a non stop barrage of (hypocritical) criticism from the right. This is something that tends to go over the pointy head of someone like He-Man Woman Hater Bill.
  4. First show of the year, and Bill is already in full insufferable Whinny Little Bitch™ mode. With all the shit that's been going down recently, from the shutdown to the BuzzFeed story, Bill felt it very important to defend Bernie Sanders from the accusations about male members of his campaign team sexually harassing female members under his nose - and to throw in poor old Al Franken for good measure - while attacking the left for "eating their own". If St. Bernie is unaware of something like this happening behind his back, what would it be like if, God forbid, he were to become president, pushing eighty and automatically being the oldest person presiding in the White House? But no, Bill feels it's important to stand by people when they do stupid bad stuff the way Republicans do. Bravo to the panel for verbally smacking Bill around for saying misogynistic shit like that. Bill has every right to invite the disgusting Ann Coulter on. It's his show and Coulter is somewhat newsworthy given her part in the shutdown. But Bill is the one who needs to suck it and stop attacking the audience when they boo her. Especially given how Bill is somewhat responsible for her rise in the first place.
  5. Yo Trev. We Canadians may be friendly, but if Drumpf ever considered the possibility of making us pay for his border wall, we'd haul him off to Ottawa in the dead of winter, strip him down to his skivvies, tie his limbs up to a hockey net parked on a frozen Rideau Canal, and take turns firing slapshots at his wide ass body. Loved all the different freaky facial expressions of Giuliani on the MoZ. He is truly a bizarre individual in the nicest way possible.
  6. Trevor, Stephen, and Seth are the best at capturing the childish stupidity of Drumpf.
  7. How about the Avro Arrow? Or the Great Canadian Flag Debate of the early 1960s? THAT would be worthy of a Drunk History episode. About last night's episode. I think Trevor missed a golden opportunity regarding Drumpf and the fast food burgers he served to the Clemson players. He could have suggested that it was all a ploy on Drumpf's part to save all the leftover burgers for himself, then have them in his bedroom so he could say, with the style of voice Trevor uses to mock Drumpf, "AT LAST, YOU'RE MINE! ALLLLL MIIIIIINE!!! (NOM-NOM-NOM-NOM-NOM-NOM-NOM!)"
  8. I like watching Drunk History. And I thought the Drumpf History bit was quite clever - I mean, how can you listen to this orange oaf and not think he's on some sort of substance. I just wish Derek Waters didn't reveal to us how the sausage was made. How can someone remain drunk for eight hours straight? I can't! (Lord knows I've tried) I'd like to know when they're going to create Drunk History Canada for us hosers. They made a show for Brits, why not us? We're great at comedy (naturally), we cherish our history, and we love us some drinky drinks. We have our own beer, we created Canadian whisky, and we created our own cocktail, the Ceaser - made with Clamato juice, vodka and lotsa spices. If they can make Iron Chef Canada, then they can make Drunk History Canada.
  9. Quite liked the episode. Young Brackenreid had to have been on quite an emotional rollercoaster the entire episode. First he gets showered with praise from The Man himself, Detective Murdoch, even though he lucked out royally in capturing the convicted felon. Then, he FUBARs it by allowing the felon to escape custody, leaving him wondering how William - and his father - will react to such a boneheaded move (it really looks bad when George chews you out for such a mistake). And then, while in pursuit, starts to realize that perhaps she might be innocent of murdering her mother, starts to investigate, and then captures the real killer. Finally having to confront William about his little adventure afterwards. And while disapproving of allowing her to escape, congratulates him for uncovering a truth that no one bothered to look at. Because if there's one thing Detective Murdoch values more than anything, it's the truth. This might have been the first episode where William was completely casted into an episode's lighter storyline. It's hilarious to see him lose himself over a book of police procedures.
  10. I'm going to take a stab at this and say that Toronto was where South African soccer legend Jomo Sono played a few successful years with the old North American Soccer League Toronto Blizzard.
  11. Well this just made my day! Trevor receives a customized Toronto FC jersey from FIFA gamer ChuBoi.
  12. Maybe Trevor should have ask Jon who financial Louis CK was. The guy Jon kicked his ass all over the studio ten years ago.
  13. That reporter who jostled with that lying bag of bones in the MoZ was being very gracious to her than she deserved. A state of emergency over the end of Friends, Trevor? Hell, I'd declare it a national holiday with everyone taking the day off.
  14. A new calendar year, and still more face time for Kosta. Ugh! Quite a segment regarding R Kelly. Great music, but a piece of shit. Roy really nailed him. Malala has been a fascinating woman throughout her life. The fact that she's grown more in her role as a spokesperson for women's rights worldwide is even more impressive. Good thing I stay up to watch through to the MoZ. What are they showing on CC that allows TDS to go past the 30 minute mark.
  15. Especially his mocking Drumpf voice, which is preferable to the real thing.
  16. I always thought there was something odd and offputting about that "detective". Good thing he was captured in the end. Same can't be said for that captain who slithered off in the end with William's "motor". We'll probably end up seeing him again sometime soon. I still believe Brackenreid will be back together with the family, probably at the end of the season or carried over to the beginning of the next season. Looking at next week's preview, it seems we'll see little if any of William on the next episode, and tons of George, Young Brackenreid, and Watts.
  17. What @ABAY and @IMONREY said. Plus the fact that white Christian pensioners get a massive boner listening to what this empty vessel has to say. We celebrate the pagan life of Our God, Tim Horton. In case anyone was interested.
  18. Unless Walker packed the state courts with far right judges ready to uphold his far right sickness. I have serious doubts this gets overthrown, even if this gets all the way to the Supreme Court, which is my original point.
  19. Unless the five right wingers on the U.S. Supreme Court rule that they were all within their rights to impose and pass the bills because Fuck You, That's Why!!!
  20. ^^And doing a hilarious job of it as well. Neil Brennen was such an asshole in that segment. Why take joy out of children's lives? Anyone else notice the show was running longer than usual?
  21. Not a fan of Kathy Griffin. But that was bullshit with what she just went through.
  22. Still didn't like the whole Trevor silent while the correspondents talked thing. I just hope Trevor's voice comes back this week and we don't have to put up with this whole nonsense again.
  23. They were better off playing a rerun last night. None of the correspondents showed they could carry a show in Trevor's absence.
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