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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. ^^THIS!!! Bill keeps coming off as an archetypical limousine liberal everytime he opens his mouth about wishing for a recession to destroy this president. He's not going to suffer the way millions of people will in an economic downturn. I wish more liberals would point that out to him. If Bill wants to showcase opposing views on his panel, he'd do well to avoid booking people like Anthony Scaramucci who do nothing but steal oxygen away from other people. I would agree 100% with the New Rules sermon if it was delivered by someone who didn't make their career out of being an insensitive asshole who loves getting off on offending people with their racially tinged stereotypical viewpoints and then gets easily offended when they're called out on their behavior, the way Bill has. Having those words come out of his mouth makes him look like a fucking hypocrite.
  2. Why did Trevor feel the need to give a two segment interview to anti vaxer not going anywheres loon like Marianne Williamson?
  3. This might have been, I think, the fourth Let's Talk About It segment Trevor has done. But they might be his best segments. There's something raw and personal in the way he delivers them, and last's night's talk about the latest mass shootings was an example of that. He made a lot of sense in the end about why you need to deal with this epidemic of gun violence in America.
  4. Boris Johnson saying "dude" is wrong for so many reasons. Especially for the reason why.
  5. I'm sure what Stephen really wanted to say was "Oh, fuck off!!!" A great rant indeed.
  6. According to this site, the show will be back this month on the 17th, 24th, and 31st.
  7. Fucking rich twits! If I had $45,000 lying around, I'd put that into my RRSPs. Because I want to, you know, think about my future. Which is the exact opposite of what these glory seeking asswipes climbing Everest are doing. Cross a deep ice crevasse on a unsecure metal ladder tied from end to end? No thank you. Hang around too long in the Death Zone so you can have your brains drop down to your ass? I don't think so. Spend the rest of my life with frost related health issues as a result of that stupid climb, if I'm lucky enough to survive? Fuck that shit! Maybe what they should do is, once they reach the summit, fork over an additional $10,000 if they want to get back down to the ground safely. They're rich and stupid enough. Meghan McCain is a fucking idiot. But then again, I consider all the cast members of the View, past and present, as idiots. I gotta tell you. I really, really like Rick Ashley's Never Gonna Give You Up. I came of age in the Eighties.
  8. And no one likes it when you viciously attack those who critique you Bill. Learn to grow some thicker skin.
  9. You're not the only one. If Bill was trying to make a point about Oprah, he failed miserably at that. I'm going to take a guess and say that Bill is terrified of transgendered people because he might find himself attracted to a trans woman.
  10. And cue Martin Short getting under Bill's skin over the Toronto Raptors winning the NBA Finals.
  11. Yeah, I remember Phyllis Schlafly. A real disgusting piece of work that one. But worse was the image of Robert Dornan screaming horrible shit on my screen. A disdainful GOP asswipe before being a disdainful GOP asswipe was in vogue. I wish he drops dead soon like Schlafly. It's a shame Rory Stewart isn't a leading contender to be the next Tory leader/prime minister of the UK (yet Boris Johnson is). He's got a face that would make all the editorial cartoonists around the world shout "THANK YOU JESUS!!!"
  12. Real Time isn't Bill's usual stand up routine, where he can go after a heckler who interrupts his act. It's supposed to be a discussion show about the topics of the day where the guests give their opinions in front of a live studio audience. And the audience isn't trying to throw Bill off his game like some asshole attempting to insert themselves in his act. They were cheering and applauding one of his guests who said something they liked yet Bill did not. Like Katie Porter's funny joke about him not getting aborted, or Fran Lebowitz, a few weeks ago, saying Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are too old to run for president. And Bill, being the diva that he is, threw a temper tantrum against them for what he perceived to be them turning on him. For someone who claims how important Free Speech is, Bill is getting exposed as a fucking hypocrite. What he really believes in is Me Speech, where he wants to say whatever he feels like with no pushback from anyone whatsoever. And woes anyone who dares try and challenge him. He's every bit the Whinny Little Bitch Drumpf is.
  13. I seriously doubt that. Bill has shown that he's so far up his own ass, he believes his farts are like potpourri. And his sense of humor, like his advancing old age, has been in decline for quite a while now.
  14. Good guests this past Friday, especially Katie Porter. Too bad it was brought down by that asshole of a host. I can't help but wonder if TPTB at HBO are starting to consider not giving Bill a new contract given his awful behavior as of late. The way he conducted himself after Porter cracked that joke about him, and how, yet again, he attacked his audience for laughing and cheering her, might be a black mark they put against him. Bill has not handled himself well in the age of Drumpf, and may not recover even after a new president is sworn in. Perhaps some newer, fresher, younger diverse talent is needed. And I don't believe Porter will return as a guest of the show after she humiliated Bill on Friday. And if Bill thought Porter was difficult, he'd best not bring Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on as a guest. She wouldn't put up with his vulgar attitudes and would put him down quickly, making Bill go apeshit over everyone.
  15. You'd have to think Ollie will go a little nuts tonight over his beloved Liverpool FC capturing the European Cup.
  16. I was hoping Trevor would bring up the NBA Finals and Toronto's involvement in it. But instead of some cutesy lame ass jokes about Canadians and our politeness (that we get a kick out of), he talks about Drake, who some consider a bandwagon jumper. The guy was wearing an armband the other night to conceal his tattoos of the numbers of the Warriors Steph Curry and Kevin Durant. If you really want to know who the real superfan of the Raptors is, then check out these series of tweets from Muhammad Lila about Nav Bhatia, who has never missed a home game in their 24 years of existence.
  17. Your credibility, for starters. Not to mention giving Fox News stuff that they can edit to make you and the Democrats look bad in the eyes of their viewers, which is what idiot Bill doesn't seem to get.
  18. I wished one of those people had told Doocey to go fuck himself, on they assumption they knew who he was. I know I would have done that if I had been walking in their shoes.
  19. An entire show dedicated to the monumental ego of a long past its prime gasbag named Howard Stern. Why Stephen agreed to it, I'll never know.
  20. By telling him to fuck off for telling them to fuck off because they disagreed with him? I don't think that would have been it.
  21. I agree with Elizabeth Warren and others who refuse to go on Fox News for these debates/town halls. The network will control the narrative and make sure that their hosts/propagandists like Hannity and Ingraham get the last word in on the Democrats. My mother turns 76 next week and she just had her drivers license renewed, so that's a bad analogy on Fran Lebowitz's part. Nevertheless, she is correct that both Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are too old to be running for president. That job will take a lot out of whoever the Commander in Chief is. The before and after photos of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama are proof of that, and they were both considered young when they entered. Biden and Sanders already look like the after photos. Time to put some new blood in the White House. And Mister Free Speech Bill can go fuck his ass with a prickly cactus for continually scolding his audience over disagreeing with him. One of these days, I want someone in his audience to tell him off when he attacks them like that.
  22. So the lesson to take away from Samantha's episode is: White men fuck up everything! And she ain't wrong about that!
  23. When I saw that first Drumpf tweet on the weekend, I was waiting for Stephen to read it aloud in that Drumpf voice of his. He did not disappoint. Stephen reading those tweets helps sooth the raging ignorance and stupidity Drumpf puts out there.
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