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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. Well that second segment aged very badly the minute it was shown. :(
  2. I'd have thought they would have introduced the new year and the new decade by pronouncing it "twenty-twenty", instead of "two thousand and twenty". Oh well.
  3. Good to see Jordan gainfully employed at TDS again - even if it's only specifically for the upcoming election. The beard is a nice touch for him. But those people attending that rally in Hershey? GAAAH, the stupid burns white hot with them!!! How is Jordan not an alcoholic after listening to these people all these years?
  4. I've never had an Impossible Burger before, as they are not sold here in Canada (the people I know who have tried it say it's outstanding). But I've had something closer to that here called Beyond Meat. I tried them for the first time at an A&W restaurant (the Canadian ones, which are awesome, unlike the U.S. versions). The texture to them was different, but the taste was truly great! I never would imagine a meatless burger would be so dee-lish. Soon after, they started selling Beyond Meat patties at our local grocer, so I bought a few for a late spring long weekend barbeque with family. After grilling them like a regular hamburger, and serving them to be consumed, everyone raved about the burgers they had and asked if it was a beef/pork combo or a special type of beef. When I told them that the burgers they ate had zero animal meat in them, they were left gobsmacked and speechless. The downside for the burgers - at least for the time being - is that they are quite pricey. A packet of two Beyond Meat patties can run around seven to eight dollars Canadian. But hopefully, if demand increases, the prices will go down. Which would be a good thing all around. And another thing about these burgers. They do a pretty good job of loosening your stools.
  5. HOOOOOO-BOY!!! That's all I can say about this episode! Well, not exactly. I think everyone will assume Julia will start an affair with Dr. Dixon after the episode closed with them staring at each other. But I still have my doubts she'll go through with it. Why destroy the franchise with an illicit affair? So much to think about to take us into the new year.
  6. A whole bunch of eye popping stuff from the impeachment committee yesterday, and the only thing Trevor and company would talk about is "Fartgate"? >:P
  7. Another season ends with Bill's usual let's all get along spiel. Coming from a guy who loves insulting groups of people, it always comes off as disingenuous and hypocritical on Bill's part. Donna Brazile certainly has put her Fox News dollars to use with that getup of hers. Guess it pays to be that network's token liberal. They can have her AFAIC. Real Time just gets worse with every season passing.
  8. Bill lost me with his New Rules sermon when, after correctly pointing out how Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook are making people dumber and destroying political discussion in America, he says Facebook should not have to self police political ads because "free speech", and because the American people should be able to tell whether these ads are bullshit or not. The same people Bill calls stupid on a regular basis and who couldn't figure out that attack ads on Hillary Clinton were coming from Russian troll farms. Bill must really want to have Republicans controlling power with that outlook.
  9. Very late chiming in. Edi Patterson deserves, at the very least, an Emmy nomination for that scene in the Outback steakhouse where she tells BJ about her only sexual tryst. What was hilarious about it was the music playing in the background while she was talking. It was both touching and heartfelt, as if it belonged in one of those Hallmark movies, while Judy was spewing all this crazy eyepopping batshit. I like how mismatched stuff can somehow blend in and make sense somehow. I figured Keefe would find his way back to the dark side, And yet good for Kelvin to bring him back in, once Kelvin learned from his mistake. I'd have to say Kelvin might arguably be my favourite character of the series as he seems so earnest about his role, despite his appearance and attitude, when compared to the rest of his family. Looks as if Gregory's wife forgave him for the night in Atlanta. But Chad's life is about to become a living hell because of his scorned wife. And after getting shot for Jesse too (well, that's what he gets for showing us his penis). I can see him living inside Jesse's house, much to the deep chagrin of Amber. And yes, I do see Jesse moving back in, once he and Gideon finish their work in Haiti. Gideon should be welcomed back into his mother's arms, but things between her and Jesse will remain chilly for quite some time. Eli's forgive but not forget position with his kids should carry over into the next season, as he will no doubt watch over them like a hawk. Anyone else notice psycho Scotty sitting next to Amie Leigh in the congregation near the end? Don't know if we'll see Baby Billy in the next season, maybe one episode. There seems to be a finality with his character going on the road to tent revivals telling people he saw his late sister. In the end, Danny McBride's best work yet.
  10. Brackenreid was such an asshole in last night's episode. You'd think he'd have grown over the years what with Emily and thinking about what his own son might be. Maybe during the season Young Brackenreid would make a return visit from his time in the theatre and come out to his parents. Then lets see how the elder would really deal with it. Good to see Watts return last night. The ending with him was rather surprising. I can see him caught up in a blackmailing scheme later on in the season. That would be a series suicide if Julia were having an affair. The MM community would not put up with that. I think it's more likely that Dixon becomes compulsively obsessed with her.
  11. I laughed hysterically at the FDR fireside chat. Then, replayed it on my PVR and laughed hysterically all over again.
  12. That sounds like a cop out. No way Bill would try to expose Milo like that. He's not known for nuance and he's not that clever.
  13. Then why was Bill complementing him when he was on his show, calling him a young gay Christopher Hitchens?
  14. There were teams that were in equal if not worse situations than the Expos were in, but managed to turn things around. Cleveland comes to mind. So my bitterness towards MLB remains valid.
  15. Whatta surprise Bill would try again to bring up Frank Sinatra as dad with Ronan Farrow as his guest. Farrow handled himself well, and would have been well within his rights to tell Bill to go eat shit and fuck off. And Bill comes off as a hypocrite when questioning Farrow about "his dad's" philandering while uncovering sexual assault stories as he's one of the biggest crybabies of the MeToo movement. And as far as impeachment proceedings being a loser for Democrats in battleground states, perhaps Bill should take a look at the polling numbers for impeachment in those key states before whining about it. A total shitshow throughout.
  16. Hillary Clinton was great in that cold opening. I'm glad that she hasn't become bitter over the way the 2016 election was stolen from her. FUCK THE NATIONALS!!! That team was ripped out of Montreal by the greedy idiots of MLB. Bud Selig should burn in Hell alongside George Steinbrenner.
  17. As far as Bill's New Rules sermon goes, does he really think that a couple of eye raising proposals from a few Democratic presidential candidates will make the party more crazy than the GOP? Because if he does, then he needs to find a stronger brand of weed to smoke. Because this is nothing more than an excuse by Bill to lash out at ideas and groups of people he doesn't like, such as the transgendered, and make liberals bend to his narrow minded hateful worldview. Rowan Farrow is scheduled to be back on the next show. Here's hoping he doesn't put up with Bill's shit at him.
  18. Well that was a weird episode. Not as weird as last year's Halloween episode, but weird nonetheless. I did get a kick out of seeing Henry eat those psychedelic mushrooms (can you call them "psychedelic" for the first decade of the 20th Century?) and then watching him react when under the influence.
  19. The GOP are the last ones to complain about a political party being controlled by one or two people, seeing as how their president has complete control over them. It could backfire on them.
  20. I just watched the clip of John Lithgow as Rudi Giuliani. My God, I couldn't stop laughing at JL's performance of him.
  21. Heads up! New show on tonight, in case anyone was wondering.
  22. Stern has always wanted to be the first person interviewed on any talk show. There was an incident a couple of decades ago where he insisted he be first ahead of Sharon Stone - back when she was still a big deal - or he wouldn't go on the show. It seems nothing has changed from his overrated self.
  23. AFAIC, Amy Klobuchar should have been the lead guest and Howard Stern should have been the last interview. But no, the massively bloated ego that is Stern needed to be satisfied. So Bill obliged.
  24. I'd have to say the penultimate episode was one filled with come uppances. Scottie got his, for robbing the church, by getting his van accidentally rammed by Baby Billy, and getting hurt in the process, then accidentally shot to death by Kimberly. Jesse got his, for cheating on his family with coke and hookers, by getting shot in the ass by Amber (very appropo). Gideon got his, for trying to blackmail his father in the first place, by being disowned from the family, and Judy got hers, for treating BJ like shit and then getting dumped by him, by going on a lunatic spree at the supermarket, then getting thrown in jail. Meanwhile, Kelvin is shit for the way he treated Keefe, and Eli looks as if he's about to have a nervous breakdown of his own. All of which makes next week's season ender most eagerly awaited. Especially in what could happen with Baby Billy and Kimberly in the way they handled the van and Scottie's corpse, and how they kept all the money. But, as someone pointed out, those coins Jesse and his crew threw into the pond may end up implicating them for a crime they didn't commit. Fun times, in store.
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