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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. Since I kinda called it on the main story of this past Sunday's show, I'm going to try again and say that the environment will be what Ollie talks about on the next LWT, what with next Wednesday being Earth Day 45.
  2. Bad comparison there Jon. Edward Scissorhands was a character with feelings that deserved our empathy. Republican assholes like Lindsey Graham, James Inhofe, and Tom Cotton are sociopaths that just want to hurt and destroy, and deserve the stench of our shit. The less said about Cottonmouth (and cotton for brains) Marco Rubio the better, as he has NO chance of winning the nomination, much less the presidency. So is Chipotle now the anti Arby's? I like Farred Zakaria. But I can't help but think of the accusations of plagiarism that's over his head. Oh media. You never cease to embarrass.
  3. LaPierre is a fucking whackjob. What sane person would suggest, after the Sandy Hook massacre, that "the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" and get away with it??!!! But then again, LaPierre's job isn't to speak on behalf of gun owners, but rather to lobby on behalf of gun manufacturers. And the only way to be successful in the latter is to instill fear inside and out of his membership that the government is going to take away your firearms.
  4. I think he had said that it would be a difficult job for him to perform. He would be good in the host's chair, as he showed tonight. It's too bad we didn't get to see more of him interact with Jon. Let the Hillary Derangement Syndrome commence! Hey Brit Hume, considering that President Bill left with one of the highest approval ratings ever, I'd say yeah, America is ready for Clinton II. Which would be more preferable than Bush III, which you'd seem to be begging for as your disingenuous asshatery has shown you to be in the MoZ. Who looked more excited to be there in the interview, Jon or Adam Horowitz?
  5. And, in the end, the IRS didn't deny one tea party group of their tax exempt status while a couple of left leaning groups were denied theirs. But who felt like they were persecuted the most?
  6. I was just watching the HBO documentary Herblock: The Black & The White, about the life work of Washington Post editorial cartoonist Herbert Block. I recommend it to anyone interested in political satire. Especially as they had both Jon and Lewis on discussing his work. In fact, near the end, they drew a parallel between what Herblock did and what Jon is doing on TDS. This is the main trailer of the documentary:
  7. NAILED IT!!!!! (kinda). I wouldn't have expected Ollie to spend his Main Story expressing sympathy for the Internal Revenue Service. Or seeing Michael Bolton re-lyric one of his better known songs for just such an occasion.
  8. I'll go out on a limb and say Ollie will discuss taxes and who pays what, since Wednesday is the deadline for Americans to file their income tax forms (saying this as I had mine done today).
  9. The very first thing I see Jon doing, after spending enough quality time with his family, is go on the road to do his first love, stand up. I see him doing sell out dates at select cities as if he were a rock 'n roll band going on tour. If Toronto ends up on one of his dates, I plan on moving heaven and earth to be there.
  10. Not just Kansas. Florida and Wisconsin, to name two, should also be held up as examples of the kind of catastrofuck the Republicans Ayn Rand fantasy world have had at the state level, and can also do at the federal level should these Tea Party crackpots get a large significant amount of power. But they won't. Because A) the "liberal soaked and stained" mainstream media will not allow such a platform to be built. And B) because, if they do, the weaksauce Democrats will get hauled off into a dark room by some of their wealthiest donors and have screamed right into their faces, on pain of death: "YOU! WILL! NOT!!!!!"
  11. If only it would be so easy to put Sam Brownback's Kansas on the kind of restrictive dole they themselves have decided to do to the state's poor. However, Republicans and Fox News would be screaming bloody murder 24/7 until they were removed. I heart Elizabeth Warren.
  12. Jon was friends with Anthony Weiner before either of them became household names in their respective fields. And it showed when Jon had Weiner on his show as a guest years ago. Jon's attitude towards him seems to have changed after the entire dickpic fiasco and the way Weiner handled it after he got caught for the second time. Perhaps Jon's attitude towards Brian Williams will change as well given how evidence reveals how little Williams seriously took his roll as NBC news anchor. A very important roll to be sure.
  13. Guess the Rolling Stone publisher took Aaron Sorkin's The Newsroom approach to his staff's fucking up royally because they're all great and noble and can do wonderful things. Hope they handled all the animals Samantha was handling with great care. I felt bad for the terrier puppy dangling like that. Good interview with Tavis Smiley on the time he spent with Maya Angelou. And it was good that he was able to answer one of Jon's questions by using the latest killing of a African American by a white cop in South Carolina. I'm sure we'll hear more about that from Jon soon. Wow Fox News thingy. You're too clueless and mean spirited to understand what the president was saying.
  14. The latest issue of Vanity Fair has a story about NBC News' recent woes. Among the topics covered, it paints a very damning picture of Brian Williams. That he's only interested in the anchor's chair from a celebrity's point of view and not in the trust the position carries that others before him took seriously. And that he - the managing editor of NBC's news department - was less interested in the important stories of the day and more concerned about fluff pieces that get people's attention more. I hope Jon takes a good look into this story and thinks long and hard about what kind of a "great newsman" his pal "BriWi" is. Williams would be right at home in the vacuous emptiness at CNN, which might happen if he doesn't return to his anchor's chair according to the story.
  15. Being told to get along with a group of people who are not like you does NOT mean you are being persecuted for your religious beliefs! Someone needs to tell these people to grow the fuck up. I do think Hasan was holding back quite a bit with the Republicans response to the framework deal with Iran, lol, sigh. It's quite clear that the greatest threat to world peace comes from the douchebags in the Republican party and their enablers from the right wing noise machine. Did Jon actually allow that flip flopping creep Rand Paul to use TDS footage of him in his announcement to run for U.S. President? Doesn't matter, he ain't got a hope in hell of getting the nomination, much less becoming president. Peter Dinklage rules. If he were to appear on Real Time, Bill Maher would spend half the interview time making fun of his height. Jon, never. And not because he's height sensitive as well.
  16. Trevor Noah is going to either rise or fall only on how he handles the TDS hosting job once Jon leaves. The time for any action has come and gone, and Jon standing by him last night only reinforces that. No amount of whining from the peanut gallery is going to change anything. So, unless there's some new evidence that shows him in a worse light than a tiny handful of nearly 9,000 tweets showed, Trevor is the next full time host of The Daily Show. For better or worse.
  17. And so, the Trevor Noah controversy has been put to rest, whether you like it or not. So sayeth Jon. How could someone like Mike Pence not know that people inside and out of Indiana would be up in arms about his new law that lets people discriminate against gays for religious reasons? How could he, because he's a fucking moron! Kicking and screaming into the 21st Century will evangelical religious assholes like Mike Pence be violently dragged.
  18. Larry can now breathe a sigh of relief he won't have to be baby bird fed. Wisconsin defeated Kentucky 71-64 tonight.
  19. Cool! I hope they spend a great deal of the show talking about Indiana's stupid anti gay legislation and how its governor and lifelike douchebag Mike Pence did not foresee the shitstorm his new law created because he's a fucking moron.
  20. Since the story about Trevor's horrible tweets just broke, it's going to be very interesting to see if an outrage tsunami builds and if it swallows Trevor up whole, thereby denying him the role of TDS host. It wouldn't surprise me the least if it happens, especially if this particular storm is caused by people still frothing at the mouth of another late night talk show host's chair denied to a woman. I hate social media like Twitter and Facebook.
  21. Remember how Jon "faced up" to WWE wrestler Seth Rollins awhile ago? Well Rollins became WWE Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania 31 last night. Will Jon "react" to this when he comes back?
  22. I dunno about this. As I've said in another TDS thread, Trevor comes across as being cool and dry in his delivery, at least what I've seen from his appearances on the show. That may be perfect for his style of comedy, but I would hope someone replacing Jon will show a little more emotion. How do you relate to the latest insanity that the Republican party and Fox News try to get away with if the host doesn't show the outrage over it? Aasif would have been so perfect for that. Maybe there's another gear or two that he has yet to show us. But right now, I feel this is a questionable hire IMO.
  23. I'm not sure I like the idea of Trevor taking over the TDS hosting duties from Jon. While there's no doubt he's funny and smart - the kind needed to host a fake news show - I think he's missing a key ingredient that would be beneficial to him. And that's emotion. Maybe I'm not seeing something in him, but the few times I've watched Trevor as Senior International Correspondent, he's shown himself to be cool and dry in his delivery. Nothing wrong with that, but I just think the show needs someone to show a little passion one way or another when they're discussing news events that are OMG WTF? Like whenever it's Republicans or Fox News saying or doing something batshit insane that they try and get away with. Jon delivers that kind of emotion. So does Ollie. And Stephen channeled his passion through the right wing character he created. Aasif would be very good in that role. Trevor just looks like Jon playing the straight man to whatever kind of crazy one of the correspondents delivered. I just think TDS needs someone their core audience can relate to whenever there's a need to scream "this is bullshit!" when dealing with events in the news. I don't know how Trevor can succeed without it.
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