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Everything posted by Peper81

  1. So that happened. Not sure why I watched the whole thing. When did Derrick and Britni become a thing? I like him a lot less now that I know they are together.
  2. While they didn't show the ladies working outside of the orientation meeting, I do believe they work. One of the nights they went out Nilsa made a comment that Kortni was probably going to be too drunk to go to work the next day. The next day they showed all the men at work and none of the ladies. I don't know if Kortni was supposed to be there and didn't sober up enough to go in or if they've split the work schedule so guys are on one shift and the ladies on another. On the old Jersey Shore, they went to work in groups of 2 or 3 so I am assuming it'll be the same here instead of everyone going to work at the same time. Nilsa is just awful. I liked her in the very beginning but then she got way too full of herself and desperate and insecure all at the same time. She's also a crappy friend. She didn't care if she stole Jeremiah away from Kortni but then wanted Kortni to be her bulldog when Jeremiah's girl did the hand-eye thing. She shows no loyalty to her friends. Kortni I think is very sheltered and it's sad to see her drink herself into an oblivion every day. I have hopes that she'll grow up some...kind of like Snookie on Jersey Shore. She will always be too crazy for my tastes but at least she admitted she was wrong in her behavior towards Jeremiah's girl and tried to make amends towards her and Jeremiah. Aimee, I like her but I also hate her "in the south we" and "as southerners" spiel. That is one of my pet peeves because those comments always seem to precede a very generic comment that everyone the world over does. Gus, I like him okay but he started to really bother me when he was talking about how he had spent $150 on dinner as though Nilsa owed him something because of it. She doesn't. It was his decision to splurge on a girl he just met who he wasn't really sure even liked him. Maybe this will help him slow down when it comes to "wife-ing up" some girl he just met. I also don't believe he really wants to get married. I think he just wants a sure thing. There's a difference. Jeremiah, he needs to cool it with his attitude and be more respectful to women. I can't help but wonder what his family situation is like if this is how he behaves considering he admitted to being sheltered and home schooled. He's very my way or else and that's not something I would tolerate. I'd probably purposefully do everything he hates due to his behavior. It's even more troubling that he doesn't even acknowledge or realize its a problem. I'm guessing if the men bring it up to him he might be more receptive to the message. The rest of them seem pretty cool and I like them. I'm blanking on their names but, in this case, it's a good thing because it means you didn't annoy the crap out of me.
  3. I agree and would not want to discuss my sex life on camera. However, I just hope they are having a conversation about sex or, at the bare minimum, are open to having one in private between the two of them. I just worry that a conversation about sex may always be off the table for David regardless of whether its on camera or not.
  4. Does anyone know if this show is available on Britbox? I am eager to see it but I haven't found any streaming service that has it.
  5. Especially since she doesn't want to get away from Chris!
  6. I totally agree with the bolded part. I think it every time they show them fighting.
  7. I have to say that I've quite enjoyed Jemmye's commentary this season. She's really clever and humorous. I just don't like the side she decided to align with, lol.
  8. Thank you for the info SilverStormm. I am glad to see it has been renewed. I figured if it wasn't renewed then we'd never get to see it over here. Hopefully now that it's been renewed it will get picked up here in the US.
  9. I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion but here goes nothing, lol... I totally agree that Reza is a self-absorbed, materialistic you-know-what. However, none of this is new. Reza has always cared about and wanted very nice and expensive things. If this isn't new to us I don't know why it should come as a shock to Adam that Reza cares so much about his things. He has worked hard and hustled for what he has and I don't blame him for wanting to keep those things nice. I think that is his sticking point with Adam in that fight they had. Adam gets to enjoy all these nice things that Reza feels he has worked hard for but in Reza's eyes Adam doesn't put much effort into taking care of them. He's cavalier about all these items and how if they get messed up they can be replaced, no big deal, but, according to Reza, he is the one who is out there working for all these things and footing the bill for them. It would be like if I saved up my money and went and bought a really nice, expensive, cashmere sweater and then my husband just threw it in the washer with his jeans and when I got upset just told me it's just a material thing and it can be replaced and to quit making a big deal about it. I would be upset too. I know it's just a thing and not someone's life but it doesn't mean I didn't work hard for it and that it shouldn't be taken care of properly. Just because it's not important to Adam doesn't mean it shouldn't be important to Reza. I think Reza just wants Adam to be considerate of his feelings too even if it seems stupid or insignificant to him. And, quite honestly, I think the fight about the blanket is really just a symptom of Reza's feelings about the baby. Reza doesn't seem keen on surrogacy at all and Adam seems unwilling to even consider Reza's feelings on the matter and wants to push his way. Reza threatening or intimating divorce was just wrong, period.
  10. Does anyone know if this show has been renewed and if it will be released to American viewers? I saw promos for the show and really wanted to watch it but I haven't seen anything about when it will air here in the US. Is there a streaming service where it's available?
  11. Even Facebook is trying to save this poor girl from Paul!
  12. I agree. I mean this is the guy who felt totally okay making Karine get tested before getting intimate because he "didn't trust her," had sex with her and only then thought she deserved to hear only a little sliver of the truth before he ran away like a toddler. It took Karine a while to get to him and yet he didn't swim away or go very far. He did that because he wanted her to run after him and tell him she didn't care. That way when he finally came back to her he wouldn't have to tell her the rest and it'd be an us versus the world faux reality for her. Crime in the Amazon kind of ruined that for him when it ended up just showing what a cowardly baby he is to Karine. He's creepy and I worry about her safety with him.
  13. I agree. I don't truly believe he is a vegetarian because he would've said something to Jenny about it, especially when he saw how upset she got about him not eating the lechon. I also don't believe something like that wouldn't have come up between the two of them before he traveled out of the country. Being a vegetarian isn't always easy here so I would think that's a question he would've asked his love about her country. I don't buy it. I was just so disgusted by his behavior. It's not only that he wouldn't eat the pork, it's the disrespectful faces he made and the spitting it out after he barely let it touch his tongue and the complete cluelessness when Jenny was hurt by it. She just finished showing him how humbly her family lives and they go out of their way to make you a big meal to show you a welcome and you can't act like a grown ass adult and just eat what they serve you. I'm horrified and disgusted by him. I was feeling sorry for him but no more. He's insensitive and ignorant. How is it that you claim to love filipino women and yet you don't understand Filipino culture and make no effort to understand it? I'm dumbfounded by it.
  14. Right?! I couldn't believe he had the audacity to say Kailah hadn't done anything this season and she wasn't a strong player. She's won 2 competitions and 2 presidios. I don't think any other competitor shares her record at this time in the game. She's also done pretty well in the last challenge she was on. I'm not saying she's the strongest but she's certainly no slouch which is exactly why Hunter picked her for his team in the first place. If he really believed she wasn't all that good he never would've said her name. I don't believe all this anger at her is because she said she hates the sound of his voice. If that is the worst thing someone says about you on a challenge then consider yourself lucky. I think Kailah deserves a hand for being able to keep quiet and not clap back at stupid Hunter when he tried to defend Britni staying out of the elimination with how she's shown up and has done stuff in this game because she's won 2 elimination challenges. Hey dum-dum Hunter, Kailah's record is better than hers and you said it wasn't sh-t. I thought the same thing. He should've rode what CT said about voting out the players who didn't participate. He already knew no one other than himself was willing to vote for Jordan. This is why no one is afraid of Hunter even though he's adequate at challenges. He doesn't have the mental capacity to play as a winner in this game.
  15. I could not agree more. I absolutely HATE eating challenges. I don't know why MTV thinks viewers want to watch a bunch of people eat gross crap and then throw up a hundred times. It's disgusting.
  16. Does anyone know if this show is coming back? I really enjoyed it and was hoping for another season.
  17. It's been many seasons ago but I thought Asa took part in that whole debacle when Reza decided to turn on MJ. I think they were all on vacation at the time and started going through all MJ's personal stuff.
  18. I've always felt like MJ's problem is that she can't keep her mouth shut. She will tattle everyone's secrets and think nothing of it or the damage it will cause. She's sloppy in all ways and that includes in friendships. I don't believe it is intentional most of the time which is why she doesn't understand why people think she is a bad friend. That said, I do think her and Asa have never really been true friends. MJ has always taken it poorly that Asa and Reza got as close as they did and I don't think MJ has ever dealt well with it. I feel like her and Asa have always had an unstated competition between them when it comes to Reza. They've both taken cheap shots at each other and then played nice. No one is innocent in their "friendship." Having said all that, I am aghast at Asa and her treatment of MJ on the fertility issue. It is beyond cruel to ask a person going through fertility issues a bunch of personal questions all the while pretending that you have no idea. It is an intensely personal and, in some ways, traumatic experience. For Asa to pretend that this whole thing is new to her while not only going through it but also using MJ's doctor and then brushing off MJ's hurt because you were just asking so you knew MJ's personal feelings is awful. I don't even have words for what an awful person I find Asa to be now. No matter what MJ has done or will do gives Asa the greenlight to do what she did. If she didn't trust or like MJ then she should've stayed out of MJ's personal business. None of Asa's excuses make any sense and her attitude on WWHL was the worst part of it for me. She still doesn't see anything wrong with what she did. Her haughty attitude about being more spiritual just epitomized how delusional she really is. Asa pleading the fifth on whether she would come back next season left me wanting to tell her one thing...."Girl, bye."
  19. Me too. I am really missing Ben on both Below Deck shows.
  20. Are there no more episodes for this season? My DVR isn't showing any.
  21. This is what frustrated me while I watched it. They are all quick to call other people cowards and the p-word but then they follow the herd and refuse to give Xs to the power players.
  22. Did Everett and whatever his girlfriend's name is break up then if he is not coming back? What about the twins, are they coming back? I was hoping to be done with those two. I found them both so annoying and unenjoyable to watch. I felt like this show needed an almost complete redo on cast members other than maybe Kyle. Oh well, I'm a glutton for punishment and will keep watching regardless.
  23. Oddly, I quite liked this show. I know it was a bit ridiculous but I thought it was fun and I enjoyed seeing the plays come to life even if it wasn't all that accurate. With the show ending the way it did, I will be surprised if they have another season but I wouldn't mind if they did.
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