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Everything posted by Peper81

  1. Unfortunately, Johnny's episode is next week. At least we have the fact that CT got his first!
  2. He was involved in marriage negotiations for Mary a couple times while she was still his legitimate heir. However, once Mary and Elizabeth were disinherited they became less "marketable," so to speak. Also I don't believe marrying them off would have gotten them out of the way of the throne. Once Elizabeth and Mary were delegitimized, they didn't have a right to the throne. The reason they were able to succeed to the throne was because of Henry VIII's Act of Succession which gave them rights to the throne after Edward and any legitimate heirs of his body. Marriage wouldn't have changed their access to the throne unless Henry decided to change his Act of Succession. In my opinion, Jane Grey never stood a chance at retaining her position as Queen. Most people saw it for what it was, a power grab by her husband's father and if Mary and/or Elizabeth had been married at the time, they probably would have raised an army to fight for their wives' rights to the throne. Who knows, marrying them off may have caused things to be even worse. As it was, Mary was able to raise a bloodless coup against those who tried to take her throne.
  3. The setup they have at the Clark County jail is actually very similar to the setup at the jail in my county. I was part of a leadership group and one day we got to go on a tour of the sheriff's department and jail. It's setup in a octagonal pattern with separate pods like they show on this show. All the sleeping areas are in the back in "rooms" with no doors. In the middle of the building is the command center where the guards stay and monitor the cameras. My guess is this setup allows for better monitoring with less manpower and less danger to the guards. It was actually a quite fascinating tour. The lieutenant who took us around indicated that the work program was actually relatively new and had to be monitored closely because there was always concern about it being abused. He said there were a lot of rules and regulations about what the inmates could actually do because no one could benefit from their labor (I'm not explaining it well and I apologize). He said they could work in the jail garden, fix things around the jail and clean trash because no individual could profit off of it but it was tightly controlled. I never realized how difficult it really was to have a work program in jail but it made sense when he explained it. He also said the biggest help they've had to decrease inmate violence is that they've now allowed them the chance to buy e-cigs. He said once that was instituted violence dropped dramatically for them. I've always wondered why other jails haven't followed suit. Sorry to double post but until I did the tour I thought the same thing. The "yard" at the local jail here is actually just what looks like a really small gym except no sporting equipment. It had some windows way up high but that was it. I was shocked. I, like you, thought they had to have an outside area but I guess not.
  4. Never mind, my DVR is just being stupid. I see another airing tomorrow.
  5. Was this show cancelled? My DVR doesn't show any new airings.
  6. I am beyond excited about this show. I am obsessed with this time period and I can't wait to see how it's portrayed.
  7. . I caught that too and was coming here to see if anyone else noticed. I'm quite shocked by her appearance on this show. I can't believe it's come down to this for her.
  8. Directv had it on demand for me. It was a cute episode. I wish they would've given this show some more time. I think it would've caught on.
  9. Looks like it airs October 19 at 9/8c. I'm glad the show is coming back. I hope they'll let us know what happened to the couples from Season 1 at some point.
  10. Blackwing, the Elizabeth of York book does touch on that time period because that was what she lived through but it is filtered through the eyes of how that time period effected Elizabeth. Weir does take a lot of time to talk about Richard III in this book because of the profound affect it had on Elizabeth. I can't speak about this book: Elizabeth: England's Slandered Queen by Arlene Okerlund but it's on my wish list. It's about Elizabeth Woodville and I think it's possible that it might interest you too if your looking into that time period. Clearly, my focus is mostly on the Queens and/or women as opposed to the Kings/men so my recommendations usually have that as the focus. If you find anything else, please let me know. I do love this time period and I love the readable history books.
  11. Blackwing, I'd like to recommend Alison Weir's book on Elizabeth of York. I enjoyed it more than her War of the Roses book simply because I felt I got to know more about the people. Another good one is Winter King by Thomas Penn about Henry VII. I read both of these books back to back and it really helped to give a balanced perspective. I will say that it really made me wish someone would make a series on Elizabeth of York.
  12. I'm a HUGE fan of Spike. He's always been my favorite. I think him, more than most, gets how to play the reality show game and doesn't take it too seriously. Plus, I've found his food really good and his restaurants are pretty darn successful. He does know what he is doing (or, he atleast has surrounded himself with people who do).
  13. I actually found this show fascinating and it has the potential to be really good television. I don't hold out much hope for Doug and Jamie. I feel like she only told the experts what she thought they and an audience would want to hear. I didn't really sense any authenticity in her or her answers. She told the expert she doesn't put much emphasis on looks and it's all about personality and she dates all kinds of different men. However, as soon as she sees him she focuses entirely on his looks (I realize she doesn't have much else to go on) and that focus seems to continue on even in the hallway afterwards where she says there isn't even anything to work with. I get it, he's not "hot" but he's not ugly or unfortunate looking. There is plenty there to work with if he has a good personality and temperament which is what she said was important. It just felt as though her actions gave lie to her earlier words because all she could focus on was looks not his loving and adoring family, not the kindness and hope in his eyes, not the goofy shoes that speak to his personality and sense of humor, nothing. She rang so phony and insincere to me. I don't hold out much hope for them. I like Vaughn and Monet but I see a lot of fireworks for them in the beginning until they learn to trust and adjust. I think they stand a good chance if they can both open up and be vulnerable and accommodating. I LOVE Jason and Cortney and I have a lot of hope for them. They seem the most compatible in my eyes. I also feel like they came into this experiment with their eyes open and committed to seeing it through. I think they have a very mature way of approaching it and it seems like they'd be really good for each other. They both seem to bring something that is needed for the other person (ie: she seems like she will really try to care for and help him which he doesn't seem to have in someone else now that his mom is so sick and he seems like he can offer her an emotionally safe and accepting place to go to while she is growing as an individual). Needless to say, I am most hopeful for them.
  14. The food trucks were in St. Louis recently. http://www.ksdk.com/story/life/food/2014/05/22/great-food-truck-race-st-louis-memorial-day/9448979/ It doesn't say it in the article but from watching the news coverage of it, the trucks were tasked with selling Mama Campisi's toasted ravioli. I believe they also said the episodes would start airing in August but I could be off on that.
  15. Me too because it really highlights how far they've both come. I think they are good influences on each other and I think they could both really use each other in their lives. I'm really hoping that Tom will stick around and that the family will accept his new friend. He does need to have people outside of the family and they need to accept that.
  16. I thought it was a pretty entertaining episode. Jackie's delusions were on display and Malaysia ably handled Jackie at the end of the episode. I know Sundy and Brittish aren't the smartest girls in the group but I've got to guess that eventually they will see Jackie for the pot-stirrer and liar she is.
  17. Lisin, I am so jealous of your experience. I am dying to try Bryan's food. He's one of my faves and so incredibly creative. Just to watch him work would be a cool experience.
  18. I really feel like Brittish and Sundy came on this show strictly to start crap. They have no valid reasons for hating on Draya and Malaysia other than the fact that Draya and Malaysia are 10x better women then those two could ever hope to be. I wouldn't be surprised if part of keeping Jackie on the show came with the stipulation that she could have new girls on the show who would side with her. Jackie's just too stupid to realize that these two will never help her clean up her image. All this did was make Draya seem more sympathetic and Jackie just as crazy as before. Draya for the win, as usual! Chantal needs to have several seats. No one outside of her family and the voices in her head have heard of any of her crap businesses, records, etc. Draya will always be a bigger deal than her and I believe Orlando in this situation. I'm sure he took one look at her and realized that one night in the sack with her wasn't worth the lifetime of crazy she'd rain down on his life. Poor guy never saw her still bringing the crazy even though he passed her off coming. The Christie's are like an STD in that way; you can't ever fully be clear of it once they've shown up.
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