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Everything posted by Peper81

  1. I am glad you said this because I thought the same thing. All I can think while watching her is that she's nasty, mean-girl, drunk. I get the impression she's drunk, or at least put several back, in her talking heads.
  2. I just started watching The Magnificent Century on Netflex. It's not in English but they have subtitles. I can't really explain it but I am loving this series. I'm about 7 episodes in and I am hooked. The sets are a bit cheesy and you can tell when they have a green screen but the actors are giving it everything they have. The series is about Suleiman the Magnificent who acceded to the throne during the time of Henry VIII and his harem. The slave girl he fell in love with eventually became Queen of the Ottomans. I think part of the reason I really enjoy it is that I know a good bit about the other rulers of his time but I know very little about him and it's made me want to research him to find out what actually happened. I am completely hooked. Has anyone else watched this series?
  3. I don't know why but I always thought Kyle put that camera in his house. When Kyle returned the gun to the security install lady she made a comment about how she couldn't in good conscience take it back without telling him that he is in no way secure enough. Kyle, I thought, said "I know that and I am taking care of it." It wasn't too long after that scene that they showed us the camera hung high-up that recorded the creeper. The digital image was on Kyle's computer as it was recording. I figured Kyle put the cameras inside himself and instead of having an outside company keeping track of it he would which would keep, in his mind, their private life from being made public by the security company or some hacker.
  4. Yeah, I don't think it was Shaun either. My guess is either Kyle told Terence or Terence knows through spying somehow.
  5. I watched this show on Ovation in the US. When I was randomly searching on Amazon, I came upon the DVD/Blu-ray of it and started reading the comments. Someone commented that what we see in the US has been edited down from the original airing. Does anyone know if any of the streaming sites (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime) have the full, original airing? I don't particularly want to purchase the DVD which is where the commenter said had most, but not all, of the original airing.
  6. I've been wondering that myself. My guess is that she is not pregnant but I don't know that for sure.
  7. Yes! I am so incredibly tired of Camila.
  8. Andy did question Kristen's motives for going to James' show. I am paraphrasing because I can't remember exactly what was said but Andy asked Kristen if she went to James' show with good intentions and Kristen basically said absolutely not, I came to see the drama happen. Honestly, I don't know why Jax and Kristen are in the hot seat for what went down at James' concert. From what was shown on the show, Jax and Kristen were in the audience and didn't say anything to James until he came up to them and started bad-mouthing them. Don't get me wrong, we all know and they all admitted they weren't there to support James but James is the reason it all ended the way it did. Further, Scheana and her friend were the ones spreading the gossip and accusing James. I think the more important question here is why didn't Scheana get called on the carpet for her behavior? This wasn't one of Kristen's gossip explosions this was all Scheana and her friend. As for Kristen and her obsession with calling out cheating, I've always believed she's been obsessed with it because as soon as her cheating came to light she was ostracized and painted with the scarlet letter. Almost every single one of them has been involved to some degree in a cheating scandal and no one had to face the consequences as hard as Kristen, not even Jax who was just as much a participant and to blame as she was had to face it like she did. Don't get me wrong, Kristen's crazy has NEVER helped the situation but I've always felt that a lot of her extreme behavior was because she felt that others were getting away with the same behavior she had participated in. And, quite frankly, I still think she was right about Sandoval and Ariana doing more than just having 1 kiss. Kristen has a nose for cheating and can smell it on people. Maybe its because it's the perfume she bathes in but she can smell it on other people, lol.
  9. I didn't really care for this episode at all. It seemed like they were trying to branch into a horror / psychological thriller type show and that's not what this is supposed to be. I want it to get back to being light and funny (intentionally and unintentionally). Terence's 'shroom trip was just weird and I still don't think I get it. It didn't work for me. So is Megan's secret that she was a victim of her step-brother? Or are we going to find out that she is the one who killed him and not some "bad friends"? I understand that Megan may have some feelings related to what happened to her by her step-brother that may include feelings of guilt and/or shame but this show better not even think of using what happened to her as a black mark against her, period (this is assuming she didn't kill her brother). I'll bail so fast on this show if they even hint at something like that. Hopefully, the fun will return next episode.
  10. Yes, that is who I thought that was.
  11. Yes, to everything. CT is the best part of this season, hands down! I really want to see him beat Hunter in a challenge. I cannot stand Hunter's ego. I really want him to go home. I'm ready to see a culling of the herd on the Underdogs team. They have too many people that are just a waste of space for my liking...I'm looking at you Amanda and Ashley. I really like Jenna this season. I didn't care for her when she was messing with Zach in either of her previous seasons or this season. She's more enjoyable to watch when she's not worried about a guy's feelings.
  12. Me too! They are my favorite comps because of his glee.
  13. I agree with what you are saying but I think Terence's office is a lot like him. The office with all the windows gives people the impression that there is transparency and nothing is hidden but, we know that isn't the case. The same is true of Terence. All the followers think Terence is a good guy with nothing dark and evil to hide but we know that isn't the case. I thought that was his co-star in the big budget movie he is doing but I could be wrong.
  14. My theory on Shaun not telling Megan about Hope sending the pictures is that later on down the road Shaun will be invested in the Institute, Megan will not be, and then Shaun will spill the beans about how Hope sent the pictures in order to try and swing Megan towards the Institute by showing her how shady the people on the outside who claim to be her friends really are. I can't see another reason for Shaun not to tell Megan other than for it to be a plot device. I could be wrong and Shaun may just be trying to walk a tight rope between 2 friends and made a mistake by not telling Megan. I just don't believe we are done with that yet. The blondes confuse the hell out of me. I "think" Anika is the baby momma of Nick, Megan's ex, who is trying to now blackmail DeAnn. She is also now the side-piece threesome partner for Terrance and DeAnn. The therapist (I don't remember her name) is the missing blonde whom the police are looking for and I think she is somewhere deep in the Institute. I don't think we've actually seen her in the last 2 episodes but I could be wrong because her and Anika look waaay too much alike. Couldn't they have thrown a brunette or red-head into the mix instead of having two girls who look so much alike. Nevermind the blonde ex of Kyle's who looks similar too.
  15. I am fascinated by Terrance and DeAnn's relationship. I know she's a part of the Institute but there are times I wonder if she really is a part of it. She made a comment in this episode about dealing with Terrance's "shit" which made it seem like, to me at least that, she was referring to the Institute and it's precepts. She just doesn't seem as entrenched in it. While I find Terrance pretty dang creepy, I think DeAnn is the one to really look out for, she isn't afraid or beholden to anything. So, is the girl who said she was pregnant by Nick really pregnant? I don't know if I believe that she is really pregnant. The phone sex thing was weird. I knew she wouldn't hold out past the 3 days once she was told by her agent but the phone sex thing wasn't what I was expecting. I thought she'd talk to him but still be distant. I guess not, the plot must move forward. I'm still waiting on the agent friend to start trying to manipulate the contract somehow to favor Megan. She's no fool and I think she's best thing Megan has going for her as far as having someone look out for her. I'm still worried for her baby though. I wonder if Shaun will become really devoted to the Institute. I feel like that might be where they are headed with her as I don't think Megan will really be all that gung-ho for the Institute. I can't wait for the next episode. I'm really enjoying this show. It's not perfect but it's a lot of fun.
  16. I agree with all of this!! I am sure you are right that Shane wishes he was with the Champs, and, honestly, I do too. He seems like a fish out of water with these idiots. I'd love to see his politicking go up against John's politicking. I do wish he would've quieted down a bit with his "cheerleading," though. It was so off putting. I get you want to win but berating people while they are trying isn't going to help. I cannot stand Amanda and Ashley. Amanda can miss me with her "they better not be talking about me" crap when just a few days ago she was gleefully reporting on rumors regarding Jenna. She's a two-faced snake. Ashley is just as annoying and entitled as ever. I get not liking the pranks and being pissed they took your toilet seat but why exactly couldn't she just go use one of the other bathrooms? Also, I really wish production would just send their asses home when they throw fits like that and say they want a ticket home. They are having the experience of a lifetime and they want to piss it all away because of crumbs in their bed and a toilet seat off of one toilet is taken away. Seriously?! I'm too old for those kinds of dramatics. If you are going to threaten to leave then your ass better be on the next bus trip out of town. CT is the best part of this show. I like him so much. As much as I would love to see him carry John on his back again, I kind of don't want to see them repeat that challenge. It's just so classic and unless it's going to happen again exactly like that or worse for John then I don't want to risk ruining what is the best moment in Challenge history for me. The whole letter left by Kailah thing was a little weird to me. He's clearly not all that interested in her but then why did he make a point of keeping and hiding the note? I would've thought he would have joined in laughing at Kailah with Camilla or he would've tossed it right from the beginning. Maybe he just enjoys reading old love notes when he's feeling insecure about himself? Who knows, just not what I thought would've happened. I can't decide if I can tolerate Hunter of if I hate him. I hate his whole attitude and demeanor when he wins something. He's the worst possible winner. He can't just take a win and be humble about it. He's got to brag like he did the most amazing thing ever and he's entitled to sit on his ass and not help bank money when the challenge is still going on. He wouldn't have even won immunity if it hadn't been for the fact that everyone got to leave the soup stand at the same time. If Shane had been able to leave as soon as he finished then he would've had immunity but since he may not be as fast a runner he lost. However, when he and Cara Maria were joking about being on a dating show I enjoyed his sense of humor and willingness to play along. At times he showcases a good sense of humor but there is a lot of douche-ness to dig through first. The curry soup challenge didn't play out like I thought it would have when TJ explained it. I thought he made it sound like each player had to eat their own bowl of soup to the last drop not that other teammates could help them so long as all the curry was gone. I knew the Champs had more bowls which meant some of them would have to have more than 1 bowl but I thought for sure the underdogs had to each down their own bowl. That would've been much more entertaining if people like Shane couldn't help them.
  17. So very valid! I just don't enjoy watching it right now. It's tedious. I want it to go back to the fun and interesting show it once was. I'm not sure how much more I can take as a viewer.
  18. Yes to everything! I really don't like Sylvia and I still don't believe she is a strong player. She's still at the bottom of that alliance and Is expendable to them. I don't understand what Shane's purpose was for jumping into that conversation. Cory knows and is stating he's next to go in so what is there to argue about. I feel like they keep having the same fight about the house divide even though all parties have admitted that Tony and his group started it. Move on already. I feel bad for Jenna. I feel like she's getting mean-girled by the rumors the other girls are saying about her. I hate that she's worried about Zach's reaction when he doesn't deserve her. I strongly disliked Amanda on this episode. Before she was a non-entity and now I can't wait for her to go home. Nelson's drunk anger towards Sylvia not being into him was scary. I didn't understand Shane's debate with Tony about him being voted in. Tony and Cory have been saying they want the weak links gone so they voted Shane in to get rid of him. Shane admits they want all the strong players around but then can't understand why they voted him in when they think he is weak. I know part of it is because Tony thought he could beat Shane too but it is in keeping with what he's been saying about how the strong should stay and the weak be voted in for elimination. I am enjoying watching the champions sit and watch all the crazy unfolding. Their commentary on the underdogs strategies and politicking are pretty enjoyable.
  19. I felt the same way when you looked at how the characters' relationship started. Then again, I don't know a whole lot about how the Tom / Katie relationship happened. If it was Tom who sought it out or if it was more Sci orchestrated. I feel like with Tom and Nicole we know more, jmo. I really like this show from the first episode. Some of the acting wasn't the greatest and some of the lines were laughable but it has a fun, campy, vibe to it that makes it enjoyable to watch. I'll be sticking around.
  20. Cristina: I felt so bad for her. I realize she is a wet blanket and does insert herself where she shouldn't but everyone who has had a problem with her has always said her intentions are good. She's having to shoulder all the blame for Carl's shitty actions when nothing she said should've scared Carl away if he was a real man. She was wrong in her claim that 4 (or even 3) people were yelling at her but the whole point was that she was being attacked and no one there had her back or cared about her. I don't know why Lauren couldn't just take Cristina aside and talk to her in private instead of making a point of attacking her in front of others who all were going to have her back. She gave Carl this much curtesy I can't even count how many times but Lauren has never been allowed it. Both times Lauren has made a point of dragging her through the mud in front of everyone. Who wouldn't be defensive? It doesn't lend itself to being vulnerable and admitting a mistake when you feel like everyone is against you in the room. Lauren: you owe Cristina an apology and you desperately need to learn to cut your losses when a guy shows you he is a dog the first time instead of trying to cling to that leash like it's your only lifeline. Sadly, I'm pretty sure she's still sniffing around him from watching wwhl. I truly have nothing good to say about her. Hate her clothes, hate her face, hate her voice, you get the picture. Twin #2: can't be bothered to try and remember her name. I know you want to protect and look out for your sister but the way you feel responsible for her dating life is weird and creepy. You can miss me with the faux concern for Cristina at the party. All her and her sister want to do is talk over everybody and not allow them to speak and then yell at them for not saying what you wanted to hear. Cristina never denied she said something to Carl but she doesn't have to own him walking away because of it simply so your sister doesn't have to feel like she got played and is still getting played. Maybe if you'd take a page out of Cristina's book and say something then your sister wouldn't look like such a fool. Jaclyn: I thought it was pretty shitty of her to leave Cristina hanging at the dinner and start yelling at her when it was her flirting with Carl that prompted Cristina to even say anything. She could've admitted that yes she flirted with him but she flirts with everyone and it meant nothing. Cristina could've then honestly said she didn't know that at the time and was trying to defend her friend but she knows now that Jaclyn is just that way. It would've helped defuse the situation. She's the girl who doesn't own her crap. You want to be a flirt, fine go ahead, but don't deny being a flirt when someone calls you on it. Steven: I'm not sure why you are here. You are very underused. You are also a pot stirrer if Cristina is one but I guess bro-code allows for it. Lindsay: you need help. Not only is your relationship with Everett toxic but you are toxic. A roommate wanting to know if you are going to continue to renting with them when they have interest from someone else is not cause for a fight. I thought Cristina handled it very diplomatically and all Lindsay could do was see red over it. I don't get it. I am dying to know where the other roommate falls when it comes to these two. Me thinks the other roommate should handle any further goings on involving the apartment. Everett: I just find him creepy and weird. Pretty sure he was sleeping with at least one girl when he left Lindsay but I don't think he was expecting Steven to spill the beans on him. I'm not sure why anyone wants to be around him. He doesn't seem like any fun. Carl: just eww. I'm not sure why anyone finds him attractive. Even ignoring his crap personality, he's just not all that physically attractive. Don't get me wrong, he's not horribl but he's definitely not worth all the fuss even on his good day. Kyle: he's the best of the worst. I would never want to date him but I think he would be great to have as a friend. I find him hilarious and really pretty supportive and patient with his friends. Loved Cristina trying to take some credit for Lindsay's job. I laughed and laughed. Totally petty but I'm a petty b-ch too so I thought it was hilarious!
  21. I went a few months ago to Girl & the Goat and it was wonderful and so affordable for the area. I wish I lived closer (I'm not even in the same state) because I would go all.the.time.
  22. I agree with this wholeheartedly. The whole premise is "to be a champion, you have to beat a champion" and then they don't actually pit the underdogs against the champions in the elimination where it actually matters. I don't know if I like the idea of the winner or first person to do something on the team gets to pick a person to go into elimination but then is still in danger of being put in themselves by the vote. I guess they don't want anyone to feel too safe but I think it lessens the chance of taking a risk by voting a big player in because they can then go campaign to have your behind thrown in. I'll see how it plays out but I'm not too optimistic about that aspect.
  23. Ditto to everything you just said. Zach can really miss me with the whole "I didn't see CT tackle anyone" bs. For once, I have to give JB credit because he seemed to have none of it and, I thought, he threw some subtle shade at Zach with the whole "I don't know about CT, I was too busy trying to get the Underdogs to notice what everyone else was up to," lol. Why the heck Zach would've had the opportunity to notice what the other players were up to is beyond me unless he was doing more looking than working. Zach is really an idiot if he truly believes he is the most physically intimidating player on his team. I felt so bad for Kaliah in this episode. Peeing the bed had to be mortifying but to have Cory act like she was so disgusting and untouchable afterwards is a bit much. I think he was just looking for an excuse to cut ties with her and that side of the underdog alliance once he realized the other players weren't going to band together and vote out the "weaker" players. In my opinion, Kaliah should've seen the red flags when he voted her in to the elimination when they were still at the shelter. He had already picked a side at that point so voting for her wasn't going to help him avoid having his name thrown in. He's a self-serving dog and not worth the tears. Nicole needs to back off a little. Coming on that strong to Cara Maria wasn't cute. Cara Maria looked so uncomfortable. I am still wtf-ever with Champion Ashley. I liked that none of the underdogs mentioned feeling intimidated by her. If I remember correctly, she was carried to the final by her teammates and wasn't exactly a competition beast.
  24. I felt the same way. Don't get me wrong, there are times when Cristina needs to learn to keep quiet and not insinuate herself into other people's business but, in this instance, I felt like she was the fall guy for Carl's crappy behavior. There is no way that it's Cristina's fault that Carl backed off. At any point between then and now, Carl could've acted like a grown up and talked to Lauren about expectations and feelings. He didn't. He used a comment from several weeks prior to put the blame on someone else so he could seem like an innocent person who was led to believe something else so it wasn't really his fault and Lauren would have someone else to blame. I think that was nothing more than Carl shifting the blame from himself to Cristina. Lauren should've seen the red flags when he tried using the excuse of being a little boy who still needed help figuring out what to do in relationships when he took the date to the wedding and lied about it to Lauren.
  25. I had thought the same thing but my PBS is airing these episodes after Wuthering Heights at a very late, unusual hour so you may want to check and see if your station is doing the same thing.
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