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Everything posted by theredhead77

  1. My prior landlord didn't have electronic pay so I mailed a check and other than those 12 checks I think I maybe wrote one or two more throughout the year. I use online bill pay through my credit union or I pay my bill online as one-time payments, not autopay. I am about to send two checks to my friend's daughters for them to use it towards cookies for caring. I wish she had Venmo. Both my parents (mid / late 70s) use debit and credit cards and only write checks when payment can't be made electronically. IIRC, technology has been in place for years that can scan a check and communicate with the bank to ensure funds during the check-out process.
  2. @Moose135 someone is giving Ali a run for their money! Good thing there is no such thing as too many cute pet photos!
  3. @SaySay24 looking into substitute teaching, tutoring through a school, tutoring college students and teaching online courses at a community college or adult-ed would be a good place to start.
  4. Excuse me? Women (or men) are under no obligation to acknowledge any date related message, call or text, ever. Is it the polite thing to do, sure, depending on the circumstances. Seriously though, this isn't the first time you've inquired about what women are obligated (or similar verbiage) to do. It's a bit concerning.
  5. Today I decided none of the vacuum attachments or dedicated furniture vacuums were doing enough to remove cat hair from the couch so I literally vacuumed the couch. Much better!
  6. Have you tried a professional matchmaker or speed dating? If I recall, you live in a big city, surely there are services available to people to be set up or otherwise eliminate the online dating.
  7. I have friends who have had great experiences. Regardless, I can't order anything that isn't being delivered by delivery people since I can't risk not getting it up the stairs.
  8. That consumer affairs site has been accused of bias against companies that don't pay for their services.
  9. Serious pet peeve that UPS and FedEx inconsistently leave things at my door. My complex installed a 'package room' which is annoying to get to (it's FOB access, just is annoying to get to). So now when I order heavy things (cat litter, cat food) it's a crap shoot if it's going to be left in the package room or left at my door. I want to order an ottoman from Wayfair but if they don't deliver that to my door I'll never get it upstairs by myself.
  10. I laughed so hard at "Come to bed Grace, so I can get my part over with"
  11. I'm American, didn't see it in this episode but I was half watching. I don't think you're going crazy or need a bigger TV. There was a Tim Hortons mug on Amy and Sheldon's counter in The Tesla Recoil (I posted about it, that's the only reason I recall which episode).
  12. That's the norm for me. And one I returned something, item scanned, refund immediately processed, then 2 months later I get an email from Amazon that they never received the package, they're charging me for it. I popped on to chat, the person looked at whatever they looked at and refunded my money, no problem. That happened once before with the same result. It's most likely caused by the return not being scanned at the warehouse.
  13. That is a pain! I frequently receive misdirected mail. It was awful in my old place, I would constantly get mail for the people upstairs. We all called the post office, we spoke with the letter carriers, we went to the local post office but nothing ever changed. Our building had three slots - one was a direct drop into my unit, the middle was a drop for both units upstairs and the third was a direct drop for the other downstairs unit. When I moved the letter carrier for the complex was an ass. He would frequently leave nastygrams in mailboxes about names not matching the name inside the mailbox. He's gone and now I receive letters and packages for people who must have lived in my unit previously. I would write "return to sender, not at this address" and drop them in the outgoing mail slot but they kept ending up in my mailbox so I've taken to crossing out the street number so they can't put it back in my mailbox.
  14. @Scatterbrained did you ever find out why your MIL wanted to use your Facebook account?
  15. Sorry! :( Before I moved mine saw the most use at the beach. They were designed for surfers and are by far the best bonfire shoes. They are seriously the winter flip-flop and now that I live in the frozen tundra I wear them if I'm running errands or taking out the trash.
  16. I hate click lists (yes, I know they get $$ per click).
  17. I won't tell you but I suggest you don't look if you want to keep buying them. I suppose this brings me to another pet peeve. I don't think my "social justice warrior" choices are doing anything but making me feel better. Chick-Fil-A, Hobby Lobby and Uggs aren't going to miss the money I'm not spending with their business but I'm still not going to spend it. I'm also not going to destroy things I already paid for (Uggs, my DVD of The Usual Suspects, etc...) because something I'm against happened.
  18. They will have to pry my Uggs off my cold, dead feet. After learning how they're made I won't buy another pair but no way they're going away until they are no longer wearable.
  19. 2 beds, a giant couch, 2 kitty condos and the cat-cat likes to sleep on the hard floor.
  20. I love my Instant Pot! I know I can scour the internetz but does anyone here have a tested recipe for boneless pork ribs?
  21. @riley702 I'm glad your mom was able to give kitty a final day full of love and warmth.
  22. I tell my mom to avoid all ads because she can't differentiate between legit (Macy's, Kohl's, etc...) and the crap sweatshop third-party ads. I tell her to go look for what she wants on the internet without clicking on an ad and if she finds it on a website like Amazon or the company website if it's not a mainstream store to send me a link and I'll double check it to make sure it's legit.
  23. @Mindthinkr - my mom does get out, she goes to dance classes at the Senior Center, she plays bridge, she volunteers, all sorts of things. My dad doesn't do anything but watch TV and go to the store. He's never been an go-out and do things person and he was never a fan of anyone coming over when I was a kid. For as long as I can remember he never had his own friends, they were always family friends. I'm certain on top of his diagnosed anxiety there is a slew of other underlying issues. I know they won't be around forever and I know once they are gone I won't have anyone who cares about me left. I'm also incredibly isolated, I spent both holiday weekends inside not talking to a single person sans the few hours I went to an acquaintances house on NYE.
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