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Josiah and Lauren: He Has To Marry Somebody
ChocolateAddict replied to frenchtoast's topic in Counting On
The Asa box awkwardness where Michelle is basically a bump on a log while Lauren cries. Lauren talks about how much she's wanted to share the memory box with her and Michelle vaguely mutters about how nice it all is. Given Michelle doesn't particularly care about her own kids, the daughters-in-law aren't getting much love. -
Josiah and Lauren: He Has To Marry Somebody
ChocolateAddict replied to frenchtoast's topic in Counting On
Ahhh that makes sense. Either way, it was clearly difficult and painful even without the added baggage of her previous miscarriage. She's still so young in many ways. -
Josiah and Lauren: He Has To Marry Somebody
ChocolateAddict replied to frenchtoast's topic in Counting On
For all Lauren's insensitivity and self-centredness, I feel for her with Bella's birth. I doubt she was told what to really expect given that fundies think sex ed is dangerous and talk about birth as a blessed event etc etc. She's expecting to go through a beautiful, spiritual process and instead she's in incredible pain with a failed epidural and a difficult birth. That's got to be a hell of a come down. She's stuck with Michelle who clearly doesn't care for her given the miscarriage conversation and Siah who she doesn't really like. Although she's got her mum, this would be the most stressful time of her life and she's got an uncaring MIL and distant husband there for support. And as much as we snark on her drama queen behaviour, I think that she struggled with the miscarriage. This birth would have been super emotional and she may well have been scared that something could go wrong again. She never got any kind of professional help to work through her pain at the miscarriage or her feelings about being pregnant with Bella. All in all, she's going through an emotionally difficult birth and then the birth is painful and likely not what she was expecting. That's tough for anyone, let alone for someone with no coping skills.- 6.4k replies
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I think it's easy to forget that it wasn't just JB&M who were telling the Duggarlings that their parenting was the best way to raise children. Michelle was given a prize for being MOTY, they were invited onto national TV shows with a wide reach (like Good Morning America) and they've been doing speaking tours for more than a decade now. Not to mention the obvious one which is that they were rewarded with a national TV show as a platform to show off their superior skills in childrearing and by exension, they got a house, international travel and a comfortable lifestyle without having to work. In the mind of the Duggar offspring, this external validation would reinforce the idea that JB&M were so amazing at parenting that the entire country wanted to know about it. After all, it's not just their immediate circle who thinks they are fantastic. Hell, even Joshgate wasn't enough for JB&M to lose speaking gigs and now they're back on TV. So any questions they had about how they were raised would be going against what they've been told from hundreds of people and continue to hear on social media. All these thousands of people who admire JB&M couldn't be wrong! Not to mention any criticism of their parenting is ignored as the ultimate enemy, 'Christian persecution'. It's not exactly a surprise that the next generation is by and large following the formula and mimicking the greatest parents ever. Just another way that JB&M and TLC have screwed them over.
Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events
ChocolateAddict replied to maraleia's topic in Counting On
Couldn't agree more @GeeGolly. Somehow in the space of one day it became fact that this little girl (I don't even think it's fair to use her name) lives with Josh and Anna and, further, the speculation was that she has been sexually abused. Given how upset everyone here was about Pickles outing the fifth victim, it seems unbelievable to me that this child has been openly discussed as being another potential (almost confirmed) victim complete with her name published. For crying out loud, she's been called a 'slave' and trafficking victim! From the information on this forum it would be incredibly easy to find everything about her given her name, age and family relation to the Duggars has been posted. This rumour originated from the DuggarSnark sub and spiralled very quickly despite there being no evidence beyond a Facebook secret group. While I don't care if Boob and Josh were speculated as being guilty of tax fraud or whatever, I do take issue with this girl being discussed as a sexual assault victim based on absolutely no evidence. Bloody hell, we don't even know if she lives there! As @Temperance said, she could just be in photos with them because she's a family friend, we don't know. I like snarking on the Duggars and this is in no way defending Josh & Anna. But this little girl now has hundreds of people reading about how she is a potential sexual assault and child trafficking victim, complete with all the identifying information you could need to find her without evidence. And that's not cool. -
JD and Abbie: Captured Before the Rapture
ChocolateAddict replied to frenchtoast's topic in Counting On
It's called the 'White Saviour Complex' where someone (usually from a Western country) goes to a disavantaged area with the intention of helping but really just reinforces their own priviledge and contributes to the cycle of poverty, or worse, feeds the exploitation of serious issues. For instance, Westerners visiting orphanages as voluntourists brings in big money because they usually donate money and promote the 'great work' done. This reinforces that having children grow up in orphanages (a deeply harmful practice) brings in money and tourists. It also feeds into negative stereotypes about particular areas or cultural groups who are perceived as being vulnerable and needing aid compared to the 'generous' volunteers. I think the Duggars are worst than White Saviours. When they go to a country they have no actual intention of helping and make no effort to bring genuine change to the community. A teenager on their gap year who is helping build schools in Vietnam isn't helping but at least their intent is to help the community. I firmly believe that the Duggars go to for the ego trip that being the rich, white family with 19 (!) kids brings them. Hell, they hand out lollies, Bibles and banana bread. Case point, JD and crew barging into a distaster zone, throwing their weight around and deliberately bringing weapons to intimidate the locals. There is nothing about that which suggests that they are in any way interested in helping, they just want to be the 'big guys' who get their faces on the news by talking somberly about the relief efforts while ignoring the knoweldge of experts and locals. There is nothing well meaning about that.- 4.0k replies
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Y'all SEVERELY underestimate Jill. She locked down that job literally years ago when PRECIOUS Nurie asked her to be her Matron of Honour at their vow renewal. No doubt Jill will make sure that Nurie is the centre of attention at this BLESSED event by wearing white, singing at the ceremony and being in absolutely every photo of the SWEET couple. Bonus points if there is a couple's photo of Nurie and Tim and Jill talks about her wedding fifty thousand times. I'd put money on her asking the M kids to be flower girls/ring bearers because there is no way Anna is being a bridesmaid. This post is from September 2017
Sierra posted that her littlest is in hospital, he's only a few months old and had a febrile seizure following RSV Bronchiolitis. The worst part? In her incredibly long Instagram post, she includes a selfie in the helicopter and talks about how she asked a nurse for a photo so that she could document her motherhood journey. This was right after she was told her kid would have to be flown to a specialist children's hospital. It makes me sick that Michelle, Jill and Sierra always make their children's medical emergencies about them. Their children are scared and hurting yet each of these women find the time to take photos of them and talk about how they are feeling.
I was thinking about Kail's desperation to hold onto Chris at the expense of pretty much everything including her friends and her actual job filming. I think that part of it is her obsession to prove that she 'made it' the same way that she constantly goes on lavish holidays, upgrades her car, moves to bigger houses and buys expensive bags. Not to mention that out of the people in her life and even the TM2 girls she's the outlier who hasn't got her love life together. Chelsea has a husband and cute family, Leah hasn't popped out another kid in 6 years and is presenting herself as a strong single mom who lives for her daughters (accurancy of this statement is doubtable) despite flirting with Jeremy, at least she was married to him. Hell, even Jenelle was able to snag someone who until recently had been with her for 3 years. Jo and Javi have 'stable' partners (cheating aside, Lauren is sticking around). Kail is the only one who is 3x3 and each of them has walked away. She can't put herself out there as a 'badass single parent' while she's got a off/on loser who she chases endlessly. So she keeps chasing because she doesn't want to be seen as a trashy idiot who got knocked up by three different guys. At least if Chris was around she could present Lux as being the product of a stable relationship rather than a stupid decision to not use protection. Without him she looks almost as trashy as Victoria. She wants to be seen as a success rather than the one who can't hold onto a guy. Not to mention, if Chris walks she'll struggle to find a guy, realistically the dating pool gets smaller with every kid so he is sort of her last shot. He would be the proof that she can hold onto a guy who actually wants to stick around. Thank you for coming to my TED talk 😂😂
Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None
ChocolateAddict replied to DangerousMinds's topic in Teen Mom 2
If this is real, I hope Jenelle is safe purely for the sake of the kids. She's currently got two children in her care and an ex with a history of violence against women and access to guns. Having left him, she's never been more at risk and David has form for abuse and murder. I really, truly dislike her but I wouldn't wish death on anyone who has left an abusive relationship. -
She's actually smarter then Kail/Jenelle et al because she wouldn't have invested any of her own money in this. The company is online based and already has a solid customer base. They contact her and suggest a "collaboration", she picks the ideas board that she likes and they produce it. They then sell it online to their existing customer base and get Chelsea to promote it on her Insta to get more sales. Unlike with what some of the other girls are doing, Chelsea was pretty much guaranteed sales because she is working with a company that already has customers. It's just a way for the company to have an exclusive TM line and the opportunity to market to Chelsea's followers. It only really works for Chelsea because she's built the SAHM brand which (while totally basic) sells stuff especially online. Jenelle can't sell anything, Kail comes with baggage and Leah doesn't have the followers or the engagement. She's got the combination of a clean background, cute family and strong online presence. Financially it's the smartest choice. She's not investing anything, doesn't have to build a business or create a customer base from scratch like most of the TMs who start a business have tried to do (see: Kail, Jenelle, Leah, Cate/Tyler, Maci etc). All things considered, it's easy work to do because her manager probably negotiates the deals on her behalf. I don't know how much money she would be making out if it but all together she is likely looking at six figures.
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It never fails to shock me how fundementalist fathers can be so condensending and awful to their daughters while talking about how precious they are. This particular arsehole is proudly boasting that his daughters are so insecure that they ask him about their outfits and what to say to other people. Reminder, these are fully grown women. According to this, Grace's only noteworthy traits are that she prays, bakes and makes coffee. Lovely to know that two of the three things that your father remembers are when you make him food. Meanwhile, can someone please hand him the Father of the Year award because he even went out to find them husbands! But in what has to be one of the most impressive backhands I've seen in a wedding announcement, he talks about how no boys have wanted to go near them for well over a decade. And instead God decided that rather than have their own lives they should act as unpaid labour for their father's "ministry". And to finish off, his daughter who has been on this earth for more than three decades will be "transferred to the protection and leadership of her husband" and everyone else has to adjust to a new "authority structure". Heaven forbid she exist as a seperate person with autonomy. I hope that Grace is genuinely happy but it's really going from one cage to another.
Clearly Jill has taken lessons about caring for your kids from the MOTY. Accidents happen but it's the "... falling or something 🤷🏻♀️" bit that really gets to me. You are a stay at home mum with two kids and no obligations (study, volunteering etc) and you don't know when your kid fell on his face hard enough to do that damage? She's literally shrugging about her kid smashing his face and causing injury to himself. I'm not even going to start on the grammar. Heaven help those two boys with Jill as their teacher. And for all you waiting with baited breath to know where the ugly ass bow came from, your question has been answered! This overpriced bit of ribbon comes from none other than Chicken and Poultry.
When Leah looks like the sensible one on the family, you've got problems. Victoria showing all her class by getting knocked up to the white water rafting instructor in Costa Rica before she was legally seperated. And hid it so that it wouldn't impacted her custody battle with her second baby daddy/husband 🙄🙄🙄 https://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2019/09/05/leah-messers-sister-victoria-pregnant-by-man-she-cheated-on-hubby-with-during-costa-rica-trip-drama-to-be-featured-on-teen-mom-2-exclusive-details/