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Ms Blue Jay

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Everything posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. Rachel plays "Tequila" on Joey's Drums, the show references "bad bad leroy brown". The show references "Rhiannon". Madonna's Take a Bow - I assume that's Rachel trying to meet Ross at the airport in Season 2. Chandler sings "Space Oddity". Chandler and Phoebe sing "Endless Love". (Whoops, mentioned upthread) "Only Time" by Enya - I assume that's someone having a bath or Phoebe giving a massage. That "Morning's Here" song that Joey's neighbour sings - I assume that's a real song? Chrissie Hynde sings Angel of the Morning. The Police's Don't Stand So Close to Me, I assume this is when Joey's doing ads for STDs.
  2. Frank Sinatra's "Strangers in the Night" is Carol and Susan's wedding song. Danny Devito hits some 80s songs as Officer Goodbody:
  3. Ophrah was so amazing. That personality! For her to have the confidence to say "You're going to love me today". Just wow. That whole segment was so much fun! I hadn't finished the episode by then obviously. I feel like Fire really used her poor kid as a sympathy token. I don't blame her. It was just a bit much. I don't think they ever end the episode on a "No", but kinda hard to see a possibility that they don't put her through after this second chance. What state was that? How would Fire even get to Nashville from wherever she was in the first place?
  4. Except for the weight loss guy, I'm not seeing any sob stories today and that's refreshing.
  5. Are you sure this is the March 12 episode? I'm watching March 19 and there's a guy with a weight loss journey on that episode. Unless there was 2 of them?
  6. I really enjoy the segment of Luke not putting anyone through and Katy and Lionel agreeing with each other. That's good TV.
  7. Classic Barry White moment
  8. They used many famous artists and songs like Hootie and the Blowfish, Barry White, The Beatles, Bruce Springsteen and on and on and on. I have a huge list in my iTunes. Also they referenced artists like Christopher Cross, Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Van Morrison, etc. I went to Google if "Billy Don't be a Hero" is a song, and it indeed it is. "Do the words Don't be a Hero mean anything to you?" My Millennial ass: "No."
  9. "Fateful Findings" is a movie that is extremely, extremely weird that is fun to watch. I made it halfway through and it's pretty hilarious, I want to finish it one day. The reason I wanted to try it was because half the people on Letterboxd rated it a 1/2 star and the other half rated it 5 stars and I've never seen that before. Some so called "bad" movies are just unwatchable to me though, like "Cats". I had no idea it was going to be bad when I saw it, we saw it like opening week. That was like being tortured, for me, but I don't begrudge anyone that enjoys it. Have at it.
  10. I worked at a theatre for a few years and actually it made me hate movies for a while, because I felt like 80% of output was just bad. It took me a long time to come back to them. I think I just get better and better at picking out what I will like.
  11. Exactly. I'm a huge fan of comedies and romantic comedies, which means I'm doomed to love movies that are not going to be critically acclaimed and not going to be nominated for awards, for the vast majority of the time. And I don't feel guilt! I also love science fiction and adult-ish thrillers - often ignored by awards bodies because they're so-called "genre pics". I also find myself making fun of Oscar baity dramas as a rule, and then thinking, well maybe I shouldn't be that unfair. LOL. Because some might be good. But it's so hard for me to stop.
  12. I think calling movies 'bad' simplifies things too much for me. What I like never aligns with what the critics do - or at least, very rarely. Somebody asked me what my favourite "Bad" movies are and my brain cannot even comprehend the question. If I take my top 10 favourite movies, 4 of them are not critically acclaimed. There is no objectively bad to me. Just what I like versus not. Something funny is that I think I know way more about movies than I do music - I see hundreds a year, from all decades, etc. Yet my thoughts and feelings rarely align with movie critics yet often align with music critics. Makes no sense. I know nothing about music.
  13. I finally set aside time to watch "Your place or mine". Unsurprisingly, I loved it! I tried to read some reviews but people were just so nasty and negative. It made me really sad. Well I'm glad someone else liked it. This one I liked too, but I was surprised that I liked it. I didn't expect much.
  14. Thank you so much @arc! I find that very interesting. The oral history is great!
  15. Paul Rudd helped create this show? I saw that in the credits. Is that common knowledge?
  16. As someone who watched Malcolm and Marie (don't watch it) and 5 minutes of Euphoria (that was enough for me) it doesn't surprise me at all.
  17. It was a disappointment when Thursday came around and there was no new episode. Sigh. I realize the season is over, but it's just sad.
  18. It's not a good look for Curb to keep Jeff Garlin on while The Goldbergs fired him for sexual harassment. I get that he's an executive producer on Curb and maybe there's some contract stuff at play, but still. It does not look good on Larry's part.
  19. I took a picture of one dish that looked particularly good, and it was Ali's. So funny how he ended up winning. The results of the show are so obvious. You know that if you're in Dawn's group, you're in trouble.
  20. I've talked about how "Frasier" nearly did every type of episode twice, and I didn't realize they did the "Sliding Doors" theme in two different episodes. 1) The Good Samaritan, where there's a female neighbour of Frasier's who needs a ride in the rain and 2) Sliding Frasiers, where Frasier either goes speed dating, or meets a klutzy blonde. I never ever watch Sliding Frasiers, probably because I assumed it was The Good Samaritan and skipped it. I was always a fan of Charlotte Ross too, who is from "Days of our Lives". I somehow found this show while looking her up, where Harriet Sansom Harris also starred with her. I think i watched this when it was airing :
  21. The divide is that some of us do not think he was being "rude" at all, but rather honest, to the point, and not fake. If that reads as British, fine. I've had a European person come to Canada and ask me, "Why is everyone always smiling here? It looks psychotic." Well! Yeah! Cultural differences!
  22. No judgement from me. That soundtrack is just classic back to front! 😄
  23. Ugh. Not how I wanted things to go. Poor guy . I know he made a big mistake in what he said to Zach on like day 1, but it still makes me so sad. And everyone lying to his face this episode was just overkill. I love how they don't do a million shoutouts to their family when voting! Is there a rule against it? Santina and her lip job just annoy me now. Mrs. Pick Me. That looks like an insanely dangerous HOH competition.
  24. As you know we love to recommend music to each other! 😊 If you haven't tried these , try - Ain't it Fun - Crushcrushcrush - Decode - I Caught Myself - Misery Business - That's What you Get I think you'll like them! Their newest single is "This is Why", but I'm not sure how I feel about it yet....
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