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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. Regarding the bolded: I don’t see how they can’t air them. Especially if Alex’s last show happened to be in the middle of somebody’s win streak. If it happened they might be at a point where they were beginning with 3 new contestants, they might get away with it; but if somebody was in the middle of a win streak on the last ep Alex did, I don’t see how they can just get rid of that person. Now for another thought: Who can/might/will they get to host the rest of the season (they usually go to sometime in the Spring, I think)? They can’t get Meredith Vieira (whom I thought Alex said he might want); she has her own syndicated game show, 25 Words or Less, which is in its 2nd season. It tapes in LA, but she hosts via Skype, Zoom, satellite, or something else, from New York City. I’m guessing at least partly because her husband is in at least 2 COVID risk groups, because of age & the fact he’s had Multiple Sclerosis for a number of years now. He’s also legally blind.
  2. Not necessarily. They tape game shows way in advance. I think it’s standard to do a whole bunch of eps (I forget the number I read) over, like, a week each month. So we might see him for awhile yet. I’m pretty sure the producers will probably give some warning, if they can, as to when Alex’s last ep will air so they can get a huge audience for the ep. I thought Alex was rallying too. The last thing I read, & posted, was that he was taking the same (immunotherapy, I think) treatment that put former Nevada Senator/Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s own Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer into remission & Alex’s “numbers” as to how well the treatment was working were good.
  3. I just heard, on ABC’s overnight news show, there’s a reward out for info on the shooting. The only reward I can find that’s connected is a (probably standard) $2,500 reward from the local unit of Crime Stoppers, but I’d swear ABC quoted a 5 figure number.
  4. I’ve heard a bit more on what happened to Miss America 1993, Florida’s Leanza Cornett, that ultimately resulted in her recent untimely death. A Facebook group that was started to keep loved ones & fans posted on her condition reported that she was injured when she slipped in her kitchen & struck the back of her head. This caused bleeding in the brain, for which she subsequently underwent emergency surgery which was apparently unsuccessful, it appears. So it appears her situation was apparently somewhat similar to that which caused the equally untimely death of actress Natasha Richardson, wife of actor Liam Neeson & daughter of Oscar winner Vanessa Redgrave, who died a number of years ago after a skiing accident where she fell & struck her head, but thought everything was fine, then she developed signs of a brain injury/bleed which necessitated brain surgery, which was unsuccessful & she died from her injury soon after.
  5. From USA Today: American Idol Season 1 Contestant Nikki McKibbin Dies at Age 42 She died of a ruptured aneurysm & her organs were later donated. Ms. McKibbin placed third in the show’s original debut season on Fox, behind runnerup Justin Guarini & winner Kelly Clarkson. In 2014, Ms. McKibbin & her son Tristen Langley became the first mother/son contestants when he auditioned for American Idol; he was sent home in the post-audition round.
  6. Some more about the sudden passing of Miss America 1993, Leanza Cornett: The children who survive her may only be teenagers, but the eldest of the 2 is 18, which is usually considered legal adult age in the US. His younger brother is still legally a minor at the age of 16. Also, she was the first Miss America ever to have an AIDS/HIV Prevention/Awareness platform (the cause Miss America promotes during her travels each year). I kind of hope we might find out more about her death sometime. It’s all very vague; she died of a head injury she apparently underwent emergency surgery for at some point, & that’s all we know. I’m wondering if it was something similar to what happened, years ago, to actress Natasha Richardson (then wife of actor Liam Neeson & daughter of [I think Oscar Winner] actress Vanessa Redgrave)? Ms. Richardson was skiing in Canada, fell & struck her head, causing a hematoma & brain hemorrhage she later began showing signs of, but got to the hospital too late for treatment to be effective/life-saving. Or another possibility is that Ms. Cornett could’ve suffered a ruptured aneurysm.
  7. That’s weird... I thought I’d posted about this the day it was announced (I even checked the Celebrity News thread; it’s not there). Oh well... at least it did get here. Thanks for posting if mine got removed.
  8. Regarding the bolded: in the storyline, yes they were suspects in a certain crime. In real life, it was announced that Nikki Cox was let go for budget cuts (budget cuts often happen late in the life of a series—they also did in the last season, especially, of The West Wing—but they usually don’t involve the departure of a character, in my experience), & that James Caan was leaving to return to doing movies. She met her estranged (not sure if they’re actually exes yet) husband, comedian Jay Mohr, when he did a guest spot on the show (much like Josh Duhamel met his now ex-wife, former Black Eyed Peas singer, Fergie). They have a son named Meredith (yes, you read that right). Unfortunately, in recent years, Nikki Cox has reportedly been battling substance abuse & other mental health issues, according to the 2 divorce petitions filed against her (the first was withdrawn) by Jay Mohr. Here is a “Where are they now?”-type article, posted by E! about the cast (but I’m not sure when).
  9. According to canon, Nessa’s dad was a rather shady character—con man, etc.—who was recruited by the CIA & had to fake his death. So Ed & Jillian Deline raised her as their own (presumably, as another CIA asset or someone with high level ties to them, Ed felt responsible for this, even though Nessa’s dad wasn’t really dead). There are subtle lines between Nessa & Delinda about stuff women who grew up as sisters would talk about—I think, like, about Ed checking out the boys/guys they used to date & other things, as I remember, but the references were never “hit you over the head” type things. They actually may have put more into the “Ed as Nessa’s surrogate father” relationship (Nessa definitely called Ed “Pops” at least once) than the “raised as sisters” relationship between Delinda & Nessa. Regarding the bolded: I think, in canon, Sam’s character was supposed to be as you described—definitely not warm—to her coworkers & the world, but she actually had a hidden, caring side about certain things & people she didn’t want them to know about. She preferred to be an enigma.
  10. Regarding the bolded: This is what distractify.com said about Marsha Thomason/Nessa’s departure.
  11. From Peacock: Horror Parody Trailers for Classic Shows (VIDEO) Psych starts somewhere between 2:24 & 2:31, after the 1 for The Office.
  12. The theme song which replaces Elvis in the repeats—strangely enough, except for the Pilot (I think)— also replaces Elvis on the DVDs (or so I’ve read). Funny thing is, I’m pretty sure I remember the Elvis song being used over the opening credits when it aired on TNT. Frankly, I prefer Elvis to “Let It Ride” (the alternate theme song). He’s definitely more iconic as far as Vegas is concerned.
  13. Speaking of the dedication of the Bartlet Presidential Library, how far forward do you think they went for that to take place in the show’s universe? I mean, the President whose arrival they were awaiting in the scene was supposed to be either Santos or Vinick, by process of elimination (we don’t know who, at that point), & they’re at an unspecified point in their Presidency—either still in the first term or possibly somewhere in the second—but we know they only had up to 8 years, maximum, to say either was there, & in real life it seems to take forever to build a thing like that... a Presidential Library/Center/Museum (whatever you wanna call it). They don’t seem to get them done during the first term of the successor in real life, like they might’ve been implying they did in the show. And I still remember when the title card for the Bartlet Library dedication scene originally said “Dedication to the Josiah Bartlet Presidential Library”, instead of the correct “Dedication of the Josiah Bartlet Presidential Library”, which NBC obviously heard about & managed to fix—thankfully—for the 7th Season/Complete Series DVDs, streaming & subsequent TV airings.
  14. I know. But the results of the election & the Josh/Donna “Will they finally realize they can have a work relationship and a personal relationship at the same time (unless their employer forbids it)?” were the 2 major storylines they had to play out in the final season (I’d argue the military shuttle leaker storyline wasn’t as big in the show as they were making it out to be). They weren’t gonna play their hands on those in the Bartlet Presidential Library Dedication flash forward; especially not Josh/Donna because so many fans (not necessarily including me) had been wanting them to “get your heads outta your asses & get together already!” for so long; especially after Josh dropped everything to fly to Donna’s bedside at the US military hospital she was evacuated to in Germany, after she was injured in the car bombing of the US delegation to Gaza which also killed Admiral Fitzwallace, & Members of Congress & some staffers who were too unimportant in the storyline to show while they were alive.
  15. For dinner, I had Hawaiian (brand) Original Potato Chips, from the Party Size bag (I didn’t eat the whole bag) & a Wild Cherry Pepsi. In my defense, I had a big lunch today—the special where I live was 1 of my favorites: ham & cheese quiche (I had 2 pieces), fresh fruit salad, & a piece of peach cobbler (they/their food provider make mostly really good desserts; cobblers, especially) with another Wild Cherry Pepsi (having been born & raised [partially] in the South, I prefer Cherry Coke or Cherry Coke Zero Sugar, or even original Coke, but my assisted living center contracted with Pepsi... What can you do?)
  16. I may have posted this 1 a long time ago, but I think it’s worth mentioning again because I’m seeing it in posts again & because it’s probably been a long while since I brought it up. Right now, at least, my pet peeve is people who don’t know the difference between “a part” & “apart” & when to use each. As for “a part” (2 words), that means something/someone is part of something/something else. As for “apart” (1 word), that means something/someone is separate from something/someone else. You don’t know how many times I’ve seen people (here & elsewhere) use at least 1 of those words in the opposite way (a part—used as if it means “separate from” instead of “part of”); . It makes me crazy & I have to hold myself back from correcting them if it’s on a message board somewhere.
  17. Regarding the bolded, I know it’s an entirely different thing than AIDS, but the show also skipped another entirely big deal it could’ve, & maybe should’ve, covered—or at least mentioned in some way: the Russians shooting down, in 1983, of Korean Air Lines flight 007, from New York to Seoul with a stop, at least for refueling, in Anchorage, whose passengers included nationals of various countries, including the US & South Korea—including a conservative Georgia Congressman—over/near Sakhalin Island (their territory) in 1983, killing all aboard. That was a pretty major deal between the Reagan Administration & the Soviet government for quite awhile. I remember reading they weren’t gonna mention it, & I understood why, but it was another pretty big thing they maybe shouldn’t have skipped mentioning.
  18. No. John Spencer passed on December 16, 2005 (4 days before his birthday that year), while the show was on its Christmas/Hanukkah/New Year’s hiatus that season. They likely had been filming since about midsummer (July-ish), as usual. As I remember, a number of people (myself included) posted, on whichever board we were posting on during S7, upon seeing the scene(s) where the various members of the former Bartlet staff arrived at the dedication ceremony for his Presidential Library that the way they were set up (as flash forwards) we couldn’t have seen Leo in them because how he would’ve had to be addressed, protocol-wise, would’ve given away who won the election... which wasn’t until the end of the season/series. If Jed & the Bartlet staff called him “Leo”, that likely meant Vinick won the election; if they called him “Mr. Vice-President”/“Mr. Vice-President-Elect”, that meant Santos won (& you know, protocol-wise, Leo probably wouldn’t stand for being called “Leo” by Jed if he were the VP, since he NEVER called Jed anything but “Mr. President”, even in situations where he could call him “Jed” since they were supposed to be best friends before Jed became President—like Martin’s character in The American President would never call Michael Douglas’ character “Andy”, even when they were alone, though they’d been best friends before the White House days). Donna was also missing from the former Bartlet staffers at the dedication ceremony. It was opined that if she was there, then that would give away the status of her & Josh’s relationship, somehow. Of course, in retrospect, the fact she wasn’t there probably could’ve also been an indicator of the status of her relationship with Josh. Especially since he was there. The only thing we didn’t know about him, at the time, was if he was there as a former (or returned) Bartlet staffer or as a Santos staffer. His only line during the arrivals sequence was to announce the arrival of whichever guy won the Presidency; he could’ve said that as a member of either Jed’s or Santos’ staff.
  19. I knew about Tim Matheson being the voice of Jonny Quest. Pretty cool. Tim Matheson (then billed as Tim Matthiesson) also played (among other roles, I’m sure) the eldest son in the real-life blended family (he was 1 of the kids born into the father’s side) which was the subject of the movie Yours, Mine and Ours—the original 1968 version, starring the late Lucille Ball & the late Henry Fonda as the parents (there was also a 2005 remake, starring Rene Russo & Dennis Quaid as the parents of the blended family).
  20. According to the West Wing Wiki, it was Helen Baldwin who had the affair with Hoynes & wrote the book about it, which caused his resignation from the Vice-Presidency. Brooke Baldwin is a real-life CNN Anchor whose newscast airs, like, 2-4PM Eastern (I’m pretty sure that’s the timeframe). Again according to the West Wing Wiki, Hoynes wrote a book (in Season 5), Full Disclosure, for a $5 million advance, to repair his image so he could run for President in 2006 & succeed President Bartlet. Hoynes’ 2006 presidential campaign was “temporarily suspended” during the primaries after a former Senate staffer was paid by a tabloid to talk about a sexual relationship (without talking about the actual sex) she had with then-Senator Hoynes. He retreated to Washington to be with his wife & family. Judging by comments after this disclosure, by California Governor Tillman, by Will Bailey of Bingo Bob” Russell’s Presidential Campaign, and the media, among many others; and in consideration of being dogged by rumors of his sexual exploits since the Senate, which only subsided after the book and interview, his political career is effectively over. This has been confirmed by the season six finale, in which he wound up as neither the presidential candidate or the running mate for the 2006 election on the Democratic side. Hoynes would later be present at Leo McGarry's funeral service.
  21. From The Hollywood Reporter (THR): Marge Champion, Actress, Dancer, and Model for Snow White, Dies at 101
  22. Regarding the bolded: Hoynes resigned due to a sex scandal. He was having an affair with a woman named Helen Baldwin (I think), & he would tell her all sorts of government-related things he wasn’t supposed to in the course of “pillow talk”. She decided to write a book about the affair/all the stuff he was telling her that he had no business telling her. A Washington gossip columnist mentioned the book, or the book deal & what it was about, in his column & that precipitated Hoynes’ resignation as VPOTUS & “Bingo Bob” Russell’s ascension to the office.
  23. At some point around the 3rd or 4th season of the recently-ended Hawaii Five-0 reboot, Scott Caan got his work schedule on the show changed so that, for every 5 episodes his Co-Star/the show’s lead, Alex O’Loughlin, did Scott could be written out of 1 episode (at least initially... it might’ve been changed again later on; it felt like it was changed so Scott could miss more than 1 ep for every 5 Alex did to some regular viewers, but it was too hard to actually keep track of). The reason for the reduced work schedule was, ostensibly, so he could spend more time with his family (at the least, his father, acting legend James Caan; his [female] partner &, later, their daughter, Josie James Caan, who was born in 2014, right before filming resumed for the 4th season—if not also his half-siblings from his father’s other relationships), who lived in LA while he was filming in Hawaii; this all came about after Scott’s mother died of Cancer just prior to the beginning of the show’s 2nd season. They didn’t mention a reason for his character, Danny (who was also the team’s second in command), to be away on a work day very often either—maybe 1 of every 5 absences, if that. That bugged, because they could so easily have added a throwaway line, like he was testifying in court on a case, he had to have dental surgery, etc., & they didn’t. I probably could’ve come up with enough excuses that made sense to cover the non-appearances. At least, most of the time, if Danny had been injured in a previous episode McGarrett or 1 of the other characters would be smart enough to slip a “Danny’s not here because he’s still recovering from his recent injury” excuse into their dialogue, so we got an excuse if Danny had suffered an injury previously. But it still bugs when writers have to work around an actor’s reduced work schedule—expected or not—& they can’t come up with a clever line for another actor to toss in about why the missing character isn’t in the episode that week. You’d think, if they were clever enough to write the rest of the script they could come up with *1* more, SHORT, stinking line explaining the whereabouts of *1*, usually ever present, character in an ep.
  24. 2017 AZCentral Article on Toni Tennille’s Relocation Back to Prescott, AZ, From Lake Mary, FL To read, click where it says Read More, in small print, under the pic of her in the blue & black top. This article includes a screen grab of her Facebook page where she announced she was moving back from Florida to Arizona; she had lived in Florida from 2014 through 2017. There’s also a Read More link to click on this page. From CNN: Daryl Dragon’s Obituary He died in January, 2019 (so 2 years after Toni Tennille moved back to Arizona), right after New Year’s, of renal failure. Based on the 2 articles I’ve linked, I guess it’s still anybody’s guess if Toni Tennille moved back to Arizona because Daryl Dragon was ill/dying or not.
  25. Since the above was posted, I’ve completed my The Americans DVD set, with Seasons 5 & 6. I’ve also added The Final Season (Season 10) individual DVDs of the recently-ended reboot version of Hawaii Five-0. And I’ve pre-ordered The Complete Series version of the Hawaii Five-O DVDs I already have (which come out in early December), because the front cover of the Complete Series set states there are all-new special features in the Complete Series set.
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