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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. What Irlandesa said, about Rey coming back. Except I'm not sure if Van Buren actually went to Debra's funeral or they met up afterwards. I know they had a tough case that ep, & she told him on the phone, when he called, she might not be able to make the funeral but she'd try/she did wanna see him. And they also reminisced about Lennie (whose character died offscreen, after Jerry Orbach--who'd moved to a short-lived spinoff--died in real life from cancer, I think prostate cancer). Anyway... I now know why I thought Rey cheated on Debra more than once. When he tells Lennie Debra took the girls & wants him out of the house, he says something like "it's 'cause Debra found out he cheated with the/a girl in the bar" (& Lennie's supposed to remember what Rey's talking about--when some of them witnessed a prison execution & those who did ended up in a bar after, blowing off steam, instead of going back to work & Claire was later killed by a drunk driver in the course of giving recovering alcoholic Lennie, who went off the wagon that night, a ride home). Only, for some reason, I heard the line "a/the girl from the bar" as if it was said as "a/the girl from the park". Benjamin Bratt/Rey's diction was a bit hurried &/or muddled in that scene, & I misheard what he said.
  2. A movie I really like is High Crimes, a 2002 movie starring Ashley Judd, Morgan Freeman, & Jim Caviezel, which I first saw on a plane soon after its release. But there are 3 things that always bug me now, when I see it on TV. If nobody else here's seen the movie, it's about a married couple from the San Francisco area (Ashley & Jim) who are a lawyer & ex-Marine/now some kind of artist/craftsman, respectively, drawn into a big legal mystery involving the massacre of innocent civilians somewhere in South America, allegedly committed by Jim & some of his brothers in arms, which was also apparently covered up by the Marines. Despite not being a military lawyer, & knowing nothing about military law/court martial procedure (compared to civilian law/court trial procedures) Ashley signs on to defend Jim during his court martial, after he's arrested/set up for his involvement in the massacre--along with the help of a military lawyer assigned to the case before Ashley can get down to the base where Jim's being held in a Southern California town, apparently somewhere near Santa Ana (the John Wayne Airport in Santa Ana is cited as where Ashley flies into from San Francisco when she sets off to clear Jim's name), & a recovering alcoholic civilian lawyer, who's also a former military lawyer with his share of (apparently negative) experiences in courts martial (Morgan Freeman), who Ashley's referred to by the law firm she works for. The story gets a bit convoluted, but in my opinion is still good, from that point. Ashley finds out Jim isn't who she thought he was--among other things, the name she knows him by/married him under turns out *not* to be his real name; members of the local Marine Corps apparently are involved in all sorts of machinations to keep Ashley, Morgan, & the other lawyer from uncovering what they don't want found out about the massacre & clearing Jim's name--such as an oil slick-related car accident which causes Ashley to lose the baby she didn't yet know she was carrying, a baby Ashley & Jim were having difficulty conceiving at the start of the movie. Then, the charges against Jim are withdrawn thanks to a classified document involved with a covert op that the original massacre was a cover for, which Ashley's team discovers & takes to a General (Bruce Davison), threatening to make it public if Jim's not cleared. But... Morgan's doing some other investigating into Jim on the side, on a tip, & he learns Jim's apparently responsible for the subsequent US deaths of 3 Marine witnesses to whatever misdeeds he was involved with--Ashley thought Jim was going to their cities for stuff connected to his artwork/craftsmanship. Jim pretends to leave the house for something--they've gone back to Northern California since he was cleared--when Morgan calls with what turns out to be this info; he listens in to the phone call & he tries to kill Ashley afterwards. She's saved when a Latino guy, who's apparently from the region where the massacre/covert op took place, somehow knows she's in trouble, gets into the house & kills Jim. Then, at the end, Ashley's back in the Southern California town where the court martial took place. She's hoping to work with Morgan at his law office & start a new life. After that very long synopsis (sorry!), the 3 things that bug me about the movie are: 1. Jim & Ashley's last name in the movie (before his other name is discovered) is "Kubik". There's not a consistent pronunciation of that name, among the other characters, to be found throughout the movie. Some say "coo-bick", others say "cue-bick"; some, inexplicably, actually say it both ways. 2. When Ashley's in Southern California she holds a press conference, to try to pressure the General into having Jim's court martial called off, by declaring his innocence & standing by him publicly. At the end of a local news report on this press conference--which should have only been seen in the Southern California area where the court martial's taking place--Ashley gets a phone call from her boss in *Northern* California. He says he saw the report on her press conference (apparently on TV at the same time Ashley saw it), the firm Ashley works for can no longer support her efforts, for whatever reason, & by the end of the call Ashley's telling Northern California boss she'll send her resignation from his firm on Monday. I don't understand how someone in *Northern* California saw a news report that, logically at least, should've only aired as local news in a specific part of *Southern* California. 3. In the last scene, as Ashley's pulling up in front of Morgan's law office again, she's listening to a radio station which *clearly* identifies itself as being from "the Bay area". Morgan's office is supposed to be in *Southern* California, as I think I mentioned above. I've never heard Southern California referred to as "the Bay area", only Northern California. That's fine if they wanted to film the whole movie in/around San Francisco. But somebody who deals with Continuity/whatever controls the stuff heard on a radio in the movie should've paid more attention & realized a) the Bay area isn't normally a nickname used for Southern California (in my experience, anyway) & b) you also normally cannot pick up a Northern California-based radio station in Southern California. The Continuity person *also* should've caught the differing, & inconsistent, pronunciations of the character name "Kubik". And the writer really should've realized it was *stupid* to have Ashley's Northern California boss be able to see a news report which should've only been airing in Southern California, & for it to appear, in the scene, as if Ashley & her boss were watching it on the same newscast at the same time because the boss called Ashley about it as soon as it ended. You can't see Southern California TV stations in Northern California, even on cable--just like you can't pick up Northern California radio stations in Southern California.
  3. I doubt it'll go on Fridays, unless something really tanks. Once The Amazing Race ends its fall cycle (airing 8PM Eastern on Fridays), they probably will air Undercover Boss like they did this season. And they've kept Hawaii Five-0 & Blue Bloods where H50's been since S3--this will be S6 this fall--& Blue Bloods has been since it premiered (I think it'll also be in S6 this fall), the 9 & 10PM Eastern timeslots, respectively. Both appear to have gotten full season (at least 22) episode commitments & I doubt they'd move either show from those slots as, even with low ratings & demos (compared to other shows on the network/schedule), the H50/BB combo has been winning the Friday ratings in their timeslots for CBS since the shows were paired in the 2012-2013 season.
  4. I don't know that they "gave" Chris Daughtry a band, per se. After he was eliminated from Idol & signed with the label/production company, he was offered the opportunity to front a band called Fuel. He chose not to accept that offer because he wanted to have his own band & not step in as lead singer with an existing band. Having said that, yes the label (RCA, I think) helped him choose the original band members (though he knew some of them for years before). But it seems Chris is the 1 who chose "Daughtry" as the band's name, because of its recognition factor. I think that's mostly, If not totally, correct. I got the info from the Wikipedia page for the band.
  5. http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/cbs-fall-schedule-2015-2016-supergirl-1201494525/ The Odd Couple is among the shows CBS held for their midseason schedule for 2015-2016.
  6. According to Google, Noah has only been married once before; this will be his second marriage, not third. He does, however, have three children from his previous marriage.
  7. Rumer & her 2 sisters from Bruce & Demi's marriage all have "unusual" names--Rumer is named for the poet Rumer Godden (her middle name is Glenn, for Bruce's Moonlighting Executive Producer who I think he was, if not still is, good friends with, Glenn Gordon Caron); her middle sister, Scout LaRue, was named for the To Kill a Mockingbird character; her youngest sister is Tallulah Belle, named for actress Tallulah Bankhead. In contrast, Rumer's baby half-sisters, from her Dad's marriage to model/actress Emma Heming Willis, have more "conventional" names--Mabel Ray (age 3, born April, 2012) & Evelyn Penn (age 1, born May, 2014).
  8. The only thing is, we've only seen Stan (played by actor Mark Deklin) in 2 episodes, 1 in Season 1 & 1 in Season 2. And, to me at least, he appeared to be different people in each appearance. In Season 1, the ep involved (the 1 where the COTW involved Five-0 chasing after a Federal Witness in the Hawaiian rainforest, trying to get her to court in time to testify against a very bad guy so he wouldn't go free on a technicality) had Rachel & Gracie mistakenly victimized in a carjacking meant for Stan after Rachel drove his car while Stan was, as usual, out of town on business. And the reason for the carjacking--& a subsequent break-in at the Edwards' home--was that the Housing Commissioner was corrupt, Stan knew it & had tapes of their meetings to prove it & the Housing Commissioner somehow knew about them & was trying to get the incriminating tapes back. The only thing is, when he fessed up about the tapes to Danny (who'd gone to pick him up at the airport because he just knew Stan was connected to the carjacking & break-in, in a bad way, & Danny wanted to tell him, privately, to clean up his act before Rachel, or especially Gracie, had to pay for his misdeeds), it turns out Stan had something in mind to do with the tapes which was just as illegal as what the corrupt Housing Commissioner was doing. So, in S1, Stan didn't really come off as selfless as he did in S2. To me, in S1 Danny's negativity towards, & apprehensions about, Stan--especially regarding how *Danny's daughter* Gracie could be hurt because of how Stan chose to conduct his business--were well-founded. And it's ironic, to me, how Rachel complains about how Danny's job supposedly puts Gracie (& Charlie)'s safety at risk, but she doesn't understand that her current husband, Stan, can also deal--& has also dealt--with characters who can bring equal danger to Gracie (& Charlie) as anyone Danny's been involved with through his work, despite the fact Stan's "just" a real estate developer (which should be a relatively "safe" occupation). I agree with your view of Stan in S2 though. He has *no* blood ties to Gracie. But because he's apparently come to love her like his own, & because she's been kidnapped & it could mean the difference between her life & her death, he allows Danny to shoot him in the shoulder (though I think the kidnapper ordered Danny to put 3 bullets into Stan, at center mass--Danny aimed 1 at Stan's shoulder, & put the other 2 into the grass nearby in the park they were at during this portion of the kidnapping ep). You have to admit, that is pretty selfless (especially since he pretty obviously had to have surgery to remove the bullet, & might've had to undergo physical therapy rehabilitation, depending on where the wound was & how much damage it might've done, despite Danny's best efforts not to hit him where a lot of damage would be done). I actually follow Mark Deklin (Stan) on Twitter, mainly because of his connection to H50. Shortly after he joined Twitter, & I followed him, I Tweeted him to ask if he sees Stan as a good guy, a bad guy, or shades of gray/somewhere in between, because I was curious since we'd sort of seen "Corrupt Businessman Stan" in S1 but we'd seen "Selfless Stepfather Stan" in S2. He said he saw Stan as "shades of gray", which I totally agreed with.
  9. OK... The 2nd link worked. Then I tried the 1st link again & it worked this time. I have no idea... I tried link 1 twice before I posted that it didn't work & it didn't work either time. So the original issue was legit, at least in my case. I appreciate the 2nd link being posted. And it was very cool of the semi-finalists who went to go visit the kids at the hospital.
  10. I've always assumed that, at least on "performance"-involved reality shows (like DWTS & American Idol), the producers--at least usually, &/or at least until they get to the Finale where the season's champion(s) is/are named--meet with the host on the day of the Results Show & let him know who is/probably is being eliminated that week. So Tom Bergeron, Ryan Seacrest, etc., know who's going home when they walk out on that stage to do the show. I have no actual proof of this. It's just a gut feeling I've had for awhile now. And if it's happening, I don't think it's actually illegal for Tom, Ryan, etc., to know in advance.
  11. Rumer's in Hawaii Five-0 Season 3, Episode 9, Ha'awe Make Loa (Death Wish), & Season 4, Episode 6, Kupouli ʻIa (Broken). At least those are her eps in the show to date; I'm hoping they can bring her back in S6 'cause I like Sabrina & Max together. You can get the individual eps from amazon or iTunes (at least in the US), you can buy, or probably rent (like maybe from your library, or elsewhere) the DVDs, or try for clips of Rumer's & Masi's scenes online. You know Masi's in NBC's Heroes reboot/sequel/whatever they're calling it, right? Just asking.
  12. I'm not sure what happened, but when I click your link it brings me back to this same page, not the article you intended for us to see. You might want to check/redo it.
  13. With all due respect to your comment, as you said, "Rumer was born into a life of wealth & privilege"--in other words, Rumer's parents are rich, not Rumer. I don't think it's necessarily fair, or accurate, to assume that Rumer or her sisters from her parents' marriage are currently independently wealthy in their own right/have already inherited any of their parents' wealth, through trust funds or other means, or that they don't need to work & make their own living to survive. Perhaps their parents have raised them to be different than other "children of wealth & privilege" who do nothing but sponge off their parents' money for their entire lives. I know they were raised outside the "Hollywood spotlight", in Idaho, by 1 or both parents for a number of years while they were growing up (by the way, the 3 eldest Willis sisters, with Bruce & Demi as parents, also have 2 baby sisters, under either age 2 or 3, from Bruce's current marriage to Emma Hemming-Willis. I think she's a model or an actress/model. And I doubt the baby sisters are currently millionaires/independently wealthy, as well). Indeed, Rumer is, & was, a legitimate working actress in her own right before joining DWTS. No, her credits aren't as extensive as those of her parents--& she has credits going back to when she was a young child, when she played (in probably fairly small, almost cameo, roles) the daughter of movie characters played by 1 or the other of her parents; I think her IMDb page said she was Demi's daughter in Striptease, maybe other films as well, & she also played Bruce's daughter in at least 1 film I don't remember the name of--but Rumer does have acting credits in her own right, & not all in films/other projects involving 1 or both of her parents. A "non-nepotism-related" credit of Rumer's that I'm quite familiar with is her recurring role as Sabrina, the bank teller girlfriend of Dr. Max Bergman, the Honolulu Medical Examiner character played by Masi Oka in CBS' current reboot of Hawaii Five-0. The show just got renewed for its 6th season & Rumer has appeared in at least 1 episode each season since either Season 3 or Season 4--so she has 2 or 3 credits just from that show alone, with presumably more to come as the characters of Max & Sabrina are quite suited to each other.
  14. The "showmance" is apparently real. Robert & Kym kissing on a post-DWTS getaway: http://m.etonline.com/news/164350_dancing_with_the_stars_kym_johnson_and_robert_herjavec_kiss_during_romantic_vacation/ http://m.eonline.com/news/655818/pda-alert-dwts-robert-herjavec-and-kym-johnson-spotted-kissing-during-romantic-weekend-getaway
  15. The eps where Sondra has the twins have always bugged me from a medical standpoint. Probably because I come from a medical family (though not an OB-GYN). What bugs me about them--or at least the 1st ep (I think)--is where Theo takes the phone call from his parents after they're at the hospital &, when he hangs up, he tells Howard, Justine & Julia(?) Sondra "had a false alarm".... But instead of leaving the hospital & going home, at that point, like normal after a pregnancy "false alarm", Sondra stays in the freakin' hospital & actually delivers the twins soon after! When you do the above, oh not-so-great Cosby Show writers, you're NOT having "a false alarm"; you're just not at the point in labor you need to be at to actually do the pushing & other stuff that results in the freakin' birth! That has always bugged, & always will bug, they clearly described something that was other than a "false alarm" as exactly that. On another note, "Gordon Gartrelle", the name they used for the designer of the expensive-ish shirt Theo wanted, but Cliff wouldn't pay for so Denise tried to copy it, was actually the name of a real guy who eventually became a Producer (& maybe something else on the staff) of The Cosby Show. I think he has that credit in the season where the opening includes that mural drawn by local kids in the background, Cousin Pam is a character, & the opening credits use a child-like printing, if he doesn't have the credit before that season.
  16. If Nancy says "Yummy, yummy, yummy to my tummy, tummy, tummy!" on this show, like she did on the Holiday Baking Championship, I swear I'll throw something at my TV--at least mentally/in my head. That was just silly & gross, & didn't need to be said.
  17. *Renewed* for Season 2! http://www.ew.com/article/2015/05/11/cbs-renews-ncis-criminal-minds-good-wife-person-interest
  18. I also have to say, those "(class action) lawsuit on behalf of people who've been harmed by taking (name of drug)" ads drive me batty. At least the ones where the spokesperson says something like "Have you, or a loved 1, died or been hospitalized by taking (name of drug)? It's cool, I guess, if they target the loved ones of people negatively affected by whatever drug. That makes sense. So does targeting people who've taken the drug, been hospitalized as a result & (presumably) left with some sort of presumably permanent physical/mental damage as a result. What doesn't make sense is when it sounds like they're targeting people who've already died as a result of taking the drug involved, as if said people were still alive. I mean, the people who've actually died from taking whatever drug(s) can't do a damn thing about it now, like file suit against the drug company/companies themselves. You know? I get they probably actually mean the estates of anyone who died as a result of using said drug(s), & that's what they should say--not sound like it's still possible for dead people to file lawsuits for themselves when it's not.
  19. We have the same type of ad here in Indiana. Only ours is about the Indiana State Police officers who are working along the various roads & highways in the state, & it uses (at least supposedly) the kids of different State Police officers. The kids in the ads--there are at least a couple of different ones--ask the viewers to be careful whenever they see the State Police along the roadside so the kid's State Police officer parent (at least 1 involves a State Police officer Mother, another a State Police officer Father) will be able to come home to them after their shift & have dinner, or do whatever else, with them.
  20. I'm half Filipina (through my Dad); even though I'm not really into Filipino food, I was sad to see Kristine go. Mostly because you rarely see any Filipino cuisine made on nationally-aired US cooking shows. Damiano needs to stop complaining every time the bakers are asked to do something he's not familiar with--like making Brunch foods--because he's a native Italian & they don't do whatever it is there. He's the 1 who decided to enter an American-based baking competition, nobody *made* him do it. And once he did enter it, he should've studied up more on typical American baked foods & the situations, meals, etc., you'd make them for instead of bitching in his "talking heads" about not being familiar with the baked goods for the given scenario because they don't have that scenario in Italy, & trying to wing it. Although, yeah, so far "winging it" is still working out for him. 1 of these weeks, though, it may not work so well for him.
  21. Elizabeth Wilson, Character Actress in 9 to 5 & The Graduate, Dies at 94. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/elizabeth-wilson-dead-character-actress-794706?utm_source=twitter
  22. CBS is repeating this ep tonight, May 9th, at 8PM Eastern/7PM Central.
  23. Joanne Carson, Second Wife of Johnny, Dead at 84. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/joanne-carson-dead-second-wife-794643?utm_source=twitter
  24. In case anyone's interested, here's a "post-mortem" type interview with Peter Lenkov, about what happened in the Finale & what he's planning for the still-presumed S6. It's from The Hollywood Reporter & is different than the Hollywood Reporter interview published before the Finale aired, which I linked in the Media thread. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/hawaii-five-0-finale-danny-794463?utm_source=twitter And just in case anyone is curious, or cares, HLH--the illness Rachel told Danny that Charlie has--is *real*, & bone marrow transplants are among the recommended treatments for it. If you have it in real life, & are the right age, it appears the place you'd wanna go for at least potential help is Cincinnati Children's Hospital. Here's a link to a Cincinnati Children's Hospital website page about it: http://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/health/h/hemophagocytic-lymphohistiocytosis-hlh/ edmattes76342: Thanks for the help with the Catherine/Afghanistan stuff. I totally remember that now (getting old sucks).
  25. I can't remember if Cath actually found her friend's son or not. I know after Steve almost got killed by the Taliban, Cath called & told him she was staying in Afghanistan to keep looking for him. And I thought at 1 point it was said she found him, then decided to stay in Afghanistan to teach or something. But I can't remember which ep that happened in, if it actually did, other than I'm pretty sure it was this season--S5. Especially since McG & Cath went to Afghanistan, then she stayed to keep looking for the kid, in the next-to-last ep of last season--S4.
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