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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. But that hadn't played out in real life yet, so they didn't know that would be part of the plot when that was filmed. Wow. I have chills now. Yeah... Leo's not in the scene (although John Spencer *was* still alive at this point in the season) & it was probably because of how the character would've had to be referred to, by protocol, depending on the outcome of the election since he's Santos' running mate. If Vinick wins, everybody can call him "Leo"; if Santos wins, by protocol they'd have to call him "Mr. Vice-President", although he's the kinda guy who might want to let that slide & be "just keep calling me 'Leo'". I mean, you know Leo would've loved to have been at his best friend's library dedication (& maybe, had the character not needed to be killed off, we could infer he would've been there & arrived at some time after Santos). There's 1 more, perhaps fairly integral, character (that I remember) who we didn't see in the library scene, likely because their presence could've--like with Leo--given something away about how the season would play out (if they'd thought that far about that character's plot at that point). Any ideas which character & why? Or should I just point it out--which might be a spoiler, actually, if I did. As for Toby, you're just gonna have to see how that plays out. The leak thing, if he ends up working with Josh, etc. But let me point out that Jed & Toby were often awkward with each other during the series. Toby liked to push Jed's buttons about stuff--the "your 'better angels'" thing, & other stuff. I think he made Jed see things about himself Jed didn't really like/didn't wanna see, which annoyed the crap outta Jed... at least at times. So the awkwardness isn't necessarily entirely over how the leak went down. And the reference Toby made was to Columbia University in NYC, not the country of Colombia. Just in case that wasn't immediately clear.
  2. http://www.people.com/article/former-mickey-mouse-club-member-marque-tate-lynche-dead-at-34 Former New Mickey Mouse Club Mouseketeer (from the Justin Timberlake/Ryan Gosling/Christina Aguilera/Britney Spears-era Mouseketeers) & American Idol (Season 3) contestant Marque (Tate) Lynche Dead at Age 34. Also... The First Transgender Actress, & Andy Warhol Muse, Holly Woodlawn, Dead at Age 69. http://variety.com/2015/film/news/holly-woodlawn-transgender-actress-walk-on-the-wild-side-1201655224/
  3. "Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt", as they say... Many times over. As others have said, welcome to the dark side.
  4. 1 thing you kind of need to also pay attention to/what might be important about the opening scene at the Bartlet Presidential Library dedication is who's NOT in the scene from the main cast. That certainly got people talking at the old board. There are definite reasons at least I came up with for why certain characters whose actors are in the main credits weren't in that scene. And many posters had the same theories. Also, Josh announcing the President doesn't necessarily have to mean Santos won. Mostly because we don't know--at that point--*which* President's staff he's part of at the dedication. He could be saying it as part of either Santos' staff (if he won) or Bartlet's staff (if Santos lost & he didn't decide to go elsewhere/Bartlet offered him a new job). Again, it all goes back to the importance of who did/didn't end up in the library dedication scene & why. At least 1 person's absence was due to how they'd have to be referred to (with/without a title) depending on who won the election. And another thing: S7, as I remember, only happened after budget cuts were agreed to. So, unlike previous seasons, someone being in the main titles didn't necessarily mean they were in the episode--the main actors all had to sit out a certain number of eps this season due to the budget (which could no longer afford everyone's salary every ep). But you could also tell at least some of the actors who weren't in certain eps--their credit was omitted from that week's main titles if they were written out of the ep, because they/their agents didn't have the clout to get them guaranteed billing every week.
  5. You didn't massacre the spelling on croquembouche. You got it totally right. Just an FYI.
  6. The show was named to the Best/Top 10 TV Shows of 2015 lists of Variety, *2* critics/writers at The New York Times, & Vulture (so far, anyway). http://variety.com/2015/tv/features/top-tv-shows-2015-1201654935/ http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/12/13/arts/television/best-tv-shows-2015.html?referer=http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=9&rct=j&q=the%20americans%20top%2010%20tv%20show&ved=0ahUKEwj_tLuYpsvJAhXFyT4KHfgnC_8QqQII4AEwCA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2F2015%2F12%2F13%2Farts%2Ftelevision%2Fbest-tv-shows-2015.html&usg=AFQjCNHVMtxIxQRWPD4KdLwQ0M9lYnIwcw&sig2=M9s7z36-3O4pZ24dFO1DNg http://www.vulture.com/2015/12/10-best-tv-shows-of-2015.html
  7. Rob Lowe is being honored tomorrow (Tuesday, December 8th), by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, with star #2,567 on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for his many years of work in television. The star is located outside Musso & Frank Grill (a famous, & historic, Hollywood restaurant), 6667 Hollywood Boulevard. The unveiling ceremony will take place at 11:30AM Pacific Time/2:30PM Eastern Time & will be live-streamed on the walkoffame.com website. It should be over by 12:15PM Pacific Time/3:15PM Eastern Time (in case anyone wants to try to "sneak watch" from work, or anyone wants to watch but is on a tight schedule tomorrow). Speakers at the ceremony will be Rob's friends & present/past co-stars, Fred Savage, Oscar winner Gwyneth Paltrow, & Miramax Studios Chairman Tom Barrack (Rob is either an investor in, or full-fledged owner of, Miramax).
  8. Rob Lowe is being honored tomorrow (Tuesday, December 8th), by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, with star #2,567 on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for his many years of work in television. The star is located outside Musso & Frank Grill (a famous, & historic, Hollywood restaurant), 6667 Hollywood Boulevard. The unveiling ceremony will take place at 11:30AM Pacific Time/2:30PM Eastern Time & will be live-streamed on the walkoffame.com website. It should be over by 12:15PM Pacific Time/3:15PM Eastern Time (in case anyone wants to try to "sneak watch" from work, or anyone wants to watch but is on a tight schedule tomorrow). Speakers at the ceremony will be Rob's friends & present/past co-stars, Fred Savage, Oscar winner Gwyneth Paltrow, & Miramax Studios Chairman Tom Barrack (Rob is either an investor in, or full-fledged owner of, Miramax).
  9. Actor Martin E. Brooks, Dead at 90. http://www.people.com/people/mobile/article/0,,20971786,00.html He was probably best known as (actually the second actor to play) Dr. Rudy Wells, the Dr./scientist responsible for implanting & maintaining the bionic prosthetics in both The Six Million Dollar Man (Lee Majors) & The Bionic Woman (Lindsay Wagner). By the way, the first actor to (briefly) play Dr. Rudy Wells, early in The Six Million Dollar Man, was actor Alan Oppenheimer.
  10. According to this, it probably won't be removed from Netflix: http://exstreamist.com/is-netflix-removing-the-west-wing-sources-say-no-need-to-panic/
  11. I like the Kennedy Center Honors & On the Day Before too. And I really like CJ's "You're stupid, but you're not stupid..." smackdown of that smarmy twit Wexler, followed by the whole thing where CJ brings up something about Wexler's network affiliates which is designed to embarrass her, as I remember, & whatever else she said (I think it had to do with just Wexler's station getting time with Jed, but I can't remember). I read the Tweet at least twice before I posted. I couldn't believe TWW & the real world paralleled again--as also happened sometimes when we were on "the other site", & our WH/POTUS had to deal with a real world issue of importance on the same night as a major social function at which the First Couple's presence is requested. I just hope Josh Earnest (or whomever had duty in his place this weekend) didn't have any real-life Sherri Wexlers to deal with.
  12. The Eagles were definitely named as being among this year's honorees, so we weren't mistaken on that. I read elsewhere that they asked to have their Honors presented next year instead, because of an unnamed health issue with an unnamed band member which prevented their participation this year. Even so, the same source--whatever it was--also said there was still at least a small recognition of them during last night's gala. Miranda Lambert (the ex-Mrs. Blake Shelton) sang their hit Desperado. Whether or not it remains in the televised version of the gala, since The Eagles weren't actually honored this year, remains to be seen.
  13. You Know You Watch Too Much West Wing When: You see the linked Tweet https://twitter.com/gregorykorte/status/673688556217454592 in your Twitter feed. And... It talks about how President Obama had been in a tux, to attend a White House reception for this year's Kennedy Center Honorees, then he changed into a "regular" (business) suit & tie to make last night's nationally-televised speech on terrorism from the Oval Office; then, after the speech, he changed back into his tux, to attend the second half of the annual Kennedy Center Honors gala, paying tribute to this year's honorees (he missed the first half because of the speech). And seeing the Tweet makes you think of when Sherri Wexler, that smarmy entertainment reporter who only had White House press credentials because she was supposed to be covering a White House State Dinner, snarked CJ in a live report for her station's newscast as being overly concerned with her wardrobe after she changed clothes (from a State Dinner-appropriate dress to a work-appropriate suit) when CJ unexpectedly needed to brief the press, during the State Dinner, about the deaths of 2 young American soccer players, & brothers, who were the victims of a suicide bombing while traveling overseas to play in a soccer tournament. That was in Ep 305, On the Day Before. And, by the way, if anyone's interested the Kennedy Center Honors gala will air on CBS on December 29th.
  14. Well, that should definitely be easier than Arnold's to find, at least spelling-wise. And I was just trying to be helpful, not snotty, with the spelling thing by the way (misspelling something can be a legitimate reason why it can't be found in a search engine). Could it be too new to be posted anywhere online yet?
  15. It was also posted in the General Gabbery thread last night.
  16. Were you searching Arnold's last name? If you were, that may be the issue. You spelled it wrong. It's S-C-H-W-A-R-Z-E-N-E-G-G-E-R; with no T & an ER at the end, not AR.
  17. iTunes is now showing The Wiz Live as being available--it appears it's available NOW--in video format, for $9.99 (plus tax, probably). It's listed 2 different ways. At least if you use the Mobile version of iTunes, choose the version that's listed under Top Results. It says "Kids The Wiz Live TV Season". Then I think you click on the price to download it (I download from my laptop, not my iPhone).
  18. Here's a link to Robert Irvine's page on Wikipedia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Irvine If you wanna know the scoop on the whole "lying about his credentials" thing, read the section towards the bottom half of the page, titled Controversy (which also talks about 1 or more restaurants he was trying to open at the same time in South Florida which never opened after all, though I think he had a building & other things for it/them; he finally ended up opening a restaurant in South Carolina, near either Myrtle Beach or Hilton Head Island... I think). Then read the section after that, titled Return to Food Network. That talks about the network bringing him back into the fold, as it were.
  19. I honestly have no idea about the apparent delay in releasing the music to the public--or if it really is a "delay" compared to any soundtrack releases from the earlier years' productions. It might be because of producing the physical CDs & their packaging or something technical, even (shrugs). But I do know the song Home from the show can be downloaded from the legal download sites, like iTunes, right now. Like you, when I heard them at least vaguely mention a soundtrack release I thought it would be (fully) available that night after the show aired (though they'd probably release it late that night, once the show had aired in all US time zones).
  20. I liked her well enough, but I missed Anna Deavere Smith's Nancy McNally character after Mary/Kate was brought onto the show as what was supposed to be the Deputy National Security Advisor. I liked that talk she & Leo had, to kind of "settle things between them", or whatever, after she started offering her opinions on things in staff meetings--at Jed's instigation, as I remember--& they clashed with Leo's take, seeming to cause problems in Jed's & Leo's relationship (or sort of older gentlemens' "bromance", if you will). I thought some stuff that involves Kate & another character--which I don't think Deaja has gotten to yet (I don't think it happened until S7), so I'm trying to be vague about it--came out of left field, but it ended up working for me. I follow Mary on Twitter. She used to post sort of a lot. Then her husband--a TV producer/director--was found to be cheating on her with Katharine McPhee (who was on American Idol, then on Smash--which is when all this happened--& now she's on Scorpion), & she hasn't been posting much since (by the way, Mary's marriage apparently survived the scandal; Katharine's apparently didn't). She did, however, post about a cute "reunion" video she & a bunch of her ex-TWW co-stars did, in character, encouraging people in Michigan to elect Mary's sister, Bridget, to the Michigan State Supreme Court a few years ago (yes, Bridget won; I think she's still on the bench). The video was on YouTube; it probably still is. I still remember the nickname a lot of posters at "the other place" gave the Kate character: "Bangsy". That was for the hairstyle with bangs Mary wore in her first season. She was pregnant with her first child during that season &, supposedly, the bangs helped camouflage the weight gain in her face.
  21. I think the "too many crop tops from 1 of the designers" thing is kind of funny. Mostly because in the last few days multiple celebrity websites have posted a pic/pics of George Clooney's wife, Amal, wearing--you guessed it--a (albeit "fancy/dressy"--it looks metallic) crop top to some event & they're making like it's a big fashion trend/thing (she's also worn crop tops to other events since their wedding--but she's also still younger than 40 & she still has the abs to be able to wear those tops without looking inappropriate, so...). Here's a link to 1 of the sites with pics of her in said crop top. http://m.etonline.com/news/177387_amal_clooney_flashes_her_slim_stomach_show_stopping_metallic_crop_top_ensemble/
  22. I don't know how they did it. I was just theorizing--I think that's the word I want. And I had totally forgotten about Things Remembered, though I've used them in the past for stuff too. But my point was it was kind of nice, but a little surprising, that Bindi was at least able to take a "complete, personalized" trophy home with her, instead of having to wait for the part that specifies what she won it for, who she won it with, & when they won it to be personalized & sent to her in Australia after the fact (for her to attach to the trophy herself). OK, she & her family would know all the particulars of how she got it, without the personalized plate, because they were there for all of it (& especially since the mirrorball has the show's title logo on it). But it's still nice to have the fully explanatory plate; especially if someone happens to see it who's somehow completely unaware that Bindi did the show at all, let alone won the whole thing.
  23. Google says Nia's 53. I just looked. And she & Ian have been married 22 years.
  24. Scott Weiland's bandmate, Tommy Black, was arrested for Cocaine possession after a small amount was found in his area of the band's tour bus, near where Weiland's body was found. http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/rock/6785905/scott-weiland-arrest-tommy-black-cocaine-possession-wildabouts-bloomington-police
  25. If anybody didn't record this, somehow missed all or part of it, or just plain wants to watch it on TV again, multiple sources state that NBC will air an encore broadcast of The Wiz Live! on Saturday, December 19th at 8PM Eastern--that's 2 weeks from tonight. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/nbcs-wiz-live-encore-scheduled-845869 Also... In my previous post I mentioned that iTunes (& presumably all other legal MP3 download sites) was taking pre-orders for a soundtrack (I guess that's the right word) recording of music from the show, to be released on December 11th (this Friday). Amazon.com also shows there will be an actual CD version of the soundtrack released on the same date--December 11th--if you're not into the MP3 downloading thing but you want the music, and a DVD version of the production will also be released. The DVD will be released on December 22nd, according to Amazon. These items should also be available at other online & "brick & mortar" retailers besides Amazon, if you don't shop there. Amazon's just normally the first place I look for things like this. I pass along all of this information just in case someone here might be interested in it.
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