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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. (The Late) Jerry Garcia was in the Grateful Dead. In the show it's Jerry ORTEGA, played by JORGE Garcia. The "new San Francisco lady" is sticking around, at least for awhile. She's a recurring character; I don't know for how many episodes though. I can say CBS has issued the press release for the next new ep, due on January 8th, & she's not in that--but Adam & Gabriel are, & so is Kamekona. The next ep I know she's in is the Valentine's Day ep (not actually airing then, I don't think, but set on that day)--the characters of Abby, aka "San Francisco lady"/Chin's potential new love; Lynn, who appears to be Steve's new girlfriend; & Melissa, fka Amber, Danny's current girlfriend, are all in it. It was filmed in Hawaii last month, I think. As far as each of the Core Four having had failed/ended relationships, I'd agree as far as Steve (Catherine), Danny (Rachel--which really predates joining Five-0, but I'm also counting because of the S1 affair they had which resulted in the birth of their son Charlie--& Gabby) & Chin (Malia, which was a similar relationship to Danny/Rachel, in that it initially ended before Five-0 existed--when Chin resigned from HPD in light of what turned out to be his Uncle's theft from the HPD Asset Forfeiture Locker to finance the black market kidney Chin's Aunt needed for a transplant--was rekindled through a Five-0 case, resulting in their marriage, then ended when Frank Delano's goons murdered her; followed by Leilani, the prison employee Chin saved from the riot when he was kidnaped & put in Halawa Prison by 1 of Frank Delano's brothers out for revenge over Frank's death, then saw for a brief time afterward) are concerned. But I wouldn't necessarily agree about Kono. Her relationship with Ben Bass, the son of an S1 murder victim who was Kono's surfing mentor, was more before Five-0, like Danny/Rachel & Chin/Malia. And she only kissed Charlie Fong at a party when they were young kids. Other than that, her relationship with Adam is the only relationship we know of involving her & that relationship really hasn't ended or failed, despite Adam currently being incarcerated at Halawa. They got married, despite everything the Yakuza has thrown at them. Kono isn't divorcing him because of him being in Halawa, which was pretty much orchestrated by Gabriel/the Yakuza; they actually promised each other their love was forever when Kono took him to Halawa to begin his sentence. And another thing... You mentioned the CSI writers being able to successfully write character couple relationships. If that's not confined to the original show & includes at least CSI: NY, then you're actually potentially complimenting H50 Showrunner, & frequent writer, Peter Lenkov. He served in the same capacities at CSI: NY for multiple seasons just prior to beginning H50.
  2. There's a new ep tonight--at 10PM Eastern--with 4 members of the same family, who all work in the same restaurant, competing against each other.
  3. Thanks. It wasn't a staph infection though--more like urinary tract, thanks to a kidney stone I didn't know I had in a ureter (born with Spina Bifida so I don't have a lotta feeling where I'd normally feel the stone), & somehow the whole thing blew up into kidney failure &, of course, I had to have the stone surgically & laser lithotripsy removed & a stent put in to keep the formerly blocked ureter open. That was in the whole last half of October & I'm still trying to get my energy back. And that whole paragraph, beyond like the 1st 2 sentences, was TMI. Sorry. But thanks again. I'm gonna be scanning the listings for a rerun of the show, like I said. If I find anything, I'll post. Of course I'll probably fall asleep when that's on too.
  4. Since Claire calls him by his name, or a nickname, I was thinking he's more like her stepfather or the partner of her mother. I mean, if he were her father wouldn't she probably have called him some form of "Dad" instead?
  5. Since they're talking about Aftershock in another thread, I'll ask this question about it, which I'm curious about. When Claire goes to see the law professor, whom I think was also 1 of hers as a student, she calls him "Mack/Mac", & he says her mother wants her to come by for dinner again soon. So, besides apparently being 1 of Claire's law professors, he's also her father/stepfather/the unmarried partner of Claire's mother?
  6. It's probably OK Aaron looks 35; I mean, in the movie, Olivia Newton-John was in her 30's (I think early 30's, but still...) when she played teenage Sandy; John Travolta, as Danny, was probably in his 30's too. And I'd bet most/all of the actors who played The Pink Ladies & T-Birds were too. And I'd think Stockard Channing definitely was when she played Rizzo. Just saying...
  7. It was on last night at 10, on NBC. I missed it too--fell asleep before 10 (but, to be fair, I'm still sort of recovering from 2 hospitalizations in the last 15 months, both of which started in the ICU & resulted in pretty major surgeries; the last of which was an infection which also resulted in kidney failure, so...). Maybe we'll both get lucky & NBC will repeat it, like they're gonna do with The Wiz Live!. I'm not a huge fan of hers, yet, but I have her version of To Make You Feel My Love, so far, & would like to see her special if I still can.
  8. I thought he was being rather morally superior too, when he initially thought it was Santos, instead of his flaky brother, who fathered the illegitimate child he was paying support for. At least it seemed he wasn't gonna take the issue to the media. Though I wouldn't have put it past some of his newer staff towards the end of the campaign--NOT Patricia Richardson's character, or Stephen Root's; maybe Ron Silver's Bruno or the new lady I think the RNC brought in after Patricia Richardson's character resigned (if you're on The Election, that shouldn't be a spoiler for you). And when you get to the actual part in The Election where the staffs start tallying electoral numbers on their individual maps, watch for the sort of blooper where the lady working for Vinick is reading aloud which states Vinick just won, & how many Electoral College delegates each got him. At 1 point she's writing state tallies on their map that she hasn't even read aloud yet, instead of writing & reading the same thing simultaneously, like most people--I think it involves a group of states including, like, Louisiana. I always considered that a blooper, anyway.
  9. You may have to get Santa--or whomever--to get you either the individual season or complete series boxed set DVDs for you for Christmas, so you can (re)watch without being Netflix dependent, if need be (though I totally believe Netflix will be able to renew their streaming deal before Christmas). I'm pretty sure at least the individual seasons should still be available, at least at Amazon &/or Barnes & Noble. By this time--since the show ended almost 10 years ago--the sets should be pretty cheap (under $20 each).
  10. I think Miss Zoey's doing pretty well herself this season. Maybe she's not quite as articulate as Will yet--she is a year younger, after all--but I think her speech has improved since the last season Finale.
  11. The kids on Chopped Junior, at least (but probably also MasterChef Junior), are closer to their teens than the 8-10 years old you cited. I watched a repeat on FN a couple hours ago & at least 3, if not all 4, of the junior chefs were 12 years old.
  12. She isn't--quite--leaving as soon as she said. Apple Music Tweeted earlier today they're airing a special from her 1989 World Tour on/starting December 20th. https://twitter.com/applemusic/status/676089613165858816 And, of course, she's doing the requisite interview to promote it (NOTE: I *DO NOT* follow TS; I follow Apple Music--which was iTunes Music when I started following it, years ago--& I got her Tweet because they ReTweeted it). https://twitter.com/taylorswift13/status/676114632361119744 I find it ironic Apple Music's airing/streaming her concert special, in light of that kerfuffle TS got into with them, earlier this year, over her music being played for free--horror of horrors--during that free preview period Apple Music did, with her threatening to pull her music from the service entirely if they didn't stop using it over the free preview period, as I remember. My how times have changed. Though I'm sure it's not the times changing as much as it is the, literally, ZILLIONS of dollars that probably got added to her already massive bank account by Apple/Apple Music for the rights to the special. Taylor, Taylor, Taylor... HOW THE HELL CAN WE MISS YOU (if we're inclined to) IF YOU WON'T FREAKING GO AWAY??!! Just asking.
  13. Bill Tweeted a really cute pic of Will he took, using some kind of Star Wars-related app. You gotta see it. https://twitter.com/reallybillklein/status/676096207660257280
  14. The 1989 Tour finally ended, in Australia, either last night or the night before (I can't remember which, plus there's the US/Australia time difference to consider--though that's more about hours different between the 2 countries than days). Let's see if Taylor keeps to her word about taking a break now, &/or how fast she actually breaks that word.
  15. BW also wrote Faith-Based Initiative in S6 (the ep where Josh left Bartlet for Santos & a local gossip column speculated CJ was a lesbian). I was a little surprised you didn't notice; I wanted to say something about it when you were in S6, but it wasn't as easy to tell where you were & I didn't wanna spoil you.
  16. Gabriel was originally introduced in the S4 ep Hana Lokomaikaʻi (The Favor)--which was actually just on TNT again either this, just, past Friday night/Saturday morning or the week before. That's the ep where basically the whole thing is Chin, & briefly Kono & Steve, being interrogated by those 2 hardnosed HPD Internal Affairs cops in connection with his actions during both the case involving his father's murder on the job at HPD 15 years earlier & a present-day case that both trace back to the same perp: Gabriel Waincroft, Chin's brother-in-law through his marriage to Gabriel's late sister, Malia. Gabriel robbed a local convenience store, resulting in the death of HPD Officer Kam Tong Kelly, Chin's father &--at the time--John McGarrett's partner (they went to investigate/apprehend the perp when HPD got the call), though apparently all Gabriel was charged for was the robbery. At the time, Chin & Malia were in their original relationship; when Gabriel was booked, Malia called Chin & asked if there was something Chin could do, so this didn't give him a police record & ruin his life. Chin talked to Gabriel, & apparently did something at the HPD end of things too, because the IA guys were interrogating him for being too willing to help his friends & family outta legal jams, like that. Despite Chin's talk with Gabriel, we saw in flashbacks that his criminal involvement escalated--a younger Kono, I think, told Chin & John she saw him somewhere with a visible tattoo that identified Gabriel as a member of a local gang. Eventually, we found out Malia had kept in touch with Gabriel without telling Chin, the IA cops made salacious & insulting comments about Malia & we got to the current case which somehow involved drug shipments masterminded by Gabriel, & Gabriel blaming Chin for Malia's death but managing--again--to get away from police custody. Which apparently got IA's notice since Chin & Gabriel were both involved in another case, though they apparently couldn't prove wrongdoing on Chin's part. Anyway, if you have the DVD's/iTunes/Digital downloads, go back & rewatch that ep. It explains how Gabriel went from low-level punk criminal to the level he's at now.
  17. To be fair to Ian Anthony Dale, he was already on H50 when Murder in the First came along (H50 is on S6 & Adam wasn't introduced until S2, I don't think; MitF is going into S3). And his role in H50 was initially, before they did the "good girl cop falls for possibly shady son of a Yakuza boss" storyline, a lot smaller than it is now, even though it's still, & always has been, recurring. Since the actor/character is recurring, & people need to eat, pay bills, etc., I don't see anything wrong with Ian going up for another role & taking it, to keep the money coming in when he's not needed on H50. Especially since roles for "people of color" (Ian is half-Asian & half-American) are harder to come by; especially "good guy/mostly good guy" roles like Ian has on both his shows. As long as TPTB at H50/CBS are OK with it, which they seem to be (as with Scott Caan now having a slightly smaller episode commitment each season than Alex O'Loughlin). And as long as his shooting schedule on both shows could be worked out among the various networks & producers (like Masi Oka being in both the Heroes sequel/reboot & H50 at the same time), which it apparently has been, again I see no problem with it (except for the potentially lame way the character's absence is explained). And if they thought his role was as important as some of the others on H50, they could've either made him a "Regular" who has the main title billing, probably the higher pay & other "perks" of that credit placement, but continues not to appear in every episode as if the character was still considered "Recurring" (like Masi Oka & Jorge Garcia are), which could've kept him from taking more work if that was for financial vs. creative reasons, OR they could've kept him at the billing (& presumably pay) level he's at & written his contract so it forbids him from taking other work as long as he's even recurring on H50 (which isn't necessarily fair to Ian & could've perhaps eventually caused him financial issues, depending how much he's paid per ep & how many eps TPTB choose to use his character in per season). But TPTB with the show & CBS chose not to forbid Ian from seeking other work while recurring on H50, because they tend to be nice about working around their actors' other commitments, real life & professional, which might affect their availability. And, honestly, I appreciate that they're of the more flexible, rather than rigid, type of boss.
  18. It appears Alex & family are spending Christmas in Australia. If you read this, DO NOT stop reading at the paragraph where Alex says it'll be his first Aussie Christmas in a long time. There's more to the article below the big box with the ad break (or whatever) in it that's under the "first Aussie Christmas in a long time" paragraph. I didn't know that the first time I read it & missed some interesting stuff--like Alex apparently *isn't* on contract right now. http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv-insider-alex-oloughlin-brings-his-family-home-for-christmas-and-why-were-watching-more-kiwi-tv/news-story/4411b1a12735e569a4a0c390ff00d55b
  19. Well, they had to come up with some reason why Adam wasn't around for awhile, short of him being killed or him & Kono divorcing (which isn't likely, the way their love for each other's being written), & assuming Adam doesn't just miraculously get outta Halawa when the next new ep airs on January 8th, because it's probably time for Ian Anthony Dale (Adam) to go shoot the next season of his other show, TNT's Murder in the First. If they hadn't put a reason in the storyline, then the Adam/Kodam fans probably would've bitched about "Where's Adam?", like the Danny fans, & others, do when 1 of Scott's "5 less eps per season than Alex" airs & there's no explanation given for where Danny is in that ep.
  20. Actress Marjorie Lord died on November 28th at age 97. She's best-known as Danny Thomas' wife in Make Room for Daddy/The Danny Thomas Show & Make Room for Granddaddy. She was also the real-life Mother of actress Anne Archer & an LA philanthropist. http://variety.com/2015/scene/news/marjorie-lord-dead-97-actress-make-room-for-daddy-1201659840/ Actress Rose Siggins, "Legless Suzi" in American Horror Story: Freak Show, Dead at Age 43. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/rose-siggins-american-horror-storys-848283
  21. Speaking of the soundtrack recording, it was released in both physical CD & download form yesterday, December 11th. OK... This article says the physical CD won't be released until next Friday, December 18th, but the downloadable version is available now, including through iTunes. http://m.playbill.com/news/article/yall-got-it-the-wiz-live-soundtrack-with-new-material-released-today-373856
  22. Entertainment Weekly posts 2-page recaps of each ep at their website, EW.com (they also do this for the original adult version). They don't have pics of every "look" that goes down the runway, but they do include pics of the "top" & "bottom" ones which the Judges actually critique & use to determine the elimination(s); those are on the 2nd page of the recap, where the runway show & elimination are discussed--page 1 is the "set up" of the ep (challenge theme, etc.). At least it's something. Here's the link to the recap for this week (there are also recaps for the earlier eps): http://www.ew.com/recap/project-runway-junior-season-1-episode-4 Hope this helps some!
  23. I don't think they "replaced" Sir Paul McCartney the first time he was selected (he postponed because of a family engagement that was scheduled for KCH weekend that year long before he was selected--then it took longer than just the following year for him to finally get his Honor). Nor did they "replace" The Eagles this year. I think, as long as they have 5 Honorees they're good with that because the tributes to even 5 are long enough to fill the allotted air time CBS gives them & then some. I've definitely read that the gala actually goes longer than 2 hours & there are things which get cut for lack of air time. I wish CBS would also give them 2 1/2, or even all 3, hours of air time on the night of the broadcast too. If they can do it for other awards shows--I'm almost positive they do it for The Grammys--why not this 1? Then maybe they wouldn't have to cut so much out.
  24. It probably was because the show had to do with war, in general. Just my guess. Since you saw through The Wedding last night, I'll tell you--about that episode--back in the day people were kind of wondering if it wasn't supposed to have been Zoey & Charlie's wedding, then they had to make it Ellie's wedding to Vic instead. This is because by that point Dulé Hill (Charlie) was beginning to film Psych, the show he was in on USA Network that started to air after TWW ended; & I think Elisabeth Moss had also moved on, to her role as Peggy in Mad Men, & maybe they weren't available to film then. Therefore, Zoey & Charlie's wedding became Ellie & Vic's "shotgun" wedding because Ellie was pregnant. Of course, it could've always been intended to be Ellie's wedding. Nobody really knows, but it just seemed a little strange they'd mention Zoey & Charlie seemed to be back together--the scene you mentioned where Jed had insomnia & caught Charlie sneaking outta Zoey's bedroom very late 1 night/early 1 morning--& then that's where they'd leave it when, at the beginning of their relationship, it almost always seemed a wedding would be inevitable. Yeah. As I remember CJ got pretty stressed out by the end (although having Secret Service protection fulltime wasn't a picnic for her either; especially not as CoS). But it's apparently no picnic working there in real life either, & staff turnover is a lot greater than we ever saw it in TWW, until the campaign to follow Jed into office started--but, of course, the lack of turnover in Jed's Senior Staff (except Rob Lowe/Sam Seaborn, pretty much) was due to the actors playing them all having multi-year contracts. And, at the point where I think you're at, Senior Staff Meeting scenes got to be pretty funny, because of how they had to "pad" them with characters who'd probably never actually be in a meeting like that (or only on certain occasions), because they couldn't bring in many new characters to replace the characters who'd moved on to non-White House storylines, because of the budget cuts, & if they didn't "pad" the Senior Staff meeting scenes with characters, then CJ may have only been talking to 1 person in them since all the old Senior Staff members had new functions at this point.
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