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Everything posted by stagmania

  1. Not with you there. He wasn't talking about her at all-that was all about him and his selfishness.
  2. I actually just started a rewatch and the difference in Marnie is the most startling, looks-wise. She was always thin but she looked more normal person thin with a full face in s1. Now she looks 0% body fat actress thin.
  3. I've been thinking about what my theories are. I'm pretty bad at guessing, but I wanted to give it a shot here. The main mysteries are: What is happening to Amabella and who is doing it? Who is Jane's rapist? Who will be killed, why and by whom? Is there a single decent man on this show? Theories in order: One or both of the twins is messing with her. It feels a little weak, but it's all I got. I think it's someone we don't know. It's just not tracking for me for it to be any of the main guys. I think it's meant to be a big red herring re: who is going to get murdered. Perry, not certain but possibly because his abuse is uncovered, by one of the other women rather than Celeste. Sticking with Ed. And Renata's husband, I guess, is probably just a normal slightly skeevy guy.
  4. Yep, he was lip synching. I watched the clip (always a delight), and you can almost believe it's really him until he gets to the "I can sing HIGH" part. So the weak Elvis singing in this episode is probably his real singing voice.
  5. Surprised to see so many people thinking this is leading to a Hannah/Adam reunion; that's not what I took from it at all. The show seems well and truly done with that relationship, aside from referencing it as a significant part of their pasts and something that haunts Jessa. It makes total sense to me that Jessa rewrote their history in her head. Being a loyal friend to Hannah was pretty much her only redeeming moral characteristic and she betrayed that to be with Adam. Of course she's going to minimize what Adam and Hannah had and blow up her relationship with him into some profound passion. If anything, I think this could be leading to some friendship redemption and forgiveness between Jessa and Hannah. I don't really care one way or the other how Hannah and Adam end up. For me the true OTP of this show is Ray and Shosh, whether romantically or otherwise. I'm so glad he finally rid himself of Marnie. That scene between Elijah and Hannah was so well done. Just gutting in exactly the right way, and so true to his character. This is shaping up to be a great final season.
  6. I loved the way Madeline didn't directly correct him, but made a point to repeat the word and say it correctly.
  7. Bonnie asked where Abigail would go if they moved, and he didn't seem to have an answer, IIRC. His fantasy didn't involve bringing her along.
  8. We're just going to have to agree to disagree there. In this same episode, Nathan suggested that he and Bonnie and Skye just move away, so really not seeing how he cares about good relationships with Abigail and Madeline. I completely agree. I'm starting to think Bonnie is a more important part of this narrative than I originally realized. She's the one who seems to understand the family dynamics at play and really care about doing her part to make them work. Last week I wondered if her seeming pushiness with Madeline comes from a place of good intentions, and now I definitely think that it does. She may be the only adult in this story who is just trying to do the right thing, even if she makes mistakes.
  9. Yeah, you just described the behavior of an asshole. The dinner clearly was Bonnie's idea, because she's the one who cares about Abigail and having a good relationship with Abigail's mom, and he should care about those things, too. But he doesn't, and he basically admitted that, and then piled on by not only calling his new wife's ideas crazy, but also bitching about the wife he left, to her face. Maddie is definitely not friendly to him and it's not the most mature way to handle it, but it's fairly easy to see that her behavior comes from a place of deep hurt. If he was actually contrite about his past behavior he would accept that he deserves it. Wow, I really do not like Nathan.
  10. I think the fact that Nathan is still throwing that stuff from their past in her face, for no real reason and mostly unprompted, shows what an ass he is. Especially given the context that he left her and their daughter. What kind of person abandons his wife and then still has the audacity to bitch to her about how hard it is to get back to a positive relationship and how much she annoys him?
  11. I think that was hinting at something in Bonnie's past, not Nathan's. He seems to just be your garden variety narcissistic asshole.
  12. Yep, I'm in this camp. Ed is not a nefarious predator; he's just a nerdy, awkward guy who is getting a little lonely and weird because his wife is completely uninterested in him sexually. He seems like a good dad and a good husband who unfortunately married someone that just doesn't feel for him the way he does for her. Speaking of, Maddie is kind of an asshole, huh? Yet somehow she remains extremely likable. She's been very unfair to Ed. In particular, their conversation out on the beach, and her reaction to his passionate plea not to be her second choice, plays really differently knowing what we do now. She doesn't seem to take him or his feelings seriously. Apologies for not quoting, but I agree with whoever said upthread that it's clearly Bonnie driving Nathan's attempts to maintain a relationship with Abigail. Every week he's revealed to be more of a narcissistic selfish prick; I'm starting to wonder what Bonnie sees in him. I'm now firmly convinced that Ziggy is not the one hurting Amabella. There's something going on there that we don't know about yet. And that teacher is incredibly out of line.
  13. Loving all the nostalgia articles today, and the lighthearted resurgence of all the old fandom arguments. For the record: Team Spike and Yay Season 6.
  14. July/August is such a horrid time for this to air. Who watches serious TV in high summer?
  15. It looks like they're announcing the premiere date, and it's inside a block of ice...that they're just going to let slowly melt until it's revealed? Looks like the stunt is done now (premiering July 16th), but people were very confused.
  16. Are people watching this weird block of ice stunt? What on earth.
  17. The show films in my neighborhood, and given the erratic weather we've been having this year (it's winter! no wait it's spring! nope summer! back to winter!), I expect the filmed weather to be all over the map. I guess the one upside of climate change is that there are no more consistent seasonal weather patterns, so shows won't have to stress about having them match. Yeah, I didn't mean relationships in the sense of him bringing Mischa into the family and Mischa and Henry having some kind of brother tension. I meant the way Phillip feels about his two sons, one who he raised and loves but had as an assignment, and one who he never knew but was the product of a loving relationship. I like all the spy stuff, but for me this show has always been about family dynamics at its core, and I hope to see them get back into that in the final two seasons. I'm very interested in Phillip's reaction to Mischa and what kind of thoughts and feelings it might inspire in him about the family he's built in America versus the life he might've had in Russia. They can do that with Paige, as well, but it seems like a missed opportunity with Henry so minimized in the story.
  18. Definitely a table-setter of an opener, but there are several plots I'm already feeling invested in. Excited to have the show back! I think I'm most looking forward to whatever is going to happen with Mischa. And I wonder if they're going to make Henry significant again. Seems like a good potential opportunity for some tension between Phillip's sons and his relationships with each.
  19. Adam Scott has been in the industry for a long time, has been a lead in film, network and cable TV, and is very well-connected. This isn't even his first HBO show (he co-starred in Tell Me You Love Me), so I really doubt his getting this part had anything to do with a decade-old one episode guest stint on a WB show. I would really love some clarity on the timeline of Nathan leaving, Ed entering the picture, Nathan returning, Bonnie becoming Abigail's stepmom, etc, because I think it would shed a lot of light on the dynamics at play. But I agree that the evidence we have shows that Ed has been in Abigail's life since she was a child, thinks of her as a daughter (he very casually called her "honey" in that scene where they discussed Madeline's agitated tendencies), and is therefore invested in her feelings and choices. I don't see any lust on his face in that picture; he looks thoughtful or concerned.
  20. Adding to the chorus of people younger than the mothers who love Fleetwood Mac. :) Interesting to read people's ideas about Perry, and I have to say: I think it can all be true. He's an abusive manipulator, and also has deep seated insecurities. He wants to control Celeste, and also feels that he loves her desperately. He is probably irredeemable, but also genuinely wants to try to be a better husband. The show seems to want us to view him and his relationship with Celeste with all it's complexities and contradictions, and it tracks for me. It also makes me think he's going to be a big part of whatever ends up going down, otherwise why bother to dimensionalize him this much?
  21. Early buzz for the new season is great, as usual. Critics have seen three episodes and they seem pleased. Can't wait!
  22. I assumed he was a tech CEO...but I don't recall specifically. He's definitely got the affectations.
  23. It costs six figures to play Fleetwood Mac. Jane was nude in this episode before she walked into the water. I assume that for the characters we haven't seen nude, it's just because it's not appropriate for their story so far. We've been told that Madeline and Ed, for example, don't have much of a sex life. And Renata and her husband were getting it on at work, so full nudity would've been quite the bold choice.
  24. I think the scene of her chasing his footprints was a dream. It was clarified when she told the story that he left right after raping her, she stayed in the hotel room numb for awhile, and then went out into the water herself. Nope, she's definitely not in this. The show is encouraging us to think it's Perry right now, which makes me think it won't be. None of the other husbands are tracking for me as a strong suspect, so I think it may be someone we don't know yet. Agree the broken bones could indicate a fall, but I don't think one of the men will do it. This show is very driven by the emotions and actions of the women, and I expect the murder will be driven by them as well.
  25. Ed's about six inches too short and 50 pounds too light to be the guy we saw in the rape scene. I took Abigail's comment to mean that she doesn't want to live with Madeline's agitation-which is what she admitted a couple scenes later. Not seeing sinister Ed/Abigail vibes at all.
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