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Everything posted by CalicoKitty

  1. Sealcoating reminds me of the horrible accident we had a couple of years ago. Our HOA was having the streets coated, and the truck blew up. All three of the workers ended up being life flighted to a burn unit, and the last I heard, which has been a while, the guy that was actually on fire lost several fingers and probably had to have the others removed. I don't know if he lost any other body parts, but he was in the burn unit for months. He was actually on fire. Word of warning: if you see a truck doing sealing, do not walk by. If there had been anyone on the sidewalk then this truck blew, there would have been dead people. The explosion damaged the garage across the street, and scorched one house on the other side of the street. Their trees were on fire, and they have had to replace all their windows in the front because of melting from the fire. Plus paint and some roof repair. I guess it could have been worse--no one was killed outright . But I never did hear what finally happed to the guy that was on fire. Do not ever stand in your yard to watch the process, even though it is interesting.
  2. I am not a shoe diva. I go for comfort, and if they look good it's a bonus. Maybe her shoes are very comfortable.
  3. Is Jill writing the content? This should be interesting. She can't even write a post correctly. Is she charging for this venture? This is so out of her wheelhouse. I almost feel sorry for her. Almost.
  4. I take back what I said about Tim's attire in the family picture. He did get the memo on what to wear. He wore blue, like everyone else. This might be his only blue shirt, but he blended in well. And made an effort. Good for him.
  5. I wonder if Dave will be tasked to print the wedding invitations. If so, I sure hope they look better than this flyer.
  6. And DON'T let MIL Jill do your hair. Even if she begs. Even if she gets down on her severely bad knee to beg. JUST SAY NO. Actually, I think her sisters will have the dress and hair covered. At least I hope so.
  7. I hope Heidi's parents don't abandon her like Anna's have. I get the feeling that Heidi has a pretty supportive family.
  8. They have lived in MN before, right? All I could think of was MOSQUITOS. I hope they didn't buy this house because they think they can sit outside and enjoy the view in the evening. (I have been chewed up in Minnesota. Beautiful for a vacation, and I really like spending time in Minnesota, but I personally would not like to live full time on water.)
  9. Tim's new family looks better than his "old" family. The members of this family are nicely dressed in clean, appropriate clothing that fit, and have genuine smiles. And no one appears to be starving. I doubt this family swims in drainage ditches. This is a whole new world for Tim, and I hope he embraces it and becomes "one of them". I think Heidi will prove to be the best thing that ever happened to Tim. (Mech would have a fit over the blue dress in the front row.)
  10. Those are beautiful pictures. They remind me of the time I went down in a salt mine. Salt looks amazingly like marble, or like these rocks.
  11. Only 5 states issue it, and their location makes me think it is to accommodate travel to Canada, even though they say that it makes travel to Mexico and the Caribbean easier. It is for land and sea entry; they do not mention flying.
  12. Don't take too much stuff. When they say "two items with address" that is what they mean. They used my record of giving to church because it had my address on it, so any bill or receipt should be enough. They want you to bring in the minimum that they ask for.
  13. And you can get a Real ID without having a passport. But a passport can be used as one form of ID for the Real ID, if you have one.
  14. I just bought a couple of longer jackets on sale from Lands' End (that's the way they spell it). Both are down, and one of them is "packable" and fits into a small bag. The other one hasn't arrived yet, but I'm hoping it I like it. It is supposed to be super warm. I like that this company rates the warmth of their coats and jackets so you have some idea if it will be warm enough for what you need.
  15. Actually, my dad's service was about a week and a half after he died. That was because he died the day before Thanksgiving, and the pastor was out of town visiting his family. Then we had to wait a few more days because the city was setting up road blocks for the Christmas parade, and the main road to the church was blocked. We had to wait until the parade was over and the blockades were down. My dad was a very altruistic but humble person, and we were sure he did want a parade for his funeral!
  16. We had a family graveside burial for my father, and then a formal memorial service at the church later the same day. At a funeral, the body, or ashes, are present at the service. The remains have already been buried before a memorial service. Both of my parents did not a regular funeral service. A memorial service has all the same elements as a funeral, but the body is not there. Sometimes a memorial service is personal preference, sometimes it is a necessity. We had a family grave side service for my mother, which was her request.
  17. They look so happy, and she looks so nice. I guess Tim didn't get the memo about appropriate dress. But then again, this may be the "best" he has. I hope they gave their "permission" for Jill's engagement announcement. I truly hope they keep their distance and demand rules for Jill. I also hope Heidi's family does all the wedding planning.
  18. Only if the Wisdom Book had a chapter on income tax. That is a topic that probably isn't too important because the kids are only supposed to work for a family member (in this case, JB). Figuring out a way to not report any income would be more in line with their thinking, it seems.
  19. My 69-year-old SIL and my 43-year-old niece just went to Disneyland IN COSTUME. I don't get it.
  20. She is actually standing up straight in this picture, which makes her look thinner. She has had poor posture in pictures previously which made her tummy to appear to be sticking out. I thought she looked very nice in the picture with Joy.
  21. I agree. He may feel the need to show everyone how he is still "in power" in his family, and make some very strict matches for the remaining girls. I'm guessing he still has "friends" in high IBLP places. He needs some "obedient" sons-in-law to boost his ego.
  22. Thanks. I knew I remembered something like that, but I didn't remember his name.
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