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Everything posted by Chas411

  1. I was startled Natalie managed to keep her opinions to herself and shut off the ventilator without pulling any of her usual stunts. Severide asking April for her opinion on medical treatment was eyerolling. What was more eyerolling was her giving it and then also giving both the actual doctors as much unnecessary attitude as he was. She should have been written up for allowing a bunch of coworkers to ambush Rhodes before surgery. It's really frustrating that she didn't get called out.
  2. The seperation is ridiculous to me - it's purely for logistics so they don't have to keep having one pop up in the other's show. God forbid they were just in a relationship offscreen. I also think they want Ben singe for a while since nobody else in firehouse seems to have a storyline outside of who they're dating or hoping to date.
  3. It's standard Andy though. She is the worst. Of course she'd be the one to tell off Sullivan as well. Worst written lead on a show in a long time.
  4. I feel like the exact same sentence could have been used in the season two episode thread only replace Upton with Lindsey and Adam with Jay. I like that the deviated from the obvious by putting Upton with Ruzek but now I'm starting to think it was just to create the worlds most childish triangle between Ruzek, Jay and her.
  5. When will Chicago Fire‘s Annie IIonzeh be added to the main cast? I heard she was going to be a series regular…. –Max IIonzeh started Season 7 as recurring, but now is a series regular. As for her character, watch for Emily Foster to make a connection with Severide. https://analytics.twitter.com/mob_idsync_click?slug=cYcUg31mTL&idb=AAAAEIC4ESe9jbETgKKL61UwJ3DraOql5jNg5GQKaexhnziZSNKxMFBsKMNgR8Nc3oAKmpEdEXYNY0NOBDFQVWHFDKij2DeOfnq3csNr3w5Erj0fpZT-u69IwBXcmwoPN3wVkkiImqo0G34umS7h5dXejmAp4Tru&ad_tracking=true&tailored_ads=true
  6. Ugh gutted by the return of Mandy. The character doesn't fit at all. She's the worst. Also there's something really annoying about how the actress plays her and the constant pouting. It's like she thinks she's the hottest gal in the room or something.
  7. This! I didn't even realise until the end but the episode flowed so much better without her. She's the weakest part of the show for me.
  8. Full season pick up https://deadline.com/2018/10/station-19-full-season-order-abc-1202486132/
  9. I'm not sure watching this season but is Andy sleeping with the new boss yet?
  10. Andy remains the worst part of the show. I'm trying to decide if she's been the worst written female lead on a Shondaland show. Her hero complex is Mary Sue levels of bad writing.
  11. So Ruzek and Upton? That's going to be eyerolling when they eventually want to go back to him and Burgess and explore Jay/Hailey. It should be the tagline of all the season six promos.
  12. I agree Lip is still pretty fascinating but I think they should have ended it once Cameron and Emmy announced intentions to leave. By the sounds of it they gave plenty of notice so it could have led to a satisfying series finale that stayed true to the characters. I get showtime is losing a few big shows this year and if some of the cast are happy to keep working then why ruin a good cash cow but I feel this is just going to go the way of most shows that don't know where to stop and it'll eventually limp into a series finale rather than go out in a blaze of glory.
  13. So has Jesse Williams been written off for a few episodes?
  14. Good to know Andys still insufferable.
  15. Regarding April and Choi, I think they're both annoying assholes to be honest.
  16. Jay always comes off as such a creep when he appears on Med which is nearly all the time at this stage.
  17. The most annoying thing about these crossovers is that a family member of a regular character always has to die/suffer extreme trauma to service them. It's just not realistic.
  18. Crossovers are the worst. No matter how hard they try they're just not organic at all.
  19. It drives me mad the way the move around the timings for these crossovers. I wonder which family member of a regular will die tonight to service the crossover.
  20. I thought that the trailer seemed pretty lame but happy to see the actual episode didn't didn't disappoint.
  21. It's so easy to tell stories like the above but without back up links to reputable sites reporting this I try not to buy into that kind of gossip.
  22. I reckon she'll just blind sight him with divorce papers later on in the season or depending on when/if Spencer decides to leave they'll have him follow her out to save the world. Ugh. Id actually love a season of carefree Matt slutting it up.
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