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Everything posted by nilyank

  1. It could be worse. She could have called him Jason. An amnesiac with similar post brain surgeries, similar blue eyes, similar build, similar height, similar hair, similar other body parts not including his new face and similar taste in monochromatic clothing as Jason.
  2. Meanwhile, sleeping with Sonny just made Alexis develop a taste for men who were not just criminals but outright bad guys. After her ripping Sonny and Jason at his sister's Kristina's funeral, it makes a complete hypocrite for falling into bed with Ric, Jerry, Sean and Julian.
  3. Michael already told Sonny that he wished it was Sonny that Carly was marrying so he wouldn't be upset if the serial killer was cheated on by his mother. More grossed out by watching his parents doing it. I honestly don't know why the people in the wedding party don't leave once they realize that no wedding is taking place.
  4. Tony decided that he wanted sole custody of the unborn baby and Carly's odd behavior towards the last months of pregnancy (due to AJ's discovery that he could be the father and Carly being Carly). Carly also found out that Tony was going after sole custody of Lucas from Bobby (because she was married to Stefan and living on Wyndemere with Lucas). Tony didn't find out about Carly and Bobby's connection until that night when Bobby found out.
  5. I don't even need all the Avengers fighting the bad guys to want to see this movie. Just having all the Avengers hanging out and teasing each other and trying to lift Thor's hammer would be enough for me.
  6. While I think that Abel could have killed those birds, I don't think he wrote the message on the wall and stuck the knife in the wall. Even the worse sort of babysitters would have noticed Abel killing birds and stabbing the wall.
  7. I laughed so hard when Gemma was trying to talk to Little Psycho about what he did to the other boy. Gemma asks him if he knows what an accident is and he responds ominously “do you?” Yes Jax. August is smarter than you. Unlike you, I know August didn’t killed the president of another division of the Sons in front of his vice-president and then let the vice president live. What a dummy. Of course, the Sons go to the gun nuts compound where the mother believes they are responsible for killing her son, and none of them get hurt in the shoot-out. Then mom just spills the beans and believes the idiots don’t mean any harm.
  8. Poor Dembe. Such a horrific background and Red saved/raised him. It makes those scenes from last year when Red was trapped in the box and were going to kill Dembe much more poignant. Red continues to use the FBI to go after his enemies, people who have something he wants, or people who have wronged him or the one he loves.
  9. I think David is an idiot even if he was planning his revenge on Victoria. He was in prison for a decade and he still believed in her. We discovered that David recognized Daniel by sight. Considering how Daniel and Emily were connected for the past few years together (engagement, marriage, and divorce), he knows exactly what Emily looks like. If doesn't know that Emily is really his daughter, then he is an idiot. If he knows that Emily is daughter, he is an idiot for not going to her.
  10. It did spare Robin from the endless sleeping around, cheating on her significant other, and potential WTD storylines that Guza was happy to write for the females on the show.
  11. My unpopular opinion is that I cannot wait until the truth about who killed AJ come out. Not because I care about what was done to AJ. I never liked AJ and as soon the truth and fallout is done, I would be quite happy never having to hear his name mentioned except one in a blue moon by Monica and maybe Michael.
  12. Little Psycho knows that Gemma killed Mommy. The dumbest thing Jax said tonight was “Why” when Nero said he wanted to get out of business with him. Second dumbest thing he said was when he told the streetwalker that at the Diosa they will treat her real good working for them. Yeah she should ask all the other girls that used to work there except for the fact that they were brutally murdered thanks to Jax’s stupidity. I did laugh when Happy said they were all scared of Gemma.
  13. Michael is doing police surveillance on Saz who is suspected of having ties to drug dealer, el Hombre sin Rostro. Michael saw Petra fooling around with Saz and the female cop was able to identify her this week. He told Petra that he spotted her with Saz at the hotel but didn't reveal the police investigation to her. I know my telenovela's. Rafael's father was creepy as hell. He must be the drug dealer that the cops are looking for
  14. I say this every week by why do all these criminals keeping trusting a word Jax says. Anyone who forms an alliance with him or make a deals, deserves it when Jax backstabs them or it blows up in their face. Juice was completely usesless. Didn't Gemma. Didn't tell anyone what Gemma did when he had a chance. I know it won't happen but I would love for the District Attorney to question Gemma on the stand and reveal her to be lying, manipulative sociopath who not only killed Tara but is morally responsible for all the dead people who died as a result of her lies. It must over 100 by now.
  15. I see another Blacklister was able to get the drop on Lizzie and if not for Red, she might be dead. Stupid Red. So, Tom is locked away if we go by Lizzie's session with Dr. Creel.
  16. We'll according to Dante, he collected the fingerprints of that John Doe from the hit and run from a couple of weeks ago. Add to it, Liz mentioning that "Jake" has super recuperating powers, RC sorased Jason's recuperation while everything in Port Charles continued in its own slow time pace.
  17. No wonder why Conrad thought David was such a loser. Seriously, he spent all this time living for Victoria and not his poor child that was locked up in juvie and a mental ward. I have no sympathy for Emily because she chose revenge over everyone a long time ago. She manipulated and schemed and used Charlotte so many times and she finally decided to tell the truth.
  18. Sonny wasn't around for Tony's destruction and when he did return to Port Charles, Tony was already removed from any story involving Jason or Carly. He became like Mac. In the background, barely used and eventually killed in the latest Guza-catastrophe when the actor decided to leave the show.
  19. Basically, Sonny got AJ to renounce his rights to Michael and adopted him with Alexis' help. AJ eventually told what Sonny did to him to a whole room full of Quartermaines with Sonny, Carly, Alexis, Zander and Mac present. Guza had it that no one cared, believed AJ, or just blamed AJ for it. AJ would try to get back at Sonny by going after his new discovered idiot sister Courtney and ended up falling for her real. They were in love and married but the Qs hated her and disowned AJ. AJ gets into a car accident (can't remember if he was drunk) and crashes into Coleman's strip club. Stupid Courtney decides to become a stripper to pay off the debt instead of asking the Qs, her parents, or her bigtime criminal brother for help. She only allows Sonny to help her by having Jason become her bodyguard to make sure that no one bothered her at the club and AJ secretly begins stalking her. In the end, the marriage implodes and stupid Courtney hooks up with Jason. AJ grows more obsess with stupid Courtney. Eventually after he was assumed to have been killed, he comes back later to kidnap Michael, Krisitna and Morgan. He tells Michael that Carly and Sonny don't want him because they have their real son Morgan and don't need him anymore. He shoots Alan in the back and Jason goes after him and eventually dies again. Michael didn't have a chance to know AJ because Carly, Sonny, and Jason kept him away when he was a young child, and then as he got older Guza had AJ do extremely terrible things and then killed him off. AJ apparently didn't die but was hidden away by Monica until he got better (and Jason died) and came back to Port Charles when Michael was an adult.
  20. Kiki is so full of shit. She is constantly lying to Michael, not to protect him but to protect Franco. So now she wants to tell Michael a truth? Only because Ava didn't admit that Franco knew the secret. She would have totally kept quiet if she knew Franco knew.
  21. How convenient that Gemma sneaked out of the Diosa before the Chinese gang came and killed everybody. Jax's plan continues to be stupid and the body count keeps growing.
  22. Sonny and Alexis asked Sam to induce labor 2 weeks earlier so that they could use her stem cells to save a dying Kristina. Sam refused because she believe that it would hurt the baby. While arguing with Alexis, Sam went into labor and her child was stillborn. Sam ended up blaming Alexis for the stillborn child. Which was stupid because Sam is stupid.
  23. How is that none of these idiot criminals get shot or killed when they go after other armed to the teeth criminals? Were the Chinese using blanks or have really poor aim? Nice job, Jax. I wouldn't be surprised if the guy he killed was that gang member's family. When are people going to learn that helping out Jax and company or going into business with him, will only result in getting screwed, arrested and/or killed.
  24. There are no Quartermaines left for that story to be carried out. Monica is still a recurring character and has not been seen since AJ's funeral. AJ is still dead. Tracy won't care because she blames Michael for taking over ELQ. The only one Q left on canvas would be Ned. Michael would have to be angry at everyone who lied to him and kept secrets from him which would include his brother and nosy girlfriend. I just don't know where on the canvas Michael would turn to if/when he turns away from his family.
  25. Considering how horrible Elena, Drew and Mama Ramos have been, I have no doubt that JR was aware on horrible the Ramos family is and it was no biggie to cheat them.
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