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Everything posted by nilyank

  1. I did crack up when Stahma just had to smell Christine (then Alak) to know that she is pregnant. So I wonder who the baby will take after, Christine's or Alak's side of the family. I want Alak to follow Rafe's advice because his family a bunch of crazy psychos and he is way over his head with both of them. His mother is sneaky psycho and his father is quick-tempered psycho. Finally, if Irisa needs to infect all these people so that they will be saved, when will she attack Nolan and Tommy.
  2. Liz was going to pick up Cam only. Don't know why Aiden wasn't also going. When she was told that she had to pick up that shift, Nikolas offered to pick up Cam to see the fireworks. She said that her grandmother Audrey would take both boys to see the fireworks.
  3. Claudia was in between Carly and Brenda. Sonny was married to Carly 4 times.
  4. "Not a monkey." Indeed. I wonder if Ethan's dad wants him back because he knows what he really is. I guess we don't see to Dorian's potrait this season.
  5. Erik would have married/been with the twins' mother prior to meeting with Charles in First Class. They could have been together while he was off chasing/killing Nazis, and she got tired off his vendetta/disappearance. They divorce/break up and go their separate ways. She finds out she pregnant but does not tell him for the same reason that they broke up. If the younger sister is supposed to be Polaris (and still Magneto's daughter in this version), then he and the mother could have run into each other in DC (where the Maximoff were living) prior to his leaving for Dallas to save JFK. Maybe that is part of the reason why Mystique and Erik broke up. He cheated on her with his ex. Then the feds locked up Erik in the Pentagon for 10+ years and mom just thinks that Erik disappeared on her again. Erik still would be clueless about having kids.
  6. Victoria killed Aiden? Awesome. I thought he would never leave. He was like a damn yo-yo, coming and going and never staying away. Victoria is the nuthouse. Karma. David alive? Stupid. He was alive all this time and he let his daughter rot in the psych ward and foster care and juvie. Maybe someone should get revenge on him. Gideon looks like a twerp with that Fabio hair. He is even more unbelievable businessman than Daniel.
  7. It was Nursing School in order to get close to Bobbie. She got a job as a physical therapist around the time she was with Tony and got pregnant. Katherine Bell was one of her patients. Of course, going to Nursing School (and not finishing) doesn't mean you are qualified to be a Physical Therapist.
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