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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. Count me in among those who does not fathom how Evan could afford to quit his job. They have a mortage (probably a pretty decent sized one based off the market they purchased in as first-time homebuyers), taxes, medical bills, home & car insurance, 2 kids and probably counting, etc. And while they might get clothes, furniture, decor, and beauty products free or at deep discounts from pimping on social media, they'd still have the higher costs of food today (even the junk food they scarf down) and everything else inflation has affected. I'm not saying I don't think these idiots aren't considering it, but I have serious doubts about how feasible it would be for very long without a TV show for income. Especially if there's repairs around the house and they can't con one of their family members or friends into doing the work for free. And if they do make the callosal mistake of Evan not returning to his electrician job, I suspect the shilling, pimping, and propping will get even more obnoxious if it's their main source of income. Imagine Carlin standing at the gas pump gushing about how much Exxon makes her motor rev in an attempt to get free gasoline.
  2. Ava used to make my skin crawl, and Kayla used to be one of my favorite characters, but I realized today that Kayla's been acting like a bitch (and not in a fun bitch kind of way) and I've grown to kinda like Ava. I'm so over Kayla's sanctimonious attitude. Miss I'll share privileged confidential hospital information with my saintly niece Abigail, hell I'll even let her go through personnel offices for her own personal gain, but co-operate with a police officer in a murder investigation, that would be against my moral code. She could have just nicely told Jada she'd be happy to help, just bring the proper paperwork so she can comply. Poor Marcus is probably rolling in his grave over the way she acted all uprighteous to his daughter who was only trying to do her job and help with the investigation.
  3. Agree, he was way too giddy for Dr. Rolf. He did well on the voice but missed the mark on the personality. This! I was thinking the same thing. It's like Belle is stuck in bitch mode and has reached the point where she's even screwing herself over. She should be jumping at the possibility of being rid of Jan's kid from her and Shawn's life. It's certainly not like she's bonded with the baby.
  4. Bugs me too. Not only does the Dimera mansion not have security cameras but they also don't appear to lock their doors....the front door, the french doors, or the crypt door. 🙄 And yet there are cameras somewhere in Salem since it provided Clyde with an alibi when he went fishing.
  5. 100% Evan and Allie now that he's free.
  6. That was a great shot/scene. Like straight out of a movie (either 3 from Hell or Devil's Rejects promo came to mind. Can't remember which.) I loved that they all got new clothes before leaving prison. I guess Kristin also demanded the governor send in a fashion assistant. 😁
  7. Something that would disgrace the governor, presumably something crooked he did or partook in. They weren't specific, only referenced the file name, but it was implied the Gov would go out in a scandal rather than end his term in good favor.
  8. The lack of masks in a medical facility with other vulnerable patients around is just utterly inconsiderate. So is Evan's filming. I'm surprised the facility allows it. Even my dentist office has a sign up that says no photography.
  9. I'll give him a pass on the bathing since prison showers....well they do have a reputation. Heck, even the prison infirmary is a place for getting busy. But if he gets his old tropical island back, then I expect him to look spiffy. Is his ex-sister-in-law still hiding out there since no one (him or the kids) ever mention Olivia? It was really pathetic that young and virile Evan couldn't overtake that old hag. Good thing his dad didn't see that or he'd have called him a weakling and an idiot.
  10. Being free is only Orpheus's first step. Not saying his next one is holding political office because, no, I'm sure that's not his ultimate plan. But it's definitely Orpheus's character to want and gain the upper hand. He has some plan beyond just getting released. Evan will be content to just get his kids back, but Orpheus will go after more.
  11. Umm, I don't know about that. He'd take the job and the power if it was a means to an end. Pardon and promotion all rolled into one. And besides, it would certainly make the race for Abe an interesting one.
  12. Why the hell does Ron think newborn babies sound like an air pump? And does he record those sounds while he's filling up his tires? Agree about the Dimera security system or lack thereof. This murder mystery would make a lot more sense if Chad went off on his Brinks home security rep instead of every Salemite Rafe hauls in for an interview. For a second there, I thought Evan and Kristin were gonna get it on in the infirmary too since that's where Evan seems to pick up women. And for a second, I thought the governor was going to endorse Orpheus as his replacement.
  13. SORAS has really gotten out of hand to the point that many characters relationships are laughable. You have to forget history for it to make sense how old someone is. Ron should almost flash a sign at the bottom of the screen that says things like, "Attention viewers, please ignore your memories of Kristin pretending to be pregnant with EJ" since they are now treated like they are only about 10 years apart. We also have to forget that Sami was a teenager when EJ was a baby and that Will is technically older than his stepfather. Oh and then there's the fact that neither Hope nor Shawn were teenagers when their first kids were born so therefore neither are old enough for Claire to be the age she is. I'm sure there's more (like Orpheus's kids changed birth order and seem to be reverse SORASed making them younger) but Kristin, EJ, and Claire are some of the most glaring. I thought that too! Majorly unethical and certainly a conflict-of-interest situation.
  14. I have no doubts she signed up to teach VBS for that very reason--attention and footage when she drops over in front of an audience. One minute the kiddies are smiling over Noah's duos of animals and the next they are gasping as Miss Carlin goes down. I'll take 'They like watching themselves in the bedroom' for $1,000.
  15. JJ walked into that police station dressed like he just escaped from Statesville and acting like he just escaped from Bayview.
  16. Sounds like another rinse-repeat from Ron. On so many levels. Zander/Sarah wedding is just a rehash of Lucas/Sami's from last week. And Lucas remembering seeing Sarah is a rehash of John remembering seeing "Belle" during the Charlie murder mystery,
  17. Too many characters in Salem walk around acting like their shit doesn't stink. So when Sami shows up (even if only temporarily) and reminds them that it sure does, I'm all You Go Girl!
  18. She's probably planning an "episode" during that. Lots of clicks and scarred for life children. Evan will title it "Carlin goes down in church: Caught on Tape part 2!"
  19. Dr. Rolf is NOT someone who should be recast. There is one and only. The new dude will suck so bad.
  20. I used to like Kayla in the '80s, but she dropped down a lot of pegs since then. It's the way she worships niece Abigail while treating niece Sami like dirt that makes me want to smack her a good one. It's especially disturbing when you consider that Sami is Kayla's brother's daughter and Kayla was around when Sami was little, while Abigail is her rapist's daughter and Kayla was in CA for most of Abigail's childhood. I did, however, take some pleasure in the secret knowledge that Kayla is helping take care of Orpheus's grandchild. God I hope he rubs that in her face someday soon. I, too, don't get the appeal of EJ for all these women who waste their time with him (Belle, Nicole, Abs). For me though, it's new EJ. He just does nothing for me. When he and Belle were in bed together, my gag reflex might have been even tickled. James Scott pulled off the role with charisma and passion. Plus he was hot. But NuEJ is flat, stuffy, pouty, and his whole bruised ego attitude got old a long time ago. Nor was Belle's pity fest appealing. She has a right to be mad at Shawn for crawling up Jan's butt again, but nothing else. I vote Belle gets hooked up with Chloe, and Days pursues a Belle/Chloe/Brady love triangle rather than Alli/Chanel/Johnny.
  21. This! Belle has been skipping up the bitch ladder for years now but today she made the final climb right up there with Abigail when she spread her legs for EJ while still acting like Sami was trash for loving him.
  22. Since there is not a 'hell no' emoji reaction.... I loathe recasts, but this would be one of the few exceptions where I would welcome a new actress and a changed personality.
  23. When Sami was raging (rightfully so) about the conditions that Lucas kept her under, I almost expected (wanted) her to say, "How cold and cheap, Lucus. Come on, when the ISA kidnapped my mom in the eighties they at least kept her in nice hotel suites. And then when Orpheus kidnapped her, he took her to a tropical island. A tropical f-ing island, Lucas. Where she sat around a garden. And he's a madman. But you dumped me in a dank, cold cabin, really?" 😁
  24. If they weren't so fundie, they'd probably put the mirror on the ceiling and start filming themselves in the bedroom, just to make really big bucks. Then Evan can quit his job once they become home porn stars. 😆🤣😁
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