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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. I do too. They were awfully chummy with each other when the show did an anniversary talk show appearance in the 90s.
  2. Same here! When I saw those pics of that crowded store it made me cringe. I also thought her episodes are seeming staged. How many times has it been now that she's had one at a cash-n-carry? Carlin is becoming a circus freak show.
  3. So Abigail was killed on the night of June 10th, which was supposed to be the day or two before Jack's birthday, which I thought was June 14. And now it's July 5th and they buried her on the 4th? Who waits over 3 weeks to bury someone on a holiday? Bo and Hope sailed off into the sunset on a real location marina right after metaphorically passing the supercouple torch to Steve and Kayla. Ben and Ciara say good-bye on a dark, dingy, set dock after Marlena and Rafe wax poetic about them. It's like the show keeps reaching for the parallels to cram their supercouple status down our throats while not realizing what a joke they really are.
  4. I think they should un-do EJ as EJ. As in they should do a John Black type story where NuEJ turns out to be an imposter sent by someone unknown to infiltrate the Dimera family/gain access. Then not-EJ could pursue a story of trying to find out who he really is/who brainwashed him. It would allow him to be hooked up with other people without ruining Ejami as well as open the door for a background story/different family that's not connected to other Salem families. It would also give Sami an excuse for future exits and returns as she goes searching for the real EJ. And it would provide a better Dimera storyline than the revolving door of CEOs. They could be left wondering if it was one of them or someone from the outside.
  5. I thought for sure she was holding a sack of sugar so I laughed when the oranges rolled out. Guess she stopped by a fruit market on the way to the marina. 😁
  6. Pretty sure Statesville is separate from the Salem PD, and Orpheus wanted the password for the Salem PD, not the prison. No idea what exactly he has planned, but whatever it is Shawn's log in/password is all that is needed. The better question might be, why does Shawn do work at home with Jan nearby that she can see his password....Nevermind, this is Shawn; he probably has it written in big letters on a post-it and taped to his laptop screen. X92F5:)29
  7. Unless they are attached to the anchor. I think Jason Voorhees met this fate in one of the Friday the 13th movies and we all know Ron isn't opposed to ripping off horror films. 😁
  8. “Why would I want to get pregnant to a homicidal manic?” -Jan I really thought Evan was going to say, “Because you are one yourself.” She’s certainly delusional. Evan so does not roll the way she imagines. But I'm rooting for her to sink the CIN.
  9. Normally I'd say yes, but this is the Salem PD we're talking about. If their IT dept is anything like their cops, it's ripe for the picking.
  10. In the '80s when Days had good writers, Orpheus's schemes were complex, nefarious, and clandestine. His ISA training and connections made him even more dangerous. He also had this cool aloofness that gave him a bit of a sociopath vibe (but not in Ben's mental illness kind of way). His whole backstory sort of made him this beautiful monster. He was calculating and always at least one step ahead of the heroes and heroines of that time. Since he outsmarted Victor, John/Roman & crew, and the ISA at every turn, I could easily see his criminal file referring to him as a mastermind. But Ron's no good with any kind of nuisance or complexity so now all of Orpheus's plots and schemes are doomed to fail and get foiled too quickly. It's a shame because Orpheus is very good at the long con; it's Ron who's not. He only knows how to write cheap tricks.
  11. Looked like Ollie was nursing Bo Jr. Not only did he have the cover-up drape, but while Ciara's boobs are already popping out of that dress, no way is she getting them back in as efficiently as a nursing mom. #SideBoobSpillage #SizeUpCiara lol@ Jan and Oprheus's exchange over the Salem PD password Evan is cute, but boy is he so going to screw this up. He did not inherit his dad's brains or scheming patience.
  12. Maybe it was the way Jennifer read it, but what a pretentious sounding obituary!
  13. I would take with a grain of salt any product a reality star/social media influencer mentions. Personally, I find it a turn-off because their opinion is influenced by the free product they are getting. At the very least, it's easier to think favorably of free shit because you didn't use your own money to get it. At the worst, it can be an utterly biased or completely untrue opinion simply to get more free stuff or credits with the company. If my hairdresser recommends a hair product, I would trust her only if her recommendation is based off her experience doing hair and her knowledge of my hair. But if she has a social media page where's touting these products with affiliate links or selling them in her salon where she's making a profit, then I'd be highly skeptical.
  14. Kristin getting caught and re-jailed better have a bigger plot role because it made no sense in regards to Lani's transfer out of state. If Kristin was going to be back in jail with Lani, then surely she would be Lani's protection from Vivian and her new prison groupies. It's a lot easier to believe that Kristin could manipulate and control her prison minions than Vivian who largely had Ivan do her bidding.
  15. 100% agree that it's ridiculous that he's staying home simply because she can't drive. Been home with 2 kids while recovering from surgery in the past and hubs still went back to work before I was cleared to drive. No big deal. Carlin has plenty of family to call in a pinch or they can run errands when Evan gets home from work. I'd wonder if they considered what they'd do if Carlin has to give up her license for a while due to seizures, but then they'd probably rejoice it was God's will for Even to quit his job and play Driving Miss Carlin. What gets me about these people is that if they want their husbands home, then don't shun higher education and go into fields where working from home is more common (tech, finance, etc.). Then Evan would only be a home office away from Carlin in the event of a medical emergency, but still be able to work full time in a job with benefits.
  16. Should Sara be driving? Lord help the poor pedestrian, jogger, dog walker, meter-maid, traffic cop, road construction worker, you name it when Sara hallucinates they are Kristin.
  17. I've loved Orpheus since the '80s and he's still my fav, but I wouldn't disagree that he needs a razor and a wardrobe that isn't Walmart's prison line. GD was fine looking in his younger years and would still be a silver fox if they got the dude out of jail and restored his wealth so he could pull off a decent scheme. But the problem is that Ron can't write complex suspense stories even though GD hasn't lost the essence of the character after all these years. It's like he's (GD) still trying but he's stuck with crappy limited stories. There's lots of characters he has good chemistry with so the potential is there. I really wish instead of that stupid Stefano essence story they did for Steve a few years ago that they would have done something where Steve turned bad and teamed up with Orpheus cause SN and GD always worked great together in scenes, even when they were at odds. As for Belle and Shawn, this storyline has just made both of them look stupid. So if Orpheus is going to fuck with them, I'm 100% behind it. I don't think Belle has any romantic chemistry with EJ so if they were going to have her cheat again, then they should have kept Philip around and had her turn to him because at least MM and JKJ have chemistry. It would have made more sense too than her turning to the man she's shamed her sister for loving all these years.
  18. She should have hastagged that first one #PimpingOutMyFamily #MakingMoneyFromAffiliateLinks
  19. Bored stiff (take the pun or not) of another day of Salem grieves the queen and we haven't even gotten to the funeral yet but laughed my ass off at Jennifer picks out Chad's favorite prairie dress for burial and the Jan flashbacks. Ron was totally watching cheesy porn when he wrote that pelvic exam turns to desperate sex scene between Jan and Evan. And it kinda looked like Orpheus was working that broom handle a little provocatively. Takeaways from today's show: Orpheus has the Salem Brain. Belle sounded like a teenager gushing to Chloe about her lady boner for her sister's man. Shawn is still an idiot. Jennifer and Jack should not be surprised their daughter died in the House of Horrors. ❤️⬆️ This must win some Best Post of the Year award!
  20. My local NBC station after cutting into the show in the first scene: "If you want to watch Days, we'll show it to you at 3am." WTF! How about you show me my Orpheus and Evan now and move the news to MSNBC, your own news channel!
  21. The first thing that comes to mind when I see that photo is--If Carlin stars convulsing in that water while holding the baby, does Evan think he's going to grow octopus arms and hold both kids above the water while saving Carlin too?
  22. The rest of this week spoilers: Tue * US viewers possibly preempted due to hearings ☹️ 06-28-2022 EJ and Belle push each other's buttons. Lucas and Sami celebrate their engagement. Ben and Ciara receive a life-changing gift from Hope. Orpheus delivers surprising news to Evan. Wed 06-29-2022 Belle wonders if she and EJ made a mistake. Brady and Chloe walk in on a kiss between Jan and Shawn. Chad and JJ share their grief over Abigail's death. Jack and Jennifer lean on each other during an emotionally difficult task. Thu 06-30-2022 As Lani awaits word on her fate, an old friend pays her a surprise visit. Abe and Paulina go on the attack when Melinda tries to pull a fast one. Doug helps Julie out with the twins. Theo gives Chanel advice about her romantic woes. Fri 07-01-2022 Lani's loved ones rally around her. Julie is gut-punched by Eli's unexpected news. Lani is overwhelmed by Abe's grand gesture. Sarah pulls a knife on Chanel!
  23. Good catch! I was so busy thinking that Rafe was ogling those pictures a little too creepily to remember that the police didn't get there till after the paramedics took her to the hospital. Unless Chabby has some bedroom cameras for their personal enjoyment, those shots shouldn't exist. And if it was a security camera then it would have also picked up the killer.
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