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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I enjoyed the three Dr.'s together traveling to New Orleans. They were fun yet civil and mature. Their dinner table talk in the restaurant felt real. But....Britten, honey. Your marriage is in as bad a shape as Imani's and Contessa had her fair share or marital discord so all three should heed their own advice. The fact that Britten doesn't want to put her son in his own bed and likes him with her and admitted she and her hot husband are not having sex is glaring big ole' red flags at that marriage.
  2. I'm amazed that these women were not thoroughly disgusted at Leah's behavior and not sitting around the table the next day talking about how something needs to be done about her. All of these high society bitches were ok with that? You would at least think they were all jealous and wanted to ice her out because she took away all of their camera time and she is rapidly becoming the center of attention. Yet, they snicker, gossip and backstab Tinsley because she has a high pitched voice, cries and likes to carry her own pillow with her when she travels. I'm losing my patience with these old hags and the new young hag.
  3. Damn, Tins was begging Dorinda to hug her and Dorinda being the bitch that she is would not do it! Have some self respect, Tins. What I want to see is Leah and Dorinda both get equally drunk and go at each other! Who's gonna win that one?
  4. How I wish somebody in that group would read Rinna and Erika for filth. They are both disgusting and need to be knocked down several pegs but nobody seems to want to do it. What are they all afraid of? Erika who lives in that lonely outdated manse with her old man grandpa husband who never has time for her? She's very bitter this season and her talking head comments are not funny. Her schtick is as old as her husband. Rinna with her daughters and all of their issues (thanks to mommy) and a husband that barely acknowledges her because he's too busy living his own life? The only one that put Rinna in her place was Kim Richards. A shame she's not still around. I would put up with her batshit craziness just to hear her go at Rinna.
  5. Yes she did and for that I will never dislike Denise.
  6. Because this is a TV show based on fake drama and that would be boring AF.
  7. I'm sure they did. The producers tell them what to say/initiate at every gathering in every scene. Nothing is a surprise and Rinna is a terrible actress because the way she seque's in to a topic is not smooth at all. And shame on her for being such a bitch to Denise after 20 years of friendship. That woman will do anything to have the spotlight on her. Heh, Erika is correct about only one thing. Those girls at the kids table probably were saying "listen to those OLD ladies talking about threesomes, like they even have them anymore"! Kids are funny and slick like that. Unfortunately, kids grow up very, very fast these days but I'm sure still don't want to hear their parents and their friends talking about sex. It's the Ewwwwww how gross factor for them.
  8. I'm happy and surprised to see these two together. Deonna is ready for a baby but Greg is not there yet. Who would have thought? They seem to be genuinely in love and Deonna is a different person from what we saw during their season. Nice to see her laughing and playful with Greg. Enjoyed seeing the real lives of Anthony, Ashley and baby and also Danielle, Bobby and baby. I don't understand Shawneice and Jepte, are they really a couple or hanging in there for the baby? I also don't get Jamie and Elizabeth. They were so vicious and toxic with each other I am shocked they are together. Maybe they played that up for the camera but I just don't get how these two can make it work. Steph and AJ- she understands him and really knows how to handle him. I like her alot and I like them as a couple which is a surprise because I couldn't stand AJ during their season.
  9. If Richard was so fantastic then what in the hell did he see in Dorinda? Unless she was very different back then I just don't get it. Love when Ramonacoaster points out to Dorinda how abrasive her behavior is but she ruins it because she inevitably ends up hugging, crying and apologizing to Dorinda with all the I love you's as soon as Dorinda starts with her crocodile tears poor me you were my good friend schtick.
  10. Not to mention the cool neighborhoods like SoHo, Tribeca and Greenwich Village. Or are those neighborhoods not south of Canal? After all, Bethenny and Carole Radzi lives downtown! And if I remember correctly Luann used to leave her kids with the housekeeper while the Count was away so she could go downtown to party with her niece so once again Luann is a hypocritical liar!
  11. Of course it was. I want to know how she got that tourist Visa so quickly. Is it that easy to get in Russia?
  12. Darcy isn't independant at all. She lives in that big house with her parents. It's their house. Her daughters and Stacy live there, too. I think Stacy has a kid or two there as well. Not sure if Darcy has shared custody of her daughters or not so I don't know if they live there full time. At 45 she can't support herself and her daughters alone? Maybe if she stopped worrying about dick all the time and start concentrating on all the other mess of her life she would be better off. Those poor daughters. Yolanda has got to be the most boring person on the planet. How is she collecting a check for sitting and scrolling through her phone pretending she really thinks there is a Williams? I want that job. I can't stand Ash. Every word out of his mouth is a lie. He talks so damn fast every sentence has to be captioned. How is he supposed to keep a job if he's in the U.S. for 3 months at a time and then back home in Australia? His son is a doll, though. Here we go with the google translation app again. Oh, David. He is another bore. Neither one of them had anything to say to the other after 7 years apart. He was hugging Lana to death and she just stood there her hands down by her side. Lana is much prettier in photo's.
  13. Poor Tinsley doesn't have the mean gene. There are so many snappy comments she could zing right back to Dorinda (and Sonja) when they make these senseless drunken jabs at her but she can't think on her feet fast enough. Tinsley may have made some serious mistakes in her life, be a bit immature, a cry baby, and have overpowering mother issues but she is a decent person who Dale raised to have class and manners. She doesn't have a vicious bone in her body and for that I say I really do hope we see her leave the show for good.
  14. I just watched it. Dorinda has no remorse for anything she said or did to Tinsley. She's disgusting. All she said was that everybody had been drinking for 4 hours before the fight. She also said that Ramona needs to fact check her statements because Richard did not go to Harvard, he went to Ohio State then to Yale for his masters degree. She also said Ramona needs to keep her mouth shut about John because she doesn't talk dirt about Mario. Yes, folks, that is what she was concerned about. The woman will not take any accountability for anything!! Dorinda, delusion is thy name!!
  15. YES! I will never forget early Dorinda. She was always a horrible person. I remember both of those instances. She always treated John badly. I also remember she was yelling at him in a restaurant because he wanted to move in together and she lost it on him. She somewhat hid her love of booze in the beginning. Now she's all out there with it because it's beyond her control now.
  16. She also criticized the way Tinsley was walking down the runway which ruined Tinsley's high from doing something she loved. Nope, she really hasn't been that nice. Bitchy Ramona is alive and kicking. I'm sure she's going to rear her ugly head soon enough, the season is still young. Although, it looks like from the previews she goes in on Dorinda so I'm holding out hope she directs her nastiness at Dorinda full on.
  17. Jules and her husband most definitely had an apartment in the city. And the enormous house (I think in the Hamptons?)
  18. I don't think Jesse's relationship was real. Producer set up. They needed him back to fill some time. The whole thing was over too quickly and there was not an ounce of chemistry between the two of them. It was a boring story and the girl was a terrible actress.
  19. Hey, Lu. That tacky 2 bedroom apartment with the tiny furniture probably rents for $5,000-$6,000 a month in NYC and if Leah owns it she paid upwards of 1 million for it so STFU you elitist bitch! Oh, and it wasn't just falling in the bushes, dear. Aside from the arrest, Bethenny broke the 4th wall and told the story on camera about you calling her ex and asking for 6 million dollars and you running through a field in the dark falling down drunk while your friends tried to catch you before you had an accident. Again, you fucking elitist delusional bitch. Sonya with her disgusting sexual comments does she think she's Samantha from Sex and the City? She turns off every man that comes within 6 feet of her. Dorinda crying that when Richard died she had nobody, nooooobodyyyy. Umm you had your mother, father, sister and daughter to start with. Stop with your revisionist history. Then with her "I was a good mother, a good wife, I didn't deserve this!" Well, I don't deserve listening to your bullshit anymore. Leah really disappointed when she went to Dorinda as soon as Tinsley walked away from the table and started kissing her ass. No bueno, Leah. You are dead to me now. Sorry for the long post. This episode had infuriated me and I hate all of them except Tinsley.
  20. I'm not sure if I was hearing things. Did Rachel say that Jon is on their schedule meaning that he has to go to bed when she does in order to be able to face time/ communicate/see his daughter on a regular basis? There is a 5 or 6 hour time difference between where she lives and England. How effed up is that? So if she goes to bed at 10pm he has to stay up until 3 or 4 am England time so that they are on the same schedule. And he really agreed to do that?? How does he go to work everyday? Does this loser really even have a job? These two are insane.
  21. UO here but I thought the "chi chi snipe" was funny. Look, Matt cheated on Amy with Caryn. Amy knew Caryn for a long time. That affair cut Amy to the bone. She will always hate them and rightly so. Snipe away, Amy! Also, I don't see anything wrong with Amy wanting to be at the hospital when the baby is born. Zach wanted her there. So what if she doesn't like to change grandkids dirty diapers or bathe them or whatever some think a grandma should do. She's had four kids of her own and apparently asshole Matt did nothing to help her out when it came to the "dirty work" of raising kids. Maybe she's done with all that. Many grandparents want the fun times with their grands and are perfectly happy to send the kids back home to the parents when the time comes. That's the beauty of being a grandparent.
  22. Aside from the show, Stassi's money is coming from her best selling book and her tour (which she had to cancel due to corona virus). I'm sure that had to hurt her pocketbook. It's all her money, Beau doesn't have shit. If you compare her to the other couples that are on the show together and have been for a long time I don't know if she's any better off than the rest of them. I read that Jax was raking in $500,000 per season which made him the highest paid chucklefuck in the bunch. He brought alot of the main juicy drama for years so this is why he has this "main guy" stank attitude. Now he is all dried up, married and boring with nothing exciting on the horizon. I think this is what is driving him crazy. He better get Brit pregnant soon so they have something to make a big deal about. Otherwise they really need to cut his pay in half.
  23. Well, they will always have mawmaw's "beer cheese" to fall back on.
  24. How sad these two are. If Brit catches him cheating I think she will stay with him. She's the queen of excuses. She will blame it on his "depression" and say she will stand by him no matter what. He's out of control with is drug use and she's putting up with it. She has to know he's high as a kite most of the time.
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