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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. He's not living with her. He still has his own home and has not made any move to take the relationship any further than where it is. Living separately and dating. Maybe you're thinking of Gina who let her new man move in with her and her 3 kids rather quickly.
  2. So this is what I gather: At the same party, apparently something happened in the Samuels basement at that party that showed Michael doing/saying something that was so bad it would have gotten Ashley and him fired. Monique covered their asses by saying she didn't have video of what ever Michael did in the basement but everybody assumes she actually has it but won't release it. It's sort of like blackmail. Monique covered their asses, now she's asking them to return the favor and they really don't have a choice. This is only my theory except there has been talk of there actually being video of Michael doing something disgusting in the basement.
  3. Or who does/doesn't give blow jobs anymore... Or how often they do/don't have sex... Here we go again with Ashley and another one of her lame stories, this time about picking up "a little lady" at a concert and getting it on with her on the dance floor. She sure has turned the narrative around this season to focus on her liking women and threesomes instead of Michael grabbing at men's asses and getting caught talking about sucking weenies. Of course all that has changed now that she's a mother. STFU Ashley. We aren't going to forget what a sham your marriage is or what a scumbag your husband is no matter how you try to spin it to being about you being the kinky one in the relationship. Karen sure did take it well when she found out Robyn omitted her from her hat campaign. I thought that was going to become a table fighting shit storm but instead it fell flat and went nowhere fast. That was weird. Why not just edit that whole thing out?
  4. He hawks his pillows regularly on his IG. Don't know how they're selling, though. They are cute if you like the coastal beach, sun and sand theme.
  5. Destinee and Lindsey fresh out of prison and snag a reality show right away! They are stars! And they still can't keep their asses out of trouble. Do these entitled twats realize how lucky they are? Malcom, get the hell out before she gets pregnant with your baby. I bet she could get child support out of him unlike that mush mouth lump she is obsessed with.
  6. Damn, right out of the gate I thought this franchise was going to be soooo good. No so much now. It's just the same ol', same ol' different city. First of all, lets get the superficial out of the way. They all need to hire stylists to teach these bitches how to dress, apply makeup and start spending proper money on extensions and wigs. They are very hard to look at. I couldn't follow what they were all arguing about at the table. It was too much or maybe I'm just burnt out on the whole women fighting over lame bullshit. We can see it on any given franchise. All I got was thumbs up=fuck you. And to think of all the people I have innocently texted thumbs up to over the years thinking I was being nice. Uh, oh.
  7. I think Pringle who has a hard dingle for Madison was talking to his sister. He said he talks to her all the time, they are best friends. I think she lives in Charleston. Pringle said he's 43. That's a disheveled, rumpled, rough looking 43. I would have thought he was around 50. I also have a theory about how he got on this show. He was living in California. Whitney lives in California (except when he's filming in Charleston). I bet Whit knew Pringle and asked him if he would come on the show and help him try to revive this sinking ship and take on the role of the guy who wants to steal Madison. Pringle said ok, I'll do it but how much are you gonna pay me, bruh? Whitney made it worth his while. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.
  8. She addressed this on her IG page. She said she refused to participate in these vulgar lies about her husband having an affair. It was not true and will hurt her family if she gives it life on the show. She said her husband is the kindest, most loyal, faithful, loving man she has ever known and would not cheat. She also said if she continued on the show they would make this bullshit lie a major storyline so she did the best thing for her family which was to quit. I thought it was a smart move and proves she really does love her husband enough to protect him. If he did have an affair, it was still a smart move for her to quit so there can be no more accusations/assumptions about it. Also, both Naomi and Chelsea chimed in to say how despicable Kathryn is. But, alas, good ole' Danni is still the ever ass kissing friend to Kathryn. What I don't get is that Cameran's best friend Leva started off the season telling off Kathryn and telling her to shut her pie hole with the lies, then all of a sudden she's inviting Kathryn to her Persian dinner and going to her house to help set up the kids rooms. WTF is that? Some bestie she is. Wonder how Cam feels about that.
  9. She said that she doubts whether John can support Shannon emotionally or financially. That's a BIG statement. I don't imagine Shannon was too happy about her daughter saying that on camera.
  10. @LibertarianSlut the only reason Whitney hasn't brought innocent children in to her machinations is because she can't get pregnant. She has tried. She even asked Tal if he would be the father. She also explored the adoption route (made a storyline out of it) but was denied because she was too fat. So, if she could have, she would have.
  11. It's a 3 hr. drive from Greensboro to Wilmington. It's a 3 hr 20 min drive from Charlotte to Wilmington. They could have easily made the "long distance" relationship work. You visit each other on your days off, you take turns on who is driving to who and if the man you are madly in love with has to work you drive over there anyway and occupy yourself while he is working and spend his time off together. That is assuming the relationship was real and/or your boyfriend wasn't busy cheating and impregnating another in which case never mind........
  12. I guess part of Kelly and Shannon's awful attitude this season is jealousy because Borewind has stolen the show. They are the leftover OG's and now it's all about Bore and her sober story with her dysfunctional family. Ouch, that must hurt.
  13. Shannon seems to be just as miserable as she was when in that dead end marriage to David. John is so quiet when she starts her bitching. I don't think he's having a good time anymore. Maybe in the beginning honeymoon stage of the relationship he was but now that he has gotten to know her and after what her daughter said about the relationship last week I don't see this being everlasting love.
  14. It's not the first time he has said this to Whitney. On camera. It is disturbing. Like I said upthread, they have a sick relationship and you would think that if Buddy is feeling that way and confiding to her that he feels that way, then why Whit try to get him help? Does she not give a damn about anybody other than herself?
  15. I'm sure she is. She is very thin on top with some bald patches. She actually showed the process her hair dresser goes through when she adds extra hair, and they showed the thin spots. It's pretty bad am I'm surprised she showed that. She also said that eventually she would lose all of her hair and will have to wear full wigs. I felt kind of proud of her for talking about it and sorry for her at the same time for showing that but guess what? She has removed it from social media, can't find it anywhere. I bet production told Buddy that if he wants to keep collecting his TLC check he needs to get his fat ass back to the house and apologize to Whitney because she's soooooo upset. What better way to apologize than to threaten to blow your brains out? He has said this to her before and it works every time. Reduces her to a puddle of tears. Well played BooBear. Let me just say that if Buddy is really feeling depressed, suicidal, angry, pissed at the world then it's all the more reason he needs to be attending AA or NA meetings every single day. I don't think he's doing that but what the fuck do I know.
  16. Did they even have over the counter ovulation tests 25 yrs ago? I continue to love Kevin this season. His convo with Kate while they were in their cars was so real. Wrong or right, Kevin always felt the parents favored Randall. I can see how a sibling would feel that way. Kate's face while listening to the Chloe story was amazing. Beth making fun of Randall's dancing as he walked through the door and his reaction was funny. Toby with the melting baby observations. These actors are killing it this season and I usually don't like any of the Pearsons! Malik, though. He can leave any time. His baby daddy story has no place on this show.
  17. ALL her friends do. Except Todd who we haven't seen much of so far. Whit and BooBear have a sick relationship. They are both extremely co-dependant on one another. One thing is for sure, BooBear is a miserable, depressed, fat, asshole prick whether he is stoned or sober. The core personality doesn't change with him.
  18. Why? I didn't know he was ever in the US. What did he do to possibly not be allowed back?
  19. You would think her Doctor daddy and Nurse mommy would pick up on that and focus on helping her. Instead they go in on BabyBini and pound him about what a worthless man he is. I don't blame Bini's sisters for being rough on Ari. They are honest, tell it like it is and they have seen their brother involved with an American who got pregnant then left him. They don't trust Ari and rightly so.
  20. Does David have to explain everything ad nauseum? He thinks he's so smart, I just wish he would STFU sometimes. Tim can be so funny. He didn't like either one of Veronica's date dresses and told her she should wear wedges on the date even though he didn't the dresses. Then he told her not to screw up the date. Lol. He had a good job in Israel. He was a medic or something like that. Definitely a different breed from the others.
  21. Submit has been milking this Romeo and Juliet story for so long, now it's time to shit or get off the pot, buddy. Your parents are ready to disown you, you put your parents in debt because you owe everybody in town to the tune of $20,000, now you realize the gig is up and you are actually going to have to live with the whining old hag for the rest of your life! He's been enjoying living off what ever bit he gets from TLC and Jenny's measly SS checks. Apparently Submit has been the fuck up of the family his entire life and his family is sick of it. Why couldn't he find a pretty, smart Indian woman like his brother did? The brother's wife actually seemed to be more educated than Jenny. Maybe Submit couldn't get an Indian woman like that, being the loser that he is, after all. I detect a bit of a good sense of humor from Jihoon. Still a lazy mess but he knows he is. He has some great one liners. "When I see Alicia I want to piss my pants"! He's another one with parents just like Ari's parents that never taught their kids responsibility and making their own way in the world. Her parents will pay for a luxury apartment and buy them a car, too. Because the baby needs it. Not Bini baby but the actual baby. When Ari is still not happy then she will leave. I give it a couple more years then they are dunzo.
  22. Brittney, leave the man alone before he gets himself killed.
  23. I doubt Jeff's chimichanga is made for a Thanksgiving meal replacement. It looks like all the ingredients are from left over food. Turkey, gravy, stuffing, etc... where did all that come from if not from leftovers. C'mon now, Jeffie. Katie, Gz and even Sunny's meals looked really good. Although, you could roast those cornish hens and veggies in the oven. Still not getting her grill schtick.
  24. She won't even mention that. Ohhh that Sunny, she's such a mystery. Alex's fiancee films her, they even showed him doing so a couple of times same as Jeff, GZ and Katies spouses. I like when the spouses taste the food while holding the camera. It's cute.
  25. All Destiny kept saying was "I'm gonna beat her ass"!! Ok, tough chick, simmer down. When she was yelling about beating ass, Shawn said nooo, then you will go back to jail. But, I will bail you out. What in the hell? Did I hear that right? This guy ain't right in the head! He will not be happy until she pisses away every dime he has. Shawn acts like a battered spouse. Always trying to appease this nutjob, agreeing with everything she says just to keep her from losing her shit. I checked out Heather's IG. I guess anybody can call themselves a model now a days. Jeesh, she looks old and rough. I continue to love Dylan. I hope he stays on track. Quaylon has more sense than Shavel. I hope he sticks to his guns regarding putting a ring on it. Another one with sense: Lindsey's mom. Having the kid with Lindsey is a trial run. If she wants to go back to grandma, then she goes back to grandma. Thank god for grandma. John and Kristianne- so sick of all the crying and I love you's. The sister, the mother, Kristianne, John. All crying and hugging. All the time. Someone needs to hold her accountable for the screw up she is. But instead all they do is cry over how much they need her. Now she has John taking care of her family while she's out shooting up drugs. How about telling her this is her last chance to get herself together and to make the best of it while she's incarcerated again and try to learn to be a better person. Ugh! I dislike Kristianne as much as I dislike Destiny and Lindsey, just in a much different way.
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