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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Does the douchenozzle even pay child support? My guess is NO. Sarah is an idiot. These two never have anything going on with their lives, I can't believe TLC is still filming them. There have been others on this trainwreck that have been more interesting and snark worthy.
  2. What the heck is Sunny wearing? She looks like she's ready to go to the club with that shiny silver metallic whatever she has on. Grilling grits in her disco attire, lol. Why don't they just get rid of her and find someone who is willing to go with the flow and film in a kitchen not to mention her uninspiring recipes? Grits. Outdoors. On a grill. Sheesh. She can't possibly be that loved that the network feels the need to keep her. GZ Arancini balls had my mouth watering. I just love me a delicious rice ball. Lorenzo is a doll. Katie Lee's baby cooing in the background is so cute.
  3. Why anybody on this show would want to listen to this 79 year old blowhard is beyond me. What happened to her atrocious caftan line? She moved on to pillows because she has nothing better to do. I thought she had all these high society friends from all around the world to keep her busy but instead she pretends to be interested in these chucklefucks on the show that are 45-50 years younger than she is. Have another stupid dinner party, Patricia.
  4. In the past I could have sworn he was missing a tooth! Maybe this is a cheap ugly replacement that the jail dentist did for him.
  5. And a cracked phone screen and chipped nail polish.
  6. John has one son and two daughters. John and his kids don't live with Shannon. John has his own place which is why it was easy to leave Shannon's and go back home with his son.
  7. I thought he was the one with the low sex drive. After all, he went all the way to Columbia to be with Jennifer then wouldn't have sex with her. They made an entire season out of his lack of sex drive. The guy is very weird but I do like him on Pillow Talk. He has a great dry humor.
  8. Moriah is the same way. It's nice to see how the siblings all love each other. Olivia seems very cold to me. I have a feeling if they move away she will still find fault with Ethan.
  9. Wendy's dad is still alive. I doubt her mom left them anything.
  10. Ummm I'm confused. Isn't Mary black? I don't care about Whitney's drugged out dad. Is her own life so boring she has to use her mess of a dad as a storyline? I hope Meredith's husband finds a nice mid western lady from Ohio to love. Heather was the only one tolerable this episode. Nice that she has a decent relationship with her ex and he keeps her in the lifestyle she and her kids are accustomed to. I wouldn't mind seeing him on the show.
  11. Oh, these poor whiny bitchy spoiled ass women. Quarantined in those huge homes with pools and a short walk to the beach. Wha, wha, wha. STFU!
  12. Her obsession with Kathryn has always been weird to me. And her shaking cry voice. Madison waiting until the camera's are on to break up with Austen. How convenient. I got the vibe that Sheps girlfriend likes Craig more than Shep. I don't blame her. Shep gloating that he didn't test positive. Shut up, asshole.
  13. Borewinds husband and Shannon's boyfriend both put up with an awful lot. These women are batshit crazy.
  14. How obnoxious do you have to be to be given the most devastating news of your life and your mama bails on you 2 day later? Wow. Babs wasn't hanging around for that any longer than she had to.
  15. Twit re-writing history. She told Heather and Ashley that Chase said he still loves her. Ummm... No, he didn't, Twit. She asked him on the phone, Whit :"Are you in a relationship with her"? (regarding baby mama) Chase: Yes Twit "Do you love her?" Chase: Yes He may have said he loves Twit as a friend or cares about her but she made it sound like "He still loves me" as if there is a shred of hope for them as a couple. The lies she tells!!
  16. I was liking Buddy (normally can't stand the lump) because he seemed completely over Whitney's fake crying and didn't coddle her at all. The friends driving three hours to Charlotte to drive by Whit's with ballons and birthday wishes was sweet but I don't think they would have ever done that if the producers didn't tell them they had to. I wish Whit would pay more attention to the dog. That sweet, well trained beautiful dog. She ignores him. Where's the snuggles and petting and kissing? Put a leash on him and go for a nice long walk. You can do that in quarantine, Twitney.
  17. I don't know about the rest of the episode but I'm pretty sure in her TH's she's wearing a full on wig. You can't even see the part in her hair and it looks really fake all around the hairline.
  18. How sad is it that this woman wanted a child so badly and went through hell to get pregnant, never gave up, even at the age of 47 still kept trying and still isn't happy now that she has a healthy, beautiful child. Forget about the man, Kenya. You're no good at men. Concentrate on your child.
  19. Thing is they all have big ole' saggy boobs. And now that Kandi and Marlo have announced that they have pancake size nipples thankyouverymuch I have had enough. Kenya, grow some self respect. She seems like a depressing shell of the woman she used to be. Get rid of Marc for good and continue to be a loving mom. Have fun with your new pool. Make sure Marc doesn't get any of your money. She paid cash for that house? Wow, good on you, Kenya. Looks like Riley gained all of the weight back she worked so hard to lose. It also looks like she's still a spoiled brat. Did not miss Nene one bit.
  20. They could always sell mawmaw's beer cheese. 😝What ever happened to that big business venture?
  21. That first pic is fantastic. Wowza, he photographs beautifully. The second pic ruins it, looks awkward and unprofessional. WTH?
  22. Which makes me wonder why the new boyfriend is hanging on. All I can think of is his ex must have been a real piece of work if he thinks Shannon is an upgrade. Poor guy. Or stupid guy.
  23. Well, this is interesting. Is it time for the new season and starting with the damage control? These people are so full of crap I have no idea what to believe. https://www.instagram.com/p/CIa4Dkjhe0K/?hl=en
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