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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. That must have been when she was in the throws of her addiction. There is no other explanation. Except that she's sober now and thinks he's cute and the sex was good. Why in hell would Kathryn even think about a relationshep when she know's what an alkie he is? You just can't do that when you are trying to stay sober. It. won't. work. I sure hope this is a producer driven BS storyline or else maybe Kathryn has not gotten herself as together as we think.
  2. So does Darla know that RA knows that Blu "ain't" his son? Re: Davis. It's not unusual for big time ballers to cheat. It happens all the time. There's probably a whole lot of them with kids running around that their poor wives don't have a clue about. I'm just sorry it has to happen to Charley. She's been through enough with that jerk. I just hope the show doesn't try to bring the girl in to the family for Mica to get to know his sister. So not interested in that. Keep the show about the adults, please!
  3. Oh, yes. It was when Tins first left Topper and mommy Dale was very, very unhappy about it. She thought Tins was making a huge mistake and wanted her to go back to Topper, who, by the way, was continually crying the blues to mommy Dale about how heartbroken he was. He sounds like a real winner, too.
  4. WTH is she even talking about? She has Dennis who she claims loves her and wants to marry her, however, she is not ready to get married. Or is it over with her and Dennis again?
  5. Yeah, I do agree with you there. I sure don't have the temperament for it but isn't the consolation that they make a years salary in 4 months or so and don't have to work the rest of the year?
  6. The cast this year is an epic fail. The bosun, the deckhands, seasick girl, all of them, but......nobody could be more boring than Brooke. I don't care that she missed her sisters wedding, sob sob. Or that she has a crush on Adam. If that's not a fake storyline then I don't know what is. Hannah is burned out and doesn't care about her job anymore.
  7. That remains to be seen. And Josh and his moping. These two need to man up. I'm sick of them both.
  8. I noticed when Chris and Amy were having dinner and discussing Amy's future, it was exactly that. Amy's future. Chris made no mention of them having a future. Living together, next steps, marriage. Nothing. He can't make it any more clear that he has no intention of the relationship going any further than living separately and "dating". Poor Amy. She wants so much more. I wish she would just speak up and tell Chris exactly what she wants. I also wish that Molly would have a heart to heart with Amy and tell her there is no way she should leave that house until she is damn good and ready, not to feel guilty about it, and no way her lazy brothers could run that farm without ruining it. What ever Matt and Amy decide, they should have it in their will that Molly will be the executor of their estate after they die. I also agree with a poster upthread, my bet is that the entire talk with Jer and Zach was for TV. Matt and Amy already know exactly what they are going to do. I can't believe that their divorce lawyers would not have them iron out what to do with the farm in the future in the event one of them decides to move away. You don't just omit that from the divorce decree when there is that much land and real estate involved.
  9. Norman is a great guy but I don't think he could carry an entire show. and I'm not sure he would ever want to. He's a Hot Topics sidekick and behind the scenes guy for the most part.
  10. Haha that reminds me of the first season of Pao and Russ when she was only in the country a short time and they were staying with his parents, she walked in to the kitchen one morning with skimpy sexy, revealing lingerie while mother and father Russ were sitting at the table with Russ. They were not happy campers! It was probably all scripted but hilarious just the same to see the expressions on the parents faces and Russ telling Pao to go change her clothes.
  11. No, not just you, and don't forget Azan. Master gaslighter, manipulator, user, lier. Did I leave anything out? lol
  12. I can't stand that kid. I really don't care to see time wasted on his high school life and his equally bratty friends. Has RA always had this job outside of the farm? I swear he decided a while ago that he was going to give 100% to running the farm and quit his other job.
  13. Oh, yeah, he was high on something. It was impossible to have a conversation with him. His impression of Sammy Davis, Jr. is everything, though! By the time Wendy could calm him down enough to do it, the segment was over.
  14. A good reason for her to get off the show and live her life. But, she's not going to do that.
  15. He could have put on shorts. I did with my knee surgery.
  16. Friendship, yes. Love interest, hell no. I believe this is 100% producer driven. Shep has absolutely nothing going on this season. Kathryn isn't fighting with TRav anymore, Cam is hardly on camera, Whitney is pretty much out of it, so what do we have here? Chelsea showing us her sad childhood, Craig at the therapist, Naomi being a bitch, still not sure why we are subjected to boring Austen. They need something to keep this sinking ship a float, even if it's just the fake will they/won't they relationship between Shep and Kathryn. If Ashley really wants Thomas, she has to realize that when you are dating/living with/married to a man that has such young children they and the baby mama are going to be a big part of the relationship for a very long time. It's really hard to deal with that but it's a reality that no matter how much she shit talks Kathryn it's not going to change the interaction between Thomas and his kids and Kathryn. She should get out of the realationship and find a man without so much baggage becuase Thomas has ALOT of baggage. Besides, no matter how much Thomas tells Ashley to "chill" and "calm down" he secretly enjoys seeing her get all riled up over him.
  17. She admitted to having her jaw shaved down. She does look great. Loving her hair this season.
  18. I'm not even sure her marriage problems for real or if it's for a storyline. What happened to Todd wanting to adopt Crusty's kid? You can't tell me the marriage is in such bad shape and yet they are talking about adopting? I also don't believe she tried everything to try to to lose weight. Starting diets and not being able to stick to them is pure laziness. Todd knows this and he told her the surgery was no easy fix, you still have to put the work in. She didn't want to hear it so she got pissed off. I love Jasmine. She has a good heart. And a killer singing voice.
  19. She sure did parlay the Kate Spade tragedy in to making sure we all know that she and Kevin are fine. Yes, of course you are, Wendy. Until lil' Kevin is settled and off to college and Bad Kev is never home and has nothing stopping him, no kid at home to put on the happy family front for. Not that lil Kev doesn't already know what's going on, kids are smart like that. Breakdown #2 coming up!
  20. Absolutely! Surely Matt and Amy realize this, right? They should just sell, split the profits and go on living their lives. If they want to leave an inheritance for the kids and grands then set up a trust. What ever the kids get, they get. Done! See how easy that is, Roloff's?
  21. Chef beef cheeks was a condescending, critical, lazy, rude asshat that had an extremely high opinion of himself and actually was nothing more than a mediocre chef at best so in that case he deserved all the bitching he got.
  22. I think Amy is jealous of Matt and Caryn's relationship. Not because she cares about Matt but that she see's they are fully committed to each other and their future plans include each other. She doesn't know what the future holds with Chris and fears she may be alone eventually. Chris is a let's take it one day at a time don't pressure me let's just have fun kind of guy. No promises for any more than he is willing to give right now. Amy needs and wants more than that and I don't blame her. She's 54 not 24. Time's a wastin'.
  23. I thoroughly enjoyed not seeing Josh.
  24. Does Adam make chinese chicken salad for every charter? He really does have no creativity or imagination. More insufferable guests. This show is giving the human race a bad name. How come the dark haired deck hand dude is getting hardly any screen time? He seems like a real decent, sweet guy. Never mind, I just answered my own question.
  25. Omg, ALL of them were so boring tonight. Why is this show an hour long? And how many times did Matt say the same thing over and over in his TH's? Caryn makes me happy Caryn and I have a great future together We have a good thing going Caryn always supports me Caryn and I like warm weather Caryn and I have so much in common Caryn Caryn Caryn STFU Matt!!!! Tori needs to go back to work. She's becoming annoying. Jer and Aud's kitchen flooded because he refused to buy Aud a new dishwasher? Way to go, handyman. Aud was NOT pleased.
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