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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Yes! that was a crazy amount of salt he was shakin'. I didn't realize Jeff drank so much that it was a big deal for him to stop for a couple of weeks.
  2. So this show has been reduced to watching the Kleins shop for light fixtures, faucets and toilets. Riveting TV. This has got to be their last season ,no? Jen calling the kids to take a break, get out of the pool and eat lunch. They paid absolutely no attention to her. How rude, dismissive and disrespectful. She feels defeated and gives up. I thought that was sad. And Bill let it happen. He should have walked over and very sternly said, Your mother is talking to you. Get out of the pool NOW and let's eat lunch, you can go back in after you eat. Then again, I forget this is a TV show. Maybe Bill did do that and they edited it out. I hope that's what happened.
  3. For the love of God I don't want to see a mourning box, hear about your dead babies, see you crying over the past when you have 3 beautiful healthy children. How long ago did all this happen? Mourn all you need to in private but the show is no place for it. This IS NOT entertaining. What in hell has this show come to? Emily should definitely not be back next season if this is what she's bringing to the show. I don't even want to start on that ingrate of a husband of hers. Wayyyyy to much crying this season, too. Shannon, Emily, Gina, Tamra. The only one's not crying are Kelly (which is probably why we can tolerate her now) and Vicky.
  4. Several things I noticed about Tamra's comments last night: She was telling someone that when Shannon called her to tell her what Gina said she quickly turned the conversation to talking about herself again and her birthday. Tamra was annoyed. Tamra is a two faced back stabbing friend. Gina is 100% correct about that. Then she said in her TH that when she would get a call from Shannon crying in the middle of the night she had to quietly sneak downstairs and hide in order to talk to Shannon. Huh? what does that even mean? Only thing I can figure is that Eddie was over Shan calling late at night. Why not just not answer the phone, Tamra. Turn the ringer off or something. I agree with Kelly that these two (Shan and Tam) have a very strange dynamic. I can't imagine Shannon is feeling warm and fuzzy towards Tamra after seeing these last couple of episodes. If they are still besties after this then Shannon really does need some therapy. Also, at the lunch at that restaurant with the beautiful beach view, Tamra's face was positively frozen and the dark red lipstick makes her look hard and old. She has gone too far with the tweaking.
  5. What? Eileen Davidson was a regular on RHOB for several season's. She was in almost every episode during that time. Harry Hamlin appears as much as any husband should and has been married to Lisa Rinna for over 20 yrs. With Kenya, her new marriage was a part of what was going on with her life and a big story in it's own right because it happened swiftly. Bu still, she didn't feel the need to share. Huge difference.
  6. One reason was because last season she refused to share any of her life.
  7. She needs to take some lessons on how to get what she wants using her feminine wiles and sexy times in the bedroom. She should call Pao from Colombia and ask her for some pointers.
  8. Is Kalani dependent on Father Kalani financially? Maybe that's why she needs his approval for fear of being cut off from the $$$. Does she even have a job? Sister Kalani has some nerve saying she has been the daddy figure in the baby's life. No, sister. You are the loving Auntie. You could never take the place of the daddy. Shut up with your delusional, jealous, bitchy self and get your own life, sister.
  9. She hasn't put her family's needs over anything. BRAVO fired her and she's been trying to get that peach back ever since. Just last week there was an article about how the franchise was filming and Kenya showed up in the background trying to get back on the show. That little prank pissed off BRAVO even more. She's also trying to get a show on E ! I haven't read any updates on how that's going for her.
  10. Ugggh Porsha. Stop trying so hard! The twerking and bouncing in her chair, the skin tight clothes, the boobage hanging out, the tons of extra hair and makeup. Grow up, woman! I didn't expect her new boyfriend to look like that. Porsha usually goes for good looking guys. He must have a ton of $$$$$. For the first time ever I really liked Nene and Gregg. Their scene was very touching, Nene came through for him, I hope he is going to be ok.
  11. There is a Dallas franchise but I don't remember there ever being a Houston franchise. When was that?
  12. Yes! No doubt Coltee and Mom have a super weird relationship, on the other hand, I also thought Mom was being very gracious to Larissa. She told her she removed some furniture so that Larissa could decorate any way she wanted (except for the slot machine, of course). That was very sweet of her to want to that for Coltee's bride to be. She was making an effort to adapt to the new life Coltee was thrusting upon her in her own house. She made dinner for them, why couldn't Larissa shut up and show some appreciation and eat the damn dinner? Seeing Mamma Coltee crying was sad. I hope she opens her eyes and finds a happy life for herself.
  13. That's because she lied so much about being pregnant before she actually ever was pregnant.
  14. Thanks for sorting all that out for me!
  15. Exactly what is the average NYC detective salary? On one hand you have Danny who is always complaining about being broke and the other hand Anthony who is living in a nice place and owning a rolex. I guess maybe the difference is Danny had 2 kids to raise without the second income from Linda's job.
  16. Both Reza and MJ had 9 to 5's the first season of the show. They both were real estate agents and fairly successful at it. We even had the pleasure of seeing them in the office occasionally. I remember when Reza agreed help broke ass Mike and took him on as a partner, then they had a big blow out I hate you I'll never speak to you again fight because Reza said Mike was lazy and Mike said Reza would never take the time to mentor him. Anyway, Reza may still dabble in Real Estate but I don't think MJ does anything any longer other than and whine about wanting a baby.
  17. Hahahaha! Don't forget: "She's a wild child, I'm a wild child." Yes, Wendy you are wild. She locks herself in her house hiding from the killer.
  18. I don't think Wendy will ever divorce him. He has a hold over her for what reason I can't figure out. He may leave her some day, though. For the sidepiece he bought the house for.
  19. Lady Mae has a lot of nerve kicking the Bishop to the curb when she had an affair and baby with another man while married to him!! I wonder if the Bishop knows. And if he does know, why hasn't he brought up her lying and cheating when she starts telling him to get out of the house and treating him like a dog. He seems to hold back his anger with her, I wish he would really lay in to her. They are both lowdown. This could get realllllly ugly and I'm here for it!
  20. Two hours of these kids is just too much. They are not that interesting. Neither are the grandparents. Or watching them move in to a house and fret over all the boxes while Bill and his dad sit there and watch the movers. I'm surprised Bill and Jen want to continue with this show. I think it's run it's course.
  21. I know this breakup must be hard for Elizabeth but she didn't have to agree to talk about it in length in her TH. She could have just stated that they broke up, she didn't have to go in to how, why, when. It looks like next week we get more it, too. He's posting pics of his new girlfriend on social media and Elizabeth is talking about it again. Enough, already.
  22. Exactly. I love Christy, I just don't like when she pulls that entitled attitude. And she yells a lot. Calm down, sweetie. It was funny when they walked up to the tattoo shop and the two guys walked out saying something about the "old people" getting tattoos. Bonnie and Adam were so offended. Yeah, I can totally relate to that. Sometimes I forget I'm old, too. It's weird how age creeps up on you. I watched a year old episode yesterday, I don't know how I missed it the first time around. Christy and Bonnie accidentally ate some cookies with pot in them (they were Adam's cookies) and gave them to the girls, too. It was hilarious!
  23. Kev loves the big boobies. Wendy doesn't want to displease Big Kev.
  24. I can't even believe this nonsense came out of this fool's mouth. Does Wendy know that Jon Bon Jovi has had a successful career for like 40 years? He's a legend, for chrissakes. I don't even care for the band but come on, everybody knows this. What in the holy hell is going on with this woman? But ok, Wendy. He is jealous of the Kardashians and the Housewives. Very jealous. I'm surprised he even knows who the hell these people are. Hey, Wendy, he also is the front man of his band. One of the best voices in the business. But never mind. He just travels and plays guitar. You fucking twit.
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