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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I don't find it strange at all that Meri was not there for Maddie. They don't like each other so I doubt Maddie wanted her there. Isn't it pretty well known that they had a pretty heated twitter war at one time? (posts have since been deleted). Meri was also not invited to Axel's birth, either. She was outside of the closed bedroom door while everybody else was inside. Heh, poor Meri.
  2. Oh, Janelle. Looking adoringly at Kody because of his sweet, sweet smile when told Evie's middle name would be his name. She has never seen him smile like that. She is soooo in love with Kody. Barf. Hey, Janelle, your Prince Charming doesn't even know your son Gabe.
  3. That was everything! MJ is an eff'd up drama queen but she knows how to bring the shade like nobody else. So Reza admits his relationship with Adam is hanging on by a thread. How sexually frustrated do you have to be to be a married man and send dick pics and play naked jenga when your spouse is out of town? I guess Reza's was not performing in the bedroom to Adam's satisfaction. I give them another year at most. WTF was that crazy bit with Sam?
  4. She has an apartment in the city. I don't know if she rents or owns it. I saw a tour of it on her IG stories.
  5. These two are weird because she said that he "does nothing" , doesn't pay any attention to her and never makes her feel "special". What we see is Derek bending over backwards for her. So which is it? Does he kiss her ass or pay little attention to her? I think Katie really has issues. She needs to work on herself before making anyone else miserable. She doesn't have a clue about what she really wants.
  6. Yes, it would be soooo delicious if Katie said yes and Derek said No! We can only dream.
  7. What's worse than wearing a frat boy hat? Wearing a backwards frat boy hat. Derek looked so nice and clean with his fresh haircut when he met up with his dad and sister then goes to a nice dinner with Katie looking all dirty and wearing a hat at the table. C'mon, bro. Don't prove this wench right. I never cared for Jessica. Looks like Austin's patience is running out. Very telling remark he made when he said things can't always be her way all the time, like going to bed at the same time together every night. He also told her to pretty much shut up about his traveling job, he's tired of hearing about it. Then back at the apartment he tells her she can take the photo album with her and closes the door without even a kiss or a hug. Finally, Austin! The boy has grown some balls! She must be a joy to live with. A joy as long as you're doing exactly what she wants you to do. Meka looked beautiful at dinner with Michael. That's all I have to say about those two. Brandon and Taylor. Who are they kidding? Waste of time.
  8. Do you think she keeps Boof around so much because he gets her drugs/booze for her? Just a thought.
  9. I think this is where Lala is at now. She is returning to her old nasty bitchy self because she's not drinking and every chucklefuck around her is and she's resenting it. It's got to be getting old. She should just go be happy being the arm candy to rich Rand and forget about these idiots before she relapses.
  10. I do think it's sad that Trent and Amber had a picture of having a big family with all the children growing up to be close with each other and with them. It's not working out that way for them. Amy crying about it in her TH was heartbreaking to me. Having said all that, Amy has gained a ton of weight! She let her hair grow long and it's so pretty. Elizabeth inherited her hair for sure. I love their new house. The land is gorgeous and the style of the house is beautiful.
  11. So much of the episode spent on Zach and Tori shopping for Jackson's bed, putting his bed together, talking heads about Jackson. This show has become completely mind numbing. I will be shocked if they get another season after this boring mess. Was Tori really that surprised she was having another dwarf child? The scene with Zach and Amy outside talking about the baby being a dwarf while Jackson was playing was sweet. Amy will understand more than anyone, after all she's been there. I chalk that up to production setting up those scenes. Tori has been around Amy plenty of times. All of these scenes are set up by production, nothing spontaneous about it.
  12. Wow, this show has really jumped the shark. I can't with all the birthday's. Who cares? So far we have had to endure Ariana's, Tom, Jax, Dayna, Peter. Thank god Stassi decided to give it a break this year. Dayna is completely devoid of personality. Yet, she garners alot of screen time. Wonder how that really sits with the OG's. Who'd she blow to get this gig? As far as I can see there is nothing extraordinary about her that hundreds of wannabe millenial girls in Hollywood don't have. Having said all that, I do feel for her losing her mom. My mom died when I was 17. It's a heartbreaking painful void that can never be filled no matter how old you are. Scheana is smart to freeze her eggs. Katie should do the same. She's creeping up there in age and judging from the amount of sex or lack thereof she and Schwartz have it might be a good idea. Speaking of eggs and babies, I thought Jax and Britt were going to start trying as soon as they got married. They wanted kids riiiiiiight away. It's been almost a year and Jax is 40. What are they waiting for?
  13. I don't even like Beau but his TH description of why he loves Stassi was really sweet. I still think as their relationship progresses Stassi will beat him down in to being her doormat. There are already signs. Having children will be a game changer for them. Hope it works out.
  14. LMAO!! I bet the other 3 won't even "go there" which automatically makes Robyn the favorite.
  15. Interesting opinion. I don't agree with that at all but we are all entitled to our own. No harm, no foul.
  16. Then saying to Alexi "look at me, I was sooo pretty and skinny". Omg shut up, Loren. I'm enjoying Anny's comments. She and Robert were funny and Molly and friend were on fire. Usman, keep going, put that hag in her place and don't give in! Also, America does not need another rapper, your career will go nowhere here.
  17. She's trying sooooo hard to keep/make her spot on this train wreck. Trying to be funny, quirky, loyal, die hard friend, savvy business woman, etc... You name it, she's tryin' and it's annoying AF with her fake fur, colored wigs and over the top Elton Johnish sunglasses.
  18. Not a fan of Chris but when did he ever say that? I can't picture him actually admitting that he likes having a famous girlfriend. Really? She's head over heels in love with Chris. I don't remember her ever being that way about Matt.
  19. I get the feeling the serial killer is coming back for Erin.
  20. Molly does not live near Amy. She has a full time job and a husband. She and Amy have the same birthday and celebrate together. She doesn't want to be on the show. I'm sure she has a good relationship with Amy. I have never seen any indication that the kids don't like Amy. Zack lived in the house with both Amy and Matt. He was a brat because he had alot of growing up to do. He's still lazy. What does he do for a living? You can blame both parents for that. He got lucky and found Tori. Good for him but that has nothing to do with him not loving his mother. Jeremy is an entitled jerk, he's gone because he and his wife think they are better than the show, also he would not help Matt with the farm but sure wanted a peice of it so how is his being gone Amy's fault? As for Caryn being a nice person. She cheated with her boss. She knew the bosses wife. As for her giving and not criticizing, her talking heads sure do show her doing alot of criticizing. Of Amy.
  21. Caryn is waiting patiently and putting on a good show for Matt. I am convinced she is only in it for his money. Why else would you love a creep like Matt? Amy married him when he had nothing. Would Caryn do that? Hell, no! The only thing I can't figure out is why the kids all seem to like her. She is one damn good actress!
  22. Reza with all that crying at GG's house about how hurt he was and felt so alone. Way to make it all about you, Reza. Dirty POS. And of course in the end they alllllllll rally around him.
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