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Everything posted by I-Kare

  1. Toby is ridiculous. You don't stop being a twin because you're in a relationship. I'm the unmarried half of a 47-year-old twin set and apparently I'm fortunate that my twin's husband loves me and he and I are BFFs. Hell we even go out to eat together when she doesn't like the restaurant we both love. And he'd *never* say I couldn't be the one who buys her dinner on our birthday because....guess what...it's *our* birthday. Rant over but good lord.
  2. Their top three was my top three. That almost never happens.
  3. Late to the party but I just watched the show....gotta say I'm the size of Brandon's model and I loved the outfit! I'm probably past the age of crop tops, but I really loved the design and would wear it in a heartbeat. And I'd love to buy Deyonte's dress.
  4. I have to admit I skimmed this episode since I'd already seen a comment saying Will wasn't in it.
  5. Has anyone seen Will Tudor in Humans? He was amazing as Odi. I swear I was losing interest in this show and thought I'd give it one more chance. Little did I know he was going to be on or I wouldn't have even hesitated. I'm willing to watch just for him.
  6. Hasn't confused me, but maybe that's because I was already familiar with the actor.
  7. I don't think he's been one from the start, I think they've shown a progression into the profession. When we first saw him, he and Charlotte talked about what he'd charge for services, then when they went walking she complimented him on how quickly he was learning to be a harlot, then he was stripping on a table for the women at the wake for money (tips?). "Servicing" Lady Repton at the sex party seemed just the next step.
  8. I was confused with one part regarding John Brown. The massacre he was involved in was the Pottawatomie Massacre, and I had to rewind three times because I wasn't sure what name she put with the massacre...still not sure but it sounded closer to Potomac than how you pronounce Pottawatomie...or at least how us Kansans pronounce Pottawatomie (which isn't the fault of the actress). I enjoyed the episode, I thought they did a great job of moving it forward even with only (for the most part) one person speaking.
  9. You know how sometimes you personally don't click with an actor? I feel that with the woman playing Dorothy. For me, Adria just doesn't work. That's disappointing since I was looking forward to the show and - even though everyone above is right, it's more ensemble now - she's still a large part of the story. So for me, she's a big part of why I'm not enjoying it. Before anyone tells me to just not watch then, I am trying to just tough it out since I want to like it. But you have to admit, your enjoyment of a show can be effected when one of the main characters just doesn't work for you. Plus, I've been a fan of Oliver Jackson-Cohen for years, which is why I started the show to begin with. So if I'm going to watch him, I have to be more invested in Dorothy. (To add more more disclaimer, I'm sure Adria is a lovely personal.)
  10. I think I made noises only dogs can hear when I figured out Skeet Ulrich is Jughead's dad!!!!
  11. I guess I'll be a standout in that I loved it: the characters, the actors, the dialogue, the initial storyline, the costumes, the small town vibe (my home town has a population of 150, and we were bussed to a town of 3000 for high school), the changes in the characters from the original, the stuff they kept, etc. I'm 47 years old and was a fan of the 70s/80s era Archie comics. I also watched Twin Peaks when it aired. So I love the combination...it works for me. My only problem is I'm so used to streaming that I'm going to find it hard waiting a week for the new episodes.
  12. I'm not as large as Kate, but I am a size 22/24 and I joke I've been plus size since birth (a lot like Kate, only my twin is female and was always a size 0...that's a different post since she and I ate the same/exercised the same). I have to say I've always gotten my fair share of attention from both men and women. So for me it's realistic. The only unrealistic part (compared to my life) is that I don't seem to attract psychotic men...not that I'm complaining about that! =D
  13. I'm from rural Kansas (Mom and Dad still live there). Most hospitals are located in the town that's the county seat, which tends to have the largest population of the county: courthouse is there, law enforcement is there, most larger industry is there, etc. My own town is about 150 people, but the actual township has around 500 since a lot of the population involves folks living on surrounding farms. The nearest hospital is about 20 miles away in the county seat which is a town of 3000 (and they struggle to get funding), but it serves the entire county. My Mom is an unpaid/volunteer first responder who goes on calls, administers emergency medical help, and stays with folks until the ambulance can get there and take over. So yeah, Lucas must have grown a lot (to be honest, though, it's unlikely to go from 400 to large enough in 20 years to support a hospital in a rural area unless some big industry moved in).
  14. I love that the small town - at less than 400 population - is actually a small town. Too many times in Hollywood "small town" means anything less than 100,000 people. As someone from a small town, I think if you don't know everyone in it, it's not *that* small. That said, I'm personally not aware of any rural small town of that size that has a medical center. You wouldn't have enough patients to support it. (Unless I missed something and the medical center is actually in a larger town near Lucas). I do love that Dorothy is a doctor though. (edited: or nurse, or whatever she is) Long-time fan of Oliver Jackson-Cohen, so I'm here to stay.
  15. I'd rather see a Wolfgang/Sun pairing than Wolfgang/Kala, but then I'm rarely into the ships shows wants you to be into.
  16. I don't find the inclusion of a gay character as something political. I find it realistic and find it harder to believe there aren't more LGBT characters on prime time. I also don't find it hard to believe Toby would be attracted to Kate. Maybe he's just attracted to a wide variety of types. I sure am.
  17. Oh man, Jimmi Simpson and Denis O'Hare make for two great guest additions to our already amazing cast.
  18. I've had a thing for Nathan Darrow for a while now, so I'm thrilled seeing him as Billy. Hopefully they brought Billy into the picture just so Amantha can finally have some happiness/normalcy.
  19. Oh man, they had to make it hard on me: I've adored Clayne in everything I've ever seen him in, and Jordana is one of the few actors I can honestly say I can't stand (her one emotion in everything seems to be: smug). Hopefully they focus on the partnership instead of the potential love interest or I'll be doing a lot of fast forwarding. Damon and Clayne are great together, though, and I always like Kevin Rahm. I've never seen Keesha in anything, but I like her too. 4 out of 5 ain't bad?
  20. This finale fell flat for me, not sure why other than maybe a little of a letdown after what I thought was a great episode last week. But the last 10 min made up for the rest of the episode with the conversation between Smurf and Pope and then the family dynamics. Can't wait for next season! (oh and I love the use of the The Prodigy track!)
  21. No, that was the guy from the flashbacks, the one she went and found and spent time with a couple of episodes back.
  22. I think because I'm a huge Speedman fan and I've seen him in dark things before (his role in Good Neighbors in particular was a lot darker) I just see him as attractive no matter what he's in. But that's just me being a fangirl. =D
  23. Didn't he try to get her in the car? And the police were coming? It's not like he just said "see ya" and casually walked away.
  24. I'm finding Baz more and more fascinating. He may not be related to Smurf by blood, but he sure as hell is the most like her. It was so cold and calculating how he reacted to the news his brother had been pretending his wife and daughter were his family. Didn't phase him, instead he sees it as an opportunity and something he could potentially manipulate. That was a very interesting reveal to me. I don't think Pope was jealous of Baz in a "I want my sister" way, I think it was more "the three of us are supposed to be in this together and if you two hook up, where does that leave me?" That's what the PBJ carving means to me. I read the Smurf scenario like you all did. I think she'd lived her life thinking one thing and it probably drove her to an extent. But finding out the truth was something different took the wind out of her. So my guess is she didn't hurt the guy and instead just left.
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