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Everything posted by I-Kare

  1. My predication is the four Mason men will be the last living humans and then slowly die out unless they can figure out a way to procreate (with each other or cross-species, whichever).
  2. I know to some it's a minor point. But as someone who has long, thick hair it's always been something I marvel at with this show. The first sign of heat and I'm grabbing for something to tie my hair up into a bun to get it out of my way and be cooler. I can't imagine going into battle(s) with my hair down in my face all hot. But god forbid I be taken out by aliens while not looking my best, am I right?
  3. Okay, somehow I missed the fact that were were even supposed to think Mei was a guy when we met her...I guess because I always knew she wasn't. But then again, I'm now just watching out of habit, so maybe I wasn't paying that close of attention.
  4. Didn't some interviews with the showrunners indicate they offed Lily because they didn't want Cullen to become too domestic and now he's saddled with a wife and child and last season was basically him being force-domesticated? Good god. I almost stopped watching the show last season due to the wife. Beyond boring and now he's pining for her? (or am I over reading that?) That makes zero sense. ZERO. He even tried to hang him after he killed Lily and now it's a shrug and let's work together? Either the Cullen has a weird connection to the Swede or TPTB have a boner for him.
  5. I was on vacation when the final episode aired (mountain home in Colorado is awesome, but tv/net connection, not so much). What a tragically beautiful piece of work this entire series has been. I can't even decide whether I like S1 or S2 better, and that's usually easy for me with shows. I'm happy because Reeve totally works for me as Dorian (guess I'm lucky?). He's just the type I've pictured for Dorian Gray since I read the book back in high school (the 80s don't honestly feel that long ago do they?) and I've had no problem with the notes he's hit in his portrayal in this season or last. A mirror is the perfect description! I totally get that! And that ballroom scene! Good god, y'all. That was spectacular seeing the two of them spreading blood across the floor. It's funny because Victor has slowly grown on me. He barely registered with me S1 until I did a rewatch and now he's one of my favorites. Such a wounded soul. But then again they all are. A lovely, tragic group of wounded souls. I feel fortunate to be along for the ride.
  6. I think it's true that he's willing to do it because his whole being is about obtaining new experiences. So the fact that she even began that route was probably very intriguing to him. I don't know that there would be any barriers Dorian wouldn't cross. There's also a lot of control in giving over control to someone.
  7. This show has progressively gotten more knee deep in WTF.
  8. To be honest, I think no matter what the portrait looked like, folks were going to be disappointed. Which is actually why I wasn't.
  9. I know where you're coming from, and I honestly did just use you, so thank you for that! =D My comments were mainly based no a lot of reviewers who seem to think there's no need for the character, when I think he'd been more valuable than folks think. Even as a character that provided a vehicle for exposition in S1. I think if all episodes were just the Scooby gang, it'd become to feel claustrophobic.
  10. That would be interesting. I can't honesty remember that much about the book (I read it in my teens). This is *not* directed at you in particular, I'm just using your comment as a jumping off point for something I've wanted to touch on. A lot of folks talk about Dorian as being separate, but to me he's never been separate as much as on the outskirts weaving in and out of their lives. He's had fairly important interactions with Vanessa, Ethan, Brona/Lily, even Victor. I think when there's such a small cast, someone like Dorian is important to move certain storylines along without having to go back to the well and the same relationships all of the time. Dorian is a good character for this because he himself isn't so much of an individual anymore...his entire existence is now made up of interactions with others as he seeks out new people, new experiences.
  11. Good god I loved this episode! I think I have to rewatch to process but yeah, loved it!
  12. I don't understand this part to be honest. I know you're only going on what your friend told you, but it wasn't "edited to make it seem like he blew up" we actually saw him blow up...multiple times. That's not editing. We saw him blow up on the show and the reunion and on now on SM. Just my opinion, but Ryan did a pretty good job of making himself look like the villain. They may have taken advantage of that, but his actions that we personally saw weren't fabricated.
  13. To which I say: I know you dislike Jessica more than Ryan D. I just wish you wouldn't assume everything he says is the truth and persecute the woman, who may have acted like a jerk at times, just based on what he says. Please wait for objective facts. Also remember the show is highly edited and any of the cast can be shown as more good or more bad than they really are in RL.... My point is, you're calling her a fame whore and saying she played him based on no more than those of us who are forming negative opinions of Ryan. We all bring person experiences/prejudices to our viewing experience. I've never said Jessica was innocent or an angel or anything similar. I *have* said negative things about Ryan from the start based on his behaviors I saw on the show and then his behavior on social media after only confirmed (for me) that I was right from the start. His behavior during the reunion show confirmed my feelings as well. They can't edit him to make him do things he didn't do: screaming, belittling, demeaning, walking off the set. His behavior on social media has nothing to do with editing either.
  14. Ohmygosh that's right! I remember that now. I thought tonight it was weird that Kevin didn't even follow up and ask him if he did that. He just let it go. Now that you said that I remember that preview though.
  15. Love him, and the things he interjected were often more insightful than the experts.
  16. Okay, is it just me or were there several little clips of "coming in the next segment" type stuff that weren't then shown in the next segment? One was RyanR either getting down on one knee or getting up on the couch (it was a quick cut) and the other was the experts looking shocked at something and all kinda half standing. But almost in a good way? They were shown back to back so I assumed they were reacting to Ryan re-asking Jaclyn to marry him. Those are the two I noticed, but there may have been more. The segments were fairly interesting and informative (even if it felt like they were at times talking about events we never got to see - still)...until the Jaclyn and Ryan which seemed like half an hour broken down into 5 minutes of talking, 10 minutes of commercials and 15 minutes of recap. They had more recap than any of the other couples and it seemed like there was no real conclusion. Just felt weird. Edited to add: At least with Jacyln and Ryan I get the feeling they genuinely like and care about each other. But maybe they're meant to just be good friends. There's nothing wrong with that.
  17. Wouldn't filing a PO under false pretenses (ie for ratings) be against the law though? Isn't that the same as filing a false report, which I've seen folks charge with before.
  18. TWC shows the same. If anyone was planning on DVRing, it's probably best to record whatever it calls the show after just in case. I wouldn't want anyone to miss it. I'm actually glad they're doing this. If my "it's going to be 45 min of filler in each show" is correct, this will at least get it over with faster.
  19. Wow, that's pretty damn specific. I'm nosey enough that I want the reunion show to actually show drama, but with the way this season went, my fear is we're going to get 45 minutes of filler/recap in a season that was mostly recap and then we'll get 15 minutes of actual reunion. Same with part 2. I just can't see that they'd have two hours of reunion without my scenario being true.
  20. Exactly, and as I pointed out a couple of times on here during the season in regards to Ryan and editing: it goes both ways. There may have been things we didn't see that were a lot worse. We don't know that editing made him look worse than he is...in fact it may have made him not look as bad as he really is. I thought what we saw was bad enough, but I suspected during the season that we didn't see all his bad behavior.
  21. Someone on another board said they're filed in family court when the person is your spouse. If it's not a relative, it's criminal. I have no clue though! I've never filed one or had one filed against me. =)
  22. This is getting so weird. For the life of me I can't figure out why RyanD would post the restraining order on his Instagram. And what the heck with his friend slut shaming Jess? She wasn't having sex alone. He was the other participant having sex the first day he met her. Double standards are alive and well.
  23. Wait....what makes folks think it's one of the woman who is the source of info (if any of it is true)? It could be a crew member, a family member, a friend, a coworker. Is there particular info that points to it being a participant?
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