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Everything posted by pcta

  1. OK- here's what I want. I want Castle to go into therapy to find out why he chooses emotionally unavailable (or as in the case of one x - straight ass crazy) partners. I want him to split his time between writing and PI biz. I want him to tell B they can be friends but no more games and no more intimacy. I want B to be an adult and start doing her actual job. Therapy wouldn't hurt her but, as of now, I don't really care about the characters personal development - I just want B to stop doing harm I want Ryan to keep it in his pants if he can't afford another child and/or to look for a job in a city (just about anywhere other than London or Paris) with a cost of living that isn't as insane as NYC where he can raise his kids on his salary I want Alexis to go to Univ while working pt at PI biz. I want Martha to recognize that B is a loser for her son. I have given up on wanting seasons 1-3 back because these current characters can't be those people I want it to be over - so I don't weaken and watch the train wreck
  2. Started watching - got to the opening credit sequence and was already bored. So I came over here hoping you all had found the epi interesting, moving plot forward. Really hoping you would tell me there was lots of Duke - 'cause frankly the Nathan and Audrey story was always the weakest part of Haven for me. I guess maybe I'll watch this later or tomorrow or something.
  3. Beckett's clothes must cost $. Couldn't they have gotten Castle a suit with better cut and fit - jacket was too short and tight. Other than that, I still would prefer a show sans B.
  4. Like Capaldi. There was for me (and I can't put my finger on why) a Tom Baker Doctor feeling to part 2. I'm not sure that I like the feeling of return to Classic Doctor Who (including somewhat cheesy monsters). I really liked the 9th and 10th Doctors (the 11th - not so much) and the "more modern" take on the Doctor. I liked The 12th last season. Not sure on the direction of this season tho'
  5. First thought - too much Nathan, too little Duke. If this new girl is a love interest for Duke - he got robbed Liked the fact that the fog kept people in Haven and erased its existence in the outside world. Since Shatner has said he shows up toward the end of the season looks like a lot of apocalypse ahead of us First episode wayyyyyyy superior to second. Second bored me a bit (most likely 'cause too much Nathan)
  6. I'd gladly watch that show
  7. So, you all actually still like the Beckett character? You don't find her a self involved, bitch? You still feel Caskett is viable relationship?
  8. I guess I'm out. Emma is boring me to tears. This is like a really bad soap opera. Without lots of Carlyle - I just can't do it. Only made it to first commercial break. May drop by here to see if anything interesting enough is happening to bring me back to watching.
  9. Glad I wasn't the only one.
  10. Stopped reading the review when you dissed Colin Baker - one of my favorite Doctors
  11. Loved this episode. Nice to see Sebastian getting more play. Keep hoping they tone down the Sonja character just a bit so that she melds better with the rest of the cast. With NCIS original flavor losing some of its pep last season and so far this season, NCIS NOLA is my favorite of the franchise at this point.
  12. Feels that way. If Gibbs is done, time to wrap the show up.
  13. I watched first 5 minutes and last 5. Enough to confirm - this show is out. Give me the show with Castle PI, his mom and kid and the boys. Let him figure out Beckett sucks at relationships. Let her leave permanently and I might come back.
  14. At this point I only watch for Carlyle - doesn't look like a good season for him (granted I only watched bits and pieces of this episode)
  15. I have done a rewatch of NCIS. For me, I have decided that NCIS was cancelled after season 11 episode 8. For me, the introduction of the Bishop character has made a significant enough change in the feel of the show that it is now a different show
  16. Matt Miller This is a hard message to write but I'm sorry to report that despite Warners Bros best efforts they haven't been able to find a new home for Forever. That doesn't mean they won't keep trying but wanted to give you all the real, although disheartening news. More at the link http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1smvn9q
  17. I am liking this show. So for my enjoyment and peace of mind, I think I'll just unfollow this forum.
  18. Just got through watching ep 1 and 2. I am surprised by the comments here. I enjoyed it a lot. No it doesn't answer questions, really. Except the one about whether or not the Dome is benign. It sounded like the "butterfly entities" needed the folks of Chester's Mill for some purpose of their own. But needed them to be "happy"/unquestioning??? I'm much more into the mythology than I was after epi one season 2.
  19. I wonder about the actor's disappearance - no media announcement, no real in story explanation. In terms of the character, you may be right about safety - more murders per square inch in midsomer than anywhere in the world :-) Also, I figure he's tired of working for a type A personality who doesn't even give you Sunday off. And, anyway, London's more fun!
  20. Finished Season 6. I guess I can understand Cully and Joyce sometimes being frustrated that you can never plan anything because the never ending murder train that is midsomer will pull Tom away to work. But even with that the family relationship is the heart of the Tom B years. You would need to be really secure in the depth of the bonds to put up with the never present Tom. And they are that secure which is lovely. And now on to Season 7. The Green Man which is one of my favorites as well as being Troy's last case. And then DS Scott who, I must admit, is my favorite assistant. Wish he had lasted longer than 2 series. Wonder what the story is behind his sudden departure.
  21. Tesla I'm up for a rewatch. Off I go to start season 6
  22. I have no idea what is being shown on US television (or where) I do my viewing streaming on Acorn TV and Netflix. What seasons are everyone watching? I've just finished 17 on Acorn. Must say, the new duo just don't feel like Midsommer. Preferred the Tom Barnaby years.
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