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Everything posted by pcta

  1. TPTB for this show are willing to throw every character under the bus to save Nathan/Audrey the most tedious, self righteous couple ever to grace a TV screen. Course I don't know how the episode ended cause I turned it off when "Duke did it" was uttered. If anyone watches the last episodes, I hope you post a synopsis 'cause I JUST CAN'T
  2. How many more episodes until we are all put out of our misery (apologies to anyone who is enjoying 5b)? In my broken record style, I will repeat - for me, Dave, Vince and Duke are the 3 best characters in Haven. Well, one down, one to go. Dave gave his all. Duke was forced to hurt his psyche to save Haven. Vince lost his brother. But, oh boy, Audrey and Nathan are back together At this point, I truly believe that Audrey and Nathan deserve each other. They are both weak, obsessed and self-absorbed. If I didn't think so little of the writers at this point, I would hope that they would both die at the end - a fitting ending to their "true love". Spend eternity together and leave whatever good people are left in Haven to get on with their lives. I did like the Hello Dave message from Croatoan - I could hear the voice of Hal, the computer
  3. No feels from this episode.
  4. I thought Lucas Black did a really fine job.
  5. This show has become like the long death watch for a friend. The person/show I knew is no longer there but it's hard not to keep coming back to honor what used to be. You only go through this with people/shows you really loved. I find, however, I am beginning not to remember what it was that I loved. This episode was poorly written, directed and acted almost all the way through. The interactions between Vikram/Beckett, Castle/Beckett, Mama/Castle were poorly conceived, badly written, badly acted. There was no life and no truth for the character in them. Only a couple of exceptions - the confrontation and Castle with the show girls - in these I think Fillion was good. I don't know how much longer I can watch. But I feel guilty leaving the once loved show to die alone.
  6. I cannot tell you how much I hated this episode - Too much Nathan. Too much Audrey. Oh, please. Sanctimonious Audrey. You hate Duke because he left? He never did anything for the town? He never cared about the town? While you are the saint of Haven and have only done things because you cared so much about Haven? Oh, gag me with a spoon. Duke was way too forgiving of Audrey. OK - the Vince, Dave and Dwight story was quite good. These folks at least seem to have retained the essence of their characters. And was good to see William again.
  7. My guess none of us are going to begrudge Crane his man pain over losing Abby.
  8. So do not care about the Bishops and that storyline sucked the life out this epi for me. It has felt that the character balance has been off all season. Where the heck is Palmer? And to ruin a holiday episode next week by making it about Bishop. Why? What am I missing? Is this character so beloved that everyone but Gibbs gets there parts reduced to add screen time for the blond? The whole storyline suffered because we never really got to know the Navy kid. There is something so wrong this season.
  9. You know what ticked me off most about this episode? Beckett's response when the confetti and banner finally fell. She looked superciliously bored. Why in the name of all that is holy would someone with such I stick up the derrière hook up with someone so playful? Their relationship makes no sense to me.
  10. I have bailed after first episode. Because the direction of the story is NOT OK. They've mucked up every character but Killian and now he gets it? Gone. Gone. Gone.
  11. Big Finish did an audio production - Dead Air (narrated by Tennant) - that used the same conceit. If you listened all the way through than you were infected. I sussed that out pretty early on, so . . . not a surprise actually. Pissed me off, that Moffat stole James Goss' (the author) idea. Actually, pissed me off a lot!
  12. pcta

    Duke Crocker

    What the hell did Eric Balfour do to TPTB to so totally screw the character and under utilize him in 5B? If he did nothing, then what the hell were the writers thinking to remove one of the 3 best characters they have (Dave and Vince being the other 2) from the main story line.
  13. Came here to check reactions. So far, I have watched the first 5 - 10 minutes. Figured out it was going to be a lot of Bryant trying to act - perhaps that's unfair 'cause I'm not sure who could do a decent job of the over the top lines he got. FF to the last 10 minutes. Am so pissed Dukes character is being a tertiary support player to the true love duo. Came here. Sounds like there are some good bits. Will now decide if it is worth my time to go back and watch the whole thing. Don't think it is.
  14. It did have a classic Who vibe. I have no problem with the forgiveness. It really is the essential Christian forgiveness. Next to impossible to do - but the right thing to not perpetuate hate. It is the truth and reconciliation process.
  15. I have worked out the message of theNCIS franchise. You go into law enforcement because you have a f-ed up relationship with your parents
  16. First episode of this season that I actually watched all the way thru without fast forwarding. Would guess it is because it was Carlyle centric. I actually enjoyed Belle as magician/sage and hero. Am eager to see how the Hero turn for Rumple turns out. Am not looking forward to the introduction of YET ANOTHER new character because the writers are soooooo lazy about developing and utilizing the characters they have.
  17. Bones comment was typical of her social autism. She has no sense of "propriety". It isn't the first time she has blurted out something that would be considered inappropriate because she found it interesting
  18. I watch both Bones and Sleepy Hollow (tho' I did boycott Bones for several seasons after the then show runner made Zach the Gormogons apprentice). The cross over meshed much better than I thought it would. I do agree that the Bones half worked better than the Sleepy Hollow epi. I loved that although Cranes explanation for the similarity in handwriting was nonsense, Bones found that explanation more palatable than the only other explanation because that would have jarred her rational world. (How's that for a run on sentence?) OK - Pandora is irretrievably evil - she stole that kid's Halloween candy and made her cry. EVIL,
  19. Like when Sebastian gets airtime. Does a fine job. Of the franchise like this iteration best. But still not feeling Percy. She disrupts a team dynamic. Way too all about me kinda character. Much more interested in the other characters.
  20. pcta

    S13.E06: Viral

    Gibbs does not look better no matter how many times you tell me he does. I don't care about Bishop. I don't care about her marriage. Where's Palmer? Obvious plot Want holiday shows that these folks used to be great at - don't want more Bishop angst EVER, please
  21. I loved the the Classic Doctor Who from my childhood, youth and early adulthood. Most of my early Dr Who was Tom Baker (tho' the older Doctors were also broadcast), then Peter Davison, then Colin Baker (who I loved and who was royally screwed by the BBC) then Sylvester McCoy (watched one of his - hated him) Then the long, long Doctor Who-less years. Then the audio (thank you Big Finish) Paul Mcgann. Then the Davies years that I adored. Doctor Who for a new generation and for adults - lovely. And, now the Moffat years. I didn't like Matt Smith - so stopped watching. Thought it was the actor I didn't like. But Peter Capaldi - liked him. But why wasn't I liking the whole Doctor Who as much as I thought I should? This week's program answered the question for me. It is too much like classic who. Too schizophrenically slap stick - heavy meaning. To me it seems out of date. But I'm old (66) so I have no idea if this is really Doctor Who for the 21st century. Maybe Davies was the aberration and Moffat has his fingers on the pulse, I don't know. I, too, am unclear about why the Doctor and Maisie couldn't go off together. Not well explained. I am assuming - tho' not really from anything said here - that he needs the human companions to remind him of the human perspective/emotions which he believes make him a better being??? And, Maisie has lost her humanness????
  22. Thanks, editorgrrl. I'll have to check him out in other projects. He's very good.
  23. Number One problem for me with Haven - which I guess I can admit now that we are almost to the end - I find Nathan totally sexually and romantically boring. I find the Nathan/Audrey relationship uninteresting. Makes the heavy true love emphasis of the end of the show tedious (tho' not unexpected). I could usually count on large doses of Duke to counteract the True love induced coma. (Dream Sandman is more exciting to me than Nathan) The split story telling with little dabs of Duke - not enough. I was engaged in the Seth/Duke storyline - the 2.5 minutes I got of it. Where are Vince and Dave my other reasons for watching the show? Since episode one it has always been the "secondary" characters that kept me coming back. I am hanging in there after the investment of time in the show but I find it hard slogging. With so few episodes, this felt like filler.
  24. I think the scene where Betsy was too modern was not a flashback. It was Ichabod's drug induced fantasy/daydream
  25. No insurance?ETA - Pandora is impossible for me to hear . High register, whispers.
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