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Everything posted by SusieQ

  1. Sorry, didn't explain myself well. I knew it was the real hammer. My point is that Thursday didn't plant the fake one, his partner did. I'm not sure Fred had actual knowledge that his partner planted it. And now that he knew that his partner "cheated" with the evidence Thursday was willing to give himself up. He would have but Morse took matters into his own hands. To me, that made Thursday a stand up guy. Now, what's happening with Box,Thursday, and the envelope of money, well I hope it's not what it looks like. I still have hope that Thursday does the right thing. It will break my heart if he turns out to be crooked.
  2. I don't think he planted the evidence, rather his partner at the time did. That's why he wanted to turn it in now. But Endeavour put it back in the church.
  3. I was there, too with my college age kid. And it was fabulous! The place went nuts when Lin came out. They really did get lots of songs in. Thanks Rinaldo for listing them. I'm really going to miss this show.
  4. I've read it. It does get better, but it's nowhere as good as her others so I was a bit disappointed. I love all her other books and so looked forward to this one. That might account for my disappointment. I agree about the lead. The best thing for me was a look at how civilians dealt with the war. Also a reminder that not everybody was against the Nazis. Familiar???
  5. I had an epidural, too (at the advice of my doctor, who when I asked him what would he advise if I were his wife, he said "get it!"). However, when it came time to do the actual pushing the baby out, it sucked big time! So that epidural only goes so far. There's still plenty of pain to go around!
  6. I thought I was the only one who thought this since no one else mentioned it till you! I truly thought it was some other actress and they were playing a prank when she first introduced herself at the beginning of the show. I just can't figure out what's missing/different. But thanks for not letting me think I'm crazy!
  7. Just heard Fitz on the radio (Fresh Air) talking about his book. Yeah, it sounds like things were changed to make it more "dramatic". In particular he says he never spoke to Ted K in prison. He did say that there was concern that the warrant might get thrown out as noted in that part of the show.
  8. I've had a state job and a federal job (where I had to get security clearance and fill out a form like Jared K) and no one asked for my SSN card. But then again since they did a background check on me it would be easy to find out if I was lying. I've opened up financial accounts and again no request for the actual SSN card. I've had a relative get his Medicare card in the last year and all they asked for was the number, name and DOB. No card. Asking for the actual card has never come up in any applications that I or my family have made. Driver's licences and or passports are used for most stuff. We're in the Northeast.
  9. http://www.wnyc.org/story/rachel-bloom-musical-comedy/ Saw this on a newsletter I get from WNYC and thought you might enjoy. From the piece: Rachel kindly took time out of her busy schedule of co-producing Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, filming her husband's movie, and appearing on stage, to share her love of music with you, The Naked American Songbook audience.
  10. Yes, I thought he looked the Home Fires creep, too. Checked it out on IMDB and we are correct.
  11. I'm an idiot. I guess I was thinking that this was the one time he actually purchased the stuff. I truly never cared about the actual scam. I just love the show so much. And I'm so happy that Wilson insisted that Preston reprise his role or else no movie. (I've never gotten over TBTB replacing Julie Andrews in "My Fair Lady".)
  12. Okay, maybe I'm really a cynic but I always assumed that Hill just took the money and didn't order the instruments and uniforms. Told the folks that the stuff would arrive soon and high tailed it out of town before the date he gave for arrival.
  13. Oh, yes!!!! Mary Stolz. I loved her and read all her books. In particular I loved a short story collection she wrote. I found the book at the main children's branch of the NYPL and photocopied the title story called "The Beautiful Friend". That was me and my best friend--- long story short, it worked out for me just like Mary wrote. And even now, all these years later, I reread that story.
  14. CZJ looks so much younger because she IS. She's 47, Jessica is 67, and Susan is 70. Let's see how CZJ looks in 20 years. :)
  15. A.Ham you are not alone. I love watching Michael swim. He is incredible! And I have no problem with a quick scan to his family. But I totally agree with all the NBC hate. They need to cool it all the hype. His achievements don't need it. They stand on their own.
  16. You took the words right out of my mouth!
  17. Re the "girl" statement: first off, he called himself a boy. Second, when any person close to 70 thinks back to when they were 50 years younger they think of themselves as "boys and girls". For the record I hated what he put her through with the Monica scandal. But I do believe that was a sincere and very sweet speech.
  18. I've been watching PBS Newshour and they too only have been interviewing Bernie delegates. Also Judy and Gwen keep saying all they hear are boos, but their headphones don't seem to be picking up what is actually coming across on the broadcast (I'm hearing cheers). It's making me crazy!
  19. Hello all. I enjoy reading this topic and many others on PTV. I don’t comment often so please bear with me if I screw this up. Someone above asked for a good French place near Ground Zero. One of my very favorite places is Les Halles. There is one on John Street very close to where you'll be. They have another place on Park Ave and E 29 Street, not far from Grand Central. I've eaten at both and they are both wonderful. Here's a link: http://leshalles.net/ I hope you have a good visit. I've been to the memorial which is very peaceful. I don't think I want to see the museum--too hard for me to take. I worked downtown and would rather remember the happier times.
  20. Hello all. I enjoy reading this topic and many others on PTV. I don’t comment often unless I have some info that I think is interesting and that no one else has contributed. In this case I wanted to explain why the Harvey Theater at Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) looks the way it does. When I attended Beckett’s “Happy Days” back in 2010 or so in this theater I was shocked at the way the theater looked—just like aradia22 said. However turns out that IS the way they want it to look. "Lichtenstein raised funds for what was an award-winning renovation of the theater, completed in 1987. Retaining original architectural elements, the theater's design maintained an aged look that creates a visceral bridge between the past and the future. In 1999, the Majestic was renamed in honor of retiring leader Harvey Lichtenstein." http://www.bam.org/visit/buildings/harvey-lichtenstein-theater Crazy, but true. However, if you want to see a truly beautiful theater that’s also part of BAM check out the Howard Gilman opera house. http://www.bam.org/visit/venues/howard-gilman-opera-house I’m a proud Brooklynite (from the NOT fashionable parts) and BAM is a very neat set of venues so I didn’t want folks to get a bad opinion of the place. And again, thanks for all the interesting info you guys (esp aradia22) post.
  21. I can answer the question “who was dancing with Katie Courie”—it was David-Hallberg, a principal dancer for the Bolshoi Ballet and American Ballet Theatre, (the first American to become a principal dancer with the Bolshoi in 2011.) He was the guest on the Dec. 7 2011 show and I know because I was there. It was a magical show, check it out. http://thecolbertreport.cc.com/episodes/al1rau/december-7--2011---david-hallberg David danced a piece from “The Nutcracker” and of course Stephen got in on it, too.
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