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Everything posted by ahisma

  1. Sure, it makes perfect sense for the states to be able to “protect the lives of children” from conception up until they are killed by a gun—that, the states are not allowed to prevent. [Take it as read that the rest of this comment is just swearing.] Yeah, the water situation in the SW has been horrendous for my entire life. John’s right that it’s possible to buy up land and just pump what they want. He didn’t even get into the agricorps that have come in and planted massive farms of alfalfa that they bale up and send to Saudi Arabia for their horses. So, yeah, the locals can’t reach the water in their wells anymore because some corporate farmer is drying up our desert to get oil money from another desert. Also, development projects are supposed to prove they have a 100 year water supply for the intended residents. Funny, their applications are never turned down, no matter how sketchy. He is right that Las Vegas does a great job on conservation. In Arizona, Tucson uses a fraction per person per day of what gets used in Phoenix—comparable to CA drought measures in the ‘80s without even instituting any drought measures. Yet… Those were alternate names that LWT made up. 🙂
  2. Stephen on Jon Stewart at the Mark Twain Prize ceremony. So good!
  3. Really lovely interview with Elliot, where he talks a bit about the show runners including his transition in the story:
  4. Wow. I remember seeing Seth serious-angry or serious-upset about various things in the news. But I don’t think I’ve ever seen him serious in the quiet, open, and empathetic way he was in his interview with Elliot Page. It was just thoughtful and lovely and beautiful.
  5. They were my favorites—they seemed so fun! Ugh, everyone from the landlord side was such a horrible human being. Christian, my Aunt Fanny. And the whole trend of corporations and private equity firms buying up everything for sale is a HUGE issue. All of the suggestions of things to do John showed towards the end were excellent.
  6. It looks like they stayed after on their own to film additional elements inside the building. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/7-arrested-in-house-office-building-linked-to-colbert-show/2022/06/17/cb0d383e-eea6-11ec-9f90-79df1fb28296_story.html
  7. Yes, Schumer for the Senate and Pelosi for the House. Assuming that both bills have made it out of committee and gone to the floor.
  8. Pray for us in Arizona during the general election. The good news is that all the Rs are way nuttier than Senator Kelly. The bad news is that Brnovich has already been elected in a statewide race (currently our Atty General). Possibly good news? YouTube played me an ad for Senator Kelly during this show featuring a prominent local businessman who is a Republican. His message was that he’s supporting Kelly because Kelly has been fighting for local small businesses and recovering the economy. 🤞 Fully agree that the big tech companies need to break up. I’m glad John went the Senator Klobuchar route and mentioned the AT&T breakup history. I admit I do feel better about Apple having a lot of checks and security around their App Store. A phone is fundamentally different from a desktop computer in that it’s way too easy for unscrupulous apps to literally track your every move. But a 30% hit is way too high for every add-on or subscription. As someone who has checked Amazon’s alternate sellers many, many times, there’s a reason to not bother scrolling. Amazon has made sure that Amazon’s price including shipping is lower than, or at least within a couple of cents of, the competitor’s price plus shipping. Oh, look, the item is $3 cheaper at seller XYZ! Aaaaaand, shipping is $2.99… That ad was… something. On the one hand, it was carefully crafted to put tech bro billionaire libertarianism into the voice of down home, good ol’ boy libertarianism. But then the ad makers committed the cardinal sin of distracting the viewer from the message by getting them engaged in a mystery. “WHAT is under that sheet?!” Then the guy just drives off? It’s like Chekhov put a gun on the mantel and then no one ever fired it.
  9. That’s part of trying to fill an hour with drama. Last episode, when Clark wanted to destroy the pendant, I immediately thought, “Fly out and throw it in the sun.” I mean, sure, two sets of laser eyes and a volcano are pretty strong. But not as strong as THE SUN!
  10. I think the only reason Edwina didn’t go in harder was that everything about the situation was set up by the society at the time. Love matches weren’t the norm—it was much more the rule that you married for some type of advantage (family connection, financial stability, elevation of status, etc.). Or if some matter of honor was involved (“ruining” a girl’s reputation, marrying your dead brother’s pregnant girlfriend). If you were lucky enough to grow to love your spouse, that was the cherry on top. Marrying for love was nice if you could afford it (like the Bridgertons could) and a pipe dream if you couldn’t. Edwina marrying Anthony would be the height of advantage for her. But she also mistook his aggressive pursuit of her for love, when it was just the advantage (and convenience) of getting the “worthy” diamond. But once she knew Anthony was in love with Kate, I think she immediately understood that Kate would not be considered a suitable match and that Anthony was doing exactly what the entire ton expected—putting aside his sentiments to make a “correct” match.
  11. Ooof, I didn’t even think of that. It looked a bit like they might have a chance of reconciling, but your thought makes sense. Lana would have to keep The Secret from him—it’s more likely the show just takes him out of the picture.
  12. Jordan Klepper has a good piece on The Daily Show where he first gets trained to carry, and then gets trained to be “a good guy with a gun.” The takeaway is that it’s really hard to respond to a shooter event, like in a school, and you have to pretty much be training on it all the time. The police have a lot to do—they don’t really have the time to constantly be training for this one instance.
  13. Yeah, I prefer when he spends HBO money on things like buying up and canceling medical debt, or sponsoring a koala chlamydia clinic. Though one end-of-year explosives extravaganza is fine.
  14. ahisma

    S01.E01: Pilot

    Just personally sitting down and rewatching with, I’ve done sister, friend, another sister. Not even counting how many people I’ve HIGHLY recommended it to.
  15. Big ups to Louis for doing a wonderful job leading the band, being a foil to Stephen’s comedy, and bringing in great guest players. I hope Jon is healing well and will be back soon. But in the meantime, Louis and the band have been fabulous.
  16. Yes, Ian Bohen’s character was Tyler’s character’s uncle. He started out as a big bad, but over time ended up leaning slightly to one side or the other of a “morally gray” middle ground.
  17. And for a candidate who likes to wear ties with Biblical sayings, he brandished the sword and said, “Where’s Goliath?” Who was famously killed by a stone from a sling…
  18. Same! I also teared up when Aidy’s Trend Setter got kisses from her best guys. Pete’s WU didn’t make me tear up and it wasn’t super funny, but I did really appreciate it.
  19. Seth’s response to the Buffalo shooting was the commentary I needed. This really has gone from shocking to everyday. Horrible. A Closer Look was also outstanding. He has an uncanny ability to mimic/mock deranged rambling, whether Dolt 45 or Bowtie Benito. Don’t Ask Jeeves was so spot on.
  20. Really, really hated the cold open sketch. There was a joke about the same topic in last week’s WU, but the judge in the UK trial found that claim to not be credible. Domestic violence is horrible and traumatizing, and JD is dragging out the ugliness with now his second lawsuit about it. It was not a great episode for relationships, with the divorcing parents, the woman dating a guy who’s suffering from failure to launch, and the couple who each think the other is cheating. (That said, I’d kinda love it if Selena came out of this week dating Punkie.) Steve&Aidy were the definite standouts. Dammit, I want to know what was going on in Pico Park. Colin’s Mad Max description of current times was spot on. Was Alex Moffat in anything this week?
  21. That Rudy “Do I look like a fool” sequence was priceless!
  22. I have those shoe organizers. I can fit 2 shoes per opening because I have size 8 flats. One sits horizontally and one squeezes in on its side. Tall heels? A man’s Nikes? Not going to fit. I’m not sure why they didn’t squeeze more in, but the width could have come up just short. Or they had X pairs of shoes and Y shelves, and wanted to balance the look.
  23. What a blast! I had to step back and just admire the batsh*t crazy of S&L deciding to do the Bizarro storyline. Modern comics / shows / movies usually try to have some nod to actual science, but this is just “language is backwards and Earth is square.” Completely nuts! And yet they did such a fantastic job with the characterizations, the family story, etc., as they always do. I freaking love this show.
  24. Honestly, I loved it! All 14+ ramble minutes. I’ve never seen the movie (other than that “rules” clip), and now I never have to.
  25. Wow. Thursday night news dump? I’m glad Rachel was able to break the McCarthy recording story and the new prosecutor story before her Friday off.
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