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  1. It was an enjoyable night overall and Gaga’s musical numbers were FANTASTIC. Weekend Update was on fire, and I did laugh out loud at Lord Gaga. Mikey really gave it his all. My favorite sketches were Little Red Glasses and L’Oreal. During the latter, though, I kept waiting for them to market it to YouTubers who need to film an apology or make current events all about themselves—first thing I think of when I think of performative crying.
  2. Yes, that’s the way puppies usually are, which is what makes me think they calm them. Puppies wriggling loose in the theatre would be a mess! BuzzFeed does really cute puppy interviews—with super wiggly, licky pups! Here’s Chris’s:
  3. They’re always a little quiet during this segment. I assume they give them a mild sedative or a little CBD oil beforehand. Otherwise they might try wiggling out of Stephen’s hands to run around, freak out at the audience, bark incessantly, or who knows what.
  4. I loved the mashup of his various recurring segments!
  5. She was! It was just so shocking to see her in dress trousers intead of blue jeans, though. That must be her version of premiere red carpet wear 😂
  6. Same! I thought, clip it and post it as a campaign commercial!
  7. All their powers were supposed to be a little different, because they drank the marigold (except Klaus, who had it poured into him). Hers was the most obvious, but Diego’s leaping spin to stop the bullets in the town fight and Five’s blinks to the timelines subway were also different. Any timeline while Marigold exists ends in apocalypse. The only way to stop it is to have Marigold cancelled out by Durango. The Netflix website Tumdum had a story with these answers. The Ben at the end of s3 is this same Sparrow Ben, starting out on his plan to create a new cryptocurrency. And Ray never felt right in this timeline and left the family.
  8. I COMPLETELY lost it at that last “Peanuts” 😂
  9. He teased it in Corrections and was so excited! All his writers, too! I can’t wait.
  10. I love the miming, and the “reality” he gives to his imaginary props. To me it gives more heft to his jokes and demonstrates stage professionalism.
  11. Seth may be my favorite Stephen guest ever! Every minute of their interaction was such a treat.
  12. Seth may be the best / funniest guest Stephen has ever had! Every bit of this is DELIGHTFUL! Strike Force Five and Stephen’s birthday Being a guest vs host, kids Corrections for Stephen
  13. YESSSSSSS! Corrections continues!!! The back of the card at the end made me tear up a little.
  14. Absolute favorite part of Seth’s vest rant was Wally in a cape with a wind machine!
  15. My favorites this week were the pre tapes (Get That Boy Back and Papyrus 2). Plus Caitlin Clark was great and it was time for Che to have someone get him back. I really like Ryan and the sketches were funny, but the breaking just ruined them for me. The Beavis and Butthead makeup was really next level, though.
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