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Everything posted by ICantDoThatDave

  1. True, I forgot about the Red Skull one - but again, there are no witnesses, other than Hydra agents. I think expecting The Howling Commandos to have heard him say it is a stretch - he would have had to pause in the middle of a (presumably losing) battle or firefight to say it to an enemy that could actually hear him. I'm not saying it's impossible that the general public would associate "I can do this all day" with Cap, just that from what we were shown on screen, I found it highly implausible.
  2. I still have no idea how the general public would associate "I can do this all day." with Steve Rogers. It's not something he would say often, like a catch-phrase. It requires a very specific set up & audience to be relevant. Then, of the 3 times we know he said it... 1) ...one was 80 years ago to one guy in an alley before he was even famous. 2) ...one was only heard by Tony before they fell out. I don't see Tony sharing that anecdote ("...& then he totally said X before nearly killing me lol!" 3) ...it was his 2012 self saying it to his Endgame self with no witnesses.
  3. Yeah, that blurb is one of those *highly specific* metrics rankings - like being the first left-handed baseball player to get a hit, out, & walk while playing a day game in September on a Friday. Or when Black Widow was the highest grossing movie of the year (for movies premiering on a Tuesday in July during a pandemic). This shows ratings are abysmal, even by CW standards. It debuted to 600k viewers. https://tvline.com/2023/03/15/tv-ratings-superman-and-lois-season-3-gotham-knights-cw/
  4. Jyn died before Luke ever left Tatooine. Unless the speculation was that she visited Tatooine a couple years ago on Space Spring Break then forgot she had a kid, I don't see that theory as ever being plausible.
  5. I'm not sure Margot Robbie has the acting range to play Barbie.
  6. I keep seeing ads for this show & presuming they put the "best jokes" in the ads, this show can't die fast enough just to get the ads off my screen.
  7. Have you ever taken the ferry from the Outer Banks to Chapel Hill? :) (I live in Chapel Hill, so that will never not be funny to me)
  8. I thought it was just... bad. The "jokes" were incredibly predictable, as in I could basically say the "punchline" when the characters did. The previews were pretty much accurate - a dumb goofball Indiana Jones knockoff (I know "he's his own different character!" like he says when asked about snakes, but, well... no). It feels like they were trying to do an Archer imitation, but had really poor/obvious joke writers. I won't be back for episode 2.
  9. Finished Season 3. Still best worst show on television. I lost track of how many times I burst out laughing at a scene or a line of dialogue that was so not meant to be funny.
  10. I've always assumed this was several months, at the very least. The Millennium Falcon had to get to a whole 'nother Star System to reach Cloud City. Didn't take long in the movie, of course, but with no lightspeed, that would take forever* even assuming "extremely fast" stellar travel. * realistically, I doubt it would even be possible, but... even granting movie magic, it would take a long time
  11. Which apparently includes Tolkien himself, who repeatedly misspelled his own name in previous episodes where he wrote it down. Also, Nichole did a few times while they were dating. 😄
  12. That is a fairly underwhelming group of characters. But, well, Yelena's in it, so I'm in.
  13. The problem for Disney/Marvel is that this one had a $200 million budget, before marketing costs. It's gonna be a money-loser for the studio, barring some late miracle, which seems highly unlikely at this point.
  14. Same here. I'm not one to follow "critics" in general, but you can find a few you learn to trust who generally share similar opinions to yours since, as you point out, you simply can't just go see everything for yourself, & the ones I do follow are very let down by this, even though they had high hopes for it.
  15. I know, right? Just like how if they made John Stewart a white guy or replaced Wonder Woman with a Wonder Man the only reason anyone could object is because they're racist/sexist.
  16. True, she's clearly just been given the part Superman plays in the Flashpoint comics/animated movie. But they could at least make her look like Supergirl (& pronounce her own name correctly 🙃 - just a minor pet peeve of mine that recent versions of the character have started using "Kah-ruh" instead of the original "Care-ah").
  17. Felt quite repetitive to me: "MBJ is hot!" sketch, followed by "MBJ is hot!" sketch, followed by... etc.
  18. It's on point that Bill rails about "people only listening to their own bubbles" when on this very thread it's illustrated - I thought hearing Bill Barr's perspective was enlightening. Like Bill (M) said, not that I agree with him (re: the Mueller Report), but just to hear his take on it. Or, similarly, later, the talk about schools. It's illuminating to hear "the other side" articulated - I can kinda understand where they're coming from (again, not that I agree). It makes it easier to engage with people, in my own life, when you hear their rationale. I'm glad he does this.
  19. The court case was just ridiculous. There is no world in which what we saw would result in a guilty verdict. Heck, even as a viewer I have reasonable doubt about the CEO's guilt (I mean, I know according to TV Rules he did it, just that the parts shown at trial were unconvincing). Also, since we were told the witness was deported after her testimony but before the trial was over, couldn't the Defense just recall her for more testimony & when she doesn't show have her whole testimony tossed?
  20. I'm not convinced they actually had success. Sure, Amazon is going to say they did, but most other reporting sites, including both ratings & reviews, says it was a... meh, at best.
  21. One of the least believable things to happen in this show with superpowers, people coming back to life, & characters swapping brains is the idea that Artemis would get recruited to play for Nebraska. She was incredibly under-sized & couldn't even get playing time on her small town football team without her parents threatening/killing her coaches into giving her undeserved playing time.
  22. I enjoyed it overall, but I didn't like how they changed Mantis - both her personality & her powers. I didn't enjoy her yelling at people when she always seemed so restrained & hesitant before. There's gaining confidence through character-growth & then there's becoming a bit of a jerk to your friends & to strangers. She flat out robbed that map-seller lady, & not just of the map, but all her money. However, she really shouldn't have been able to do that. In GotG2, she describes herself as an empath, not a telepath. She can sense & to some extent affect feelings, as we've seen. But she's not a mind-controller like Professor X. So I didn't like how specific her commands were. She should be able to make people feel things of course, like maybe even friendship towards her. But even your friends won't just hand you all their money for no reason. Still, overall I liked it - it's just the fairly drastic changes to Mantis often took me out of the story.
  23. Noelle did play a good game. She was strategic, made allies, adapted when multiple things went against her. I decided in episode 1 that I wasn't going to root for her just because we share a similar disability, but she won me over with her gameplay. Now, I guess I'd oddly be fine with anyone winning, which is unusual at this point. If I had to pick, I'd say Cassidy & Gabler would be my favorites to root for, just because they seemed so obviously on the outs before now but have survived & will have to be extremely strategic to pull off the win. Jesse is playing a really strong game though. As I think about it, I have to stop myself from listing reasons why all of them are my "favorite" or else I'd just list them all. :)
  24. Are you disabled? I have a Below Knee Amputation on my right leg (Noelle's is Above Knee). There are some things we simply can't do that "normal" people can. IMO it would have diminished what Noelle just accomplished in that Reward Challenge if it'd been "made accessible" for her. She legit won - it wasn't "made accessible" for her, & that's why she's inspiring.
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