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Everything posted by orza

  1. There are lots sellers on eBay who acquire items that once belonged to or were worn by celebrities and then sell them for a profit. I see no indication that Lana is in any way associated with the seller. It looks like the seller appropriated Lana's name so the listing would should up in Google searches. It's a common ploy and not much different than people on Twitter and tumblr who use a celebrity's name as part of their own user name. It's dumb but people do it and the celebrity cannot stop them from doing it.
  2. The show is not promoting Hook and Emma's relationship as warped nor has it been portrayed so in canon. The cast was joking around. That's what they are supposed to do at these kind of group interviews. Because the convoluted relationships are a running joke and Ginny's phrase sounds more convoluted than "grandmother". She made a joke.
  3. Gold's shop was a rented storefront in Steveston for seasons 1 and 2. They gave up the lease because they didn't need the shop much for season 3 and built a practical set for the front room of the shop in the studio. The back room of the shop has always been a practical set.
  4. Ginny was referring to Snow and Charming when she said that.
  5. My impression is that Adam is on Twitter to promote the show and for his own amusement. Those people are idiots and Adam is having a good time with them. Anything he says on Twitter doesn't really matter. He's said so himself that if it isn't in the episode as originally broadcast it isn't canon and people can take it or leave it. I don't have a problem with him telling these morons whatever they need to hear so they will go away.
  6. They do market research and know exactly who is popular and who is not so popular.
  7. Yes, they could have done lots of things, but they decided not to and that is a valid decision. There are many good reasons to forgo all the stuff you are suggesting, the most important being $$$. Filming reaction shots costs time and money. It is not good use of available budget to spend it filming material that they may not be able to use. First and foremost Adam and Eddy are running a business and that reality drives a lot of creative decisions.
  8. This is the most likely explanation. They may have started planning this story line early but couldn't do much with it until contracts were signed. Dropping hints about a storyline before you know if you can actually do it is a bad idea, It happens sometimes, but it is better to avoid that, if possible.
  9. It's pretty standard in TV that actors don't know much beyond the current episode. Some key actors may be briefed about the big picture for their characters but not the details of how everything goes down.There are countless stories of producers holding back script pages until the moment when the actors film a scene or writing and even filming multiple fake endings of an episode to avoid spoiler leakage. Giving a minor actress in a recurring role spoilery info about future episodes and seasons is unheard of. I don't find anything wrong with how the Marion/Zelena reveal was handled. We saw that Zelena could control herself just fine when she was masquerading as a midwife to get close to Snow.
  10. They can't do additional scenes if the actor is not available or the network will not approve paying for additional filming days or won't give approval to rewrite already approved scripts to give more screen time to a recurring character.in a supporting role. It's a business. A lot of stuff people complain about are not really in A&E's control.
  11. Robert Carlyle has been saying something else during his latest round of interviews last month to promote his new movie. He said more than once that he is very happy where he is now, is glad to be making lots of money and it has turned out to be a very good thing for his family. He was always clear, at least to the British press, that he got into American TV for the money and for his family's sake, not for the artistic opportunities. The overall message of his interviews is that he happy with his current situation and is not returning the Britain any time soon. I doubt the change to grabbing the lapels had much to do with censorship or sexual innuendo and was more about creating an effective scene. The lapel grab is classic move to intimidate and demonstrate who has the power in a given interaction. Grabbing someone's belt just doesn't have the same impact, From a technical perspective, a lapel grab is more powerful because it allows the camera to move in close, putting the actor's faces in the center of the shot so we can see whatever strong emotions are in play. The belt grab requires a full-body shot that takes away from the emotional intensity of the scene.
  12. A glamour spell is an illusion that changes a person's physical appearance to others. It doesn't touch his personality, motivations, mental capabilities etc. I can buy that a glamour spell would influence the appearance of body parts that are normally not visible. Also, the whole freeze Marion storyline only came about because Christie Lang suddenly was not available for a big chunk of time due to another project. Sometimes they have to come up with stuff on the fly to solve real-world production problems.
  13. The show is entertainment, not scholarly work. It is also a for-profit business. It costs money to hire linguists and speech coaches to work with the actors and it also takes up production time that could be better spent on filming and other essential production steps. It does not make business sense to devote a lot of resources to one aspect of the show that only a miniscule minority of viewers care about. The majority of viewers are not complaining and the show is a critical and commercial success even with this "flaw". The show is produced for the international English-speaking market, Keeping most of the dialog in English using modern pronunciation maximizes accessibility for even non-native speakers of English. That has nothing to do with laziness or imperialism.
  14. The people on the receiving end are free to ignore and block them on Twitter. If they choose not to that is on them. Actors have publicists and producers have assistants who can handle annoying people. If actors are personally responding it is because they want to engage. No one needs to feel bad for them.
  15. Cameron started copy-protecting their stuff on the day of the picnic, the same day that the WestCorp guys finished their work, so they got all of Mutiny's code sometime earlier. It is not clear to me if Mutiny is also storing code on the WestCorp mainframe. If so, perhaps there was a something in the fine print of the leasing contract stating that anything stored on their mainframe becomes property of WestCorp if Mutiny didn't pay their bills on time. It doesn't take much effort to make superficial changes to source code so it is different enough from the original to stand up to claims of theft or piracy. Lots of small companies at that time were founded using the contents of a pilfered backup tape from a previous employer. Also, Mutiny wasn't doing anything truly unique and never been done before. At any given time there were (and still are) many different companies working on the same ideas and coming up with similar solutions. The ones with the best management and funding to get them to market first were successful.
  16. No, by three months the baby's neck muscles can support the head. I often nursed my babies as I was walking around while shopping or so they were used to being carried cradled in my arms even at 12 months. Once past the newborn stage, how a baby is carried has more to do with the baby's temperament, how sleepy he is and what he is used to than his age.
  17. There's no "transition age". Some people carry their babies on the hip and some people don't. I never carried any of my four babies on my hip.
  18. I want the focus to be on Caleb and Hewlet with a side of Simcoe twirling his mustache.. Abe can fade into the woodwork and become a supporting character.
  19. Jacob doesn't know that Donna is the brains behind community. He is assuming that Cameron, as the owner of the company, is fully behind everything Mutiny does. He has no idea that Cameron barely tolerates community and is just looking for an excuse to toss it overboard. Jacob also probably assumes that, like many startups, Cameron is the big creative talent and the other guys are supporting players so he really needs her to make the deal worthwhile. I can't remember if Joe knows that Donna created community and keeps it going. Jacob just knows Cameron from that one meeting where she miraculously pulled it together long enough to give the impression that she is a normal, rational adult. Joe sure isn't gonna tell him that Cameron is stuck in the bratty teenager stage.
  20. That's part of her job to promote the show and her character the way the producers and abc want the character promoted. Who knows what Lana really thinks.
  21. It's not selling out it's just selling. Cameron has personalized the company and made it an extension of herself so she is not able to realistically assess her position and make responsible business decisions. For a split second she was actually considering selling the company and doing right by all the people who work at Mutiny, until she heard that Jacob was interested in Mutiny for the community, not the gaming side. She took it as a personal affront.
  22. That video is idiotic. Some people really have too much time on their hands and too little perspective about a silly tv show..
  23. Scott has not been leaking spoilers, just talking to fans. I like his episodes just fine. No one is forced to read what he posts.
  24. I don't see a problem with how it was handled. Adam gets to decide what and when info is released to the public. He also gets to decide what everyone working for him is and is not allowed to make public. If an underling steps on the boss's toes in public he has to delete his tweet. End of story.
  25. Well, Adam is the boss. It is his and Eddy's production company. Mark Isham works for them. Do you publicly go over your boss's head? I would not brook that from one of my employees.
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