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Everything posted by meatball77

  1. I love this show. It's fun and cute and I love the dog.
  2. UUGH, I need these TV writers to stop writing "hot" and "romantic" teacher-student relationships. It's not. It's gross and illegal and shouldn't be shown in any way except for predatory (take a look at the fantastic Cruel Summer if you want an example writers). The ten year old was pretty hilarious. I need him to show up occasionally in the future. The writers really should have made him gossip girl.
  3. Yeah so somehow it took me this long to realize that Luna is a transgender actress who was in the Spanish netflix series Control-Z. I spent quite a bit of time thinking that she seemed so familiar but because the actress was speaking Spanish in that last role and is transgender it didn't click.
  4. I think at least one of the girls mentioned in an earlier episode that she was expecting to use her work with Jullian for her resume.
  5. It came out when I was in college and I watched it with all my friends. It was great. Timmy and Tabitha forever
  6. I understand why they don't hire actual high school kids to play teenagers but I don't understand why they hire anyone over the age of 25 to play teenagers. I'm sure there are plenty of 18-21 year olds who can act well enough and are pretty. It also bothers me that they have an 18 year old making out with a 30 year old. Yuck I realize it's acting but still. . . . .
  7. So, the two in the relationship are like Carla and Palo from Elite, adding a third to their relationship and then they can become a thruple.
  8. Well, season two is just as WTF as season one was
  9. The uniforms are even more absurd than last year. Why do you even have a uniform if kids are just going to come to school wearing a literal bra. I'm five episodes in, I like a few of the plot lines but they are just changing the personalities of some of the characters. Guzman has recieved a personality transplant. Ander just not giving a shit about Omar's feelings and Omar being willing to just be treated like shit. I think the balance of new/returning characters isn't working. There should have been less returning characters so that it felt more like a new class with familiar faces instead of a small group of new characters coming into the school (when we lost our best female characters). There was a lot of sex before but it seems like there's a lot more nudity with the new actors.
  10. So, next season takes place in 2000, 2001 and 2002 with a string of unexplained break-ins in town ending in the kidnapping of Kate and Mallorys baby by Jeanette. We follow how Jeanette grooms this little girl and tells her that her mom's are dead. Or (and better) new mystery, new season
  11. So, Jeanette breaks into the house. She hears Kate, doesn't rescue her but instead phones in a tip. The police visit but can't search the house. A gun goes off and Jeanette assumes Martin shot Kate which is why she asked if Kate was dead. Instead it was Kate who killed Martin then causing her rescue. Why would have happened if it had gone the other way. Jeanette lets Kate out and gets to be a hero. Kate, then because Martin is still alive, proclaiming his love for Kate would have a very different story to tell.
  12. I graduated from high school in 1995. A large number of my friends throughout high school had been in relationships with adults with their parents and the community being totally aware. It would have been looked up as a WTF or illegal if the person was a 40 year old teacher, but a 24 year old teacher or a 24 year old who worked at the grocery store that wasn't seen as horrible. Unless the parents decided to press charges it wasn't considered a rape situation (and even then people would probably blame the parents) One of my classmates married the basketball coach fairly soon after graduation. They had to move and have him work in a different city but no one thought it was terrible. A couple years after graduation one of my classmates got a 13 year old pregnant, he was never even questioned (he was immature and she was mature so it was ok). One of my friends had a 22 year old boyfriend (who was just terrible to her) and her mother was not happy when they broke up because she treated him like family, they eventually got back together and mom pushed for a wedding fairly soon after graduation and the guy ruined her life (she had a full scholarship to the local private university but he pushed her into dropping out because she wasn't being a good enough wife, she didn't finish her degree until she was 40). So, no people didn't really think of those relationships as rape unless there was some creepy factor involved. If Martin hadn't been a VP he may have been able to coax his way into a relationship with Kate that her parents were aware and even supportive of.
  13. They're not going to but I'd love for them to have a special on freeform on the topic of grooming (with the two actors), really explaining it and even talking to some survivors who were in different situations and how to identify it. The way that Martin treated Kate at the fair vs the way he treated Jeanette was such a good example. It's such an important topic that we don't discuss with kids and teens enough and actually far more likely to result in teens being traffiked or abused than the white vans or random people following you at target that people like to freak out about.
  14. I really like where they went with the kidnapping and didn't make it black and white. I think it really shows the teen viewers what grooming is and how it looks and feels like the victim isn't being clearly abused. Muchlike men who groom girls online and then pick them up and drive them to Florida.
  15. This was fun. Not great, but fun. I'm not sure it deserves a second season. Lauren Oliver can try to do an adaptation of her dystopian series instead.
  16. He was so young though. I liked this episode, it was fun. However, I wish they'd gone further with the story though. Really use the psychopath creepy thing to keep everyone guessing, to make everyone wonder if that was what was really going on.
  17. I'd love to see the Wallflowers from Lisa Klepas or Eloisa James' Lindlow Castle series. Really, I'd take anything that's a new story with great costumes and a happy ending. I love that they didn't drag out the happy ending for years.
  18. If it was any other show I'd say he's dead but this is the same show that had Chimney survive from a bar through his head. They didn't get rid of him at the beginning of the season which makes me think that if he's being fired it would be because of the situation and that he was a problem on set.
  19. We still don't know exactly why Jeanette sued. How bad Kate must have acted for Jeanette to be suing her and to have enough evidence that it could go forward to trial.
  20. I was worried we would see Maddie try to commit suicide. She really looked like she felt like she was worthless. It made me sad.
  21. I can't help but wonder if we're seeing Nicholas's totally inability to be a guardian to Matilda. She's been making terrible decisions and he's not doing anything to guide her in the right direction. First having the random guy come to have sex with Matilda in the house and now proposing to Drea. As for the marriage. There's a difference between saying no and giving her the ring. Alex is really bugged by Nicholas but a lot of that is too much pandemic togetherness.
  22. Articles say that we will get all the answers in the finale. This was designed to be a limited series from the start.
  23. Did that scene with June walking down the silent street feel like a scene from Mockingjay to anyone else? I was waiting for some hybrid creature to come out.
  24. This scene showed us how improperly he was treating Kate. He was grooming Kate but treating Jeanette like a student. Only two episodes left. Perfect length. I hope we get another season next year with a different crime.
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